Creation of Furries Ch. 5

Story by Serge Aaronson on SoFurry

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"Forget it. You failed us."

"I can do better! I can get him!"

"No. You're one of them now. You're coming with us."

_"N-No!" Bam! Bam! _ "You won't, do this!"

"Valorie, put down the gun."

_"No! Hey, you! Back off! I mean it!" Bam! _ "Back, off!!"

"If you do not put down the gun, we will be forced to-" Bam!"Put the down the damn gun!"

_"Make me!" Bam! Bam! _

"Get her! She's escaping!"

I stared at the heartbeat monitor, biting my lip. Pull through... My pleading thoughts were interrupted by the nurse, walking. "Mr. Carter? She was declared brain dead an hour ago. It's time."

I couldn't bear to look, so I turned away. I could hear the heartbeat monitor flatline after a minute, and I just sat there.

"I'll leave you alone." I didn't pay attention. Nobody was supposed to die. Nobody, was supposed, to fucking die. This wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be beautiful. Amazing...

A hand was placed on my shoulder, and I sighed. "It's not your fault." I tore myself away, and walked to the window. "There was nothing you could do." I shook my head, feeling my claws drive into the window frame.

"It is my fault. I'm the one that changed her. I'm the one that-" I felt the hand return, but I had nowhere else to go. Nowhere...

"Listen to me, Damien. And look at me!" The hand pulled me around, and Luna's worried face greeted him. "Her death was not your fault! None of their deaths were your fault! Quit this crap!" She slapped me, but I just numbly stared at the floor. "Get it together!"

"You don't know what it's like. To have so many people look at you with complete and utter faith, and then have seven of them die. And the numbers will just keep going up." I tensed when her arms wrapped around me, but I accepted the hug.

"It'll be okay...You know it will." I could hear her gulp, and then she backed up a bit. "B-But, you have a group to run. We have problems going on, so we can't have you mourning every death for days."

I nodded, and walked out of the room. The girl's family sat outside, somber faces all around. I quickly walked through. I didn't want to see a single face. No more...

"Come on, Damien." Simon's strong tiger arms yanked me through the halls. I was pushed into an empty waiting room. It slowly filled with a few people. "Alright Luna. Start."

Luna walked in, and nodded. "Damien. We have three main problems. First, your government friends want to cut us open. They've been making threats over the phone. Second, the government's contacted the military. They want to exterminate us. Like we're vermin. Oh, and third, her." One of the people in the room took off their hood. Veronica.

"You fucking bitch." I got up, and several arms slammed me back in my chair. "Get the hell off me! She shot me! She fucking shot me!"

A fist slammed across my face. I sucked in, and then spat out blood. Simon shook his hand, obviously the one who did it. "Listen to her for at least two minutes."

I scowled, but a sigh escaped. "Fine. Talk." She seemed stunned by my ferocity. She deserves it. Fucking shot me. Still got a hole inside me. Stitches itch like hell.

Veronica stared directly at me, but I wouldn't return the favor. "Damien. They-they tried to capture me. Wanted to perform experime-" I scoffed. Duh. Like they'd turn us back. Stupid... "Y-Yeah. So I escaped. I ran, and-" I groaned, and sat forwards.

"What?! You had some great epiphany?!" She cringed at my words. Didn't deserve to. "You shot me, not 6 hours ago, and now you're at my doorstep, expecting to return with open arms. Well guess what? Go ahead. Guess."

She swallowed. I could see the pain written on her face. All I wanted was more. "Uh-Uh I-"

"You don't deserve my fucking charity! Just because we were friends once, don't mean shit now! You shot me! You wanted to drag me back, unconscious, so those goddamn scientists could "turn us back"! Bullshit! They want to cut us open and put us on display in a museum! You are so stupid, and naive, and just gullible as fucking hell, you bitch! Just-" Another fist slammed into my jaw.

I glared at Simon, who had a lovely look on his own face. "Would you shut up?! You're acting like a jerk!"

"Shut up you overgrown cat! What're you gonna do?! Kill me?! You don't have the balls to do it!" He seemed surprised I had the gall to say it. So I kept going. "None of you do! The guys after us? They do! They want to kill us, murder us, exterminate us; whatever the hell you wanna call it, it's all the same! You have to be willing to kill! Like it or not, we've lit the biggest bomb underneath the planet, and it's gonna blow soon."

I sighed, wiping the blood from my lips. I leaned over, waiting for someone to speak. I finally stood up, and looked to Veronica.

"Join us, or don't. I'm done with you." I looked to Simon. "If you're gonna hit me again, you better finish the job, or I'll kill you." He nodded, gravely. Sadly, I was serious. I finally let my eyes drift to Luna. "If I'm the only one who mourns their deaths, then I feel bad for our cause. Cause it's a sad one." I walked out, and slammed the door.

I stepped down the hall, and paused. "Don't stop. Keep walking."

I narrowed my eyes. "Sharp." I turned, and there he stood, in his vile glory. His blonde hair brushed the top of his red contact eyes. I hated his very image now. "Leave. I don't want to talk to you right now."

He scoffed, walking towards me. He immediately stopped, when I unsheathed my claws. "Ah, no need for that. I just want to talk."

I growled, and a scowl just appeared. "Are you deaf? I said I don't want to talk-"

"So you're okay with these innocent people dying?" I gasped, slightly, but looked away. "Ah, you aren't. Good. Then we agree we can quit this whole game and-" I scowled bigger, allowing my jaws to show. He sighed. "Guess not."

"Guessed right. Goodbye." I turned, and began to walk away. His hand reached out, and grabbed my arm. I froze, in mid-step. My eyes drifted to his hand, and I glared at it. "Get, your, fucking, hand, off, of, me."

"Damien." He turned me around, so I brought my claws right to his neck. "Damien! Calm down! Think rationally for a second." I sheathed my claws, and let them drop to my sides. "These people are going to get hurt. They aren't soldiers. They're ordinary people. But, they're going to die if you don't quit this." I shrugged off his hand, and turned back around.

"They'll all die at one point. At least they'll die now for something they live for. And I'll die next to them for the same reason." I kept walking, and this time, he didn't follow.

Alone again. Good. I love the lonesomeness. Brings new truth to the term lone wolf.

I kept walking down the street, ignoring the stares of the passing humans. They were oblivious to the storm ahead. The war. The war that would be.

I calmly bought an ice cream come from a vendor, who eyed me cautiously. Never had I walked these streets so differently. So distantly. It was like a different place.

I licked the cone, as I sat on a bench. Must look funny. I noticed a young girl looking at me. I gave a small smile, and she smiled back. She walked over, and pet my head. "Nice doggy."

I smiled, and then fished in my pockets. My hands found it, and then I gave her a dollar. "Here. Take it. Do what you want. And, remember me. The nice doggy that gave you a dollar."

She smiled, and ran off. I chuckled. We should be more like children. Children understand that different isn't frightening.

Different is just new.

And I like new.

I walked through the apartment complex, before coming to mine. It was a rough day. Tomorrow would be just as rough. If not...worse.

I took out my keys, and selected the right one. Huh. I used to do it before, and it felt like routine. Now this place seemed strange. So very strange.

I put it in, and just stood there. Why was it so hard to do this? Simply open a door. I swallowed, and turned the key. I heard that reminiscent click, and my hand grasped the knob. I exhaled, and turned it. I could hear the metal drag against the wood, and I shook my head the entire time. I finally heard it let go, and I opened the door.

It was the same, but it felt different. Same jacket on the couch. Same TV still left on. Same broken remote. Same laptop in the corner.

Veronica stepped out. "Hey."

I swallowed, and gave a slight smile. "Hey." She picked up a frame, and smiled.

"Remember this?" I walked over, and looked. It was us in graduation gowns. We were pretending to fight each other with our diplomas. I chuckled. "Who would have thought we would change so much?"

"This definitely wasn't an option for what you want to be when you grow up." We both laughed, but it was half-hearted. She leaned against the counter, and sighed. I just rubbed my arm, remaining quiet. It was definitely different.

"I know we won't be as close as we were. But, can we at least be friends?"

I looked up to her, and saw it. In her eyes, a glimmer of the old Veronica. "Okay, but, you have to promise not to shoot me anymore." She tried to keep herself from laughing, but nodded.

"I promise." She walked to the door, and looked back to me. "Thank you, Damien."

I walked towards the door, as she closed it behind her. My back hit the door, and I leaned against it. I sighed, and looked at the picture on the table. Goodbye, Damien Carter the human. Hello, Damien the Wolf...

My ears slowly perked, as I heard footsteps come up to the door. I looked out the peephole, and I saw Luna. I slowly ran my claws across my scalp, unable to think. I exhaled, and waited for the knock. It came, lightly. I closed my eyes, and exhaled again.

I let my hand feel along the door, until finding the knob. I opened my eyes, and turned the knob. The door drifted open, and I shifted myself to lean on the side of the door. Luna stood there, looking at me.

I sighed, staring at her. "Hey..." She smiled, returning the stare. "Wanna talk?" Luna nodded, and came inside. "So, about earlier..."

"It's fine. You were..." She shook her head, at a loss for words; I'm guessing. "But, I just wanted to see you." She gave a small smile, which I returned.

"For once, since being human, I feel calm, and happy. Happy... I don't know if I ever was that human. I'd act happy...but, never really happy." She walked over, and hugged me. I blinked, a bit surprised, but I accepted it.

"Damien?" We drifted apart a bit, but I found my arms still around her. "Tell me something. Please." She looked away, but found her way back after awhile. "Are you happy, because you're home? Because you're a furry? Or...because I'm here?"

I felt the wind leave my chest for a second. Was it true? Was it? I could feel a bit of doubt, but the more I thought about it, the more it became true. Her hair shone in the moonlight, and her eyes sparkled. I felt a smile grow across my face, and I came forwards.

Our lips found each other, and met with passion. Flames burned in my chest, and I loved it. I ventured with my tail, and found hers. They slowly intertwined. I embraced her, and slowly drifted backwards to the couch. Our lips separated and I smiled. "It's you."