Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 4.4 Bannihar and Myre A

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon, Part 2 Chapter 4.4

Bannihar & Myre Convergence

As the group from Bannihar and the party from Myre begin to form up, it becomes quickly apparent that those of faith will become the guiding light for the combined forces. It will be interesting to see where things go from here!

"And you're certain Joshua is in no trouble?" the priestess known as Lady Marion said for at least the third time, watching the gryphon and her protegee romp about in the grass, taking turns chasing one another down.

The groups had met tensely at first, but it became quickly apparent that neither meant harm for the other. After an hour, they had managed to settle down and make camp, each group posting sentries (just in case) and each group taking time to get to know their fellows. Apparently Sebastian and Josh wasted no time becoming fast friends, but it still caused some level of concern for the Myrenese priestess.

"He's perfectly safe, Priestess." Roarg reiterated, likewise for the third time, "Sebastian is a nice guy and he loves kids."

"And not 'loves' as in the edible way." Elias offered, clearing his throat, "He's uh..." the armadillo paused, "He's not a feral gryphon... he... um.... doesn't eat people."

"I appreciate the reassurance, Mr Hewen." the woman offered stoically, then looked back to Roarg, "And in Myre the proper name would be Lady Marion... 'My Lady' is acceptable as well." She took a moment to regard the badger, "In your case, Sir... what would be the correct title for you?"

"Among the quarry workers I was called Stone Clan a lot." Roarg grinned, "and the gryphon over there calls me 'Badger'... but, to be honest, my Lady, 'Roarg' works just fine."

"Very well, Mr Roarg..." she acknowledged, still glancing back at Sebastian and Josh, the former pouncing on the latter with a shrill screech. If she were furred, the human surely would have had her fur raise at the sound-- or even more so at what came next.

"And now, foolish little cub, you are going to be my DINNER!" Sebastian squawked, and his beak struck downward, eliciting a solid -THUMP-, followed by a wailing scream from Josh which caused Lady Marion to let out a screech of her own.

The gryphon raised his head and looked toward the group, the feathers on either side of his head standing up, not unlike the posture of a curious wolf's ears. Little bits of mud flaked off of his beak; a second later Josh sat up above the cover of the grass, completely unharmed, "He got me, Lady Marion! He got me!"

"Relax, Lady Marion," Roarg offered, trying to subdue a good natured laugh, "They're just playing!"

"I am concerned at the prospect of having a wild creature playing with Joshua." the human woman admitted, "And how casually you respond to screams."

Roarg chuckled, rubbing his paws together, "The scream is how you KNOW they're playing... if Sebastian had been serious then he would have snapped the cub's neck without him having a chance to scr--"

"Sebastian is a special gryphon, Lady Marion." Iskiy quickly spoke up, taking a seat on a small boulder nearby, "He doesn't have the same bestial urges common among his kind." He met the woman's gaze, but slowly glanced away when her eyes rose higher to look at his antlers.

"Please forgive my rudeness for staring." she quickly spoke, "I have never seen a Touched wolf before." the human offered.

"A what?" Elias and Roarg asked in unison.

"Touched." Dana spoke up, emerging from the tall grass to take a spot on the boulder beside Iskiy; she obviously didn't share his shyness and she addressed the priestess directly, "Ye be more familiar with th' ways o th' forest than most o th' Banniharians, Lady."

"I just had not expected a Wild Lander to wear Bannihar's tabbard." she explained, folding her hands in her lap as she glanced at the coat of arms worn by the antlered scout.

"I... uh.... lost my family..." Iskiy explained, "...at a young age." he swallowed, scratching at the side of his face, "and... the people of Bannihar... um... took me in."

"He still be learnin' about his people, Lady." Dana explained to the priestess, leaning forward to look at her closer, "But I be curious about someone from a city that be knowin what ta be callin us..."

"How DO you know what to call them?" Elias questioned, giving Lady Marion an appraising glance.

"When my mother sought out a Wild Lander to round out the education of our acolytes some years back she recruited a Touched otter." the human explained, "Such a thing would be... frowned upon by Bannihar, if I am not mistaken." she offered diplomatically.

"You mean... an otter with--" Iskiy paused, reaching a paw up to brush a finger across his antlers.

"Aye." Dana acknowledged, taking hold of the wolf's paw and pulling it away from his head, "All o th' Touched have antlers..."

"How do you tell the difference with Touched deer?" Roarg inquired, failing to suppress a smirk.

"Ye ever notice any Moon Pelted deer?" she questioned of the badger. He shook his head in response, "Well... that's 'cause a Moon Pelt is only found among Touched deer."

"All of em?" Elias asked.

"Aye." Dana acknowledged, "All Touched deer have silver coats."

"Hmm..." Elias nodded his head faintly, "Learning something new every day..."

"Although this does bring a question to mind--" Lady Marion interjected, "I had heard that there were no Moon Pelted other than the deer among the Touched..." she regarded Dana, "But that does appear to be the case with you."

"Tis uncommon, aye." the she wolf acknowledged, nodding her head faintly, "But not impossible." she met Lady Marion's gaze, "When one o th' Touched is born with a Moon Pelt it reveals him or her t'be blessed by th' spirits... we become shamans."

"Shamans..." Lady Marion repeated, "Volgus spoke about them to our acolytes, but I--"

"Volgus?" Dana stood up immediately, "How do ye know of Volgus?"

Lady Marion's brow furrowed, "He was the Touched otter our Great Mother hired to teach our acolytes."

"Who's Volgus?" Iskiy asked of the other antlered wolf.

"He be not an otter, and be not Touched." Dana explained, "When he was among my tribe he came as a Touched tiger."

"How can he be an otter AND a tiger?" Elias questioned, "It doesn't make sense."

"Because he be neither." Dana responded.

"Now I'm even more confused." Iskiy noted.

"He be named Volgisiev." the shaman spoke, "an' he be a dragon."

"That cannot be." Lady Marion paused, "Dragons have not been seen in centuries."

"Aye... tis true 'nuff." Dana sighed, "He brought with him death for my tribe... cost us many of our number."

"Why would a dragon do such a thing?" Roarg asked, "The dragons I've met have always--" his words drifted off when all eyes went to him.

"How many dragons HAVE you met, exactly?" Elias questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Lady Marion..." Dana spoke over him, gazing at the priestess, "Think hard... have ye ever met a man by the name o Saiel?"

Lady Marion paused, then slowly nodded her head, "...yes... tall man... red hair and beard... human." she continued watching Dana, "Volgus introduced him to the church during his year with us."

The shaman lowered her head, antlers swaying back and forth as she sighed, "Then ye be in great danger... Saielisiev, a red Dragon... a TRUE Red Dragon..."

"Does that have something to do with the temple wanting us dead, Lady Marion?" Josh asked, tugging at cloth of her robe. All eyes went to the young cub who had just joined in the conversation.

"Aye..." Dana commented to herself quietly, tapping the end of her muzzle with a finger, "this be getting more an' more interesting by the moment."

Iskiy let out a faint whine as he rubbed one of his ears, "I'm starting to really not like 'interesting'."