Words apart together - 2

Story by Crystalwolf Windsong on SoFurry

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#2 of Worlds Apart Together

18+, gay.

If it ain't your thing, don't read it.

Rough edit, I haven't gone over it and cleaned it up, so excuse any errors.

Day flitted past day. Most were fine, if you could think of boredom as fine. Then again, he knew what fine stood for... not many people did. Ha! Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional. Actually that was exactly what he was. Fine, everything was just fine. He'd been trying to find work, no luck so far. Played all his games and read most of the books. Nope, not a hell of a lot to distract you when you've done it all, talk about frustrating. The pretty plan didn't work out so pretty after all. Leave the job he hated along with his partner, move down to his folks near the beach, find a new job, start a new life. Now... well, now life was mostly just a day in day out blur. Partner went back and now left him. Ha, yes. Pretty plan indeed. Still, most days were okay. It's just the few ones when the trees of sadness and anger would bear fruit. He gave a mental shrug. Life might not be exciting, but at least it wasn't bad. No, just lonely a thought piped up. He sat down in front of the pc staring at the screen. Not really knowing what to do to keep occupied.

The bitter sweet scent lightly filled the air again, he crouched down ears flattened, awaiting the scream. A moment passed and half embarrassed he stood up again, sampling the trace. It was here, so infuriatingly close and yet he still couldn't find it. It was like it was invisible. Think. He had to think. His shape shifted again, spine stretching until he stood on two hind paws. The maddened feeling of being something different drifted through him and he grasped at it, it was when he felt like that that his thoughts would soar. The grip of the feeling was strong, but there was a new mental taste to it. It didn't feel like it was him that was wrong this time. It felt like it was outside of him.

A jab of longing jabbed at him strongly as he stared at the screen. Almost without thinking he reached out to the familiar strength of the other him. The him who could live emotionally, who didn't have constant thoughts running in circles screaming at each other like a bunch of toddlers in a mud pit. There was something strange this time though, it wasn't quite right. He blinked and looked up. The world blurred, the screens colours blurring and swirling kaleidoscopically. The world went mad. I wonder if this is what it feels like to pass out? ... Oh yes, that's smart, analyse what's happening ... This might be a good time to panic ... Oh shit ... All the thoughts ran through his head almost near simultaneously as he slumped forward.

He moved his hand through the grass and dirt, moaning at the pain behind his eyes. Grass? Dirt? Wait a second; I just passed out in front of the pc. His vision was blurred, the world around him a smear. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Gasp. Oh kay... I must be dreaming, possibly hallucinating or otherwise completely mad. Towering over him stood a ... a ... A Bloody Werewolf!!! ... Well, not red bloody at least ... He knew he had only a few choices at this point. He could either one, scream like a scared out of his wits four year old and wet his pants; two, try and make his body work and run screaming like a little scared out of his wits four year old; three, remember that this is probably just a dream and his own imagination conjured this up and go with it; or four, sit there staring in disbelief. Well, actually he didn't know of all these choices. It was just that his brain running on a confused adrenalin rush and all those wonderful thoughts that ran around in his head had decided to put together a quick committee and put forward those options. Then the werewolf sniffed. It sniffed at him and looked down curiously. It stared at him straight in the eyes and bent down low till its muzzle was right in front of his face and he'd have to cross his eyes to look at its nose. Then it licked him and growled.

He sniffed at the new body that had appeared as if a cloak had been pulled away. It was strange and pink, had weird fur coverings that weren't fur at all. A bright green with white stripes over its chest and grey with red edgings over its legs. Ah wait, it wasn't fur, it was... clothes, like some of the other races wear. He sniffed deep, inhaling its strange scent. He could taste its fear and the same strange bittersweet chocolate smell on it. Instinct made him lean down and give it a comforting lick. His feelings immediately rushed through him, this was his. His only, he growled happily. It gave a frightened squeak. He stared at it. Why would it be scared of him, it must know it was his. The feeling was too strong and intense, surely it must have felt it too. He looked into its grey eyes, the pupils dilated, big black holes into its mind. He reached into them and brushed at the turmoil of thoughts, hushing them into silence by his presence. He pulled them into himself, saw in moments its strange world and all its thoughts. Knew it from birth till now, felt its silent hurt and pain. He saw how it had shut itself away behind walls that to him were as thin as paper. So lonely, never again. He pushed his mind deeper and released himself so it would know him.

His mind stopped and quieted, his body responded. The fear left, only the jittery electric feel of the adrenalin pumping through him its remaining memory. He knew the beast before him. All of the feelings and thoughts were just suddenly there like a memory he hadn't known he'd had. Windsong. The overwhelming feelings and thoughts burned together till it seemed like only one word blazed in glory alone in his mind. MINE. He knew it too, all of him knew it. He wasn't alone anymore. He sobbed in joy and flung himself at Windsong, buried his face in its snow white fur and cried wracking sobs of release. The werewolf gathered him into its arms, held him tight and safe and warm till the tears were spent. In wonder he pulled back slightly, rubbed his face along its muzzle. Never before had he felt so complete, it licked his face and he touched tongues to it. His mind was silent and there was only this pure moment and he reacted. He submitted. He felt the powerful arms lift him and cradle him back to the ground, Windsongs white fur tickling him gently. A claw reached down and tore through his shirt, another ripped his trousers from him. He knew what was happening and he wanted it. He pulled the tatters of his clothes from him and flung them away. Pushed his hand through the warm fur feeling the strength of muscle and skin beneath, he trailed his hand down over the strong back. He brushed lightly past its tail and down its leg. His whole being was yearning for only one thing and he knew Windsongs was as well. His eyes swept over Windsongs glorious body as it stood, quickly he pushed himself off the ground and kneeled forward. He licked at the red tip poking from its sheath. He heard Windsongs pleasured growl at the warm wet touch as his own cock sprang to alert at the sweet and salty taste. The sheath pulsed as the cock almost jumped from it and into his mouth. He felt a powerful paw grip him by his hair and would have gasped if not for the cock suddenly jammed down his throat. The werewolf grinded it's hips, holding his head stationary by the hair. The cock slipping wetly in and out of his mouth and near painfully burying itself down his throat, the wolf's powerful musk filling his nostrils and shredding any thought before it could even form. Suddenly he was pulled from it, he strained for it and the taste of it, but he was kept from it by the powerful grip. He watched the cock jerk twice, slippery clear pre pumping from it and running down its length. He craved to taste it but was denied.

Another paw pushed him back down onto his back, his legs naturally spread open around Windsongs body as the legs thrust them apart as it kneeled. A slight twinge of fear ran through him, the cock had grown even bigger. He was no stranger to sex or big cocks, but this was bigger than he could have thought to dream. He was about to get more than the thick ten inches he'd always dreamed of. A rough tongue trailed itself over his torso and up the side of his neck, the feel of it was electric. He felt the warm panting breaths blowing in his ear and then the touch of the cock on his ass. The pre wetness coating it. He was shifted on the ground to be more comfortable and then the cock again pushed against him gently. He felt himself open to it slowly as it forced it's way in, the pleasure growing to just before pain when the pressure stopped. He looked into Windsongs eyes and saw the glint of dominance, but he wanted more. He wanted it deeper inside of him. He gripped the furry legs and pulled himself down onto the cock, gasping at the pain as it speared up him. He heard the powerful growl in his ear as his insides enclosed Windsongs cock in its warm embrace. Then a full thrust pushed it all the way inside, he bit back on a scream. Windsongs breath was wet in his ear and he could feel the muscles tensed under his fingers. Slowly the pain eased as he grew accustomed to the length and girth of the cock inside him. It had hurt so much, but he'd wanted it, he hadn't wanted to wait. Now it felt blissful, his whole body felt connected to the werewolf above him. Windsongs head pulled back from next to him and he stared into the golden flecked eyes. The werewolf's mind touch powering into his. MINE. The jumble of emotions and senses again rewrote themselves in his head. Yours he thought back. Suddenly he felt teeth on his neck, the pressure cutting his breath short. There was no pain of tearing skin and he felt only a slight fear. He felt the cock pull itself out of him slowly and hover just at the edge of slipping out. He rocked his hips and pulled again on the thighs, feeling himself being filled again. The pressure on his neck increased and released with each thrust and withdraw, his own cock by now jerking in rhythm to the pounding. The rate grew faster and faster. Suddenly there was a new sensation against his whole, pain flared as it stretched and he started to pull away. The grip of Windsongs jaws on his neck, now slick and wet increased. His breath cut off for a moment and the rumbling growl of anger instantly stilled his own movement. The pressure came again and again, the pain flaring with each thrust opening him further. Suddenly with a hard thrust he felt himself filled even more and the new sensation pushed him over the edge. He cried out in pleasure as his muscles contracted, his cock jerking and shooting cum up to matt in the sweat stained fur of his partner. Growls reverberated through his throat and he felt the spasms in his ass as the cock swelled and pumped him full of cum. The pressure on his neck was released and he drew in a full shuddering breath. Windsongs body lay itself down on him, the weight putting pressure on his chest. The uncomfortable large swelling in him receded only slightly, but in the euphoric after haze the pain of it turned into a feeling of pleasure and connectedness. He knew he was now tied to this beautiful creature and wrapped his arms around it. He revelled in the feeling of shared bliss and kissed the fur by his face. Slowly the blanket of sleep draped itself over him, the comforting reverberation of Windsongs sleepy breathing echoing in his ear.