BWOAH Chapter 1

Story by sextaur14 on SoFurry

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The first chapter of the Born Without a Head series.

Pierce: Just 5 more minutes of Biology then it's off to Track.

Ariana: I know right? I know I'm an A student, but this lesson is just plain boring; and besides, I have to talk to Commodore.

Katrina: Just think, we go to track, run for half, then we get to all go over Pierces house for Pizza.

Ariana: But, before I come over, I have to run by Sabrina's quickly. Supposedly she invented something that allows me to eat actual food, instead of you guys.

Katrina: Oh, we don't mind.

Pierce: Yeah, we're your friends, we understand that you can't eat normally.

Ariana: Yeah, but for once I actually want to taste real food. You have no idea what it's like never being able to taste anything.

Pierce: [rubbing her top] Don't worry about it Ari. We won't even order the pizza till you get there. Sabrina only lives five minutes from me. We can wait for you.

Katrina: Besides, I want to talk to Sabrina myself about my form. I want to see if I can be less human. I know that her, you, and her assistant Danielle are the only anthros in the area, but I want to see if I can join that club. Being around you two makes me feel out-of-place. Also, I want to see what she does to you. She is a master in genetic engineering, and I plan to follow in her footsteps, so that when we go out to western Mass for a hike with Price's boy scout troop, I can help you.

Ariana: Yeah, it would be good to have another anthro around. Besides, I'm just getting a change to my genes. It isn't much. Well I better get packed up.

Katrina: Yeah, me too. Talk after school.

(Bell sounds)

Pierce: Hey guys, I just thought I'd let you know that we're planning a whole barrage of hikes this year, and you two are pretty much part of the troop. After all Ari, you've been on every hike in the past two years.

Ariana: What's in the plans? Your a patrol leader right?

Pierce: Yeah. The big ones are a 10 mile hike on the Mid-state trail, a 20 up Greylock, and a 50 Miler on the Appalachian Trail. There are also a bunch of smaller hikes scattered throughout the year. Ya know, I don't know why you can't just join the troop once and for all. You have the experiences to get three quarters the badges you need for Eagle, and you can be considered a tomboy. That way you can come to camp with me this year. You'd love Hidden Valley.

Ariana: We're going there on the 11th right, after Gunstock?

Katrina: I can't wait to go skiing. With this year being the driest year in a decade, I haven't gotten much practice skiing as a taur.

Pierce: Nor have I. I'm relatively new as a taur.

Ariana: I went snowboarding once this season at Bradford, but it was only two trails. It was good boarding though.

Coach: Everybody start warming up. Distance kids run two laps around the school, everybody else just one.

Katrina: Yes coach. Come on guys.

(While running around the school)

Commodore: Hey guys.

Pierce: Hey Commodore. You guys should have been at the Klondike on Friday night. Biggest fail ever. You were kept home that night weren't you Ari?

Ariana: Yeah. My mother said I would get sick from the rain. I told her it was just a little rain and that I hiked in worse, but she still wouldn't let me sleep out.

Katrina: What happened at the Klondike?

Pierce: On Friday night, there was that sudden storm as you know. Well, at the Klondike, the storm turned into semi-chaos. The rain wasn't the problem. The problem was the winds. The winds were really strong, and actually blew a few tents over and a few into the woods. It was both funny and scary. Anyone who was asleep, by some demonic way, was woken up and asked to help rebuild.

Katrina: Ouch. Did anyone get hurt?

Pierce: Only a couple of kids, and even then not badly. Only a few bruises and cuts, but hey, it could've been worse.

Ariana: Yeah, we could've been in Alabama.

[everybody laughs]

Katrina: Well, how was the day?

Ariana: Pretty lousy. The sleds wouldn't work, so Pierce had to carry all our supplies on his back up the hill.

Katrina: Why wouldn't the sleds work?

[Ariana and Pierce laugh]

Pierce: Oh Hurricane. You make me laugh sometimes. There was no snow.

Katrina: Ah, I get it. I know that usually there is a sled race. What happened with that?

Ariana: A three legged race for the bipeds, a pack race for the taurs. I didn't participate in that. Pierce had to though, being a deer taur. Wait, how many laps is this?

Commodore: Four.

Ariana: What! Why didn't you stop us?

Pierce: I forgot to keep count.

Commodore: I didn't know I needed to.

Katrina: Well, coach can't be mad at us for running too much.

Ariana: Yeah, but that's more we have stretch.

Katrina: True, true. Let's go in then.

(Inside on second floor)

Head Coach: Oh, hey you three. You didn't miss anything.

Katrina: We didn't?

Head Coach: Nah, we are just waiting for Santo to finally shut up. I've had it with him talking constantly, so I'm just letting him talk until he realizes that we can't go workout unless he shuts up.


Santo: Fine, no need to blow your head off Ari. Oh wait, you already did.

A.Sabbio: Not funny Santo.

Santo: I was just fooling around!

Katrina: Yeah, but some of us want to get going on our running.

Santo: Really? Who here actually wants to run?

[Everybody raises their hands]

Oh, ok. Then I'll shut up.

A.Sabbio: Who's going to start the count?

[in alternating order {read up then down along the numbers}]

Pierce: Windmills. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,

Everybody: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

(10 minutes of stretching later)

Head Coach: Sprinters go with Coach G, distance with Coach B, and throwers are with me.

Coach G: Everybody to the gym, I'll explain there.

Head Coach: Throwers go down to to Masonry, I'll be down in a minute. I just have to talk to the distance runners.

A.Sabbio: We'll get everything set up.

Head Coach: Right. Now distance runners, Coach B isn't here yet. She is in a meeting for Skills so she will be here in 20 mins. She wants you to run for 30 minutes outside. Do not run to The Beach.

Pierce: Why not coach?

Head Coach: It snowed today, so the trail is probably all muddy, and we can't have you be muddy for the Eighth Graders.

Ariana: The Eighth Graders are coming after school? Since when?

Head Coach: Since 20 minutes ago. I was told about it last minute. We aren't allowed to run anywhere in the main building. Well, better get you guys going. If you need anything from the gym, tell me now.

Katrina: I need my jacket.

Commodore: I need my shorts

Ariana: I'm fine. Do you want me to take the keys?

Head Coach: Sure. Bring them to Masonry when your done in there.

Ariana: Can do coach.

Head Coach: Then everybody get outa here and go run.

Pierce: Yes coach. Can we run to the Ipswich River Fish and Game park?

Head Coach: I'd prefer not, but if you run out of places to run here, go carefully.

Pierce: Yes coach. Come on guys, let's go.

Katrina: I have to stretch my legs first.

Pierce: Come to the gym first, then stretch.

Katrina: Ok. Just my rear legs are really locked up.

(At the gym)

Ariana: I'll unlock the door, then run the keys to coach.

Pierce: Ok. I'll make sure it gets locked again. Do you need help stretching Katrina?

Katrina: Yeah, just grab my hind legs and pull. I just have to pop them.

Gould: How do you stretch like that every day?

Katrina: I don't typically. I do the same stretches as you normally, just today my legs hurt from standing a good portion of the day.

Gould: Why'd you stand so much?

Katrina: Another taur in two of my classes took my regular seat, so I had to stand at a regular desk for bipeds. The school is getting more taur desks though.

Pierce: Who's the new taur?

Katrina: A good friend of ours actually: Charles Self.

Pierce: I'll have to talk to him tomorrow.

Ariana: I'm back. Are we ready to run?

Katrina: [lower back cracks] Yeah, I'm ready.

Ariana: Do I even won't to know what I missed?

Pierce & Katrina: Probably not.

(after 30 mins of running later)

Ariana: That run hurt a surprising amount. I thought it was supposed to be warm out.

Pierce: The air yeah, but think how windy it was.

Commodore: The wind was ridiculous. It almost knocked me on my ass.

Katrina: Well, we're inside now, so it isn't windy anymore. What do we have to do for strength Pierce?

Pierce: I forget. Where's Coach B?

Commodore: I'm pretty sure she is in the lobby. Should I go ask her?

Pierce: Yeah. Take Ari too.

Commodore: Can do. Come on Ari.

Ariana: Coming.

(Walking through the halls)

Commodore: Ya know, I've been thinking about becoming a taur.

Ariana: Really? What species?

Commodore: I've been thinking about that. I'm not too sure about the species. I've been thinking of a canine or forest creature, like Katrina or Pierce. I was wondering if you have any suggestions?

Ariana: That all depends on what you want to be. What is your spirit animal?

Commodore: I'm not sure. I've never actually thought about that. Hey wait, there's coach. [To Coach B] Coach, what stretches do you want us to do?

Coach B: 30 of the regular stretches.

Commodore: Got it coach. [To Ariana] I've never actually thought about what I would be.

Ariana: Well as soon as we get outside, stop for a minute, and I can tell you how to find out.

Commodore: Ok. Is there any way to tell Pierce and Hurricane what to do?

Ariana: Yeah. As soon as I get close enough, I can send them a message telepathically.

Commodore: You can do that?

Ariana: Yeah, but it requires a lot of energy.

Commodore: Wow! Ok then.

(In the courtyard)

Ariana: Ok, we're here. [to Pierce and Katrina via telepathy] 30 of the regular stretches.

Pierce: [to Ariana] Got it, thanks. Where are you guys?

Ariana: The courtyard. I'll explain in a few.

Pierce: Ok.

Ariana: [to Commodore] Ok, they got it. Now, get on the ground.

Commodore: Ok.

Ariana: Now, place the palms of your hands on mine.

Commodore: Got it.

Ariana: Now, concentrate. Unleash your inner animal. Think about the animal you are, and let it out.

Commodore: I'm thinking...growl, yip, yip

Ariana: You my friend have the spirit of a fox, like me.

Commodore: I sure feel like one. That is my spirit animal: the fox.

Ariana: Now, scratch my top.

Commodore: [blushing] Sure, why?

Ariana: Because, I just want to feel your hands on my top. It feels so nice to have someone scratch me there.

Commodore: Ariana, can I tell you something?

Ariana: Sure, what?

Commodore: For a long time I've sat there and stared at you, and just loved your form. I love the way you look, the way your tail wags, and the fact that you don't have a head. I've just always wished I could be with you forever.

Ariana: Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Commodore: Do you want to go out with me?

Ariana: Yes Commodore, I do. I've felt the same way about you for a long time. I actually have a special gift for you, if you would like it.

Commodore: What is it?

Ariana: My friend Sabrina created a device that not only allows people to be turned inti taurs, but also into anthro taurs. If you would like, I can arrange for you to become an anthro fox-taur.

Commodore: She can do that? Why haven't I seen more anthros walking around?

Ariana: Because, she hasn't released it to the public. Everybody knows about it, but she won't release the chamber to the public for fear that anthros would be subject to segregation. The only working chamber is at her house.

Commodore: I understand. That would be the best gift ever!

Ariana: Wait, there's more. She also has a device that prevents couples from breaking up. Would you be willing to do that with me?

Commodore: That's amazing! I will definitely do that.

Ariana: Thanks Commodore.

Commodore: Feel free to call me Fox. It's shorter then Commodore.

Ariana: Ok Fox.

End of Chapter 1