
Story by Nexus Light on SoFurry

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(much thanks to leftfieldlion for everthing)

"Nexus Light, known to few as the abyssal wolf. He has been around for over a thousand years and has seen much of what this world has done.

He hails from a far off planet whose name has long been lost to the sands of time. Long ago, intruders arrived on his planet, bringing with them violence and destruction. Nexus witnessed his best friend be mowed down by the intruders, and at that moment something trapped deep within him snapped lose. Souls that lied dormant within his very essence rose free, struggling for control of his very body, and much to the dismay of the very universe itself the one that claimed dominance was that of the demon lord of destruction.

In its blind rampage the demon killed anything and everything on his home planet. The beast then sealed it deep within abyss, hiding itself there to bide its time. Nexus struggled to regain control form the evil, feeling the time slip by slowly. What seemed to only take five years to his weary mind in truth lasted for closer to five hundred. He finally regained control and fled the abyss, leaving the dead husk of his lost world behind him to travel. Wandering across the very stars themselves, he desperately searched for a new place to call home.

In his travels he came across many different species. Among them were the timelords, who welcomed him in as one of their own. He stayed with them, learning much about the very fabric of the universe, but chose to leave once the threat of war reared its ugly head once again. He returned to his travels across the stars, search still for the elusive place that could be his home. He traveled for hundreds of years, and while the years wore heavily upon his mind and soul his body retained its youthful outward appearance. Eventually in his travels he came across the world known as Earth. Choosing to investigate this strange new place he began trying to find a place for himself. As he traveled the world alone, he met many people and civilizations. But deep down in his soul lay the fear of getting attached. What would happen if he involved himself in their affairs? If he fought on their behalf once again like he had in the past? Would it bring about his greatest fear, to let the horror deep within his soul loose to destroy this verdant world as well? Over the next 800 years Nexus managed to come more to terms with himself, and his past. Only recently has he begun to let people inside his inner circle. He has made friends of those that can understand the burdens he bears; the horrors he has witnessed. He has also begun to see this world for what it truly is. Home.

Nexus resides in the wastelands, where he finds the solace to reflect upon his inner demons. His focus and control keeping them in check for now. He sits, meditating among the very clashing pieces of his soul, showing themselves to the average passerby as glowing auras of energy. His fight rages on deep within his soul, for who knows what will happen if he loses control..."