Zero's The Unsung Hero - There were no negotiations."

Story by DeltronZero on SoFurry


Yes. Del takes a ride down an interesting path.

Waking up sleepily at six in the morning, Del stumbles to his computer. Turning it on, the sound of it booting woke him up when it played through his powerful sound system. In his surprise, he jumped, knocking his glasses to the floor. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt," Del stated as he searched the floor for his glasses. Relplacing his glasses on his snout, he stares at his computer and rights a virus to infect the servers of job searching site to display his resume first. Before sending it out, he checked it over:


Alec Visaris

**1337 Leetus. Drive Nowhere's Town, Iowa (888)555-2525


Anything fitting.


Proficient or familiar with a vast array of programming languages, concepts and technologies., including, but not limited to: English, HTML, MS-DOS, Java, JavaScript, device drivers, compiler and language design, user interfaces, databases, client/server, telecommunications, debugging, reporting, and optimization. **

Maximum effective ranges with varrying weapons:

T-76 - 1.564 Miles

M82 - 1.498 Miles

M16/AR15 - 672 Yards

Bushmaster ACR - 700 yards

AK-47 789 Yards

Desert Eagle - 75 Yards

M21 - 900 Yards


Random Life-Gained Experience Worked with three years of Linux based computers, and more than 10 with Windows computers. I've coded programs, ranging from games to information macros.

Spontanious offers at various shooting ranges, lots of hunting, hiding, and shooting experience.


Masters in Computer Sciences, Major in Software Engineering, Graphics Design, and Ethical Hacking

** Life-Gained Skills, applied skills. The fact that you're reading this is a result of my abilities.**


Sending the virus, Del stood up and stretched. "Maybe the guys are on..." He ventured towards his Xbox and fired it up. Halo Reach already in, he placed the mic on his head and went to join in a firefight matchmaking lobby.

"Duuuuuuuuddde Call of Duty is sooooo much better than Battlefield!"

"No way man! Battlefield all the way!"

"Why the fuck are you guys on Halo Reach?"

"I invited them."

Del realized who the fourth player was.

"Automator, why you on another account?"

"My cousins have no clue about Auto, only this one."

"Ah, I see. They are kind of bitchy." "They are both 12. Not my fault."

The game began, and Del immediatly took to the jetpack class. Flying high in the air, he and Automator both unleashed a fury of fuel rod cannon rounds. Round 2. Jetpack class. Repeat. Round 3. Jetpack class. Phone call.

"Be right back."

"Alec, Come outside now."

"Who is this?"

Click. Who the hell was that? "Auto, be back soon." Del walked to the window to see a black SUV. The fuck did I do now? Del went to his room, grabbed his coat and handguns and ran outside as fast as possible. A young tigress jumped out the back and said, "I'm sorry." The passenger seat opened, and Del swung around drawing his knife, stabbing the man coming out the front seat in the stomach. "What is this?" he asked, turning to the woman, but it was to late, she already injected the seadtives into his neck. "I'm sorry..."


Waking up, surrounded in a white room, he looked for escape options. Windows, guardes. Door, gaurded. I need a way out. The chair behind the desk spun around, and a woman, fraile in stature,sat there, eyeing him up.

"So you're the man we're looking for?"

"I don't have a clue."

She threw a resume on the table.

"Perfect person for what we need."

"I see." Del, already out of his handcuffs, placed his elbow on the arm of the chair. "Why do you need me? IT, security, what?"

"Paid Killer."

"I see. So, let's talk pay. How much."

"You name a price. We throw in 10 custom weapons a year, and you name a price."

"Howsabout..... 700k a year?"

"Seems fair for a valuable asset. Welcome aboard!"

"What's the cache?"

"Well, there is the fact that you must kill who we ask."

"Alright. Deal."

"Splendid! We'll mail you all the vital information of your first target. Need a ride?"

"One more thing. I need a comapny vehicle."


Pulling up in his new military grade humvee, he ran inside and grabbed his camera. "Guys'll never believe this!" Taking a picture and sending it, he got an immediate reply from Rubik. "Nice! I bet you could hit your truck and only be a little dented!"