A Forest Fight

Story by Misty Maiko on SoFurry

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Happy Valentine's Day Victoria Maiko!

It was a beautiful morning.

It was almost noon, and Misty and Victoria were at a peaceful, trainquil forest, enjoying a picknick. You could hear the birds chirping, the noise of a few insects flapping their wings (namely dragonflies), and the absence of just about any other noise. The sun shone through the big clearing, and it was beautiful. Sequoia and pine trees were around the clearing, surrounding the grassy, sunny field, and the air smelled wonderful. Misty nuzzled into her lovely nine-tailed kitsune mate, and then started to pull out various fruits-- watermelons, pineapples, and berries of all sorts. It was a beautiful day, and nothing could ruin it.

Until the forest shook. The jolteonmorph, startled, rose up, along with Victoria. It shook again, and green, spiny tentacle-like vines rose through the earth, breaking through the lush grass. Things weren't so quaint now.

"Wha... What's happening?!" Misty shouted. "I don't know; stay back!" Victoria shouted back. They were soon surrounded by corrupted vines, and they grabbed at Victoria and Misty. Misty cried out, wounded and scratched by the spines, and started shocking them. Victoria used her magic to burn the vines. Victoria was about to teleport them out, when suddenly, a huge, massive green dragon flew above them, and landed. It's presence weakened Victoria's magic capabilities, and things had quickly gone from trainquil and soothing to chaotic.

The dragon looked like your standard green dragon, except, after being corrupted, patches of its green scales were pink and brown, altering it from a thing of beauty to a thing of horrid uglyness. Green spines protruded from it, and it looked like it was in pain. How it was corrupted was unknown, but one thing was for sure-- it was no longer bound to protecting the forest. The cleansing aroma that it normally gave off was instead an almost unholy stench, and the dragon's breath was unbareable.

More vines came up, and the trees came to life, turning into treants, swarming in. The birds swooped in, screaching dark cries as they morphed into crows, all aiding their corrupted "protector". As things were looking grim, the sun shone on, almost mocking the situation.

There was nothing to do but fight. Misty shocked at the crows, and Victoria froze the vines and trees-- at least the best she could, with her weakened powers.

After a bit of fighting, Victoria thought of something. "What's causing the creatures to attack?" She asked Misty. Misty thought about it, then turned to the dragon. As more corrupted wildlife came in, she knew they weren't the enemy. She charged at the dragon, in a blazing bolt of electricity...

Only to be sent back flying, her own energy reflected by its scales. The dragon walked in the clearing, and breathed green flames, "cleansing" the corrupted wildlife, but threatening to burn Misty and Victoria. It kept breathing fire, as Victoria and Misty kept dodging. But they couldn't last forever. They had to act quick; they were becoming more and more outnumbered, and were being swarmed upon, as the great beast threatened to take them down in its fury.

Victoria happened to notice a weak spot on the dragon-- a green scale on its chest that seemed weakened. She breathed heavily and panted, tired, becoming exhausted, after evading attacks from the swarming wildlife, and pointed towards it, hoping Misty was looking. Misty nodded, unseen by Victoria, and wondered if that was the entryway for whatever dark magic that had taken hold of the drake. The two rushed towards it, but Misty was too far away compared to Victoria, and was having a hard time dealing with the majority of the massive amounts of crows, treants, and even furs now swarming onto her. She zapped at them, but only enough to keep them back.

Victoria had finally made it to the dragon. It was time to test out her plan, or be killed. It was now or never. The huge drake looked down at her, and opened its mouth, readying a final green flame. Victoria reached at its scale, with a small part of it detatched and protruding, and started to peel back with all of her might. The dragon roared in pain, and took off for the air, with Victoria hanging onto its semi-attached scale with all that she could.

Misty was left to deal with all of the corrupted furs. She was almost out of energy; she was ready to collapse. But she kept zapping at them. She had no idea how much time had passed; only that too much time had passed. Vine after vine erupted from the earth, treant after treant came (rather slowly), crow after crow, and even corrupted squirrels, raccoons, stags, and a few bears came in. It was all getting to be too much. She kept zapping at all of them as she was continually surrounded, making them jump back. But it was a losing battle; they only moved back out of pain, and she knew she didn't have long left.

High, high above her, Victoria finally ripped off the green dragon's scale. Her magic was weakened, and as she held on, her paw beneath the dragon's skin, clutching it's wound, she channeled all she could. A burst of cold energy, after what seemed like an eternity channeling, left her paws, and entered the dragon, through it's wound. In a loud roar of pain, the green drake flew straight toward the ground in a nosedive, head first.

Victoria climbed onto it's back, and as the forest shook with a loud thud, she was sent flying back. A massive green light illuminated from the drake, and shined all through the forest.

Instantly, and amazingly, everything became peaceful, just how it was before. The furs were all no longer in a frenzy, and muttered their apologies as they left, shaking their heads, trying to figure out what had came over them as they went back to their former places in confusion. The forest floor was cleansed, and the vines were gone. The treants went back to where they were, and lost their sentinent life, becoming trees once more. The only difference was it was much later in the day, and the picnic basket was shattered throughout the forest floor, completely destroyed. The fruits were all smashed, ruined, on the ground. Victoria and Misty were hungry and tired, and decided that it was time to go home, and get something to eat there.

As they passed by the corpse of the green drake, once a sworn protector of the forest, Misty stopped, and looked down. A peculiarly shaped scale was broken off, and was lying on the floor. It was pink, and in the shape of a heart.

She walked up to Victoria, and handed it to her, saying only three words:

"Happy Valentine's Day"