Creation of Furries Ch.4

Story by Serge Aaronson on SoFurry

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I slowly exhaled, dragging my claws across the bed. The past few hours had been hectic. Every second, a new person walked up, asking twenty questions. And then, twenty more. And then, they'd want a picture with me. Then, a few would try to seduce me. Long day.

I perked my ears, listening intensely. It was amazing how well wolves could hear. "....believe it?! Me! A furry! ...What do you mean, is he cute? Well, yes, but, I mean, I really shouldn't be worried about getting a boyfriend right now. My entire life is about to change, and you're worried about my love life. Listen, I have to go. Take care-" I cut off the conversation, flickering my ears in a different direction.

"Do you know if we'll get to choose what race we are?" "How am I supposed to know?" "I'm just speaking my mind! ...Are you ready for this? I mean, everything we know...gone. Are you sure?" "I've lived my entire life, unsure of everything. But I am sure of this. I'm doing it."

I quit listening, and closed my eyes. I had never taken the time to stop, and really analyze my body. So, just, treat this like a science experiment. I slowly inhaled, taking in everything. But, I was seeing. In a different way. It was black, but there were shimmers of light, giving off different scents.

I stood up, using the scents as my eyes. The door had a slight aroma of sweetness, a bit of fresh herbs, and cleanliness. I would never imagine that these scents would be so real. It was beyond words...

I opened my eyes, and that world washed back to the dull hotel room that was there before. I missed that other world, but I can't live there forever. I couldn't help but pick up another conversation. "I can't believe you got picked to go first!" Luna! "I-I know...I can't believe it either! I mean, what should I wear? How should I act? Should I be nervous? Should I be brave? Should I-" "Whoa! Whoa! Slow down. Take a few deep breaths, and let go." "Okay..." "Now, think. You are about to be a furry. You've dreamed about this for so long. Just be yourself and quit being so nervous. It'll all be fine."

I stuffed my fingers in my ears, not wanting to hear anymore. All these people...depending on me...wanting me to be the answer to their dreams. I mean, I know I want this... Why am I so scared?! I clenched my teeth, feeling my fur stand on end. My claws were going nuts, sheathing and unsheathing. I finally got a grip, and stopped.

I hung my head, sighing. I hadn't even thought of how I was supposed to get the machine. I had to get a machine out of a government protected laboratory, from people I had basically told to fuck off. Just my luck. I rushed in there not even thinking about how I was supposed to get it! I'm so stupid! And I can't tell them I can't turn them! They're all ready to change their lives! I can't do it... That's that. I have to break into a government lab.

My eyes flickered across the parking lot. It was almost deserted, but I knew there was someone watching. There always was.

I dashed through the bushes, making my way to the building. I rolled across the pavement, going under a camera's blind spot. I slowly gulped, staring at it cautiously. My hand glided over to the window, and I allowed a claw to slide out.

Since this was a government lab, it was a secret. So, it was built hidden inside an old iron factory. Which meant there were keyholes on the windows. I had always wanted to be able to do this. I stuck my claw in, and shook it around, fumbling through the tumbling locks.

The window finally clicked, and was shoved open. I climbed in, feeling all the more nervous. Dust decorated the assembly lines. Everything looked ancient and rusted, except for the large column of steel rising from the center. I had never seen it from the outside before. It looked...menacing...

"Come on, Damien. You have to do this. You have to... Think of all those people...all counting on you...alright...let's do this." I walked up to the column, and placed my hand on the cold steel.

Neon veins sprouted from the steel around my fingertips, forming the shape of a door. A loud crack sounded, and the door swung inwards. I gaped, but quickly walked through. I can't waste any time.

I made my way down the ladder, and jumped down into the lab. It was dark. Which didn't seem too promising. Sharp always left the lights on. I perked my ears, trying to pick up a single sound, but it was silent. I inhaled deeply, but instantly gagged. Someone had left the jug of ammonia sitting out. Open. They knew I was coming. I reached over, and turned on the lights.

The room was illuminated, but there wasn't much to light up. A single black office chair sat in the room, with the back facing me. An open jug of ammonia sat next to the chair. The chair turned, and I couldn't believe it. No, no, no, no, it can't be...

"Hello Damien. Surprised to see me? Especially like this?" It was Veronica, with the machine in her lap. But...she was a panther. "It was the only way. I had to get you back to normal. I had to. Sharp told me if I turned as well, then we would both be turned back. We can be together. It's all I've ever wanted. But, you are so stupid! Why are you throwing the life you had away, for a bunch of sex-driven freaks?! Cause that's what you are doing!"

I shook my head, automatically feeling a scowl cover my face. "These people... They're more than that. They live this. They embrace it. They know they aren't human, and I'm giving them a chance to show the world who they really are! Because you know what?! I feel more alive than I have my entire life! And you know what else? You've become one of us. You are. And I bet, the more you learn about this body, the more alive you feel. The more I learn, the more I feel like being human is being dead. I can't go back now, knowing the world is as amazing as it is, and being blind to most of it. I will not go back. And if I have to fight you to get that machine, I will."

I shook, with so much emotion, unable to read her face. She just stared at me. Then, she pulled something out.


I gaped, trying to scream in pain. I touched my chest, feeling blood. She shot me. She, fucking, shot me! I finally found my voice, crying out. Her face was stone, but her eyes were sad. I fell to my knees, hurting so much.

"Don't you think I know? I just want to walk on the streets, without being labeled freak! I've been a geek, all my life. Do you think I'm going to go back to the suffering I went through? Fuck that! And if I have to drag you away, I will! Now, let's go."

She stomped over, and grabbed my arm. At that moment, something triggered. I grabbed her arm, and yanked her down, slamming her to the floor. I flipped over her, grabbing the gun. I ran over picking the machine up. My feet thundered across the floor, as I jumped over her. I jumped out of the door, as it tried to close me inside.

As soon as I got outside, three soldiers were waiting for me. In a burst of adrenaline, I shot all three of them, and kept running. What the fuck?! You just shot someone! Three someones!

I couldn't stop. I had to keep going. I dodged a few cars, narrowly avoiding tons of murderous steel. I had to get away. I thought for a second, and then undid my tie. I wrapped it around my body, and tied the machine to my back. I exhaled, and shifted.

Everything screamed. RUN! RUN! My paws obeyed, pounding on the ground to propel me further ahead. I skirted around the metal beasts, beginning to outrun some of them. I crouched, and pounced, flying on top of a car. I dug my claws in, and catapulted myself ahead.

Each obstacle only fueled me. These demons were mine to control. These meat sacks: pointless. They were nothing. Only the hunt was anything! The moon was his guide, no, his goddess! He had to follow the goddess! Bask in her glow! The goddess beckoned!

I jumped up, bouncing off the car. Faster, faster, faster, faster, faster goddammit! My paws would not go fast enough! Why?! I had to go faster! Faster! Then, my eyes turned for a second, and I stopped, abruptly.

I slammed right into the car ahead of me. I could hear a crunch, and pain shot out all over my body. I slid across the ground, feeling the world scream in pain with me. Wait...I was screaming? Oh, I was. I gained control of my voice, snapping my jaws shut.

I whimpered, not able to move out of pain. Blood roared in my ears, and I just wanted silence. Before I knew it, the same thing that I saw, was helping to pull me away. It was Luna.

"My god, what the hell happened?! Simon! Give me a hand!" I began to think. Whenever I'm the beast... It's like I lose control. It becomes me. My mind is shrunken to a peanut, but...I'm so in control with my movements. I see where I'm going to be before I'm there. Everything was mine...

I cringed, as people pulled me up. Everything.......blacked out for.......a second.......Get yourself together! You have to stay awake! No matter how much it hurts...Oh goddam how it hurts.

"Damien! Come on, what happened?! Answer me! Please!" I looked up, and blinked, completely unaware that we had gotten inside the hotel building.

"Uh...Old lab assistant...turned Furry...told to shoot me if I didn't cooperate...shot me...just a flesh wound...I got away, but...I went feral to run away... Then I hit something...I think it was a car..." Damn talking hurt...

Luna groaned, pacing back and forth. "Damien, I need you to tell us! Why did we have to run from federal agents?!"

Oh...that... "W-Well...My boss wanted me to be cut open and used for research, or to stop you all from being Furries." I cringed, feeling a pain in my chest. "What'd I break?"

"Surprisingly, only a few ribs. Furries must have stronger bones than us. Uh...anyways, the machine..."

My eyes lit up, finally remembering it. I untied it, and pulled it in front of me. It was still as amazing as before. A glowing neon box hiding something wonderful....

"Damien!" I jumped, surprised by the harshness of the voice. "You've been staring for five minutes!" What? I had? I averted my eyes from the machine, now aware of its strange allure.

"O-Okay...So...Luna...Ready for it?" Confusion seemed to come across her face. "The transformation. Are you ready?" Recognition finally played on her face.

She exhaled deeply, and then nodded. "I'm ready, Damien. I wanna be a Furry." My hands shakily grabbed the machine. I pointed it at her. This was it. Now or never. I reached down, and pressed the button.

A laser shot out the front, and pierced into her chest. White fur began to sprout all over her body, while her bone structure rearranged itself in front of us, which, by the way, looked horrifying. Then, she began to scream, as her tail ripped out, swinging back and forth. Her face formed, and instantly everything finished. The laser floated back out, going back inside the machine. Suddenly, she fell over, unconscious.

I breathed heavily, amazed. I did it... Luna Matthews was an arctic fox.