Human and The Wolf Cub

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The air was crisp and the sun shining bright on this wonderful day, as I walked through the village city. The maidens singing as they do their daily chores, the farm boys milking the cows and delivering the milk to the market venders. The blacksmiths pounding the hot iron and steel to make the weapons and armor for the castle guards and wandering travelers, that passed through the city. Every day was the same, but full of excitement and adventure! I walk up to the human man in the fox spirit mask and black cloak, "Hello mister Keplic! How are you?" The man looked down at me, his eyes glowing a faint red, "Hello Hemi! Its so good to see you on this fine day!" Mister Keplic picked me up and put me on his shoulders and made monster noises and stomped around. Me and mister Keplic always had fun together, he was a big kid for being such an old human. I laughed as other kids gathered around us. The sharp eyes of the cat girls, the shiny scales of the little snake children, and the puffy tails of the bunny and deer kids surrounded mister Keplic. We laughed and played through the plaza, pointing out interesting things and talked to the many villagers. Mister Keplic preformed magic tricks that amazed everyone, even the travelers would stay, just to watch. Everything was was like a good dream..."Hemi! Come here and get away from that thing!" A firm female voice yelled from behind us. I shivered as I heard my name, mister Keplic turned around to face my mother. The tall female wolf tapping her foot on the ground, with an angry evil look on her face. The wolf growled as she looked at me. Mister Keplic was not happy to see her, "It's ok Hemi, we can play again some other time. Ok?" Mister Keplic hugged me and patted my head. He was always a happy and loving person to everyone in the village, but to my mother...they hated each other. The other villagers starred at my mother in anger and pity. "Sarah, what do you have against the human. He is nothing but a gentle soul!" The tailors wife yelled from the second story window. "What's wrong with you?" The blacksmith said under his breath, as he cooled the new blade. He was closest to my mother, she turned and looked the blacksmith square in the eye. "Dragon, you of all people should know that all humans are vile, evil, demons, bent solely on hunting us down like targets in the forest! You have been in the war, you have seen what they do to the remains of our fallen! They use our skin and scales as blankets and armor. They use out blood as lures and for penmenship! How can you sit there as a human walks freely through our streets, and close to our children. Brainwashing them, making them believe that humans are kind and gentle. No! That is not right!!" The blacksmith simply sighed and continued his work, not saying a word. The other villagers simply turned away or went about their business, some mumbling as they left. "What a untrustworthy wolf.." or "The war was 100 years ago and the humans sighed a truce and vanished.." I felt so bad for mister Keplic, to be reminded by mother that he's human. I looked my mother in the eyes as she took my hand. She turned and walked away, not making a sound. I looked back and waved to mister Kiplic, he pulled a flower from thin air and waved back. I smiled and couldn't wait for tomorrow, so me and mister Kiplic can play and have fun again. Even if my mother hated the lone human in the village.