Sarah and Sam

Story by VinchenzoTheJackal on SoFurry

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A humorous poem done in the style of Doctor Seus's: 'Green Ham and Eggs'

It is about Sarah Palin, Uncle Sam, and my extreme hatred for both of them.

I do not like Sarah Palin, Uncle Sam,

I hate Sarah Palin, the evil woman.

I would not praise her for a boat,

I would not praise her for a fur coat,

I would club her senseless to save a seal,

I would shoot her arms off to hear her squeal.

I do not like Sarah Palin, Uncle Sam,

I really friggin hate her, the evil woman.

I would not invade China for lots of rice,

I would not invade Africa for all its spice,

I wouldn't conquer Canada for its oil,

I wouldn't conquer Russia for its soil.

I do not like Sarah Palin, Uncle Sam,

I wish she'd go to hell,

please or gods be damned.