Dear Clip, Chapter 2: The Barren

Story by Authority on SoFurry

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#2 of Dear Clip,

This is my second installment of the Dear Clip series that I hope will further my writing skills. It is being written and meant to be read as a set of letters each one being written each night over the course of a week for each chapter. I hope to expand the letters slowly as to gain more drama and action over time. Any and all feedback is appreciated and please leave a comment or rate.

Dear Clip, Chapter 2: The Barren

Dear Clip,

December 6th

This is the first night outside of the compound and the world is exactly what I expected it to be; cruel, harsh, dead, burnt, unforgiving. It fits the description of all those things and more. I haven't met anyone outside so far and the most populace thing out here are the singed craters and burnt trees that are always at the same place every day. Today is my birthday and I hope to make it one of the most memorable ever, the night I left the compound, the night I began a journey, not a mission but a journey to see and learn what the world is truly like.

December 7th

I thought the loneliness would be tough but I don't really mind it, the quiet is relaxing. I occasionally here the sound of wild animals off in the distance but I have yet to see one with my eyes, I assume they can smell me or something so they keep their distance but it might just be the fact that I'm only a few miles from the compound.

The land is relatively barren, save for the occasional patch of brown grass or somewhat alive tree. But the thing that amazes me most is the astounding night sky that is completely untouched by lights (since there are none). The stars shine brighter than anything I've seen before and the moon glows like it owns the cosmos. I saw snow today so I'm assuming I need to build shelter soon.

December 8th

I found a cave on the side of a big hill and decided to set up shop in here for the night. As I stood up on top of the snow capped hill I peered out onto the land trying to find something or someone. Nothingness surrounded me on all sides and blanketed the land like a heavy quilt. The few trees I saw were charred so a warm fire is out of the question.

December 9th

I found the remnants of a building; I can safely assume it was big as I walked across the rubble and remains. I also found my first item that will help me survive: A large black trash bag. There is literally nothing in the direction I chose to walk, but I'm determined to find something other than destroyed concrete and a plastic bag. It's getting colder and colder but as I travel I find more and more remains of what once was.

December 10th

I met another fur out here. I was walking along what was left of a road and I saw the shadow of a man and quickly hurried up to him. He was a dark furred canine and didn't really care about who I was or why I was bothering him, so I was inclined to ask if there was anything within 10 miles. He said if I kept following the road I would find a city named Trayl. I thanked him and he just kept walking past me without a word. Once I settle in I'm coming back for you Clip. I love you.