
Story by AceSkullington on SoFurry

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just a story i want to post

I walked down the dim dark fog ridden street as if I were in the streets of London during the 1440's where Jack the Ripper ravaged poor women. I started running and running just not stopping. The faster I ran the more I feared what was behind me, chasing me. Not looking back I could just hear the heavy footsteps of it right behind me. The faster I ran the faster it went; it felt so close it could just reach out and grab me but I just kept running. Then I heard this quiet voice like it came from the wind saying in a whisper "stop". I just froze in place and turned my head slowly around to see what I was afraid of was nothing but me, what I feared was, myself. I had to sit down and rest. I just could not believe my mind tricked me, as I asked myself why. I found the answer there in a trail of blood with a glint of silver at the end. Then like a flash I remembered the gun I put to myself. I just could not take my own life but then I slipped on something and *BANG* now I'm hear. The blood just kept flowing and I knew that I was too far from help so I just sat there in the wallow of my tears and blood...

The End?