Village Life

Story by Dracofiend on SoFurry

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Village Life


Dracofiend (Kakiro)


The young boy could not help but stare at his friend as he ran by, The young skunk was very much smitten with another young boy. The Otter waves and giggles as he runs off towards the water his chores done for the day. Giara cursed his luck as he continues digging up the ground with his spade. He looks over the row's sighing as he has one more to go. He perks his ears listening to a loud splash and the giggle of his friend and several others down by the pond. Groaning loud he continues to work raising the spade and bringing it down hard with yanking it towards himself as it tears into the soil.

Giara looks up as he hears a soft chuckle, his father walks up slowly and holds out his paw. "Let me finish here, you've been working all morning. Go and enjoy yourself for awhile, and you can work on cleaning out the cellar later." Giara smiles and quickly hands his father the spade the darts off towards the water pulling off his tunic and tossing it aside just before jumping into the water bare naked. Ardan was already splashing with his younger brother the two not noticing Giara with all the noise and water flying everywhere.

Diving and swimming quickly towards the otter Giara reaches out grabbing his friends foot and dunking him under hard. Before either can surface Giara steals a soft kiss on his friends cheek before each one pops above the water the other children laughing and swimming away not wanting to be dunked as well. Ardan coughs once then swats Giara on the nose before diving under and swimming away quickly. Giara tries to follow diving under as well, but has no chance as the Otter quickly out distances him.

Mikel who's Ardan's younger brother swims after Giara intent on catching that fluffy tail that is slowing the skunk down. Giara pops his head above water for a breath of air just in time to get his tail pulled nearly sending him back under as he turns wincing a little at the slight pain before reaching out and pulling the young boy up and grinning throwing him back. Mikel cries out happily as he is thrown nearly three feet the small boy splashing and quickly sinking under to swim away.

The children played well into the evening, at which their parents started to arrive to take them home. Shortly after dinner Giara's father came by, Giara looks to Ardan and Mikel then sighs as he climbs out of the water. His father wraps a large wool towel around his son and smiles waving to the other boy's before heading off home. "You know you were supposed to come back and clean the cellar this evening." Giara blushes and nods lowering his head. "Soon as you're dry and eat you will have to go down into the cellar and start working. Then you'll be going straight t bed. Tomorrow you'll seed the fields then you can go play." Giara nods and heads into the cellar to start cleaning.

Giara cleaned well into the night, bedding down shortly after midnight. The exhausted boy slept until his father woke him with a gentle shake. Slowly he opens his eyes looking up at his father who smiles down at him softly. "Time to get to work, I let you sleep in. I left some Eggs and ham on the table get to work, I want to see it done before I get back from the City." With that said his father wanders out of the house. Giara got up slowly and walks into the living area sitting down at the table and starts eating quickly.

After breakfast he got up and went out to the fields carrying a large sack of seed. He starts by carefully going down each row pushing seeds into the freshly turned soil two inches apart. After nearly four hours of tedious work he is able to finish the corn field. The tomato field was only a quarter the size of the corn field making it much easier taking only two hours more since he is moving a little slower.

By the time he finished he was drenched with sweat, his tunic sagging and matted against his body. Looking around he notices that no one is out playing like normal, it's already past noon when most of the other children come out to play. He wanders over to the lake and peels away his tunic before sliding into the cool water. Sighing softly he sinks into the water churring softly as he relaxes wiggling and leaning against the shore.

A soft giggle is heard as Giara tilts his head back looking at the upside down face of Mikel smiling softly down at him. The little Otter giggles loud and beeps Giara's nose and jumps over him into the water splashing up over skunks head causing him to sputter and frown. Ardan chuckles and slides into the water his arms slipping around Giara in a warm hug as Giara giggles and hugs back. "Your brother's going to get it one of these days." He says to the older Otter boy.

Mikel starts splashing and giggling loud as he dives under the water after something, coming up quickly with a fish in his mouth giggling loud before swimming up to the two boy's, he takes the fish and offers it to his brother with a big grin. "Wana fish?" he asks softly. Ardan shakes his head and gives his brother a quick hug with one arm the other still around Giara. "Nah you can have it." Mikel nods and heads out into the deeper waters after putting the fish back in his mouth just holding onto it for now.

Giara giggles a little and squeezes his boyfriend tightly nosing into his cheek as they both relax against each other. "Where is everyone?" Giara asks still slightly confused. Ardan just shrugs and snickers, "Most of the other kids are at the fair, lots of jugglers, games, and even the king's knights are jousting in the village square tomorrow morning." Ardan exclaims with each word his excitement grows till he' almost shouting. Giara gives him a squeeze and laughs softly. "Sounds like you only care about the Jousting." Ardan blushes and nods.

Slowly the day passes, the boy's tummies growling softly as the sun hangs low on the horrizon. Mikel sprawls out in a patch of moss while the two boy's lay under the shade of a tree still drying after a long day of working and swimming. As soon as the sun crests the distant mountains the boy's sigh and get up heading home giving each other hugs and wishing well. Tomorrow going to be a big day for every child in the little village along with most of the surrounding farms as the Jousting tournament is always the highlight of the spring festivals.