Santa's Hulking Helper - 4

Story by SuperWaffle on SoFurry

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#4 of Santa's Hulking Helper

And here is part 4! Decided to go ahead and introduce an antagonist, sorry there isn't much growth in this chapter but I promise to make for it in the next. Rudolf did get his hands on another barrel of nuclear fuel after all, but whats this talk about nuclear infusion hes going on about? Hmm...

Anyway, experimenting with feats of strength, just testing out to see if I can pull if off. I'd like to know if you guys find these sort of strength feats erotic, I'm still not sure if I like how I did it or not.

"Won't Mr Drake let Rudolf get all big and pumped for dinner?" Rudolf cooed slowing, deliberately, letting the words roll off his long tongue, "pretty please? I promise I won't rip my dinner ensemble... too much."

Drake tried to say something just as Rudolf flexed his rippling pectoral muscles for added effect, and whatever the young director tried to say turned into a sudden moan. Rudolf could feel the fingers digging into the muscular landscape of his back as his boss continued to bury his face between his fluffy pecs. The chair, which was leaning dangerously backward, had been designed specifically for situations like this, and Rudolf knew it wouldn't break.

They were in Drakes office making up for the time apart when Rudolf was... hospitalised, and naturally, the hunky Rudolf had conveniently misplaced his clothes somewhere, as he had been doing for the entire week. Drake, on the other hand, was almost fully clothed saved for the gaping hole from which his 16 inch monster had torn through his pants. Even after four mind blowing orgasms, it was still rigid and slick with his cum, if it wasn't for the fact it was already six in the evening, Rudolf probably would have gone for another round, he could take it, hell his ass didn't even feel sore.

"Pleeease Mr Drake?"

All Drake could manage was a muffled moan as Rudolf continued flexing his pecs. Drakes cock was getting harder and harder against his abs and Rudolf knew it wouldn't be long before it exploded again.

"Oh don't do that Mr Drake!" Rudolf moaned innocently, nuzzling Drakes brown head, "You're going to miss your re-oooHHH!! Ugggghnn!!! Mr Drake!"

Drake had a finger down the shaft of his foot long reindeer cock. Rudolf could feel his breathing and heartbeat accelerating as his cock pulsed around Drake's long digit.

"More," Drake managed from between Rudolf's chest muscles, "then go."


The first giveaway that Rudolf Rednose had sashayed his rippling ass into the laboratories was usually the muffled squeals coming from the excitable interns at the front desk. That would lead to an almost sexual aroma wafting in through the soon to be opened door. People would start breaking things and others would start securing perishables with almost religious zeal, desperate to save as much as they could before Rudolf came in.

Matt had worked in Santa Inc long enough to know most of the games Rudolf played. The reindeer moved with such casual suave it was impossible to tell practically every movement, every word, and every single breath he took was designed to seduce everybody in the immediate vicinity. In fact, he was so good at it that nobody knew until he confessed in a Reindeer X interview.

Still, that didn't really change anything. He still played his games and every human being employed in the complex played along, and Matt was dying to see what Rudolf would do this time.


Oh god had he been pumping iron? The big blond hunk was pumped, his nearly naked body was clad in a skimpy pair of green posers. Matt felt his mouth drying up at the sight of the garment that couldn't even contain the stud's semi hard prick. A good quarter of Rudolf's throbbing member was visible from where it pushed out against the fabric. The garment itself clung so tightly against his cock Matt could even make out where the slit was oozing into the material.

It was then Rudolf's powerful scent collided into the laboratory technician. Matt felt his knees buckling as the stud's overwhelming musk burned a trail up his nostrils. The other technicians were falling all over the place by now, some even starting to cum in their pants right there and then. Random thoughts were floating into his head by now and Matt was content to just let himself be overwhelmed. Ahh... yes he remembered this article from headquarters. It was after the disaster in the perfumeries, the technicians had been given an entire fucking bottle of Rudolf's splooge to make magic with. Needless to say it didn't work out very-

Matt's brain gave him an imaginary slap, causing the whole world to crash back into focus.

Rudolf stopped before his work desk, which had been swiftly cleared by a diligent colleague. Matt held his breath as the hunky stud gave him that infamous cocky grin. Rudolf had definitely been working out and had come here without showering. But his nose told him more, there was much more than sweat making his fur glisten. Matt could smell, almost see the jizz that had been rubbed into Rudolf's chocolate fur, and he knew that there was a lot of it.

The muscular hunk placed his hands on the desk and leaned forward, slowly pushing his arms to the edges. Matt could feel the heat coming from those muscles as Rudolf's glowing nose came closer, stopping slightly above him and giving Matt an unprecedented view of those bulging muscles, from the pecs all the way down to Rudolf's pulsing cock.

"Sorry I'm late Matt," Rudolf cooed slowly, softly, the words falling off his tongue like molten chocolate, "do you have the order I placed? Mr Drake doesn't like things late."


Rudolf barely noticed the gibbering, sweating human that was making a huge mess of his own workspace to find Rudolf's order.

In truth, Drake had not placed the order at all. Rudolf had simply ridden on the tsunami of responses to the factory gym disaster to sneak in a tiny request.

There were... changes taking place. The Hulking was coming less and less frequently. His orgasms were getting more and more powerful, but the satisfaction was growing weaker and weaker. This resulted in him needing release more often than ever, and him becoming bolder and bolder. Less than an hour ago marked the first time Rudolf had pumped iron nude in a public gym and also his first public orgasm in said public gym. Even now it was taking conscious effort to prevent his cock from growing any bigger. If it got to full mast, he would probably lose control right here and now.

Not that the thought made him uncomfortable...

Rudolf shook his head. The human had finally pulled a box out from somewhere and was in the process of finding a key. There were other changes too. Rudolf could feel it in his own body.

He was growing.


He had shot up an entire inch and packed on 20lbs of muscle. There wasn't even a need to measure, he knew he was right. Even his muscles were swelling, having added an entire fucking inch of muscle to his biceps alone. The only thing that seemed unchanged was his waist length, which stayed at a very slim, very sexy 32 inches. Hell he looked pumped 24/7 and everyone thought he was pumped 24/7. But Rudolf knew better, if he was pumped, he would be even bigger.

Like he was now.

"H-Here it is."

A sudden surge of blood into his cock jerked him back to attention. Yes! That sensation! He could recognise it even in such a mild form.

Rudolf stared hungrily into the small barrel set before him. The technician was starting to speak, but Matt already knew what he was going to say. Headquarters had 'requested' for a batch of nuclear fuel for 'testing'. Factory operatives had been told a third party would make for a better tester in case the fuel had indeed melted the piping above the gym leading up to the 'disaster'. Or something like that anyway. This was a newer batch, just as potent but emitted far less radiation than the previous, making it safe for human handling as long as it stayed within the seal.

His breathing was getting heavy and everyone could see it. He wanted to attack that barrel right here and now. He wanted to grow HUGE! He craved the power only the Hulk could provide! But weren't there more important things? Dinner with Drake, keeping his secret a secret...

Rudolf swallowed, fighting to control his cock. The thick muscle was close to maximum hardness and spewing more pre into his posers than most people could cum. His cells were screaming for it, yearning to be pumped full of nuclear energy. He wouldn't need many more infusions... two or three more maybe...

Or... just one more...

The reindeer threw himself back to a standing position smoothly and coolly as he tucked the barrel under one arm.

"Thanks Matt," he said teasingly, delighting in the way Matt fell off his chair as he began creaming his pants.


Drake had long since done away with personal drivers, Rudolf's sex appeal was just too great and none of them lasted very long with him. The reindeer stud drove him around now, and even then he managed to sexualise just about every possible aspect of driving there was.

But this evening was a good one. Rudolf had made it all the way to the table without any visible shred in his suit.

They were at Le Rennes, one of the finest locales for fine dining in the entire Santa Inc. A glass of water here could set back a lower tier employee his monthly salary.

A big sleeved-yet-frighteningly-muscular arm eased his way across his waist and pulled him so close to its owner Drake could feel the heat from Rudolf's muscular body. Man he really was pumped this evening, if he didn't know better Drake would said Rudolf had grown bigger!

That was the other reason he liked Le Rennes, they didn't use chairs like Mundo's or La Porcherie. The used these big circular sofa-chair hybrids that surrounded the table, allowing diners to sit side by side if they chose to. Drake just hoped Rudolf wouldn't pretend to get drunk just so he could eat in nothing but his undergarments. Not that anybody would object anyway, everyone loved big bulging reindeer stud! Even now there was a veritable legion of waiters waiting for either of them to raise a hand, not many would risk attending to another customer and lose this rare chance.

Drake managed to relax by the third course. The integrity of Rudolf's suit was still acceptably high. There were some rips and snaps here and there, but no sleeve tearing biceps, no pants bursting cocks, no buttons exploding from his broad chest and shattering wine glasses or knocking people unconscious. Rudolf was unusually relaxed today.

Yep, all was good.


Drake had the surprising ability to keep his urges down when they needed to be. Even with Drake teasing him so much all he felt were the sexual urges, not the other kind. The reindeer was ready to feel content with just easing time away over good food and wine when a familiar face approached the table.

"Hello Drake, I see you haven't been fired yet."

There was an audible riiiiip, and Rudolf knew the right sleeve of his inner shirt was beyond saving, and even now he could feel the threads of his blazer straining to hold back his suddenly tensed muscle.

Steve, sometimes known as Factory Boss Steve was (as his nickname suggested), was the head honcho of the entire factory district. The bodybuilder was close to Drake in age, but that was where the similarities ended. Whilst Drake was lean and cut like a swimmer, Steve was big and buff like a bodybuilder. The Factory Boss kept his skin pristine and bronzed, Rudolf often felt as though the human was overdoing it, it just didn't sit too well with his blond hair.

But being the Factory Boss, Steve also had his own pet reindeer.

Blitz Bolton, fellow reindeer colleague to Rudolf, was often dressed in a crisp grey suit and was always far more composed than the currently inebriated Steve. Some of Rudolf's sharper tongued fans had described the muscular Blitz as a wannabe version of Rudolf. Blitz wasn't as big or tall, about 40 to 50lbs less muscled, and his brown eyes and black hair had been described as dull compared to Rudolf's striking olive-green and dirty blond. But then again, Blitz was someone who was usually calm and composed compared to the sexually playful Rudolf.

And he wasn't such a complete son of a bitch.

Hey... why isn't he anywhere in sight?


Drake listened carefully to every word that Steve spat out, waiting for the right opportunity to hit back. Steve had hated him the day they landed in the North Pole. An obvious muscle worshipper, Steve had thrown an embarrassing hissy fit when he found out Drake's reindeer was far bigger and sexier than his own.

Poor thing, he even made Blitz Bolton, the reindeer assigned to him, file the application to have their reindeers swapped. Naturally it was rejected, and the gossip that had spread from the issue had been... nasty at best. Blitz had been visibly hurt by the incident, but had strangely and suddenly recovered after a day, taking on an almost robotic demure. Rudolf had suggested he was hiding his feelings, but even the reindeer wasn't sure, they weren't really close.

"I don't know how you did it asshole. But I have Blitz interrogating every single person in the factory. I'm gonna find out how you wrecked my gym to distract everybody from your mishap, and when I do, I'll fly you back to home myself and take your reindeer!"

"Stevie! Listen to yourself! Blaming other people for the lack of maintenance on your side? I think that's a sign of incompetent leader-"

"I'll have you know I make a better leader than anybody! I don't know how you scored this beast here on the first day but I'm gonna get to the bottom of- OOWW!!"

There was a loud SNAP as one of Rudolf's shirt buttons burst off his heaving chest, rocketing into Steve's face and leaving a visible bruise between his eyes. Caught off guard, Drake could only roll to the side as Rudolf slammed two veiny fists onto the table and pushed himself off the sofa-chair. The reindeer hulk was tensed, and Drake could hear buttons popping and fabric tearing as Rudolf rose, towering over the swearing Steve.

His nostrils flaring in annoyance, Rudolf seized the smaller man by the collar of shirt and lifted him up and across the table, spilling and scattering the expensive cutlery. The right sleeve of his blazer exploded as Rudolf's biceps and triceps flexed monstrously, riddled with throbbing veins.

"Is there a problem Steve?"

It was technically illegal for reindeers to address district Chiefs by their first names alone, but Drake wasn't in any position to interfere. The reindeers cock had shot fully hard in the little adrenaline rush of lifting the smaller (but still big) man off his feet. Rudolf's pants, which had been tailor made such that it came with a pouch for his package, was straining to contain the angry beast.

Steve, clearly overwhelmed by the angry muscle beast that had so easily lifted him off the ground, tried to say something and failed. The bodybuilder's own cock was rock hard from being so close to the manifestation of his nightly dreams.

Rudolf snorted.

"I'll make myself clear Mr Steve," Rudolf uttered, his voice soft as a whisper, yet heard by every single person in the room, "when I put you down, you will turn around and you will fuck off. If you do this again, I will wreck - your - pretty - little - face. Clear?

Steve's face was as white as a sheet, the blood clearly rushing to all the wrong places. Still, when Rudolf let go, he managed to gracefully scuttle off the table before making a swift escape in the other direction.

Rudolf sat down as if nothing had happened, even taking a couple of sips of wine as he did. The atmosphere in the room had returned to normal, the other diners choosing to ignore what had just unfolded. There were more empty chairs though, their occupants having excused themselves for 'bathroom breaks'. Rudolf glanced down to Drake, whose mouth was still agape, and grinned.

"Is Mr Drake angry that I ruined another expensive suit?"


Drake had been waiting beside the car when Rudolf came back, having excused himself earlier for something. As soon as Rudolf came back into the light did Drake notice that Rudolf's top was now bare and his pecs and arms were pumped beyond belief. A sudden thought nudged the side of his head. Surely nobody would mind if he powerfucked this hunky piece of meat right here in the carpark. His expression was not lost to his personal assistant.

"I'll get naked on the way back Mr Drake," he said, tickling Drake with the words, "but we must leave now, I insist."

Drake still had a hand on Rudolf's meaty pecs when they approached the exit. Almost immediately he registered Steve's angry voice. The man was yelling.

"What do you MEAN you found it like that!? Cars don't just flip over in parking lots! I'll have you all fired for this! All of you! You hear me! You can start packing your fucking bags tonight assholes!"

A group of valets were standing around Steve, trying to calm him down. Behind them, Drake could see the mangled wreck that clearly used to be a set of very expensive wheels.

But it wasn't until they hit the wintery highway that the realisation hit him.

Rudolf grinned wickedly, flicking his tongue out as his boss turned to regard him.

"I've been such a bad bad boy Mr Drake!" he exclaimed before running that long tongue across his lips.

"I need to be punished."