Secrets Ch. 1

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#1 of Secrets

This is another story series that has been floating around in my head for some time now. Hope you enjoy it.

Standard disclaimer: This series will have gay sex, violence, magic, demons, as well as some gore. If you find any of these things offensive, or illegal in your area to view hit your back button now. But if you have made it this far you should already know if it is or not so enjoy.


Secrets, they come in all shapes and sizes. Good ones and bad ones, big ones and small ones, ones nobody knows and ones everyone knows. Some secrets keep themselves; some have to be guarded with your life. Some are kept for too long, some are not kept long enough. Then there are the secrets we keep that no matter how hard we try always come to light when they are meant to, and we can never change that, no matter how hard we.... I try......

Chapter 1

Sitting near a camp fire, a common and often pleasurable experience for people. Falling snow, a sight of beauty when you are in a warm sheltered home. But when you are huddled next to a camp fire, snow falling thick and heavy and your shelter consists of a blanket and your own fur it can be a miserable combination. Hardly what I would call ideal conditions, but when you're a lone wolf with no current home and no pack you do what you can to survive, even if that means nearly freezing next to a fire in a snow storm.

Now you may ask why don't I just go to a local inn and try to get a room. Well in most lands where werewolves like me are more common and accepted by the human population that would not be a problem, but here in a land where wolves are little better than legends to most people it is hard for a 10 foot werewolf to walk into a tavern and find a bed. Especially when the owners pass out with fright and the patrons begin to take up arms. No I learned that mistake at the last town I stayed in. So I have spent my days traveling and hunting, and my evenings have been spent camping under the stars. Too bad tonight's storm blocks out the stars and covers everything in white, wet, cold, miserable, snow.

As I'm sitting next to my fire slowly roasting the birds I managed to catch before the storm set in find myself thinking about my life and some of the things I have done over the years. Some I'm proud of, some I'm ashamed of. But as I remember each event I see how they have shaped me into the wolf I am today. A strong, powerful, self reliant wolf. Granted I have my flaws, no one is perfect but I tend to be better than most at what I can do.

A muffled crack sounds to my left and I am instantly alert and focused on the direction of the sound, but the falling snow hides what ever made the sound. Was it an animal? A collapsing branch? Or.... A sharp impact in the tree I was leaning against moments before reveals a quivering arrow that missed my head by a matter of inches.

Well that answers the question of what caused the sound, it was a hunter, one who can see in this god forsaken snow better than me. That's not good.

Diving into a roll away from the arrow I grab the hilt of my sword and come up standing with my unsheathed blade ready to defend myself. The midnight black blade of my sword matches my fur, along with me it stands out in this white world like a sore thumb. Unable to adequately hide all I can do is stand and get ready for fight.

My senses are on full alert as I try and scan the area for my attacker. Unfortunately they have chosen a really good time to attack, I can't see more than a few feet because of the falling snow, everything is white thanks to what has already fallen, and the snow is blocking almost all sounds so I am unable to tell which direction a sound is coming from or how far it is. I really hate snow right now.

Looking in the direction the arrow came from I slowly move around my camp fire trying to get to my pack so that if I have to run, I won't have to leave my supplies. As I reach or my pack another arrow passes between my hand and my pack, the wind from it brushing my hand. It looks like they didn't miss the first shot, really not good, that means they are playing with me.

Gripping my blade with both hands I stand and wait for the next arrow, only it never comes. After a several long minutes a low, deep laugh echoes through the trees. I know that laugh, it is a laugh that has been tormenting me for many years, it's one of the reasons I left my home to begin with. The creature that laugh belongs to slowly begins to appear through the snow as it approaches my camp fire.

As the form begins to solidify my blood begins to boil in hatred and fear. Before me stands a 12 foot tall perversion of nature. He, for it is obviously a he since he is wearing no clothing of any kind despite the weather, enters the light from my fire and grins maliciously. His arms, torso, and head resemble that of any normal werewolf, reddish brown fur, white fangs, and black claws. But that is where the similarities end, his eyes are blood red and appear to have flames burning within them, he has two massive jet black horns growing out of the top of his head that angle back then up and end in razor sharp points. His legs starting at his hips shift from fur to dark crimson scales, leading down to his feet which look like they belong on some kind of pre-historic raptor. Each foot has three claws ending in razor sharp talons 8 inches long. His tail slithers in the snow bank behind him like the end of a snake, is covered in the same red scales as his leg. This creature is what mortals would call a demon. But that simple word does not begin to describe this being standing before me.

For several moments we stand across from each other, my camp fire crackling between us, then he speaks, in a deep, rough, grating voice, that I can only compare to the sound of rocks falling down the side of mountain. "So this is where you have been hiding yourself." he looks around my camp site with a looks of disgust. "Sleeping in the dirt like some beggar or animal. You're hardly worth what little effort I have spent tracking you down." I just glare back at him, my eyes shifting to the large crossbow in his right hand, it is easily 4 foot long, and at least 3 wide, it is colored a deep crimson that makes me think of freshly spilled blood.

He notices me eyeing his weapon and an evil smile spread across his face. "Like what you see?" He lifts the crossbow so that it is easily seen. "I had it specially made to hunt you with, it is specifically made to kill you." With an evil laugh the bow begins to liquefy and reform itself into a red blade just as evil looking as the one holding it. "It can even change to be the most effective weapon the moment calls for." He then points the blade at me and I can feel my blood run cold.

The last time I faced this creature I barely got away with my life, and that was when I was in full armor, and he had no weapon. Now all I have is my sword, the cloak I had wrapped around myself to keep the snow off my fur, and my traveling clothes. In short..... I'm screwed.

As I stand there watching him my mind begins racing trying to find any advantage I can use, but I can't find one. I know for a fact he is faster than me, stronger than me, more agile than me, hell he is better than me in every way but one, I'm smarter than him. Not that that is any bragging point, Agerex has never been known for using his brain. Yeah that's his name, Agerex, and he has been trying to kill me for years.

"So you found me again Agerex? Is the fact that I was even born such an insult to you that not only have to force me from my home? Away from my family? Now you to hunt me down and try to kill me?" he lets out another gravely laugh before he responds "I don't need another reason than that, you are a mutt, and should have been putt down when you were born. I fully intend to finish that job."

With that he lunged at me from across the fire, I barely have time to raise my sword to block his blow sending a shower of sparks across the snow. His next blow is just as hard and just as fast, I barely manage to block it as well. Then another blow and another, I manage to block each blow but it gets harder each time as his blows come faster and faster. I can't keep this pace up for long and he knows it. With a maniacal grin on his face he unleashes a particularly fierce series of blows I manage to block all but the last.

A blinding blast of searing pain races through my body coming from the top of my left arm where his sword has left a four inch gash that has started to gush blood, the rest of my arm has gone numb from the cut down and now hangs limply at my side forcing me to fight with right arm.

Staggering back I try to stay on my feet as Agerex laughs "How does it feel mutt? That is just the beginning of your pain, I will make you feel ten times as much pain before I end you worthless excuse of a life." With that he unleashes another attack on me forcing me farther and farther back. I am barely able to avoid the blows aimed at my arm and head, but the fight takes its toll on me and soon I have taken hits to my right leg, back, left shoulder, and left hip. The pain is blinding and I can barely focus enough to raise my blade.

With a hard upward swing he knocks my sword from my hand sending it flying through the air where it embeds itself in the trunk of a tree and forces me to fall on my back aggravating my various wounds temporarily blinding me.

When my vision returns Agerex is standing above me, his sword dripping with my blood. He seems to be reveling in my pain. "And now mutt, your life will end." He raises his blade up over his head and prepares to end my life.

When his sword is at its highest point an arrow materializes in his right shoulder, then another in his left arm. He lets out a roar of pain and drops his sword before grabbing the arrows and rips them out of his flesh. Look around in furry for his attackers he snarls and bellows "Who dares attack me?" the answer is a series of howls, wolf howls, and a shower of more arrows, some hitting him, most missing landing the snow around him. Snarling in rage he hastily grabs his sword and begins to retreat.

Before he leaves he points the blade at me and yells, "Luck has let you live this day mutt, but one day I will end your life." With that he turned and fled into the woods.

With the last of my strength I turn my head in the direction the arrows came and two furred figures in snow covered cloaks each holding a long bow with a quiver of arrows strapped over their shoulders makes their way towards me. As my vision begins to fade I hear two voices.

"Is he still alive?"

"Yes, but barely."

"Think we can save his life?"

"If we hurry."


"I see it."

"But it's.... BLACK!"

"I know, but we are going to help him anyway."

At that point all I knew went black, silent, and faded into a void.......