Jack of Hearts -- Act 1

Story by Nightrat on SoFurry

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This is a two part story because it outgrew my original length but I felt there are enough differences between the two halves to justify splitting it for slightly different themes. Please leave comments and constructive critique about good or bad points or suggestions so that I can write better stories in the future. Thanks and enjoy.

"Ok, Violet. The number of the place we will be at is on the fridge. Keep safe and watch over Jack and don't destroy the house if you invite friends over," instructed their wolf mother. The father just looked onward impatiently, same routine all over again. Violet wanted to do the same but it would only make another speech of respect to elders.

Jack just turned 13 a few months ago and sat at the dinner table eating a meatloaf sandwich with ketchup. He ate it slowly to savor the taste and was trying to watch the television in the other room. His mother drowned out any audible context from the box and he gave up and went back to his sandwich. Jack finally hit his first major growth spurt, a little later than his friends, but slowly catching up. His fur was a soft grey, which would turn darker as he neared adulthood. He was active enough and was more lean than muscular at this point but that would change over time. He stood a little over 5 feet tall and his hair was a random mess, not like a bed head, but just a mess-type style. His tail grew in apparently, it was larger in ratio to his body, but it signaled to him that he would be larger in a few months.

His parents finally walked out the door and Violet stood over him in a dictator manner. "My friends are coming over tonight so please don't be a brat today. We might be drinking too. Dad says it's ok as long as no one drives."

"Can I--" Jack blurted out quickly but was cut off.

"No you can't drink. Oh my god, they'd kill me."

"Actually, 'can I find out who's coming over?'" That wasn't Jack's original question, it was drinking, but he wanted to make it sound otherwise.

"Why does it matter? You plan to talk about guys with us or something? I can paint your claws pink if you want." Violet said teasingly.

"Or...you could tell me now so I don't have to harass them to find out and maybe I'll be less of a pain if you tell me."

Violet, a 17 year old wolf a head taller than her brother with a full head of brown hair that was cut shoulder length, knew that it was a false promise but what harm could it possibly do. "Rachel and Casey."

Jack gulped down the rest of his food and got up and tossed the plate quickly into the sink. He practically ran down the hallway into his room and closed the door.

Violet stood scratching her head, "What's with him?" Violet went over to do the dishes leftover from the day. She stopped thinking about Jack, she couldn't figure out boys for the life of her, let alone her brother.

He was in his room, it was shared with no one and it was decorated with various sci-fi mechbots and other futuristic machine models. He had a TV, no cable though, for playing video games and a computer for school work. Jack's pace quickened and he was short of breath. Rachel was coming over! Thoughts raced in his head and he was pacing back and forth in his room. He loved it when she came around; it was one of Violet's few friends that would at least talk to him for a few seconds. He thought that she was also brilliant because she talked him about higher math, chemistry, and biology. Jack clearly wasn't on the level, but he would take the advanced science route in school when time came. It was nearly a quarter of an hour of Jack walking to his bed to his door, back and forth.

"Shit! I gotta clean this room up or she'll never want to be in here." Jack blitzed around the room to put away papers, put away his models in progress, and put his dirty clothes in the laundry bag. "Yea, last thing I need is for Violet to see my dirty briefs on the floor," he said to himself. Then a thought from nowhere sneaked inside, "unless she put em on the floor for you." He pushed the thought away from his head; it was his friends he hung around with. They managed to make everything into a sexual innuendo; he didn't mind that with other girls but not Rachel.

After the room was reasonably clean, Jack moved the clothes down to the laundry closet and grabbed the air freshener to make the room not smell like icky boy. He never minded this himself, but he wanted to impress Rachel that he wasn't too immature anymore. He saw his sister on the phone overhearing that they will come over within the hour.

Jack walked over to his closet door and opened it up to reveal a full-sized mirror. He stripped down to the nude and stood there to look at his body. He started getting more involved with sports but his friends were outpacing him. His father explained that his time was coming soon and the muscle will grow in, as well as the extra fur and stronger scent. He looked and felt his groin area, wishing he was "better equipped" there as well right now. He slowly noticed the darkness growing on his fur. His paws were becoming blacker and the rest of his body was turning a deep grey. His belly was the lightest area, almost white in the belly button area. His impatience was enhanced by the fact that Rachel would be gone in a few months to go to college. He'd rarely ever see her again, if ever.

He shuffled over to his bed and started touching his sheath and thought about Rachel. He was picturing her in his head from the last time he saw her a few weeks ago. She was a pure white taller rabbit with deep blue eyes. Rachel's ears were long with pink centers and she hung them behind her at times. She wore sophisticated outfits that were revealing but still professional enough for a corporate woman to wear. Her curves were so incredible because the frame of her body was lighter at the top, but there was defiantly power behind those legs. Not muscular in a bulky way, but leaner and posed an aspect of fast agility. The most appealing part to Jack was her small, sexy glasses. She did not need them all the time, but it was just amazing, especially when she took them off and put on of the arms in her mouth to think of something. Last summer when she was in a red swimsuit, he thought his heart would explode out of his chest.

Jack snapped out of his daydream when he heard a door slam and female voices emanating from the living room. He distinctly heard Rachel's voice and started to panic. "Geeze, she's here. What do I do? Just act natural." After a few moments, he discovered his nakedness, "Not that natural!" He threw his previous clothes under the bed from view and picked some "cooler" ones and tried to compose himself.

After Jack's heartbeat lowered, he calmly spoke softly to himself, "Turn on the Furstation, walk out and get a cola, and make your presence known. Just be cool."

Jack walked casually out of his room and over to the fridge to get a soda as planned. He walked over to the door where all the girls were at and stood to the side as they chatted away amongst each other. He slowly slid over next to his sister's side to make himself more noticeable, switching views from Rachel and Casey, a raven. Casey and Jack did not get along at all because she thought Jack was just a pest who continually got in the way. The last incident resulted in a bitter departure between the two and Violet was unsure of what side to pick considering that she wasn't there. Casey noticed Jack appearing closer to try to be among them and she quickly started in on him.

"What the hell do you want?" Casey demanded. Everyone else got quiet as the dialogue between the two started to heat up.

Jack stood there calmly, "Nothing. I can't stand here in my own home?"

"Ok. Then why do you want to stand here for? You need help getting ready for bed, little fur?" Casey was thoroughly amused by her comment and chuckled a little. Jack noticed that she was swaying a little bit and some of the words took more effort to escape her beak.

"Clearly I can't ask you for that considering you can barely stand up strait at this point."

"Bah! I'm fine you little runt. Now get out of here!"

"Wow. Someone got off on the wrong side of the nest this morning. I guess we'll just have to put up with you since both sides are wrong."

"You little..." Casey started to lunge at him and Violet stepped in and halted the raven before contact could be reached. Casey was not amused by any means and struggled against the wolf but Violet wasn't exactly a pushover.

Violet was pretty irritated at the scent and started to chastise Casey, "What's your problem anyway? You start in on my little bro and you can't even take one little comeback?"

Rachel quickly stepped near them and tried to whisper in Violets ear, "I'm sorry. She pre-gamed a bit before we got on the road. I'll take Jack to his room and you take care of Casey. Hopefully, she'll calm down by then."

Violet moved the raven into a more suitable posture before asking if Rachel was going to drink at all. Rachel shrugged indifferently and Violet said she was going to have a few drinks with Casey to calm her down.

Rachel ushered Jack out of the room and they walked down the hallway into Jack's bedroom. Jack was really excited about updating her with his models, games, and new trinkets to his room and Rachel was listening intently to him. That's what the little wolf loved about Rachel: the bunny listened to him and actually talked to him like an equal most of the time. Seeing that the Furstation was on, Rachel picked up a controller and gestured Jack to do the same. She wasn't all that good, but there were cooperative games they both could play and enjoy. She swiped the pillow off the bed to move to the floor to sit on and they played a few games next to each other.

Time passed on and both furs slowly moved closer to each other as adjustments were made for comfort. Jack's nose started to pick up the perfume from the bunny and started to get a little mellow. Jack was sitting right next to her now, bumping elbows from time to time when the game started to get more intense. He did not play much attention to the game but more to the female next to him. Her pure white fur was so close, her shirt pushed up a little to expose the side a little. In the next game, he killed off his character on purpose and had to watch Rachel continue on. Since he didn't need the controller anymore, he placed it in front of him and bided his time and started to brush his hand against her back. Feeling no resistance, Jack continued on through the excitement that he was actually doing something with her at all. To a fur of her age, this was nothing, but to Jack, it was everything.

He moved from lightly brushing Rachel to rubbing her back with his right paw. Rachel shifted over to place more of her back to him and Jack slowly started in with his left paw. Even though it was over her top, Jack become more and more in a state of comfort as she continued to play her character. The young wolf moved upward to brush his hand though her silky brown hair and kneaded his way to her scalp. The movements were slow and Rachel found it soothing and more relaxing.

Her character died and Jack went to reach for the controller, somewhat upset that the there would be a break in the action. Before Jack could reach it, Rachel batted the object away and asked if she could play a single player event. There was no disagreement on Jack's part! Rachel stood up to stretch and gave a cute smile to Jack, who shyly glanced away. Rachel gave a little giggle and rubbed the top of Jack's messy hair and moved his legs from the criss-cross position and sat down in front of him.

After a few minutes passed by Rachel called out Jack's dilemma tactfully and moved his paws to her leg and stomach, moving the shirt so he could get direct contact with the fur. It was permission enough that she was comfortable with him to move around those areas. Jack continued on and was watching the game and passively caressing her legs and tummy. She shifted her weight a few times to move closer to him and leaned against him a little more. There was a limit to what she could do because Jack did not have anything behind him to go against. Jack carried on and started to snuggle his head against her shoulders. As she was nearing the end of the level, Jack made the decision to give an innocent lick of affection on Rachel's cheek. The game ended and Rachel got up.

She pulled out her cell phone and looked at Jack. Her smile wasn't there and had some token of seriousness in it. "I need to check up on a few things. I'll be back in a little bit, maybe." She bolted out the door without saying much else.

Jack wasn't happy about the suddenness. Thoughts of despair ran through his head. 'You're in over your head. You think she'd really bother with a pup like you? Come on, she probably has a boyfriend already. She was only letting you do that to be nice. Maybe there was something else and it wasn't you.' The thoughts clumped together and so did part of his throat and he struggled to breathe. He tried to clear his head but the thoughts kept appearing, one meshing against the other to cause a calamity. He wanted to check on what was going on but he'd be labeled a stalker at that point. Time passed on in agony, leaving the juvenile wolf to his mental torture.

Half an hour had passed before Rachel emerged back into his room again. Jack resorted to mindlessly playing his game in hopes to drown out his images and had a mixed look of guilt and fear on his face.

"Rachel...I didn't mean to..." Jack fought back the tears and pressed on, "I just wanted to lick you but...I guess I scared you off." He looked away and wiped his nose with his sleeve then felt a soft paw to his chin.

Rachel was smiling and very emphatically said, "Hey, I wasn't scared off by you at all. You're sweet but--"

"I'm too young. I know." Jack was very harsh at the statement, more anger with himself instead of Rachel.

Rachel pulled out the cell phone and brought up the recent messages sent to her. "Here." She slowly moved through the text messages for Jack to see. They were a bunch of messages of asking what Rachel was doing and other odd comments that seemed irrational to Jack. "They are drunk. I wanted to check up on them."

"Why would they send odd messages like that for? It doesn't make sense at all."

"Well, that's what being drunk does. You act stupid and I'd rather not drink tonight. They wasted the Captain already and I told them that I'd hang out with you for the night. They don't care and probably won't remember when they wake up anyway."

Jack got more of his composure back and cautiously asked, "So you getting up like that was for my sister, not me?"

"Yep." Rachel poked her finger to Jack's nose. She moved to the door and closed it quietly. "They'll probably get loud. Anyway, you want to just lie down for a little bit?"

Rachel moved the pillow back to the bed and lied down with enough room for Jack. He lay down next to her and she wrapped her arms around Jack. Jack's evil thoughts that plagued him were banished and he resumed his comfort. Rachel rubbed his upper body softly for a few moments and became a little frustrated.

"Shirt's a little too thick, wolfie." Rachel leaned up and removed the garment, exposing the white and grey fur beneath and Jack had a little bit of a stupid look on his face. Rachel found it to be cute and lay down, facing him and resumed rubbing his chest and belly. Jack found her paws to be soft and very relaxing. He lay back almost dreamily enjoying the attention he was receiving.

"So how long did you exactly have this crush on me?" she whispered in his ear.

Jack snapped out of his dream-like state. "How...how did you know?"

"I didn't. But you just told me." Rachel moved on top of him, spreading her legs out while his stayed strait. She leaned in so she was face to face to the surprised wolf, "So?"

"Ten. Since I was ten."

"That's so sweet." She brushed his hair back and his emerald colored eyes shook slightly. "You don't have to be so shy with me though. I want to see the brave, strong wolf that you are. Like you were against Casey." Rachel moved within inches from Jack's muzzle, "We'll tell each other if we are making the other uneasy. It's all in the body movement."

Rachel was keenly aware of the age difference and she tried to tactfully explain to Jack about their comfort without embarrassing him. She could see the inexperience with these feelings; she remembered what it was like for herself. Her goal was to try to get Jack to relax and let him take things in slowly.

Jack spent some time absorbing what was said to him and he began to understand the message a little more. He was still fighting the amazing concept that this was really, truly happening. She was being so patient with him and she seemed eager to move on without being overly aggressive. He stared at those deep blue eyes and gave a quick lick, resuming what he was doing before she left the room the first time. He continued a few more times, moving from her cheeks to neck then a small kiss on her forehead.

Rachel was only slightly affected by it and almost gave a subtle hint to her partner that he wasn't quite giving what she wanted. Jack may or may have not picked it up but he warmed up enough over time to move forward. He rubbed his nose against hers, then closed his eyes and moved forward to a kiss. Rachel took it in and gave return, increasing the motion and she pursued quickly before Jack had a thought of breaking the kiss. It became deeper and he moved his tongue into her mouth and tilted his muzzle to lock closer to her mouth. Jack was engulfed by the movement; he stopped his logical thinking and began to step into the world of intimacy. He went to his desires and kissed deeper, each moaning increasing in his wants, each sniff of her scent driving him forward. He moved his legs to wrap around hers and pulled her in closer. He bucked his waist forward as he tried to move around and his paws ran up and down her back.

A deep-seeded lust grew within him and he generously used the advice Rachel gave him to not be shy about continuing. Jack became more entrenched and excited now that Rachel was gaining pleasure along side him. He felt like a stronger, faster, better wolf. He slipped his right paw under her shirt to find the bra strap. After fumbling with it for a few moments, Rachel leaned up and smiled unlocked it for him. She took his paws to the bottom of her shirt and allowed him to reveal the treasure within. Rachel stretched her arms wide and Jack was enjoying the sight of pure white C-cupped breasts with bright pink, hard nipples. She repositioned herself so Jack could be on top and explore the newly discovered region. Rachel held her index finger out and moved it across her arms, neck, chest and belly to show to Jack that other areas were just as important as her breasts. Jack seemed to understand and slowly caressed her left breast while kissing her arms and neck. Rachel laid back and enjoyed herself as the wolf appreciated and accepted her entire upper body with careful attention.

Jack spent an exceedingly amount of time slowly examining the sight of her soft body, to feel her breasts and fur among his paws, and to taste her essence with licks and kisses. He crawled up closer and gave deep kisses to Rachel and she pulled him closer to feel her tender breasts among his grey, furry chest. He began to instinctually dry hump Rachel during the deepest moments of kissing and his paws occasionally navigated to her bottom and tail. Jack then moved away upward a little and began to tease the nipples directly out of curiosity to see what it could do to her. The build up was immense for Rachel and she began to moan more frequently. This only encouraged the lusty wolf to go further and move in to give another kiss session then returned to more nipple play.

Rachel was being excited too quickly and she'd be damned to have an orgasm just through nipple stimulation alone. Rachel fought very hard to not begin to paw herself but instead halted Jack on his work. Jack had a look of confusion of why she would stop in the middle of such pleasure until she pointed at her shorts. His expression changed to a very surprised look of 'are you serious'? Rachel pointed again and nodded, waiting for him to get the message. Jack caught on and took the guess before Rachel would be forced to guide him again. She was pleased that the youngster was a very quick learner. Jack unzipped the shorts and slid them off slowly with the panties in the same motion. Rachel was pleasantly surprised that Jack did not intend to toy around to keep the undergarment off.

Jack finally slipped off the remaining garments and dangled them before Rachel to prove that the deed was done. He dropped them down beside the bed and then spent ample time to take in the breathtaking scene of a very sexy, very naked Rachel. The entire body of this pure, white bunny with well endowed breasts with delicious pink nipples was all for him to enjoy. He took considerable time to stare at her sex and truly appreciate it. He unzipped his own pants to remove all but his boxer briefs. The impression of his penis was clearly evident and the boxers were stained in various places by his precum. Rachel looked onward in a devilish manner and Jack started at her groin area, very wet from her own juices, and pondered what to do next.

Jack chose to simply repeat what he did on the top of her body to the lower half. He fingered her inner thighs and found the entire area to be incredibly sensitive. Jack started to move from the belly button and give slow licks and kisses and move downward. He simultaneously moved his paws on her legs and buttocks. After more time passed, Jack started to play with the outer regions of her sex and rubbed them very slowly and softly. This caused greater moaning from Rachel and she began to rub her own breasts to increase to experience even further.

Jack's initial intention was to rub her vaginal anatomy with his fingers like he did with the breasts but an initial lick changed all of that. He licked above the vagina to discover a delicious surprise of the taste of her sweet sex. The taste amplified his sense of smell and he grew increasingly groggy from the aroma. Jack licked the surrounding region to get faint effects of taste and the entire groin region was a mess of sex juices and his saliva. The young wolf then licked in the middle of the outer lips slowly and Rachel gasped at the shock of pleasure that rippled in her body. Jack increased his assault and moved faster and faster within her nether region, struggling to gain more of her taste and smell with each greedy lick. Rachel's moans were continuous now and gave encouragement to the eager wolf to feed within her. She was growing ever closer to her climax and aggressively forced her paw between her sex and his muzzle. She will have him!

Jack looked up with a face that held no logic, just instinct and lust for his own wishes. He glanced up and waited for his next command. If she stopped him before, then he knew she now wanted something different. He gave no question that he would dare refuse his lover, Rachel. Jack saw Rachel in a completely different light as well, a soft, endearing creature also driven by a primal instinct.

"Fuck me!" The words entered Jack's ears and into his mind. The message translated was clear and there was no aspect of intimidation on his being at all. Jack's adrenaline pumped through his blood and he unleashed his lust, his wishes, and his desires of being with this creature for three years. He shredded his boxers for quicker removal and dove toward her sex.

The scene of seeing Jack destroy his clothing at her command drove her into frenzy. She spread her legs wide open, waiting for his arrive, and her body regained its lubrication to receive his member quickly. Jack found little resistance in placing his five inch penis stained with precum in her moist sex. Her juices were overflowing onto the bed and both furs smelled of sex and sweat. Jack discovered a new scent from Rachel as her natural odor masked the perfume. The sex movements were rapid as both furs were driven to near madness over their lust. There was no masking the moans or gasps from either fur, the noise echoed in the room and amplified its power. Rachel was being pressed against the bed by the force of the wolf and she wrapped him closer and closer. Jack continued to hump the bunny down as he was becoming more entangled and intertwined by Rachel. There was a look of pleasure that washed over Rachel's face and her gasps became shallower.

Jack's penis was throbbing inside her and he was soaking in the body heat that gave off from the bunny. Shocks of pleasure shot through Rachel as his penis rubbed against her inner sex. She moved her hips one more time to position the aim of Jack's penis to her G-spot. She basked and moaned as her climax reached its peak. Jack continued to pursue the assault relentlessly and she took full advantage of his endurance. The grinding, rubbing, and pleasure pushed Rachel to the edge. Her vaginal walls convulsed around the penis and she gave an exasperated moan and her body began to thrash around. She was drowning in pure ecstasy of her climax as the pleasure on every crevice of her being merged into one single moment. Jack held on as best as he could to push further and further. Several moments later he howled during the emergence of his climax and he rewarded Rachel his first stream of cum. Several blasts occurred after and Rachel felt the hot seed fill and touch her inner walls. She was driven into a second climax and fell from exhaustion. Rachel felt Jack leave her insides but still felt the extra warmth of his seed within her. Jack moved next to her, both breathed heavily, and both surrendered to the afterglow.

It took a long time for their rational selves to regain control of their bodies. Rachel rubbed her lover's chest and cuddled next to him while Jack weakly smiled back. Both did not verbally speak to each other but the affection was shared to an enormous expense. Jack's body was punishing him for driving it so hard and his muscles temporarily gave out and he just took in her rubbing lightly on his chest and neck.

They enjoyed the silence and peace with each other before readying themselves to hide their secret, newfound love.