Fullhearts eve

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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Hey there!

This story was originally supposed to be published on valentines day, but circumstance got in the way, so you get it now!

It's rather long, in fact the longest fanfic i've written in one go. It's just a one-shot, but I felt that I might as well try and make a long one.

I hope you like cheese, because you're going to be up to your necks in it! (just kidding) And if you have no idea what I'm on about, just skip this bit a start the story.



It was early morning, the sun had barely risen above the horizon yet still the faint murmur of the city drifted up through the windows, leaving what could have been mistaken as a quiet day an Idea which would never become true. Everyone was far too busy preparing for celebrations of the day, shop keepers laid out their best red quilts on every table. Roses and other such beautiful flowers were being assorted in large quantities in front of most shops leaving a strong, yet not all too unpleasant, scent in the air. Various heart shaped trinkets and many jewels of brilliant colour and shine were laid out in the bright sun, dazzling even from all the way up the tower. The city was gearing up to shift as much coin and trinkets as it could before tonight and the beginning of the Full-heart celebrations.

The spring festival of fruitfulness, the celebrations of couples and courting, and every soul knew what it was implied to mean. Before the Great War, this celebration would be taken every year, whether it was on a grand scale or simple present of best wishes.

This year was set to be the biggest and the whole city knew it. The world was no longer on the brink of destruction, those hasty get together's made before the destruction of the world could either be cemented and allowed to flourish, or broken up and people left loveless and lost.

"A day for cheaters and liars..."

It was a time were businesses could sell out and profit from those desperate for love and companionship, draining poor souls dry of all their coin, grabbing every last penny out of the pockets of the love sick and love depraved. Well that's how the small, dark figure watching from her window thought at any rate.

Cynder pulled her head back into the cool surroundings of her room, instantly slinking over to her bed and collapsing on it. She stared with at wall as if it could give her some reason why this stupid celebration was taking place. It made no sense to her; surely the city should be preparing its defensives in case it got threatened? Why waste time and money on this farce of a celebration?!

Slowly, her eyes stopped staring down the wall and sunk low, drooping to face the pillow in front of her. She knew what was really getting her angry, what really made her detest the day. What was the point of a love celebration, when nobody loved her...

Her room was incredibly distant from all others which could even consider close to hers. She was so separate from others, so cut off from all society it left her with a deep loneliness which she thought she was used to. Visitors were a rarity, Cynder had thought that Spyro would be up here, and a lot of the he made the effort to see her, but then duties began getting in the way, and those moments with him slowly vanished, even the guardians had stopped checking on how she was.

She gave a small groan and rolled over, pulling the quilt over her and resting her head on the pillow; It was a double bed as well, the space to her left always felt so cold, so empty. Absentmindedly her tail flicked out into the empty space. Out of all the time they were together, it was painfully quiet now. She could imagine him lying next to her, just like when they were chained, but this time we wanted to be there, he wanted to be next to her.


She whispered to herself as she moved her tail and the illusion was broken, leaving nothing more than an empty space and leaving Cynder with no pretence that she was alone.

She spent the next few minutes wallowing on her bed, her mind wanted to find a way to enjoy Warfang the the Fullheart celebrations, it honestly did, but today was not a day to be alone, and Cynder felt more alone than ever.


A voice suddenly sounded from the window. Cynder leapt out of bed, twisting in mid air and landing to face the source of the disturbance, teeth bared. She stared at the window only to see a tiny yet reasonably amused face staring back.

"Sparx! What are you doing here?!"

She yelled, relaxing a bit but still ready to pounce at the little intruder. Sparx floated in the same spot crossing his arms in a mock defiant way.

"Well I was going to see how you were after all this time. But if you are going to treat me like that..."

He said slowly as he turned away, floating away from the window, a secret and small grin on his face.

"Wait! Sparx I'm sorry!"

Cynder cried out at the dragonfly, jumping towards the window. Yet before she knew it, Sparx had flown in and placed himself on a small cupboard near the window.

"Well since you said sorry, I guess I can forgive you; but only this once."

Cynder gave a small sigh at the dragonfly, past experience had taught her just to ignore his behaviour and today she really didn't want a fight. Quietly she walked back to her bed and jumped on it, she didn't care what Sparx thought of her anymore.

Sparx watched her for a minute without saying anything; Cynder just lay there and didn't move as she became wrapped in her own thoughts once more.

"Well... The conversation is thriving here isn't it? I didn't know you were so talkative Cynder."

Sparx said with a groan, getting up and hovering over to Cynder. Cynder raised her head slightly to look at Sparx, she considered retorting, but then she just lost all will to do anything and she let her head drop back onto the matress. Sparx sat back down on the end of her bed and stared at the sulking dragoness.

"Looks like someone is feeling down, this is bad even for you and you're Queen grumpy."

Cynder growled a bit, but she made no movement. Sparx was just taunting her, like always, she didn't even know why she let him in. Was she really THIS desperate for company? Sparx however gave a small flutter of his wings as he sat on the cupboard.

"Let me guess it's the celebrations isn't it?"

He said in a knowing voice, tapping the side of the bed as he waited for her response. But it was almost instantaneous. Cynder raised her head and said in a snarl.

"If I cared about the celebrations I'd be down with the others!"

She shook her head vigorously and continued but with less confidence.

"I don't need to have flowers and jewels thrust in front of me to be happy! I don't need it! It's all nothing but... rubbish! It's just waste of time!"

Even as she said it, she felt her voice losing all assertion, her insults falling flat in her own uncertainty. As she spoke she felt a deep hurt dig into her heart like a knife. Yet all the while, Sparx was watching with that same knowing stare. She turned her head away so she wasn't facing the dragonfly; it was a vain attempt at hiding her true feelings.

Sparx just watched her for a moment, before saying in an almost sympathetic voice.

"Listen Cynder... Don't hide it. You are an awful liar. Believe it or not, I was actually here to help."

Cynder looked back at Sparx slowly as she tried to act calm, but still she couldn't help but give a wide-eyed stare at the dragonfly.

"Oh, are you a professional at love affairs? I wasn't aware. Tell what could YOU do to help?"

She asked, her voice was dripping with sarcasm but still she let some genuine curiosity slip through her cold and demining shield. Sparx gave a small smirk and leant forward, looking right back at Cynder.

"I knew that you would be spending the day up here alone, and can you honestly say you want to be alone today of all days?"

Cynder just dropped her head a bit and shook it softly. She knew the worst thing to do was to stay up there all day, quietly lying in her own self-pity. Sparx leapt up and zoomed to her, hovering right in front of her eyes.

"Exactly! Now, here's the best bit, you have not only a good help, no, not even a great but the very best love doctor you hope to possible have guiding you!"

Cynder gave a tiny smirk as the dragonfly bowed his head in a massively over the top way; whether it was an intentional way to cheer Cynder up she didn't know, but it worked. He finished his silly bow and then announced to an invisible audience.

"Sparx, or el Sparko as the ladies call me, can and will help you with all your love and relationship issues. Eat me if I do not."

"I make take you up on that offer."

Cynder said slyly as she smirked at Sparx. Sparx gave her a fearful look, but then cracked a smile.

"Ah, I'm afraid I won't give you the chance my good lady. Now I think I have a certain lucky dragon with your name on his big purple butt!"

Cynder froze a little bit, she could feel her cheeks flushing.

"He knows..."

She thought as Sparx took the opportunity to continue on as if he had heard her thought, a smug smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, I know. Actually, I think I've known longer than you. I mean all the time you were together the really awkward bits were you weren't killing things, those constant compliments to each other I mean come on, it's crying out to the whole world! 'Hey Spyro, I have a massive crush on..."

Sparx stopped mid sentence as Cynder gave him a cold stare, instead he gave a curt cough and said freshly.

"My brother isn't going to be an easy catch you know, there's a lot of competition out their gunning for him."

Cynder gave a small snarl at the thought and suddenly got up, heading over to the door.

"Oh really?" She questioned. "I'll give them competition!"

Sparx gave a short gasp and fly in front of her blocking her path. Cynder stopped dead and gave another small growl, but Sparx just took a breath and calmly said.

"Easy now, you can save the scaring and mental scarring of other dragonesses for later."

Cynder snorted and sat down, her glare stabbing at Sparx. Sparx hovered up higher, just to make sure he was out of range from her claws before saying confidently.

"I know how you work. Just stick with me, and I'll guarantee you won't be single by the end of the night. Even as it pains me to say, I can't look after Spyro all the time, I need someone else to stop him from doing something stupid, I can't think of a better dragoness."

There was a moments silence as Cynder processed what he had said, maybe he was right and he had complemented her too! A small smile etched it's way onto her face and Sparx looked proudly down from where he hovered and said cheerfully.

"Good! Smile more! Everyone loves a good smile. Now lets' go! We've got so much to do and such little time!"

Cynder opened the door for the dragonfly. Sparx zoomed out ahead of her as she walked out, a mixed sense of dread and determination filling her.

At least this was better than sitting inside all day...


By the time they had reached the street level, the Fullheart preparations were in full swing. Banners with little hearts were being draped between houses, the cries of salesmen filled the air and there was a mixed sense of urgency and desire in the air. Members of all species could be seen buying various ruby red trinkets and gifts. The air was filled with an incredibly strong scent of flowers and various perfumes'. Cynder would have enjoyed the smells if they weren't too strong, now they just made her want to sneeze.

She and Sparx weaved through the bustling streets with a strange grace, Sparx was small enough just avoid or fly over people while Cynder's knack to be sneaky and avoid people was coming into its own. Cynder had no idea where they were going, she could barely see anything, the only indicator she had was the occasional flashes of golden light from Sparx. Eventually after a while of walking through various overcrowded streets and squares, they reached a small building down a slightly less crowded alley. Cynder jogged to properly catch up with the dragonfly, stopping outside the store; the sign above the entrance read "Hawker's Relaxation and Beautification Parlour".

Cynder gave Sparx and incredulous look shaking her head at the dragonfly. Giving the sharpest and quickest "No" she had ever said. Sparx however just hovered over to her and said confidently.

"Personality may be an important aspect in all of this, but so are looks too. Now, ol'Sparky here has gone the extra mile just for YOU. This place will help bring out the best in you and put any other hoping dragoness to shame."

Cynder gave the place another look once more and shuddered. She didn't even think these places existed, she thought they were only the property of the overly pampered and spoilt. Sparx groaned slightly and said to Cynder once more.

"Listen, if you want any chance of winning Spyro's heart you've got to look the part. I know you can pull it off, you've just got to try."

Cynder looked at the place once more, gulping as she walked up to it and went into the door. The first thing that hit her was the smell. If she had thought the streets smelt strongly of perfume, then this was on a whole new level. The nose blasting aroma of so many combinations of smells was stronger than any sewer.

"How can anyone think this smells good?"

She wondered as they approached the main desk. A cheetah was sitting behind it, we wore shades despite it being inside and he rested his feet of the desk; all of his nails were trimmed until there was next to nothing and what little remained glistened in the light pouring in through the store window. Sparx fly up to the cheetah and said quickly.

"It's our appointment now I do believe, and here's the lucky lady."

Cynder stared at Sparx in disbelief.

"Appointment?! He had planned this!"

She thought through a sense of disbelief and annoyance. The cheetah looked down from the dragonfly to Cynder, a wide and friendly smile on his face. Sparx quickly zoomed out of the shop before Cynder could protest, leaving her in the parlour with the cheetah. The cheetah watched him go and then turned to Cynder, talking in a heavily accented voice.

"Sparx has told me it's your first time in a place like this Mrs Cynder... He also told to 'watch out for the tail, that's gonna hurt if it hits you'. He seems quite the joker isn't he?"

Cynder grinded her teeth and bit her tongue, holding back the various other names she would call Sparx. However, she just said quietly back to the cheetah, who was getting up and walking around a door which lead into the main part of the parlour.

"Let's just get on with it then. I don't want to be here too long."

The cheetah gave a small chuckle as he opened the door for Cynder, letting more smells assault her nose as she walked in.

"That's what they all say their first time, but trust me by the time your appointment is over, we'll have you looking prettier than any flower and smelling better! Perfect for your whoever is with you for tonight."

Cynder gave a grimace as she entered, she didn't know how long it was going to take, but she had a deep dread building in the pit of her stomach...

The next couple of hours were a whirlwind of washing, polishing, scents that could knock a bull out and increasing destruction of the entire palour; each 'treatment' causing Cynder to feel more and more stupid and childish. She had actually enjoyed the scale polish, she had never had a proper massage before and she very much liked the feel of it, however some of the masseurs found out one fact they should also remember; never tickle a dragon. A kicking and flailing dragon never and will never be a safe thing to be near; the Cheetah at the counter learnt all too well about Cynder's tail, especially when it launched him across the room.

However Cynder managed to contain herself when the actual polish was put on, despite how odd it felt on her scales, but the fact that they tried to massage her at the same time made far from an uncomfortable experience; The masseurs taking extra precautions to avoid the more 'sensitive' area's lest Cynder had another tickling fit. It was, unfortunately, interrupted when they tried to cut her claws down a bit. It was another ten minutes before the staff managed to convince her to have the nail trimmed and polished; even then it was barely anything. The sound of file on claw made Cynders teeth grind and caused her to shudder, causing her to more than once spasm and bat the helpless assistant aside; She would apologise profusely every time but they just came back tougher. Makeup had also been an issue, Cynder had outright refused to have any of the stuff near her face or eyes, though this time the staff had learnt their lesson and decided not to pursue the matter. The perfume too, had been unnecessarily destructive. Cynder's nose was still unused to all the smells, so when it had been applied, the resulting sneezing fit had left the shop looking similar to a bomb shelter; the element of wind proving to be the bane of this particular parlour.

Still however, when finally it had all finished and the staff had backed off, some through fear and some through exhaustion, Cynder couldn't deny that she actually liked how she looked. Her scales shone brightly, glistening in the light. Her claws looked tamed yet still natural and sharp; even after awhile and she had gotten used to it, the perfume's actually smelt quite nice.

"Thank you... and sorry."

She said hurriedly to the cheetah as she left, leaving no time for angry beauticians to catch up with her. The cheetah was out of breath and flustered, a mixed look of disbelief and awe stuck to his face. He slumped in his chair for a moment, staring into the Parlour.

"Why are the pretty ones always crazy?"

He wondered to himself as he picked himself up and headed back into the building to help clean up before their next customer arrived.


Cynder wandered aimlessly down the streets of Warfang, which had only gotten busier. The noise had been deadened in the parlour, yet now she could truly hear the racket. The day was only half gone yet people still were running about like they had minutes to get everything; Dragons and dragoness, cheetahs and moles, all running around like it was the end of the world. Cynder also became aware that dragons where glancing at her, people had taken a tendency to glance or stare, she had saved the world and so naturally people would take interest. But even as she looked around, she could see many dragons glancing or openly staring at her. It was more than a bit disconcerting, especially since she hated the attention to start with.

"Maybe the 'makeover' wasn't such a good idea."

She muttered quietly to herself as she quickly she exited off the main streets and down the back alleys, avoiding as many people as possible.

"Where are you Sparx?"

She thought as she wandered, round another set of corner exiting back out onto a main street where there were less people. There were crowds, but this time she just ignored them. Weaving through the crowds once more, she wandered aimlessly, searching around for the glowing dragonfly. As she wandered, suddenly she found herself in the midst of a huge selection of market stalls and stands, each boasting a selection of trinkets, gems and flowers. It was vastly different from what she had seen of them before; everything was so colourful and bright, not gloomy and small. Market stalls were large and with many fine looking things. She had always imagined traders to be grabby and constantly yelling, while they did yell it was often a greeting to costumers and jolly.

Cynder had barely gotten out during her time in Warfang. Most of the time the only reason she went out at all was to help rebuild, it had been a meandering and dull job. Next to no-one else had volunteered to help, instead leaving her and a few individuals to help reconstruct the various buildings and towers. All the time she had shunned such places to be nothing more than a waste of money with people barely more than thieves trying to steal your purse. Even as she thought about it, she realised how naïve she had been.

She would stop and admire a set of gems, stop to sniff a flower and she found herself enjoying the experience. Where was this coming from? Not a few hours ago she detested all this nonsense, disregarding it as nothing but a cheap ploy to win affection and make coin, but now as she admired the vast selection of jewels she found herself thinking about it more deeply. Some of these must cost a fortune; she doubted most could afford them. Most of these must have saved for ages to afford it, putting aside personal pleasures to get something for their loved ones.

She went past another stall and looked down; it was littered with many jewels. They all shone brightly and Cynder couldn't help but stare a little at their beauty. Though she didn't care for jewels and gems much, she could imagine what it would be like for others. Receiving something from your loved ones after all their hard work, no matter how big or small; the sheer fact they were willing they wanted to show that they cared.


The cry took her completely took her off guard, she spun around rapidly towards the direction of the cry, however when she did she stopped dead. Weaving in and out of the crowd towards her was the purple head of Spyro. She felt a wide smile break her face and her heart gave a leap for joy. As Spyro approached she felt a giddy excitement.

"Cynder, It's so good to see you. I've barely spoken to anyone here, i'm glad I ran into you."

Spyro said quickly, a slightly embarrassed tone in his voice. Cynder gave a smile grew a bit more and she said back in the most casual voice she could muster.

"I wouldn't want to run into anyone else apart from you, the guardians are boring and Sparx is well... Sparx."

Spyro gave a nervous laugh and smiled back at her. Cynder loved his smile, his handsome face and just the sure fact he was there. Spyro glanced up and down Cynder and said in a slightly shocked voice.

"Wow, you look great. Don't tell me you of all people have had a makeover."

Cynder bowed her head in embarrassment, though secret she was glad she had gone now. She gave a slight nod and said quietly.

"It was Sparx's Idea..."

She looked back up at Spyro and he grinned brightly back at her, chuckling slightly. Cynder returned the smile and she felt such a warm feeling within her. Suddenly, before they could say anything more, there was a scream.


Spyro froze, looking over his shoulder and jumping. He gave Cynder an ashamed and apologetic look before saying quickly.

"I'm sorry about this Cynder, but I have to go, I'm sorry this was so short."


She cried but by that time he had already gone; disappeared into the crowd. She cried to the crowd once more, but no answer came and there was no way she would be able to find him in this crowd. Cynder felt a sinking in her heart; it had barely been anytime at all, now he was gone yet again.

Suddenly, she felt something bump into the back of her and it cried out in a high-pitched squeal.

"Hey! Watch where you are going!"

Cynder looked around and saw a green dragoness, she had an immense amount of makeup on and her voice was little more than a squeak. She looked at Cynder with a sneer and said arrogantly.

"Out of my way! I'm looking for someone and he's much more important than you! So move!"

Cynder gave her a cold stare as she realised why Spyro had to get out of there, Sparx was right, there were other dragons aiming to get Spyro. She stood completely still and said in a cold voice.

"You're looking for Spyro, right?"

The dragoness stopped and looked directly back at her, giving her a returned cold glare. She snorted and stretched her neck untill she was almost level with Cynder.

"What's it to you! It's not like you're going to have a chance with him!"

Cynder let out a small laugh yet inside she was boiling. Who did she think she was, telling her that she hadn't got a chance! After all the things they had gone through! The noise of everyone around dulled and Cynder leant in close, saying in barely more than a whisper, fear dripping from her words.

"Listen, I don't know you and I don't care. I'm giving you one chance to back off, I'm the one who helped Spyro save the world, I could kill you in an instant. Now be smart and stay away from him!"

She drew back her head and the noise and smells of the world around returned. The dragoness in front of her looked shocked and she remained rigidly still. Slowly Cynder turned around and walked away, leaving the dragoness standing there with an ever growing look of fear on her face.

Cynder regretted doing it, but sometimes it was the only way to get through to people like that, and it least it meant she had one less dragoness to contend with. Cynder gave a sigh but then she started to search around again, she had to find Spyro.


After an hour or so of walking, Cynder ran into Sparx. As Cynder had expected, he was more than a little bit scared when he first saw her, especially after he had heard what had happened at the Parlour. Still despite what had happened, Cynder couldn't lose Sparx's help now, though at the moment he seemed to be doing nothing at all.

They were back in the market, and the sun had just began to come down in the sky, dragging ever closer to night and the Full-heart celebrations. Around them, shoppers and last minute buyers were rushing to each stall, desperately trying to find the perfect gift to give to their partners.

For once, Cynder could feel their pain; she was running out of time too. She had no idea what Sparx was trying to do, and she didn't know where Spyro was. She felt nervous and annoyed, they weren't getting anywhere and for all she knew Spyro could be with another dragoness.

"Sparx! What are we doing! We've only got a few hours till the celebrations!"

She said, her voice filled with anxiety and worry. Sparx looked at her from where he was hovering, a strangely calm expression on his face.

"Don't worry! I've got this planned, and my plan should be coming any moment now."

Cynder stared at Sparx, anger beginning to bubble up inside her.

"What do you mean by that?! What are you talking about!?!"

Sparx however just pressed a finger to his lips then gestured behind her. Cynder turned around, half expecting there to be nothing so Sparx could get away, if so she would seriously consider taking him up on the offer to eat him if it all went wrong.

However as she looked she stopped caring about the dragonfly and instead focused on the figure in front of her. Spyro was wandering about the stalls an ever desperate expression on his face.

Cynder called out to him, causing him to jump slightly and look at her. She couldn't help herself in her curiosity and besides, she wanted to talk to him. She bounded over to him and Spyro stammered out quickly.

"Cynder! I'm so sorry about earlier, I just had to go because..."

Cynder laughed a bit and Spyro shut up, a slight flush in his cheeks.

"I know why you had to go... I had a few words with that dragoness after you left."

Spyro looked at her for a moment, and then gave a huge sigh of relief, smiling softly. He looked back up at Cynder and in an almost weary voice said.

"She was pestering me all day and was glad she stopped... What do you mean by talk to her?"

Spyro's voice sounded a little worried near the end, yet Cynder just shook her head slowly and said reassuringly.

"Nothing bad I promise! I just made sure she wouldn't bother you."

Spyro gave her a curious look but then smiled once more turning back to the stall.

Slowly they began to wander around the stalls together, talking about whatever came into their head. Cynder loved this idle conversation; it was just so good to talk to him properly about things. It had been so long since they talked properly and Cynder was happy with every moment. They would stop look at the various presents that one could buy in a stall, even if it was only to look.

Sparx trailed behind them, not saying a word and keeping out of the way. In fact, he did this so well that Cynder completely forgot about him, too wrapped up with Spyro to notice him. Cynder avoided talking about the celebrations, a null fear of find out that Spyro was taken she rested within her and made her feel numb at the thought.

The day wore on and on, and after a while they stopped for something to eat. They sat happily at a small table, roses draped over their heads. Cynder felt so happy, she had eaten a lovely meal in a beautiful building with the dragon of her dreams. The waiters had even placed a rose between their meals as they had served it, causing both dragons to shy away, blushing. It was a cute sight to watch, and Cynder could not deny that she enjoyed every moment. All those stories about romantic dinners and falling in love had seemed almost sickly to her at the time, but now she was living the tales it seemed a much more appealing event.

The afternoon sun was setting on a clear sky, casting a red light over the whole scene, the streets turned from their normal dirty granite grey colour into a dark orange. Everything seemed perfect.

Cynder was staring at Spyro almost sleepily; eyes slightly drooped with a gentle smile. Smitten was not the word she would have used, but it was the most accurate.

However it all couldn't last.

There was a small cough from beside them and Cynder and Spyro looked up, Sparx was hovering there, tapping his wrist impatiently.

"I hate to break up this happy coupling but Spyro you've got an appointment to keep don't you?"

Spyro looked surprised for a moment, but then something dawned on him. Spyro looked at Cynder with apologetic eyes as he got up.

"Cynder, I'm sorry. But i've got to go; it's been great being with you."

He said in a guilty voice, and before Cynder could say anything to protest or question why we has going, he was gone. Cynder jumped to her feet, and was about to head out after him when Sparx flew right in front of her eyes.

"Cynder, Let him go, trust me when I say this. It's all going to plan."

Cynder watched Spyro jog down the street then turn off around a corner. She felt a tinge of sadness, but more than that curiosity, why did he need to run off so quickly? Why did Sparx not want her to follow? Cynder took a look at Sparx and he waved his arms about quickly, shaking his head.

"Cynder! I know what you are thinking! Don't follow him, you really don't want to do that!"

Cynder however, first started walking and then started to run, Sparx yelling behind her. The bolted down the street and around the corner which Spyro had taken. Her curiosity was in full control now, she had to know what he was doing, what he and Sparx were up too.

She sniffed the air, picking up his scent that was so familiar to her. She followed her nose down another street and down a back alley then back onto a main road. She looked around the street, the numbers were dwindling now, and it was getting emptier and emptier as everyone headed home to prepare for the evening.

Cynder scanned the streets quickly, being sure to stay just out of sight from most people. Suddenly she saw a purple tail flick out near a shop. Suddenly a group of people moved away and she could see him, talking to another dragoness.

Cynder froze, panic building up. She watched them for a minute a mixture of apprehension and fear in her chest.

"They're not doing anything wrong, they're just talking."

She said to herself as she watched. Why would Spyro abandon her to speak to this dragon? Cynder joined a group of people, walking by, blending so she could get closer without being noticed. Spyro and the dragoness just seemed to be talking nothing more, though they were smiling widely at each other.

"Cynder, you're being paranoid! Spyro is allowed to smile at other people!"

She told herself as she watched, but still that same nagging fear pressed at her rational thought, challenging every assertion it made. There was a small bag on the table and Spyro kept glancing to it. Cynder had no idea what was going on, she couldn't tell whether he was buying anything or giving something.

Suddenly, of the blue, the dragoness made a small gesture and as if on cue, Spyro leant in and planted a small kiss on the cheek of the dragoness. Cynder froze, her mind stopped. Her sense of rationality left her completely as she stared at them.

He had left her just to get with another Dragoness! He had abandoned her just to go and speak and then KISS another dragoness! Cynder felt a stab at her heart; she felt deeply wounded, jealousy seething through her. After all the things they had done, after they had saved the world together, now some other dragoness comes and steals his heart away from her!

Cynder just stared blankly at them for another minute as they spoke. However, slowly she pulled herself away, unwilling to watch anymore, feeling almost sick. Quietly she wandered back towards the temple, her face gaunt, staring at the ground. She had lost, someone had gotten there before her and won.

Sparx emerged from behind a corner at the far end of the street, out of breath and desperate. Things could go bad, really bad. He looked around desperately for Cynder, instead he saw Spyro still talking to the blue dragoness. He gave a grimace and groaned slightly as he realised why Cynder hadn't stuck around.

"Well, this is going to take some explaining..."

He said simply, looking up towards the temple, catching a glimpse of a black tail before it disappeared inside the temple. Sparx groaned once more, looking over at Spyro.

"Well, looks like someone is going to have his work cut out."

He muttered as he began to fly over to him, muttering to himself about his brother's stupidity.


She headed to her room without a sound, except for the gentle clacking of her claws. Pushing her way and closing the door gently. She headed straight for her bed, jumping on it and curling up. She rested her head against the pillow, facing out of the window. The sun was almost set now, it was almost time for the celebrations.

Cynder felt a stabbing pain in her heart and seeing the sun set without the one she cared about just made it dig deeper. She couldn't think anymore, she didn't want to. Spyro had left her to be with another, there wasn't much to think about anyway.

Cynder thought of the others out in the city, all of its occupants getting ready to spend the night with whoever. Some young, some old, it didn't matter, they all had someone they cared about. She laughed slightly, it was almost ironic, she went out to feel better and finally become happy instead failing and becoming worse than ever.

Her laughed suddenly became chocked and she felt another wave of depression and upset well up inside her, sending hot tears streaking down her face. This was the first time in her life she had ever felt like she truly cared about someone, the time since they had saved the world had been such a struggle, a struggle to work up the courage even after she had tried to tell him the first time. Yet at every opportunity, she had faltered and lost confidence, now it seems she'd missed her window of opportunity.

She gasped a little as she realised she'd been holding her breath, letting out more tears as she wept. Life had always been cruel to her, now it had played another trick on her; and perhaps the cruellest one of all.

She pressed her head into her pillow, whimpering slightly as the knife drove deeper into her. The rational part of her brain had gone, instead filled with an oppressive and inescapable hurt. She felt angry and jealous also, she deserved to be happy for once! Why should some other dragoness come out nowhere and take HER happiness!

She stabbed the mattress with her claws then ripped them out with frustration, causing feathers to spew out over the floor. Why would Spyro even fall for HER! She had done nothing for him, he couldn't have known her for more than a month at most!

She stabbed again, more feathers tipping onto the floor. Sparx knew too! He didn't even tell her! The stupid insect got her hopes up only to have them crushed before her eyes!

"It's not fair!"

She cried out, tear's damping the pillow as they streamed from her eyes. The whole day had been a lie, a simple waste of time and effort.

As the sun's final rays dipped below the horizon, Cynder was left in a cold darkness. It was time for the celebrations... She knew that it wouldn't be long until the town got ready and then there would be salt in the wounds.

"Alone on Fullhearts eve... Why would I expect anything else."

She muttered her voice sharp and venomous. It felt like the morning had just come around again, a senseless and depraving hopelessness, just now mixed with the pain of rejection and jealousy. The bed was a mess, feathers littered the floor and there were deep cut marks in the mattress; but cinder didn't care. She wiped her eyes on her already damp pillow, there was no use crying, no-one would care.

All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door, followed by a quiet voice.

"Cynder? Are you in?"

Cynder just stared silently at the window, she recognised the voice, and for all she cared he could just go and leave her alone. There was another small knock and Spyro's quiet voice seeped through the cracks once more.

"Cynder... I'm going to come in. If you don't want me to, just say and i'll go. But I just need to talk to you."

Cynder stopped for a moment, all she needed to do was say and she could send him away, it was a tempting offer. A large part of her wanted to completely reject the dragon, why should she let him trick her again. But as he opened the door, no response came from her mouth, that small part of her that still wanted company overruling the sense of cold rejection and anger.

Spryo wandered in slowly, closing the door gently behind him. He sat down quietly and placed the small bag he was carrying on the ground, it chinked slightly as he put it down. He quietly turned to a small candle and lit it, adding a faint and flickering light to the room.

Cynder shifted, turning over to face him. His face was shadowed from the light, but there was a defiant look of shame on his face. Cynder just remained in the shadows, staring at Spyro with an icy glare.

"Why are you here? If I'd wanted to speak to you after you left me I'd have broken up you and your girlfriend!"

She asked bluntly, her voice icy cold and cutting. Spyro looked back at her with a soft look, it was obvious her words hurt him but still he said quietly.

"It's not what you think..."

But before he could finish, Cynder snorted forcing out a fake laugh and saying in a spiteful voice.

"Yeah right, you honestly think I'm going to believe you after you kissed her!"

Spyro just dropped his head, staring at the ground, falling silent and not replying. Cynder sat up, her teeth clenched, claws tensed, causing them to cut into the mattress once more as anger filled her one more. She gave a small snarl and said in that same venom filled voice.

"You can't even answer me! After all this time didn't it even occur to you that I might have feelings, that I was capable of love?!"

Spyro nodded slightly, but didn't respond. He stood there like a statue, like one of the gargoyles which clung to the side of the old buildings. There was a loud bang from outside as a firework was set out, the light filled the room with a bright ruby light for a brief moment before it died back down again.

"Didn't you hear me in the depths after we defeated Malefor!? I said it then! I said I loved you! Did you hear me then?!"

Cynder cried out, another tear escaping from her eye. Spyro didn't look up, but this time he weakly said.

"Yes, I heard you."

Cynder stopped for a moment, genuine shock hitting her. He had heard... Yet more bangs came from outside as the room filled once more with ruby red light. As if the fireworks had triggered something in her brain, the anger came back in full force and she yelled with even more conviction.

"Then why did you pretend you didn't?! After all this time, why?!"

Spyro lifted his head to face her directly; his eyes too glimmered in the faint candle light. With a small sigh, he dropped his head again and said.

"Because I'm a coward...I couldn't tell you because I was scared."

Cynder stopped, a confused stare in her grief stricken eyes. Spyro looked up at Cynder once more with shining eyes and said.

"I didn't know what to do... That's why I went to her today; I didn't know how to ask you. That kiss meant nothing; it was a kiss on the cheek just as a thank you, nothing more."

Cynder wanted to believe him, and part of her did. Spyro eyes weren't lying and she knew it. Spyro would never lie to her. A bit of rational thought seeped into Cynder's head as she thought about the whole thing, she'd let her jealousy and fear take hold and now she was attacking the only dragon she'd ever loved. Cynder slowly lowered herself until she was lying back down on her bed, her face still in full shadow.

Spyro quietly fished through and picked out something from the small bag. He walked over to Cynder quietly and placed the object in front of her.

"I went to her to get this as well. All she wanted from me was a small kiss on the cheek for it, and I thought it would be ok... I never meant to upset you."

Cynder slowly stretched out to grab the object. It was a small golden and embodied amulet, small patterns encircled the edges of it; a bright emerald sat glittering in the centre. Cynder's eyes widened in shock as she stared at the jewellery, it was beyond beautiful. Suddenly the room filled with a golden light as more fireworks exploded in the night sky; the light made the amulet gleam with beauty. She looked up at Spyro in amazement, but Spyro just smiled gently and said.

"Happy Fullhearts eve, I've waited too long to say this; I love you Cynder."

Cynder just sat quietly for a moment taking it all in. But then she leapt at Spyro, grabbing him and pulling him onto the bed, wrapping him in a deep embrace. She pressed her head against his, and more tears spilled out from her eyes.

"I'm sorry Spyro, I was just so scared. I didn't mean to..."

She was interrupted by anything explosion and Spyro took his chance. Without thinking he pulled his head back and pressed his lips to Cynder's. Cynder's heart almost burst, the pain of a mere few minutes ago forgotten. As they separated, she felt almost dazed, her eyelids dropping and a soft smile on her face.

Spyro slowly sat up and grabbed the necklace, leaning back over to Cynder to fix it around her neck. She gave a tiny giggle as Spyro rested back down next to her again. The room filled with colour once more as another explosion went off.

"Come on, let's watch the fireworks"

Spyro said quietly to Cynder. They tried rolling over each other, but they just ended laughing slightly they both refused the let go of the other. Cynder leant forward, and gave Spyro a kiss of her own. They stopped rolling about the place as they kissed each beyond happy. Eventually they pulled their lips apart and Spyro moved so he lay next to Cynder facing out of the large window as more fireworks went off, the colours bright and beautiful.

"I love you Spyro."

Cynder said gently as she rested her head against his, a single tear of happiness in her eye. It had been a long past few months, filling her with so much fear and doubt. But it all seemed a lifetime away as she sat there on the bed, cuddled up to the dragon of her dreams, watching fireworks in all their splendour. But she knew life was going to be good from now on, she just knew.


Wasn't that a long haul? I know it was a lot to get through but i'm glad you stuck it out (or you've just skipped to the bottom)

If you notice any mistakes in grammar, spelling etc just ignore it, i'll properly properly proof read it again. But i'm just glad to get it posted.

Don't forget to comment and vote and fav.

Thank you very much for reading! I'll see you all whenever!
