Devil's Marvel --Kaptel 8--

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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Ok.....So due to request, I have started adding in flashbacks of Marvel's earlier life....why he is who he is now.....there's more to come, but I'm keeping it interesting, so bear with me.

Under 18s.....tsk tsk tsk.

Lé Enjoy

„Really, the dress is fine, it shouldn't need to be so tight." Nel blushed as Butler was turning up the hem and pinning it into place. He was ignoring her, she had never heard him talk, she had concluded a while ago that it was a respect-thing, but he never even made eye contact, the only person he seemed to respond to was Marvel. Just as he reached the back of her bust, and was pinning the dress to fit her form, one of the pin's struck her and she let out a very swift yelp. Butler reacted quickly, taking the pin back out and bowing in apologies. "Don't worry, it happens."

And he left. Nel exhaled sharply, feeling the weight of the corset press onto her diaphragm combine with the weight of the decisions she was making as of late. For some reason, her mother's face was consistently imprinted in her minds eye, reminding her that this was a bad idea; to give up everything she believed in for one man. She had dealt with men before, that had also made a move on her, but this was different. He was different. He was Marvel, and when he'd kissed her, everything shattered into place. She suddenly felt much older and wiser, as if what she believed in before was just a naive and childish ideology. Ambitiously, she stepped in front of the mirror hoping to see no regret, and found herself looking upon her own reflection which was glowing. She looked confident, happy and beautiful; if only that was how she felt. "If you could see me now mother...what would you think?"

A smile crossed her face.

Butler came scurrying into the kitchen as Marvel fed his hounds the last of the policeman's liver. He shut the door elegantly and strutted over to the counter upon which stood a single bottle of wine. "Did you get it?"

Butler nodded once respectfully, and then uncorked the bottle and dropped the pin from Nel's dress into it along with the blood it had gathered. Marvel stretched to his feet and walked to join Butler, smiling as he bit his teeth into his palm until blood appeared. Holding his hand steadily over the bottle, he let three drops join the concoction. Butler reapplied the cork and left it there to simmer until the wedding.

Marvel grabbed his glass of whiskey and began humming as he pranced through to the living room, resting in his armchair by the fire, content that this would all work to his benefit.

It was a small wedding, in a church, at Nel's request, but Marvel was set on pleasing her in every way on this day, so that she could please him every day from this one. It was HIS big day, his winning meant everything. Butler was stood beside Marvel as his best man, the priest stood under the arch, and the church benches were empty.

Music started to play, and at the end of the aisle, Marvel could see Nel appearing, walking towards him, willingly. She was smiling nervously even as she settled into her space opposite him. Marvel's tail was neatly hanging out the back of his trousers because he could not muster the control to impose himself completely. He moved to lift her veil, and in doing so had a brief moment of eye contact with the priest who's eyes shimmered yellow as he winked at Marvel, and then flashed back to their original blue. Lucifer.

Nel's veil was removed to gaze upon a handsome but concerned looking Marvel. A fact that made her instability even worse. However, once his eyes met hers, there was contentment flashing back at her. Her heart gave a leap of relief and settled down, uncreasing her forehead and making out a genuine smile.

"We are gathered here celebrate the conjunction of holy matrimony between this here Marvel Wrux and Miss Nel Bailey. If anyone present see's just and reasonable cause that these two should not be joined in marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace..." Silence. The priest who was Lucifer in disguise, gave them an extra long moment, smiling to himself as they both remained silent. In the audience, a vision that remained cloaked from the Vendangeli's eyes, were crowds of lesser demon's, siren's, his under-majesties personal minions and the entire church was up in flames, but this again remained hidden to the dull human eye.

"So. Do you Marvel Wrux take this here Nel Bailey as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and un-health until forever after?" Marvel didn't hesitate in his; 'I do' for a second, though he was perfectly aware of the devil's word play.

"And do you Nel Bailey, take this here Marvel Wrux as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, for unjust and worse, in health and dementia until forever after?" Nel frowned at the wording, growing suspicious of the priest, but he simply smiled at her and pointed her back in Marvel's direction.

"" She answered, and the entire demonic audience broke out in frights, falling over each other in lust, greed, ripping each other to pieces to look for that momentary pleasure of bondage.

"The rings! Butler..." The Devil barked, and Butler stepped forward, presenting the rings to Marvel. He picked hers up and placed it on the ring finger of her right hand, and she imitated the ritual. There was a slight sizzle as the ring's moulded into place to where they would remain forever.

"Sign here..." The 'priest' presented them the contract of their marriage, which they took turns signing. Once finished, he slapped the book shut and folded it away into his cloak.

"The wine!"

Butler brought to black chalices filled with the blood-stained wine, gave one to each member of matrimony, and watched neutrally, Lucifer watched eagerly, as they interlaced arms and drank from the opposite's cup. Marvel's eyes rested on Nel's hungrily as she drank down the wine that would tie her to him. As they both swallowed a mouthful of it, a heat ignited in both of them, Nel's expression grew worried at the new sensation which felt like forever burning down her oesophagus.

"You may kiss to seal the deal." Lucifer grinned, the facade of the priest had fallen away and he stood as himself between them, knowing she would never see, her eyes were locked inevitably with Marvel's.

Marvel's gut punched him as he moved in to kiss her for the second time, the taste of her lips haunted him ever since he had moved on her the first time, but then she had shoved him away and would be different, she would kiss back. Their lips locked and for a moment everything was still and silent, but slowly from the center of their existence, a flame grew steadily bigger in their gut, larger until it was at their diaphragm, larger still until it engulfed their lungs and heart, until finally it grew so intense that they had to break the kiss because it felt as if lava would spill out of their mouths. Nel fell backwards and fainted, and Marvel only caught her just in time before she hit the ground and the sensation within him grew so magnanimous that his human form vanished completely in one loud rip.

"Encantatem, Somulus Ra Venus. Vendangeli trox Daeman contra figumus Infinatem." Lucifer hissed into the flames now surrounding the couple, and as he finished they turned from a normal orange tint to a deep amber, slowly retracting into both of their bodies. Marvel panted heavily, holding her frail body only inches off the ground. His horns had come out so far they became to mould into a twist, only three creatures in hell possessed that amount of power; Lucifer himself, Butler and now Marvel.

"Take her home and bed her while she remains drunk from the Blood-wine, the rings will do the rest." Lucifer cackled. "You didn't really think I would let you do this on your own Marvel?" he said as he saw Marvel's black angry eyes turning to him.

"Why not?" He wheezed angrily.

"You prepared the wine, which would have done fine except now she would know who you are and she would run. I prepared the rings, the contract and the witnesses, and now she has committed four mortal sins in Matrimony and in doing so, I have tied her to you completely. Really you should be thanking me, I thought I'd taught you better than this, but obviously you have been too human for too long recently. Ugh...human weaknesses are dreadful aren't they?"

"At what cost?" Marvel barked at him. Lucifer leaned in very close, careful not to touch either of them in the transition stages. The heat that rolled off him was enough to make Marvel's demonic fire extinguish without so much as a huff, respect was demanded.

"Careful my child, I just gave you a present. Say thank you." And Marvel was bowed into submission.

"What will happen to her?" Marvel asked respectfully and the devil backed off and returned to his usual dangerously charming smile.

"What happened to you when I took God from your life?" Their eyes met, and Marvel's body filled with darkness at a memory he had long suppressed.

*****It was night, mist was rolling over the mountain tops and pouring into the village. Everything was dark, all fire's out, doors bolted shut, windows blocked and not a soul to be seen anywhere. No birds chirped, no rats bustled through the hay, even the wind held its breath. This was the village of Aberdrun, the birthplace of the first Vendangeli in the year 1452 AD.

From the distance a form appeared on the horizon, one that all remembered who survived, and only one survived that night. The form slowly descended the mountain, leaving smoke in his tracks from the heat of his body. Every step made the ground around him sizzle into submission and melt any and all ice. Every step, he could feel him drawing closer.

Six years prior to that night, Michael Wrux was born, his mother died at giving birth to him, and his father hung himself shortly after. Michael was a sweet young boy, he was a Vendangeli, he helped people, he made them laugh, made them happy. The village had decided to raise him despite the fact that they blamed him for his parents' deaths. Even though they surrounded him, they were always suspicious, and he was always...different.

He tried to please everyone, it was easy, it was what he existed for, but somehow...darkness was always just a step behind him and anywhere he went to bring about the good, bad followed, and the suspicion in people grew and rooted itself into him in the form of pain, an ever growing pain. His faith was like a fire, and as the years passed, it slowly began to diminish hand in hand with the lack of love that surrounded Michael.

At the age of six, on the sixth month of his sixth year and the sixth day to mark the exact defiance of universal destiny, the form famed for bringing out pain came to Aberdrun to take away Michael's pain, and give him a choice. He wasn't difficult to find; sat in a barn with the animals, the ones who could sense his true nature.

Lucifer remembered seeing him the first time, the magnificent light blue wings spread out behind him like trophies, the calcified glowing angelic eyes, the singular horn on his forehead, and the skin of perfection; everything a human couldn't see. If they had, he would probably be the Archangel Michael as he was destined to be, but human's made the destruction of that particular thread of fate so simple. He sat in the barn with a pig, crying as hell approached him. Kneeling down beside him, he felt the child lift a hand to Lucifer's face, and reveal his true form.

"You're bad." He remarked neutrally, no conviction in his voice.

"I'm a different kind of good." Satan replied just as casually, smiling at the boy in sympathy. "One that is much more appreciative of special gifts that you possess, that are vastly misunderstood by those you call your peers."

"God warned me about you." He wiped away his tears.

"Of course God did, you cannot be lost to him, he is selfish. Why else would he put you through all this pain and suffering?"

"They are lessons." Michael replied.

"Do they feel like lessons?" Lucifer asked, Michael shook his head. "I can show you what you withhold, what God denies you, but what is your true nature."

"How?" He asked.

"You'll see soon enough. I will leave you now, when you have made up your mind, some find me." He stood and left the barn. Michael pursued him curiously.

"How do I find you?" He shouted after him.

"Call my real name and I'll be there for you." And he vanished.

"But!...I don't know your name...." Michael whispered to himself, feeling the pain set back in as Lucifer left him there alone. 'you will..' a voice whispered inside his head just as a symbol burned its way onto the back of his head, burning away his hair; the sign of Satan was left sizzling at the back of his head. He burst into flames in the exact same moment in screams of terror, and at the same time, the entire village was engulfed in flames that were savagely eating away every member of that village. When the dust settled and the ash cleared up, all that remained was a little naked boy amongst the ashes of the village he had just destroyed, and though his wings were shimmering a delightful heavenly blue behind him, his eyes had turned to black coal. The echo of hell's laugh rang through the voiceless night.

He went on to live a homeless life, no one wanted him, and dared they take him, they would shortly after die of unknown cause and he would again be left to feel the pain of his helplessness. On his seventeenth birthday he burned down a church without doing it intentionally, and that was when he finally heard his name called; 'Lucifer's wrath!' the priest had shouted, and the name made Michael's life shift instantly, it was like magnetism, he knew that was the name he sought.

"Lucifer!" He shouted without hesitation, he was ready for the suffering to end, ready to give up on God who had abandoned him. 'yes ma' boy....'

The ground beneath him fell apart and formed a crack so thick that he began to fall, down a long way until he landed elegantly on his feet surrounded by spurting lava at the feet of hell's most desirable; the devil himself. "Took you long enough!"

"I know you..." Michael remarked, still taking in the environment he found himself in.

"Of course you do. So, what made you call out to me? Has God done a naughty? Been bad? Clipped your wings? Had enough of the ghastly human race? I know I have. Ah!" He placed his claw over Michael's lips to stop him from talking. "More importantly, are you ready to take your life into your own hands?" Slowly, he removed his sharp nail from the boy's lips, leaving a drop of blood behind and licking it off his finger.

"I--" he paused, unsure what to say, "What will happen to me?"

"Nothing. You will be you, but I will take away the shackles God has tied on your powers and release you from his mind games. You will be immortal, have anything you want, reign with me at my side, and only...a servant to me."

"Servent? I thought the whole point was to be free." He complained, the devil laughed in his face only like a psychopath could.

"No, no, no. Freedom doesn't exist, but there are some things that come close, and what I'm offering you one has ever come that close. All I want is a couple of God loving souls a month. Which, given your past you should enjoy collecting, as I very much calculated that you don't want your brothers and sisters to end up with God, seeing as he's so unreasonable. Correct?" Michael nodded and was about to speak, but Lucifer had already shoved a contract into his arms. "Good. Sign this and forever hold your peace. Go!"

Michael signed nervously, with every letter feeling himself get lighter and more confident, his wings were steadily burning away and his horn split into two tiny horns, his skin deepened and at the end all that remained of his wings were black stubbles on his back. "The devil's Marvel..." he whispered breathlessly, his black eyes staring up at his master.

"You will never defy me, betray me, deceive me, or leave me. You will attain the power needed to carry out your missions, and sacrifice your one power of foresight to me and be eternally devoted to our cause. Say aye to affirm." Their eye contact was unbreakable.

"Aye." Marvel affirmed, and the devil bit his snake-like tongue until it bled and leant forward to kiss Marvel, biting down on his tongue so their blood was shared. Upon his back a large symbol of enslavement to heel burned itself into his flesh, and the deed was done.

"Follow me." Lucifer walked straight through the wall. Marvel hesitated, testing the wall carefully before also walking through it into what must have been the pride-rock of hell, looking out over the entire kingdom. In the middle stood a broken pillar, upon which floated a small spherical light. "I will give it to you to watch over you, but first I need a body for it."

"What is it?" Marvel tried to touch it, Lucifer slapped his hand away. Just then Marvel realized that he had a tail swinging loosely behind him. He laughed in amazement, turning round to try to catch it, but again, Lucifer fixed him straight and forced him to focus.

"This is Zaltsu'zar, my late wife, who God stole from me, I kept her soul. This is what we do Marvel, we collect souls to save them from God's greedy grasp, once he has them, he never lets them go, and they endure endless tortures until they are dried out. We save them with this; Lucifer handed him an amulet, which Marvel quickly hung around his neck. "I will come with you the first few times, but we cannot afford to miss a soul. Understood?" Marvel nodded.

And off they were, into the streets of darkness, to look for a body for Zaltsu'zar, and bestow his first soul. Just at the corner of the alleyway, they found a homeless man sleeping. "Him." Marvel pointed. Lucifer cackled.

"Not something a little more...pleasing to the eye?" Lucifer asked. Marvel shook his head.

"Zaltsu'zar can change form, and he is easy to attain." Marvel clarified and the devil looked positively impressed.

"Saltsun-ta-Za'zar formincantaté" Lucifer whispered, and released the soul of his deceased wife onto the body of the homeless man who instantly sprang to life and went up in flames, until his human existence crumbled beneath him in a pile of ash and all that remained was a black cloud of smoke that took on the form of a body but was entirely translucent. "Compose yourself my dear" and it did, into the form of a Butler, walking behind them voicelessly.

"Now. Let's see....if you close your eyes and concentrate, you can feel the gravitational pull every person has to God, pick out the most drastic ones, those are the ones we save first. Try it." And Marvel did so, it felt like little threads tugging at different parts of his body, and sure enough they indicated the direction of the person they were from, the harder they tugged the closer the person was, and the more painful the tug was, the more devotion that person had to God. Marvel felt a very distinctive pull on the back of his left shoulder, and sure enough when he turned around he spotted a young girl, around the age of thirteen walking towards them. "Good." Lucifer's teeth turned into a grin.

Marvel left Lucifer's side, so drawn to her, he could smell every emotion, every thought she was having, and it intrigued him, but as soon as he escaped from the devil's vicinity, so did the charm he had cast upon him to keep his human form stable and within second he stood in front of the young girl in his true form, demonic as it now was. The girl was preparing to scream, but before she had the chance, Lucifer's hand waved across her face and she lost consciousness. "This is why we must maintain our human appearance" he blinked at Marvel, who hadn't yet realized what he had done.

"But why? I could just use the amulet and then she would thank me, right?"

"No Marvel. The downside in this business is we cannot force anyone to cross over, it is their choice. We can, however, woe them. Now as a vendangeli-demon you possess more than one power for the art of wooing. You have considerable natural allure to people, they are drawn to you, and if they taste you they become very intoxicated, or if you are part of them. You can control people, when you put your back into you. If you get what I mean."

Marvel stared at him blankly, and then shook his head. "Sex Marvel. Use your magnificent cock, smother them, and they are yours." Nothing. "Follow me."

With the girl, they all vanished back from whence they came. Lucifer grabbed a knife, cut into Marvel's wrist and dropped the blood into the girl's mouth. She awoke shortly after, but her eyes were clouded over and she was confused and flailing about, trying to figure out what was going on. The devil appeared behind her, took hold of her and whispered 'sh's' into her ear, licking along her neck. "Come" he indicated to Marvel, behind the girl a bed had suddenly appeared, one on which Lucifer was pulling the girl. She was unnaturally calm all of a sudden, kneeling inbetween Marvel and his maker submissively. "Tell her what to do."

"Take...take off your clothes" he said to her, and she began untying her corset. Marvel had never seen a girl naked, had never considered that he would be having sex so soon, wasn't that wrong? No. Not in a free world. He leaned forward and kissed the unexpecting girl on the lips, and she did nothing but kiss back slowly. Marvel could feel Lucifer's sensation growing stronger, almost as if they were one person, he could feel himself and the devil heating up, but unlike Marvel, Lucifer's eyes rested solely on his newest creation.

Desperately, Marvel pulled the girl closer to him, clawing at her back with the sensation she gave him, that undying desire to get closer to someone although you were as close as you could get. Her inner fear tasted deliscious, especially when it was mixed with her dripping cunt pulsing for him, for Marvel. His teeth sharpened at the thought of entering her. Lucifer pulled her back and her legs apart and watched as the ambition in Marvel's face grew climatic. Just as Marvel was about to push forward into her tight hole, the devil's fingers wrapped around his shaft and held him off, looking deep into his eyes. "Just before you cum, set your visual association of hell into her mind and ask her aloud where she belongs."

Marvel didn't quite understand, but Lucifer simply grinned at him and unwrapped him fingers from him cock one after the other, moving around behind Marvel and holding her legs apart while pushing Marvel forward into her, he also pushed himself into Marvel's backside. Marvel's skin broke out in black flames, feeling a sensation so forbidden to him in the past, it made him forget about the existence of God completely and submit into his new identity; Marvel Wrux.

Steadily, he moved forward and backward into the girl, reading her thoughts like a book, while Lucifer moved slowly in and out of him, reading his thoughts like a book. The blood bond he had given her through letting her taste his blood, which made her paralytic, slowly faded and she came to just on the verge of submitting to Marvel, feeling his warm shaft growing in her, stretching her apart, a sensation that was so undermined that she all but screams for release. "now..."

Lucifer planted a firm image of various different women and men he had sex with in her mind, along with images of hell, pleasant hell, freedom, eternity, blood, everything sinful but desirable. Marvel passed these images on to the girl, watching her writhe beneath him, feeling her pain, promising her silently that it would end if she accepted hell into her life, she understood, her light slowly faded and was replaced by a fire, a dark fire, and Marvel almost instinctively leaned forward to and rested his lips on her ear. "Who do you belong to?"

She screamed out Lucifer's name in climax, the feeling of her tightening cunt set of Marvel, and the exited moan that brought him to climax drove Lucifer over the edge, and before they all knew they, they collapsed on top of each other, panting and cackling. Lucifer took Marvel's right hand and tapped his index finger to the girl's chest, from which a small globe of light extracted and slowly drew towards the amulet around Marvel's neck. "And what we do."

"That was amazing!" Marvel laughed, pulling out of the lifeless girl and leaving her there to follow the devil. She wasn't moving, she simply floated around, without purpose, but Marvel wasn't seeing her with his back turned. His stomach gave a loud crack and brought excruciating pain with it, making him keel over and throw up a large amount of blood. He yelped steadily, feeling the pain rising to the rest of his body. "What's happening..."

"When God leaves you, he takes everything of his from you." Lucifer explained, looking out over hell, his kingdom, too pained to look at Marvel. "He is retrieving from you what is rightfully his, he takes you life and your light and leaves you with what you now are; a demon, this will take three days, it will hurt, and you will hate God at the end of it."

Marvel's screams grew louder and more serious. His skin began peeling off and revealing the red demon underneath, he coughed up what could only be his organs liquefied, everything that he got from birth, slowly faded, his tears were of blood, his nails fell out, and his hair once gold and curled fell to the floor beneath him. The next two days were the most unbearably painful of his entire life. At the end, as Lucifer had said, he hated God, his memory of the life before hell was hazy, and his skin was now a deep flaming red, his hair black, his burned off wings were covered by his newly formed skin, and his horns had grown out more. His tail flicked around violently as the last of his transformation sent jolts of pain through his body, until eventually he rested in the bed next to the lifeless girl, a changed man.

He perched himself upright, looked the girl straight in the eyes, she stared back, but she was empty. Boring. Marvel stroked her face, massaged her breast, everything to get her back to the delicious thoughts she was having while he fucked her, but whoever she was now, it was not the same person.

"That body belongs to God, I keep their souls, but the bodies I cannot. She will fade soon, and then I can release her soul back onto earth as her new and improved self." Lucifer explained, "All of these demons will be yours to command up there. I need you to go up and stay there, I can handle down here on my own. But only when you can compose yourself into human form."

Marvel picked up the girl's body, carried it to the edge of the cliff and threw it off to meet the lava. "Let's get to work." His smile echoed the maniacal look of his maker.*****

"How long!?" Marvel pleaded, holding Nel firmly in his arms. His time since he first became Lucifer's servant had taught him a lot about the lies that he had endured when he was young and naive. Now he knew better, knew why he was the way he was, and would never bestow such a destiny on another, yet here he had bestowed it on the one person he'd tried to get as far away from it as possible. Yes she would be his, but she would be his through Lucifer, not through Marvel.

"A week...maybe two." Lucifer grinned. "Bed her before it's too late."

Marvel growled so loud that the pillars shook in the church and all the demon's present curled up in fear of his wrath. He picked her up and carried her all the way to his house, lying her onto his bed and staring at her motionless body.