Promises Part 2

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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#2 of Promises

Second entry to Promises.

Pappu walked slowly back into his town, it had been nearly an hour, his tears dried and his sniffling stopped. One of his friends, Udar, spotted him and ran over. Udar, as with most of his spices, was larger than Pappu, had a deep grey colored fur and bright yellow eyes.

"Hey Pappu, where have you been? Your Elder has been looking for you," Udar said.

"What? Why?" Pappu asked.

"Don't know he just wants to talk to you," Udar said, "he's in the town hall, might not want to keep him waiting.

Pappu nodded and walked towards the large town center. He saw the big elder standing, fully dressed in battle armor, as were all the elders in time of war. The elder beckoned Pappu over. The wolf walked over, the elder smelt of tobacco and his brown fur seemed as if it had not been groomed in ages.

"Y-yes elder?" Pappu said.

"Pappu, you are the smallest and weakest of us all, and you have mostly been overlooked when it comes to war, but we now have a use of you. We are short of warriors from this town, so we are choosing you to go into battle. Get what you want, be ready by morning," The elder said


"You heard me son, you're a warrior now, your training will start by weeks end. You may be small, but with their help you will become a great warrior. I have my best person, Faaris, training you a couple of other recruits from here,"

"O-oh. Yes elder, thank you for the chance to serve," Pappu said and turned to leave.

"You are welcome young one, go and make us proud," The elder said and walked off.

Pappu slowly walked off towards his house. He had lived by himself since his brothers and father had left in the war, they'd never came back. That's when he had started exploring near the edge of the Dragonkin and Wolfkin border, and where he met Max.

Pappu slowly walked through the brush, trying his best not to make a sound. He knew he heard something moving a moment ago. His paw was on the small knife he kept strapped to his side when he came out this far.

Pappu's ears twitched, there it was again. A rustling sound. Like someone or something taking a step. Pappu sniffed the air, nothing. Whatever it was must have been downwind of him, he looked all around but still couldn't see anything other than trees and plants. Then he saw a strange red-golden plant, it was in the middle of a bush, he looked closer at it, he'd never seen anything like it before. Then it glinted in the sunlight, like a blade would, and it's when he noticed it was not in the bush but behind it, and that it was not a flower but a dragon, the enemy of his kin.

Pappu drew the knife from its small sheath but he was not quick enough, the dragon pounced on him making the wolf fall onto his back. The dragon pinned down Pappu and held his own larger knife to the wolf's neck. He bared his teeth.

"What are you doing out this far wolf?" The dragon snarled.

"N-n-nothing," Pappu stuttered.

"Come on, you are trying to spy on us, are you not?"

"N-no, I'm not a spy, I-I don't even fight,"

"You better not be lying to me wolf,"

"I-I wouldn't lie,"

"Hm, what are you doing here then?"

"I-I've never seen a dragon and...I-I was hoping to see one,"

"Well you see one,"

"Y-yes, and other than the k-knife, you don't seem so b-bad,"

"Tell that to your elders,"

"I'd never say anything to them, their mean,"

"Strange, one wolf who seems to like us over his own," The dragon put away his knife.

"Y-yeah, I don't really like my brothers, they all like war and fighting, I don't want to fight,"

The dragon got off of Pappu and sat next to him. The small wolf just looked up at the larger dragon. He was staring off into the distance, slowly Pappu sat up and sat facing the dragon. After a few moments of silence the shy wolf spoke up.

"So, w-what's your name?" Pappu asked tilting his head to the side some.

"Maximilian, you can call me Max," He said looking at the wolf.

"Max, that's a nice name, I'm Pappu,"

"Pappu?" The dragon said, pronouncing it strangely.

"Yes, Pappu, I know it's strange we all have strange names," Pappu said smiling.

"I can tell, so you really just wanted to see a dragon?" Max asked.

"Yes, I've never seen one before you,"

"Well, now you have seen one,"

"Yes, and I still can't see why my kin don't like yours, you look so, uh, nice" Pappu said blushing through his fur.

"Thanks, wolves don't look so bad, just have to get past the feeling of that fur," Max said grinning.

"You get used to it,"

"Not when there are no friendly wolves to hang out with,"

"Oh, right, well I'm a friendly wolf,"

"Yeah but I doubt we will be able to see each other anymore, don't want to get caught,"

"Well none of us ever come over this way, it's why I came this way,"

"Ok, fine, we can come back, how about I meet you back here in a week?"

"T-that sounds good," Pappu said smiling.

"Good, it was nice to meet you Pappu, I look forward to seeing you again," Max said smiling.

"You too,"

Max stood up and offered his paw to help Pappu up. The wolf grabbed the dragon's paw and was pulled up with ease. Max then turned and walked off without another word. Pappu watched as he walked off then turned and left himself, smiling broadly.

Pappu sat on the edge of his bed; he held the two things he cared most about. One was a small knife, the one he had had when he first met Max. The other was a small jewel, an emerald, encased in a golden band, hooked to a string. A necklace. Max had given him that after six months of them meeting, it was before they have decided that they would try being mates. Pappu still remembered how much redder his cheeks had gotten when he handed it over.

Pappu sighed. Max and he had met every week for the past year and a half. They'd never missed a week. Not even when the Wolfkin's main army had been within a mile of their meeting location.

Pappu gripped the stone tightly in his paw. Just a month after he had been given the stone Max had asked him to become his mate. He had happily said yes. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his dragon's arms.

Pappu put the necklace on and the stone rested over his heart. He put his hand over the stone and held it close to him. After a while he curled up on the bed and fell asleep. His dreams were filled of him being held by his dragon.