Arm Deep

Story by The Big K on SoFurry

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Howdy! This is my very first story I have written :) It's on the long side but it's not a overly long one. I hope this might turn into a series but unsure about it at this point. Hope you like it.


It was another day in the life of me.

Sitting at the computer after a long hard day at work.

Checking email surf here surf there.

Scanning along the user list of my favorite instant messenger I spotted a good buddy on line I shot him a pm and he told me to check out this one room called claws and scales. I popped in the room and saw the run of the mill furs and few herps. All looking for something or someone. So I checked out the profiles of everybody in the room and ran across one I thought was rather odd. But he liked computers and some other stuff I was into. So I sent him a pm...

We chatted for a hour and found out that we only lived a few miles apart from each other. We made a date and exchanged phone numbers and said our good byes and logged off. "Cool! Might have a new computer buddy"! I thought to myself. Our date was set for Friday since he and I had off from our jobs. I logged off and went to bed.

Friday came and I had all my stuff I wanted to bring along with me software, and some odds and ends of hardware we wanted to swap. I arrived a 30 minutes early. I made sure I had all my stuff that I wanted to bring along. So I grabbed my bag of stuff and went up to his door. I rung the door bell and heard a almost cool, mellow sounding very deep voice.

"Hold on I'll be right there in a second" In that time frame I gave myself a once over and brushed my shirt off of lint and what ever else that clung to it. I heard the door knob turning....

"Well, Hello there! I'm glad you could make it bit early too. I was just getting things cleaned up a bit before you came over".

"I got all the stuff you wanted to swap with me right here in this bag" I said.

"Cool glad you had that stuff you saved some extra cash".

"Come on in and we'll get things going in a few" He said.

Nice place you got here by the way. Sure beats my trailer home I live in.

So I never did catch your first name when we chatted since we hit things off pretty quickly that night.

"The name is Tod. I think you had your on your profile I do recall but I'm bad with names" With a chuckle I replied "Everyone calls me Kurty at work so I guess that will do"

"Right so right so. Come on in and don't worry about your shoes my claws do more damage then those army boots you got on.

I walked on in to the main living area and saw he had a rather nice T.V and the stuff that goes with it. A few pictures and some wall hangings. Soon my host had come back down the hallway with his claws making a clacking sound on the wood floor. He was a raptor, brown in color and with a well developed set of muscles and hard packed abs. He had on a pocket shirt and blue jeans with them cut off about to his knees. He stood about 7 foot maybe a few inches more.

Well, follow me upstairs to my computer den I have. Before we go you want something to drink?

Sure what ya got for drink? I'm not to picky about things really, anything wet.

Well I have some beer and some off brand cola for mixing drinks. Or else some hot tea? Tod asked.

Water and ice for right now is fine with me. I responded.

We chatted about many different subjects and many different views we had on each one. Until finally we got down to those personal ones.

"Hey by chance do you have a love in your life"? I sensed something in Tod's voice that he wasn't coming clean on something. I told him that I had been looking for somebody but held back on which sex it was. He was thinking on something to say when the computer in front of us made a noise and a message popped up saying it was done installing the hardware I installed in it.

We both beamed with grand smiles across our faces.

Wow! thanks for trading me vid cards! I can't wait till I get the rest of the ram I need to bring this system up to speed. That won't come until Wednesday night.

I checked all the drivers and the files and left him the disk with all the stuff that he would need to reinstall it. I began to put all the tools and items I had brought along with me back into the bag. Took one last look at the computer and shut it down.

Well it looks like we both are set for awhile until either one of us needs something.

Let me know when you get the rest of the stuff you ordered comes in and I'll come back over to tweak it for you. Here is my cell phone number.

Thanks! Tod then walked over to his computer and set the paper down. I'll add it to your contact card on my computer. Boy it's on the late side of the night. You up for some late night food?? I know a great pizza place just down the block. They have a good pizza pie and fair prices. I haven't eaten all day so I'm starved!!

"OK lets go. Can you fit in my truck"? I asked Tod. I should be able to if you don't mind or we could take my ride? Well lets just walk then?

Sure! I can do that that way. We can work up our stomachs before we chow down on some good food. Quite right.

We hit it off that night pretty good. We kept in contact and chatted a lot on the phone but his work schedule and mine made it hard to get away to see each other. One morning I came home to find a IM from one of my buds.

Hey whats up? You know that Tod you have hang n with is gay right?

I didn't respond to it.

I got a phone call.... It was Tod

What's up there Tod?

Ummm what are you doing Friday? Cause ummm we need to talk about something that you might not know about me. I would like to tell you in person if you don't mind?

Sure I can come over but I can swing it! So don't worry about it.

Thanks talk to you when you get here Friday.

I went over to his place and knocked on his door. He opened the door and looked very upset about something. He motioned me in.

What's on your mind Tod? You know I'll stick by you 100% I said in a slow, mono tone voice.

Even if I'm gay??? With a sad look in his eyes. Which began to well up with tears.

I should have told you before we went to far along. That I'm gay... With that he began to hide his face.

What does that got to do with anything? Why be so upset over it? I knew it for the moment I set my eyes on you when we met for the first time. We share way to much not to be buddies or what ever we are. If you weren't gay I'd still be you buddy since being Bi myself.

With that comment he picked his head up with a look of shock.

Are you kidding? You....You mean you don't even care that I'm gay? Most people would freak even if they knew I was a dino. He began to giggle and laugh at little.

See you were so upset a few seconds ago. I never did like the rules or boundaries of society places on everyone. In fact, I even like herps more so then normal furs. I have been around the furry block as you might say. Now what was the issues you wanted to talk about? I asked jokingly.

Well that was it...I guess other then that nothing.

We both sat there in looking at each other like we both wanted to say something but was wating for the other to say it first. Tod glanced away and began walking down the hallway. I was just taking in the sight that was walking down the hall as his tail swung behind him and how each muscle flexed and moved in his taught legs. Seeing him just move made me drool with envy.

In mid step he turned and said, "I do have one small task if you don't mind before you go? I bought a new flat screen and would like to hook it up, but I can't seem to get them little screws in. My claws don't seem to like small parts"

Where is the box? I can grab it for you. It should take me a few minutes to hook all the stuff up. So I began to walk towards him. He pointed to his living room and I went down the hall to get the box. I looked at the box, it was pretty big one. But it had handles on the side which made it a tad easier to handle. But it was very heavy almost too heavy. With a grunt I picked it up and began walking to his stair case avoiding things like pictures and chairs and other items in my path. I reached the top of the stairs without any problems. Tod was bent over moving his old monitor and placing it on the floor. I walked over and sat the box down and stood up.

Soon every muscle in my back cried out in pain and tensed with a burning sensations.

Man.... I sure did over do it at work today cause right now my back just yelled at me.

"Are you ok"?? Tod asked as he moved to help me. We moved the box closer to the desk and unpacked the rest of the stuff and set it up. I had everything hooked up and ready to go when I sat down and arched my back.

Let's fire this sucker up and see what it looks like. Should be a vast improvement over your old screen you had. Very good eye candy..

"Yeah I hope this sucker is worth it. The sales guy told me it was the best in the store.

I hate to prove him wrong". With a big grin he reached down and hit the power button..

It was 2am until we finally decided it well worth the price he had paid and the sales guy lived for another day. I got up and once more my back yelled at me for lifting too much and I dropped to my knees in pain. I was able roll onto my back to ease the pain somewhat. Tod got off his chair and knelt by me and asked, "Perhaps you might want to spend the night? Your more then welcome to it's the least I can offer to you."

'I'm tough! I can get into my truck and make it home ok. Besides you have to work tomorrow, I don't want to burden you too much".

Your sure? Asked Tod

"Yeah I just need to toss on my work boots and heft myself up into my truck". I began to stand up very slowly and the pain set right back in and back down to my knees I went. Back flat to the floor once more with him hovering over me. I glanced up and saw his nostrils and teeth. With a sexy voice "Your have some mighty fine looking teeth and kinky nostrils" We both laughed.

"Come tough guy.. I'll get a nice hot bath going for ya. And I know you keep a extra set of duds in your truck. I'll make up the spare bed and you can stay here until you feel better". He reached down and lifted me like I was nothing more then a sack of cement. And then walked toward the bathroom. He sat me on the tub surround and I took off my shirt and and undid my belt and pants. Now the socks were the tricky part. Lifting one leg on to my knee my back let me know I shouldn't try that anymore. My face contorted in pain and anger.

"Dam! Sucks.... I can't even take my socks off. Man I messed up my back good"!

"Here let me help you out". Tod slowly lifted my foot and removed my sock off my left foot and then did the same for my right one.

"Boy you feet are really rough I thought mine were bad! You must stand and walk alot to get them soles so hard. He begins to rub and kneed them both. "So hard and rough, for such a gentle person that cares". Slowly he works his hands around them both with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah... I stand for 10 to 15 hours a day. It's a job but that's about it. Well Tod it's like this, you either work for someone or you work for yourself".

"I guess your right. I guess that's how things are in this day and age". Tod replied, "Lets get you undress the rest of the way. Let ya soak and then I got some ointment to help your back out. I had it for years and never used it".

Tod slowly pulled my pants off and helped me to stand and soon his claws were in my waistband. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and his scaled hands touching my waist and lower half. Even in the pain I was in it felt so electric, so pleasing to be caressed by each scale on his hands and feel the slight points of his claws. His touch made me shiver....

I was slowly stepping into the the tub when I saw the look on his face, he seemed to be like in a daydream. He soon looked around and gathered up my item and head off to the guest room down the hall. I relaxed in his tub that was very big enough for 3 people. I heard him say something but didn't make it out.

I got out of the tub and my back felt better. I was walking down the hall when Tod called out.

"Your bags with your stuff is in the guest room. I grabbed both bags. I got supper on it's way here. Is pizza fine? I need to make to make a phone call so just give me a few minutes".

"Yeah sure and thanks". I didn't realize that the other bag was my toys I had. I laughed to myself. Hope he didn't get scared by the size of some of them.

I looked in my bag and found a shirt and a pair of shorts so I tossed those on. And went down to the kitchen. I heard Tod coming down the steps as he made his way down the hall he spoke.

"Pizza should be here in 10 minutes and I found the ointment to put on your back. We can toss in a dvd to watch I got some new ones.

I got the works for the pizza and the other one is a meat lover's one".

With the pizza just about gone and the dvd just about over with there was a awkward silence between us. I felt that he wanted to say something but just didn't know how to ask it. The dvd was over and we both kinda sat there. I looked at him and he looked at me with those eyes that have the look of inquisitiveness. I knew what he was going to ask about.

"Well what shall we do now? Food is done the show is done and it's to late to do or go anywhere. Hey where did we leave off on that game that we had going? I'd like to put some hurt on that one bad guy that keeps spanking my ass".

"Oh... ummm yeah sure. I think before before we do anything else I need to apply that stuff to your back. It's upstairs." Tod then got up and head up with me right behind him with a excellent view of his rump and tail in his boxer shorts he had on. For a big hunk of dino nothing was out of place everything was perfect. I wish I was the same way. I had the height but a tad too much weight. We both sat down and he told me to remove my shirt which I did.

"Perhaps it's would be better if I was to lay on the floor or bed? I don't want to get that stuff over you chairs. Leather is a bitch to clean". I got up.

"Yeah that would work also. I think the floor is a very good idea". Tod nodded, then he went to get the bottle and I moved to the floor to lay on my stomach.

"I hope this stuff works. I never had to use it myself. It's supposed to relax and numb the pain where ever you put it". He gave the bottle a squeeze, He slowly began to rub and work my back. I never had a massage before so it was pretty neat. He had touch and my back soon relaxed and I felt very at rest. Soon he was down to my lower back. I felt wonderful! Then he stopped.

"Why did you stop for? Keep going"!

"I would but you ran out of back area"!

"So? Your half way done as it is, why not do my whole body??"

"I can do that". And he went back to work rubbing my legs and my feet.

As he worked I thought about giving him some fun in return And I knew he wanted it...

"There! All done. How do feel there"???

"Great but you missed a spot".

"Where??? I got ya from head to toes! How can I miss a spot?"

"The muscles in my upper thigh and butttocks area"! With a evil tone "Do it now"!

"Ok". He then removed my boxers and began to rub my thighs and ass. I could see hear him breathing heavily I could tell I had him hot.

"And if you find any other part not oiled up go ahead and give it a rub job as well". With that comment I knew that would push him over the edge. His hands began to get closer and closer to my asshole and soon he was rubbing the ring around it. I was speechless. All I could do is moan and groan. Soon after that I felt a claw tip slip in and out. After a few more rubs he was heading down to my cock. Soon his hands were playing with my balls and cock. I was rock hard and dripping .

I rolled onto my side and asked him "Perhaps you would like a little stroke yourself??? It's all good..." With that being said he stood up and removed his shorts and his equipment came into view. He was hung. I figure about 11 inches and 4 inches around. His shaft and his balls were huge and heavy looking. He laid down on his side next to me in a 69 position and his cock and rump in easy reaching distance. I began to stroke and fondle him with one hand and the other began to trace his anus pucker with the lightest of touch. I knew he needed this. He began to leak lots of precum form his cock like a small trickle of water. I took a quick lick and found it rather delightful.

As we lay there enjoying each other's cocks he began to quicken his breathing, I knew he was close. I wondered how much raptor spunk I could get from his meat before I pumped him dry. He was getting closer and closer to the final moment. I began to suck with even longer strokes up and down his shaft. His pre was trickle before now made itself into a steady stream. I heard him gasp and grunt and moan. Then I felt his cock pulse and twitch ... The flood of his load washed over my tongue and down my throat with such amounts I couldn't keep swallowing it. Soon I had all I could take and let him loose from my lips. With that he shot spurt after spurt on me and his thighs. Finally the torrent of cum ended. He laid there gasping for air.

Ohhhh. Mmmmm that....was....good. He slowly sat up to survey the pool of cum he had laid down on me and the floor and himself. He got up and grabbed a towel from the bed.

I gazed at his meat as it swung in front of me. Cum still dripped from it as he walked to throw the towel in the hamper. He soon put his shorts back on and a wet spot began to form where his cock head was.

"Boy your sure do cum a lot! I have never seen anyone or anything blow a load like you did. And your still dripping cum yet. You would put a horse to shame with a spray job you just gave me and the floor".

"Yeah I cum a lot. My cock will ooze for another 10 minutes. Did you cum? I was so caught up in the job you were doing I didn't notice". He tugged at his wet shorts.

"I wouldn't worry about me. It takes a bit more for me to cum." I said in a sly manner.

"Hows that"? Tod ask looking down at his shorts getting wetter by the minute. He soon removed them and grabbed the towel which he used to wipe up the floor with. "Well I shall keep this on until I stop dripping".

I looked at the clock and it read 2:35am. "You should get to bed for some rest,I know you have to work tomorrow and I don't".

"Oh that's no big deal. I called in and ask to have off until monday. The boss didn't care and asked if everything was ok since I hardly ever take off from work. I needed a break anyhow".

"Well I'm going to head to bed I'm beat after your rub down and hand job.

Night"! As I began to get up and grabbed my shirt and shorts.

"Good night And thanks for the fun today. I needed that, I was going mad"! Tod then sat back down at his computer and shut it down for the night.

There is more to come. Next part it gets fun. Any comments fire them at me in care of [email protected]