My Mighty Alpha, King, and...Father In-Law!

Story by bighope on SoFurry

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#2 of My Mighty Alpha

MUWA HA HA HA HA! My efforts to make you love me have doubled in effort! I'm starting a spin off series of My Mighty Alpha, King, and Mate from his children's point of view and this boy named Alex.

I'm actually doing this as a request for Werewolf666, he requested it last summer and well...i've been working on it off and on. He's the main character Alex and he will soon have all the requirements he wants in his request! A MAGNATUDE OF SEX OF WHITCH NONE OF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED BEFORE!!! (Spoiler alert!) This is actually quite a few years since Steven and Jace have had their first litter of pups and have made an entire society, soon to be reviled in the next chapter! I'm debating whether I should make it a series or not, but I might if I have the right inspiration and encouragement! :D

Please comment :3

I still couldn't believe my mother wanted that kind of dog. A chi-wa-wa, I thought we were here to adopt the dog I wanted, but sadly, none of them actually looked all that appealing to me. Most of them were purse dogs like the dog my mom picked out for me, but I quickly put my foot down...well as best I could. I looked down into my wheel chair and fought the urge to cry for the umpteenth time. The accident was two months and three days ago, but it still felt like it was just yesterday.

Flashes of images, my mother driving, me in the passenger seat, a semi swerving into my lane, and then I remember being in the air, then I was in the hospital. I thought at first that they had given me sedatives to block the pain in my legs, but it was much, much worse. When I did find out that I had lost my legs, I didn't believe them and tried to stand, but I fell flat on my face. I tried to crawl to the door, but my legs wouldn't obey. It was like in those nightmares where you can't move your legs, you can feel the commands going to them, but they just won't move.

I refused help from my nurse, I lashed out at her and knocked her off her feet when I nailed her in the face. At that point I didn't care, all those scholarships, all those early mornings, all those late nights of working out for that damn football scholar ship, GONE! For the last six weeks of summer I was in the hospital and in a wheel chair. Some of my friends understood, but most just left me, not wanting the responsibility of having a handy-caped friend. I can hardly blame them, I probably would have done the same thing.

But to say the least this ordeal has been very humbling, most of the kids that I bullied as the quarter back actually came to my hospital bed and left gifts. Some of them just looked and said nothing and then turned away. Then when I went back to school they didn't even try to get back at me. It was all very...unreal. I had never actually been pitied like that before...and I hated it. My dad has a saying "Pity is for the pitiful, not the strong," I remember him saying that to me one late night after I fell and scraped my knee doing sprints on the track.

"You want me to say I'm sorry," he said in his false sympathy tone, "or do you want me to kiss it and make it better? Or do you want to get up, beat that damn pavement with your feet and own it like the alpha dog you are!" I would always say alpha and he would remind me pity is for the pitiful, not the strong. By my hospital bed, that was the first time he had ever actually pitied me, it was the first time he had ever cried in front of me, and it was the first time he had ever been so ashamed that he had to leave the room to go cry in the hallway.

He did say he still loved me, and he took his anger out on the trucking company that caused the crash. We won on the grounds that the company had been over working their employees, more than just this guy that fell asleep behind the wheel. We got a hefty settlement, becoming millionaires overnight, but it was little solace for my dad, he wanted to tear apart the company, but the firm he had hired simply didn't want to go after the company when they had already won. We did move to a bigger house and were completely debt free, and we now had investors moving our money around making us more, but it was still not enough for my dad. My dad was now investing large sums of money into stem cell research, trying to find a way to repair my back, but as of yet, my legs still don't work.

I ran my now pail fingers through my long, dark, curly hair, "Mom please," I said, my voice a little horse from crying myself to sleep the night before, I've been doing that a lot lately, "I don't want a pussy, I want an actual dog. You know, big, not a purse rat."

My mom bounced the dog in her arms, her golden curls bound in their ponytail bouncing with her, "But he is just so cute." Money surly didn't change my mom. She was still the same old mom I always knew, goofy to a fault, and always knows how to look cute, even holding a vibrating purse rat.

"Mom," I said, my voice getting an edge to it, "we came here to get me a dog, not you."

"But he likes you," she said turning him to face me and she waved his little paw for him, "Hi Alex," she said in a high pitched voice for the dog, "I want to be your friend." As if to emphasize this the dog gave a little yip.

I gave my mom one hard look and she rolled her eyes, "Fine, we'll get you the dog you want."

"Really?" I said sarcastically and turning my wheel chair around, "We're going to get the dog I want? Gee mom that would be great!"

"Ok mister sower puss," she said following me, "what dog do you want? You've rejected every dog we've seen today."

I ignored her and wheeled on to the front desk where my friend Dug was at, "Hey Dug!" I said rolling up with my arms spread wide. Dug looked up from the dog magazine he was looking at to see me and his face lit up and he quickly got to the other side of the counter. Dug was a Hispanic friend of mine, he had black hair, but mine was curly like my dad's and his was straight like his mom's. He had dark, sun tanned skin and dark black eyes.

"Hey Dude!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a bro hug, "How's it riding?"

"Low and slow," I said doing my signature belly dance, "low and slow."

Dug started to laugh, "So you find one you like yet?"

I shook my head, "No, but my mom found a purse rat that she likes."

"I'm guessing you talked her out of it?"

"No way am I going to have a puss for a dog."

"I know how you feel man," he said, "I like my dog big." And to emphasize his actual meaning he gave a little thrust with his hips that only I could see and I stifled a laugh as I punched his thigh.

"So," I said holding on the 'o' in so saying that I had a questionable request, "how about the other dogs in the training rooms?"

Dug's playfulness evaporated, "No," he said flatly, "no, no, no, no, no way am I going to let you have an untrained dog. My boss has been riding my ass since I let you in last time."

"Ok so I got bit," I said rolling my eyes, "That German Shepherd was chained anyway, he couldn't have laid any more than that on me." I showed him my fist where a small white scare was from where the dog had bit me.

"Still," he said, "your dad is one of the big shots now. He's rolling in the mullah and I'm not about to piss my boss of by saying I got one of the big dogs son's mauled by an untrained dog."

"Well," I said nudging him with my elbow, "what if my dad put in a good word for you. Something like 'An exceptional worker and you would be an idiot not to promote him!' Does that sound good to you?" Dug mulled it over for a minute then threw his arms up in defeat.

"Fine!" he shouted, "but if this goes bad, you have to help cover my ass, or help me get a job somewhere else."

"Deal." I said spitting my hand and Dug did the same and we shook on it.

"I got the perfect dog for you," he said leading me behind the desk, "we think it's some sort of Shiba Inu, but he's huge! It's like he's on steroids or something!"

"I thought Shibas were medium sized dogs." He pulled out a ring of keys and opened the door behind the desk and a chorus of barks could be heard. We started to go down the long corridor and doors lined both walls with small square windows on them.

"Yeah, they are, but this dog is gotta see it."

We reached a door near the end of the hallway and Dug jingled his keys again and inserted the key into the door. Surprisingly, unlike the other doors, this one was silent.

"You sure this is the right door?" I said as Dug pulled the key out and pushed another one in and it slid home with a click.

"Just listen when I open the door." Then he opened the door and I listened for a bark, but...I didn't hear anything actually. The other dogs had become ominously silent. I felt a chill go up my spine and I looked into the room.

Dug was right about it being a Shiba, was huge! It had to be at least four feet tall, and it was sitting upright, exposing its light brown colored chest and darker brown colored booties with onyx black fur all over its back. Its eyes were blotched with brown and on its tail was a golden streak from the base to the tip of the tail. It was sitting with almost royal dignity as it was chained to the wall and it's maw was muzzled with a wired muzzle. Its large bushy tail was wrapped around his paws and his olive eyes shown with what looked like condescension. They almost looked like they were glowing.

"He's grown three inches since he's been here."

"How long has that been?"

"About a week," Dug said in a voice that said that that was impressive, "He grows like a weed and eats like a garbage disposal; he's gone through two bags of dog food already."

I felt something bubble up from my stomach and into my face, I felt my lips part into a wicked smile and I wheeled into the room.

"What's his name?"

"We call him," Dug pulled up close to me and barely whispered into my ear, "Buster," then he pulled away, "but for some reason he doesn't like that name."

"Well he doesn't seem really angry, or vicious, why is he muzzled."

"Because whenever we call him by that name he sort of flips out."

"Well," I said rolling my eyes, "why don't you just rename him?"

"We have Alex," he said in an exasperated tone, "this is the ninth name in one week, he just doesn't like to be called anything, but training can't begin without giving him a name."

"What where all of his names?" dug grabbed a list hanging on a clip board on the wall and handed it to me. I read down the list and had to stop at number five.

"Grover," I said looking at him rolling my eyes, "Really? No wonder he flips out at you guys you've given him nothing but crappy names." I tossed the list back at Dug and he fumbled to catch it. I started to wheel over to the dog in the room and stopped about a foot away from an arm's length away.

"A bad ass dog like this deserves a bad ass name."

"Hey!" dug said taking a step into the room, "I came up with half of those!" the dog's eyes shot to Dug and he started a deep low growl and Dug backed back out of the room.

"Aw," I said in a sarcastic tone, "you already taught him a trick."

"Not funny dude," he said, "get out of there."

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the now silent dog, and now his tail was lazily swishing back and forth, "Now...what's a bad ass name for a bad ass dog." The dogs tail seemed to wave just a little bit faster, "Hmm," I leaned back in my chair so I was eye level with the dog.

"How about... Lelouch! Yeah!" I started to think about the name and the more I did the more I liked it, "Lelouch, total BA." The dog looked at me with what looked almost like surprise and then got up and walked over in one elegant motion. His size totally eclipsed the size of a Great Dane.

"Dude! Get out!" Lelouch came over and got up and under my arm started to nuzzle my side.

"Yeah," I said rubbing my nails against my chest, "Dug, I think I could take over your job."

"No way!" Dug stepped back into the room, this time the dog kept his head in my lap as Dug came over, "He's never shown anything like this to anyone! How did you..."

"Like I said Dug," I picked the dog's head up in my hands and went around to pull the muzzle off, "your names sucked."

"Hardy, har, har," Dug crossed his arms then saw what I was doing, "Oh no you..." but he was too late and I pulled the muzzle off.

Dug stood frozen and took a step back, and then Lelouch came over to my side and curiously sniffed my face. Then he gave me a shy lick and Dug turned white.

I turned to him, "Did you think he was going to rip my face off or something?" I then started to scratch his chest and I saw that "Oh Yeah" look go across his features and he closed his eyes and his tail started to sway back and forth.

"How the hell," Dug started to scratch the back of his head.

"I'm just good with animals," the dog started to thump his rear paw against the floor.

"Yes," Dug said whole heartedly impressed, "Saint Francis would definitely be jealous."

"So," I said giving my puppy dog, glittering brown eye stare, "can I keep him?"

Dug scratched the back of his head again in deep thought, "I can't just give you a dog right out of rehab. If he still acts this way around other people he can go home with you on Thursday."

"I think I can wait for this dog for just three days."

"I'll go get the paper work for your mom." Then Dug left me with the dog.

I took the dog's head in my hands again, "I'll be back for you Lelouch, don't worry. Just three days and I'll take you home with me."

Lelouch gave a happy bark and licked my face one more time and for some reason I think he knew what I meant.


"There you go Alex," Mark said as he handed me the generic red leash with their logo on it, "I don't know how you did it, but that dog has done a complete one eighty. It actually started to listen to his trainers, doesn't lash out after the caretakers, and stopped harassing the other dogs."

"What can I say," I said shrugging my shoulders and Lelouch coming over to lick my face again, "I'm a dog-whisperer." My mom grabbed the papers and put them in her purse. Lelouch went by her and nuzzled her thigh, well more like her side, he was just so damn big that he was at side height. He looked almost like a small tiger.

"Where did you guys find him anyway?" I said and Lelouch came over to nuzzle me again.

"He broke into some poor old ladies house," he put his hand to his chest and closed his eyes as he tried to stifle a laugh, "you should have seen her when we got there. She was hysterical, screaming and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. She thought she had a bare in her house or something."

"Well," I said sizing up Lelouch again, "I can see why."

"He's grown a little bit since then," he said looking at the dog again, "you might have your own Clifford on your hands. And tell us if he gets out of hand anymore."

"Aw," I said bunching up his face and scratching him the way he liked it the day before. His face got that look again and I turned him to face Mark, "how could a face like that get out of hand?" I said in a really fake baby voice. I hate it when people talk to dogs like they are babies, or keep them in their purses like they are an accessory. They are living things too, not just creatures put on this earth for our amusement.

Lelouch was thumping his rear leg again and I stopped. He looked up into my eyes with a look that almost said "Where am I?" and "Why did you stop?" all in one.

My mom turned to Mark, "So he's had all his shots?"

Mark did his signature faked hurt look, "Elizabeth, you wound me. Of course we have, turns out he's toilet trained too."

"Good," mom said with a sigh of relief, "I certainly don't want to have to clean up what comes out the other end of that!" I jokingly punched my mom's arm and failed to stifle a laugh.

"What?" I started, "Has being a trophy wife made you soft?"

"Hey!" she said snatching up the red leash, "I still make the caesural in this family, and unless you want me to spit in it from now on, you will treat me with more respect." A snide smile played across her face as she started to twirl the end of the leash.

"Okay then mom," I said rolling my eyes and I pulled her down to kiss her on the cheek, "Happy?"

"Very." She said giving me back the leash, " has given me a new sense in dog collars" she said reaching into her purse.

"Oh, mom..." I groaned, "please tell me you didn't get Lelouch a..." and my jaw dropped as she pulled out leather, spike studded collar, with an onyx dog tag with golden letters etched into it, "Holly shi..."

I almost swore, but my mom's glare stopped me, "Like you said before in the car, a...BA dog deserves a BA collar." She said taking off Lelouch's collar and putting on the new one and Lelouch gave mom a huge lick on the cheek and gave a happy bark, "The only thing we need now is a leash to match, and that should be coming in the mail shortly. Had to order it special to match the collar."

"Mom," I said pulling Lelouch over to examine the collar, "it's totally Bad Ass! This is amazing." I looked up to see my mom's face beaming in pride for doing something cool.

"Well," she said twirling her pony tail with a finger, "you know me. Always listening for the best gifts." Lelouch came over and started to nuzzle my mom again and then came back over to me and started to lick my face. I started to scratch his chest again and he melted in my arms.

My mom latched the leash onto his new collar and handed the loop to me, "You wanna walk him home?" she said, "I'll try to keep up pushing you."

Normally I would have fallen into a deep pit of despair on the account of not being able to do something as simple as walk my dog with my own two feet, but in the excitement of having my own dog and the new collar, I just felt a little pang of anger that quickly faded.

"Totally!" I looked over my shoulder as we made our way to the double glass doors to shout a thank you to Mark as we passed though the threshold.


That night I laid in my king sized bed, the blue sheets covering my body in a wash of fabric and Lelouch sat at my bed side looking at me with mouth agape and tail wagging. He was still riled up from our first trip to the park and we played fetch with a small ball that squeaked when squeezed. The ball was in my lap and Lelouch eyed it with interest.

I was kind of hoping that having a dog in my room would stop the tears, but the images just kept coming. The look on that nurses face, the pity, the image of the floor as it rushed up to hit me as I fell, the actual accident, the car rolling, glass flying, dirt, and darkness.


I looked down at the dog toy warped and bent in my white knuckled hand. I let out a gasp that I hadn't known I was holding and another tear forced its way out of my clenched eyes. I heard a small questioning squeak that dogs do when they suddenly change from happy to confused.

I felt the rage in me explode, "AAAAAA!!!" I chucked the small ball out into my bathroom and I expected Lelouch to run after it, but when I looked over to him I locked with those glowing olive eyes. They almost looked ashamed as he turned and lazily trotted towards the bathroom and he silently picked up the ball and brought it over to my bed side. Then, without warning he jumped onto my bed.

"Lelouch!" I said in surprise, "got off my..." he dropped the ball in my lap and wrapped himself around my body almost as if he was hugging me with his body. At that moment...I felt something roll off of Lelouch. It was warm and inviting and above all, it made the tears stop. Lelouch looked up into my eyes again and they seemed...happy and then he gave me a shy lick and curled up and fell asleep in my lap. I didn't know what to do, I ran my fingers through Lelouch's long fur and I felt him give a shiver and a soft murr. I pulled myself under the covers and turned off the light on my bed stand and promptly fell asleep.

Later that night I was startled from my dream by the feeling of Lelouch getting up. I felt him circling my bed and I knew instantly something was wrong. I looked at him through the darkness and I saw something that was strange. The golden streak on his tail was glowing!

"What the hell..." then it pulsed, the golden streak grew farther up Lelouch's back. I heard Lelouch whimpering and lightly yipping as he jumped off the bed and went over to my door and walked through the threshold. I tried to follow, but I fell onto the mattress of my bed for the umpteenth time because I forgot my legs didn't work.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath, "Lelouch!" I said in a loud whisper, knowing he already reacted to his name, "Get back here! Lelouch!"

Then something flashed in my peripheral vision, a flash of golden light in my floor to ceiling window. I looked out into our back yard and saw Lelouch quickly walking over to the edge of the forest that was at the edge of our yard. Everything was illuminated by the moonlight, and that's when I saw it, and my blood ran cold. A hulking figure came to the edge of the forest, it had to be at least eight feet tall and over flowing with muscle. I panicked, I could see his glowing hazel eyes from here. He seemed unnaturally close, his eyes locked on Lelouch and I saw Lelouch crouch, ready to pounce.

"No," I muttered feeling pain rip through me, "Lelouch don't do it. Just run...please just run." But it was already inevitable. Once a dog starts something, it doesn't stop for anything, and it happened in slow-motion. Lelouch pounced, the glowing streak showing like the trail of a commit as he flew through the air. The monster's arms opened wide, ready to crush the dog to death as soon as it was in his grasp. I don't know how it happened, but I was on the floor crawling towards the window. Then Lelouch connected with the monster and the beast wrapped his arms around him and was engulfed in the hulking arms of the monster...and the monster spun with him in his arms?

All of a sudden I couldn't understand what was in front of me. The monster was...hugging him like he was a toddler and swinging him in his arms. Lelouch was even licking his face all over.

"I must be dreaming." I muttered as I grabbed my head. The monster let Lelouch onto the ground and Lelouch crouched and wagged his tail and bounced around him like he wanted to play, but the monster shook his head and I could hear a growl as he spoke. Lelouch got really still all of a sudden and started to back up slowly and this time I saw the hair on his back standing on end, staring down the monster as if he were nothing. Lelouch slowly backed away from the beast and when it tried to take a step towards him I heard Lelouch's muffled bark and it actually took a step back.

Lelouch gave one last bark and then turned and ran back into the house and the monster extended a hand...paw...hand-paw...whatever you want to call it as if he didn't want him to go. Seconds later I heard Lelouch enter my room, the only indication that he was there was the jingling of his collar. He came over to me and nuzzled my face and when I looked at him I could have sworn he had tears in his eyes. I looked back into our back yard and stifled a scream because the monster was standing in the moonlight now. He was a brown werewolf with a swirling red fur pattern all over himself. You might be wondering why I said 'himself', well, his...wolf-hood was gigantic and swayed with his steps. His sheath was probably as thick as my arm and his balls had to be as big as watermelons. As you can imagine it was fairly prominent.

But the most horrifying thing I saw was the monsters eyes. They were locked with mine and I couldn't help but freeze in fear as he walked up to the window. Lelouch stopped nuzzling me and looked at the monster making his way to my window and growled a deep angry, territorial growl.

"Lelouch, stop that." I blinked and looked at the monster again. Did it just talk?

Lelouch just growled louder, "Your father has been worried sick," yup it talked. I felt all the blood in my face rush somewhere else and I had the strong urge to faint. "He's about to rip the whole city apart to find you. You have to come back." The monster's voice was low, like a loud whisper, but he seemed like he was begging rather than scolding Lelouch.

Lelouch responded by growling a little louder, "I promised you I wouldn't harm anyone in this house so you can stop growling at me." Lelouch stopped his growling and turned to me and started to nuzzle my face again, softly licking my cheek to return some of the color back to it. I didn't even try to push Lelouch away and the monsters sad eyes turned to look at me, and as they did the eyes turned instantly hard.

"You have no idea what you have." He growled and Lelouch snapped back to him, fur on end, and growling like a rabid dog. The monster ignored him, "If I find that you let him get hurt, physically or emotionally, you will have more than just me after you." Then he got right up to the window, his eyes right at the bottom of the glass, "You will have the entire pack after you. There will be nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, and nowhere safe to be. We will hunt you and your family down and tear you to shreds and use your bones to pick our teeth of your flesh. But first we will hunt down everyone you know, everyone you love, everyone you even care about and kill them in front of you in a frenzy and bathe you in their blood." He then turned and looked at the practically hysterical Lelouch and with a much softer voice said, "I will tell your father where you are, and then be back tomorrow night to check in on you. I will tell him you have chosen."

I was shocked back into reality, "W-w-what do you m-m-mean he has chosen?"

Those angry eyes burned through my skull again, "His mate." He growled then he turned away and ran into the forest on all fours.


I woke up the next morning in my bed, Lelouch wrapped around me. I could feel his soft repetition of breaths. I looked at the clock at the side of my bed, five forty seven. I woke up almost an hour before my alarm was supposed to go off. Ugh! I was getting up an hour earlier to get ready for school normally because it took me ten times longer to get ready for school now that my legs were gone. With an irritated groan I shook Lelouch awake.

"Come on Lelouch," I moaned through the sleep, "I need to get ready for school." Lelouch roused, dragged himself off my bed and into the black dog bed we got for him yesterday, and fell back to sleep.

"Not a morning dog are you." I yawned, "Neither am I." I started doing my morning routine of stretching out my muscles to prevent cramping. I used to do this because I didn't want to cramp up on the track, but now I just do it because...well I just want something to stay the same. I flipped the covers off and started to message my legs.

"Sorry about the rude awakening," I whispered to Lelouch, "but I had the weirdest dream last night that..." I looked over to Lelouch and I saw the golden streak on his tail had trailed up his back to about his pelvis. I felt the blood drain from my face and ice rend through my heart as I stared at that golden streak. I stared to slowly move myself and forced the ice that formed in my joints to melt and leave me shivering as I got into my wheelchair. I creped my way into my special bathroom, and got rid of my cloths as I turned on the warm water in my sit down shower.

Denial was the best way to describe what I was feeling, could I believe that something like...well, a werewolf was living in the forest in my back yard. How would you feel? And not just him, a whole pack!

I doubled over and vomited onto the floor. I had nothing in my stomach so nothing came up but the nasty bile that burned my throat, but easily rinsed down the drain. Just thinking about that made me literally sick. I heard a scratching on the door and I jumped half way out of my skin, but was reassured when I heard Lelouch whimper on the other side. The door swung inward and Lelouch walked over to the glass doors and started to lick the glass almost as if he could lick the fog away and get to me.

Before I knew what I was doing I slid the glass door away and Lelouch came right up to me and started to lick my face, his neck craning to reach my chin. Even though I knew he was somehow linked to all the weirdness, I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck and literally started to cry into his fur. Lelouch just started to lick my ear and nuzzle my matted hair as water ran down both of us.

Couldn't I catch a break! First the car accident, then my legs, now this! I buried my face deeper into Lelouch, I didn't care if I smelled like wet dog. It helped to hold him and to simply cry my problems out and into his fur. I don't know how long I sat like that, but I eventually pulled away and Lelouch followed my face and licked up the tears from my eyes, even though they were washed away, he still tried. And I barely pushed him away, mainly because I didn't care, second because it felt good. With a final lick to my nose Lelouch pulled away and laid down at my feet and waited for me to finish my shower.

I thought about using my shampoo, but Dug told me that that would irritate Lelouch's skin because our shampoo was stronger or something. So I turned so the soap wouldn't run off me and onto him and grabbed the bottle of shampoo. I quickly lathered myself up, feeling my muscles all around my body. I grabbed the shower head and rinsed myself off making sure as little of the soap got on Lelouch as possible. Just to make sure I rinsed him off with the warm water, and I think he enjoyed it. Soft murrs could be heard from him as I rinsed him in the warm water.

After I was satisfied I turned the shower head off and grabbed the towel on my wheel chair and started to dry myself off. I started to dry off my hair when I heard Lelouch get up and...I felt a spray of water as he shook himself dry, and I was hailed with wet dog smelling droplets that quickly masked my Swave's sent. I took the towel off my head and looked at Lelouch and he was panting and looking at me with those happy olive eyes that said "That felt good."

I rolled my eyes and started to dry myself off again and maneuvered myself back into my wheel chair. I rolled myself to the closet that held all the cleaning materials and towels. I grabbed another towel and started to dry myself off again and grabbed another one for Lelouch. After I was done I started to dry off my dog and he actually started to thump his leg against the floor as I rubbed his back with the towel.

"I'm not gunna have any trouble giving you a bath, am I?" Lelouch looked up to me again and started to lick my face. This time I pushed him away and when I looked into his eyes, I thought I saw sadness.

"I need to get ready for school," I started, "we can play when I get back okay?"

He gave a happy bark and trotted off into my room, wagging his tail high in the air. I followed him after I threw the towels into the hamper by the door. Lelouch was already in his bed all curled up, but his eyes stayed on me as I wheeled myself over to my dresser and started to dress myself. I primarily wore shorts because they were easier to get on, but now that the weather was starting to get a little colder I started to suffer through sweat pants. They weren't much harder to get on than shorts, but my feet didn't want to go through and always got stuck. I had trouble getting them around my waist and over my boxers without being able to lift myself up with my legs. Today for some reason I simply couldn't get them up to my waist as they caught on my feet.

I was about to give up when I felt Lelouch take the leggings in his maw and forced them up and my feet popped out and allowed me to pull them up to my waist. I looked down at Lelouch who looked up to me and licked me right on the nose then went back over to his bed and laid down and closed his eyes. I looked dumfounded at him, but his breathing got deep as he fell back asleep. I grabbed a shirt and put it on as I kept thinking of Lelouch and he is, and I know a dumb dog when I see one. My friend Charley had the dumbest Doberman that looked like he got beat every day from all the crap he got in.

I silently wheeled myself out of my room so not to wake up Lelouch and got into the small elevator next to the stairs and pushed the "1" button to bring me down to the main level. When the doors rolled away my mom was already there with my daily protein shake, another one of those things that I just wanted to stay normal. I must have been in the shower longer than normal because it was already six fifteen. With a quick thank you I guzzled it down and wheeled over to the table for my daily breakfast of eggs, Texas toast, and two -present-milk. I inhaled my food and started to wheel my way out the door, wanting to get to school early to watch the team practice on the field since I was up anyway. At least watching them made me feel like I was still part of the team, even if they don't want anything to do with me. Sure they hang with me at lunch, but on the field it's as if I just remind them of a horrible event that they just want to forget. Imagine how much I just wanted to get back on the field.

"Have a nice day Honey!"

"Love you to mom!" I shouted back and left through the door and wheeled up to my shofar. Yah, I have my own personal driver now that we can afford it, and I need it. Lilly was my red headed car driver. She was dressed in khaki pants with a black tank top with a blue fluttering button up sweater over top of it. I know my junk still worked every time I looked at her because I felt my balls churn every time I saw her. Long flowing red curls with ocean blue eyes that glowed with a burning intensity.

When I got up to her she crinkled her nose, "Did you sleep with that dog of yours?" she said waving my vapors away from her nose.

"Sort of." I said and lifted my arms for her to pick me up and put me in the passenger seat of her car. I felt her strain to put me in the passenger seat, well when you're at least two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle you can be a bit heavy for a dainty think like Lilly. I buckled myself in while she put my wheelchair in the back and I looked in my backpack for my itinerary. I had to leave school during PE at the end of the day for physical therapy, I saw written in for today.

"Hey Lilly?" I asked, as she started to get into the driver's seat.

"Yes Alex?"

"Are you going to pick me up early today?"

"Nope," she said turning on the car and putting it into gear, "your dad wants to bring you to your physical therapy himself today."

"Aw," I said in sarcastic longing, "but I wanted to see you again today."

"Well babe," she said in a sarcastic tone like mine, "I would love to have that, but your daddy wouldn't approve. So," she pulled on my seat belt that tightened it across my chest, "just sit back and enjoy the ride."

"Come on Lilly," I said, the seat belt digging into me, "you know I was just kidding."

"I can tell when guys are just kidding," she said, smiling, "you were only half kidding." She let go of the belt and I took an over exaggerated breath in.

"Besides," she said, "I don't mix work and pleasure." And she did a hair flip to say that the conversation was over. Then we looked into each other's eyes and we burst out laughing.

"Did you seriously just flip your hair at me?"

"It felt right at the time." She said stifling a giggle, her curls bouncing.

"That was the girlyest I've ever seen you."

"Oh shut up." She punched my arm and I punched her back and she looked at me like she couldn't believe what I just did, "I'm driving here, don't ever hit a driver."

"Oh, you sexist whore."

"I am not sexist."

"You so are."

"I just don't think men should hit a girl, and girls should be allowed to hit men if they are ass-holes."

"What if the woman is being a bitch?"


"I'm just saying that it's unfair that girls can hit guys and men can't hit girls."

"So if we had it your way men and women all around the world would be covered in buses."

"I just think that people shouldn't hit people."

"Huh," Lilly looked a little impressed, "that's actually very...insightful. I didn't think you had it in you."

"See, you never would have thought of that." I said triumphantly, "That's how I know you are sexist."

"Ok, smart ass," She said, pulling up to the curb next to the football field, "Here we are." She undid here seat belt and got out to get my wheelchair and brought it around to me. I lifted my arms and she helped me out of the car and into my chair.

"Thanks Lilly," I said waving as I wheeled myself up onto the curb, "remember it's Friday."

"Yah," she said rolling her eyes, "me driving you around all day is how I want to spend my weekend."

"Take this weekend off, my dad is home and we are going to go to the park with my new dog."

"Yah," she said, her gaze dropping as if she knew something, "call me if you need me." And before I could thank her or ask her questions she pulled herself into her car and closed the door. I waved as she took off and I turned to the field.

Somehow the smell of the field was different than all the other grass anywhere else. Probably from all the sweat and hard labor going into practicing on it that gave it a hint of musk. I felt the familiar adrenalin rush of the game as I wheeled myself onto the stands in the early morning air.

I watched as the guys did various practices, one bunch of people where practicing on their throwing as they tossed a few balls back and forth. Another bunch were doing sprints as they ran between the ten yard line and the forty yard line and touched it and ran back. Then there was Brian, the muscle hunk of the school, practicing his tackling as he pushed the tackling dummy back a few feet then proceeded to push it back gradually. Brian had his helmet on for the exercise so you couldn't see his black short cropped hair, but you could see his tanned skin. Coach was watching him with pride as some other players watched Brian with his form. That's another thing that I missed, coach looking at me like that...I missed my dad looking at me like that.

"That's how it's done boys." He said and patted Brian on the ass, "Go back to sprints Brian." Brian must have said yes coach, but I could only see him nod, and he ran back to the sprinters.

"Ok boys you know what to do," he said rolling his clipboard in the air motioning them to start, "get going."

"Hey Coach!" I shouted and he looked up, the hard lines on his face softening when he saw me in the stands.

He took his cap off and wiped his hand through his peppery hair, "Hey Alex. How you holding up?"

"I'm living." I said as some of the guys looked up at me and shouted a hello then quickly went back to practice. They know how coach can be if he catches you slacking.

"Thank God for that." He said wiping the sweat from his lip, "How your dad holding up?"

"He's...ok I guess." I knew he wasn't okay at all, but I don't think he would like me telling people he wasn't.

"That bad huh?" he saw right though me. He turned around and put his cap back on to check the team to see if they weren't slacking off then turned back to me, "You still wanna train the lower classmen like I offered you last year or do you just wanna pack it in."

"Come on coach," I said leaning forward and putting my head on my fists, "you know that isn't my style. I can still throw and show kids the proper tackling stances. Frankly I'm offended you would say such a thing." I smiled showing I wasn't really hurt and coach smiled back.

"You wanna show them tonight, they are starting advanced throwing techniques and I could really use my star quarter back."

My face lit up, "I would love to," then I remembered I had therapy tonight and my face deflated, "but, sorry coach, I have some sort of meeting with my dad. How about Monday?"

"That'll work. Gad you could still find some way to be part of the team."

"Hey," I said, beating my chest with my fist twice then punched the air, the team's signature move, "once a Spartan always a Spartan."

Coach did the same, "You got that right." He turned around and shouted, "Switch!" and all the guys on the field started swapping exercises.

Coach said good bye and I watched the team practice for a bit, then started the journey to class, not accepting any help with my wheelchair as I made my way to the school.


At the end of the day I was sitting on the side lines of the football field waiting for my dad to pick me up for my therapy. I was watching the kids from my class playing soccer in the field. I didn't actually play, but I am allowed to look at the other kids play as I use the hour as a study hall. I was working on calculus, but I got bored and was lost in the mediocrity of my classmates just running after the ball and not trying to open up themselves for a pass or anything. I couldn't help but get frustrated at their horrible skills and I got lost in thought as my "inner coach" yelled at them telling me what they were doing wrong.

I saw the black SUV pull up to the field and I knew there was only one person who could afford that car. I watched as my dad opened the driver's door and looked side to side as if someone was watching. He was wearing khaki pants with a red dress shirt and a brown dress coat. He walked onto the field and his long curly black hair bounced as he walked across the field looking at the kids playing with almost a pained expression. Then he turned and saw me in the stands...and that damn look of pity came across his face. It was there for a split second and then his face warmed up a bit as he came over to the stands. I stayed there waiting for him to pick me up as I gathered up my stuff and put my homework in my backpack.

When he reached me he ran his fingers through his hair and blew out his breath in a silent whistle, "You ready for your appointment Champ?"

Ever since the accident things between me and my dad have become...a little awkward to say the least. It was as if dad was always afraid to touch me, but after a while he would get over it, but whenever he looked at me like made me feel like shit.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as I flipped the backpack over my shoulder and onto the hook on my wheel chair.

"Ok, let's get going then," he said taking my chair, "don't want to be late." He brought me over to the SUV and I was strapped in in no time and we were off to the hospital and like usual our conversation shifted to a more of a father son thing once the wheelchair was out of site. It was as if I was a normal kid because it was normal to keep my legs still sitting in a car seat, but I would normally kick my feet up onto the dash and lean back in my chair.

"So dose Ely like the new dog?" that's what my dad called mom.

I gave a big smile and crossed my arms behind my head and leaned back, "She loves him. Apparently he is the perfect snuggle buddy for her when she watches her soap-operas."

Dad gave an amused chuckle, "That's a relief," he said, "I don't have to now anymore. Damn, I hate Gray's Anatomy!" I couldn't help it, we both started laughing. The conversation stayed like that until we reached the hospital, and Dad just sort of got real quiet as he got the wheel chair out and helped me into it.


It wasn't long before I was wheeling back into our home with a band aid on my back and my dad pushing me along with a tight jaw, his obvious frustration splayed on his face. I couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of myself, though I had no idea what for.

We were greeted at the door by barking as Lelouch signaled our arrival. As soon as the door was open he nuzzled up into my chest and lightly lapped at my neck, almost to say as if he missed me and to comfort me. I looked down and cradled his head in my arms and I felt a piece of me warm, but it was soon pulled out of it as my dad wheeled my chair forward and right over Lelouch's tail electing a panicked yip from him. Dad jumped at the sudden noise, pulling him out of his funk and he looked at Lelouch for the first time. Lelouch gave a low growl, but there was no ferocity in it as his muzzle looked down and off to the side.

Dad's eyes bugged out "Damn!" he said, his disappointment forgotten, "he's huge! How the hell did I miss him on the way in?"

I chuckled "I told you," at the sound of my voice Lelouch looked back at me and his tail started to wag, the pain obviously forgotten, "he's totally BA isn't he?"

Lelouch barked happily at the sound of my complement, "He's a fucking monster!" Dad said, more as a complement as he crouched, and when he did, he had to look up into Lelouch's emerald eyes.

"Sorry buddy," he said and he started to scratch Lelouch's chest and his eyes started to roll back into his head and his left rear paw started to thump against the tile of the entry way. I couldn't help but laugh at the apparent forgiveness and how well Dad was with Lelouch.

As soon as dad stopped Lelouch did his "Why did you stop?" look and dad pushed me the rest of the way in, his mood almost sort of lifted. The rest of the night went by like usual, we ate like a normal happy family, the first time in a long time, and Lelouch ate quarter a bag of dog food. I almost didn't want the night to end, I pulled the conversations on longer than normal at the table, simply because I didn't want to go to bed...and wait for the monster to come. Then Lelouch gave a soft growl.


I knitted my eyebrows for a second, and then looked at mom and dad.

"You guys expecting anyone?" they both looked at me with blank faces and Lelouch walked forward to the door. My dad went to go answer the door and I followed, my curiosity getting the better of me. When I wheeled into the entry way, Dad was swatting Lelouch away from the door. Lelouch's fur was on end and...the golden strip on his tail was glowing again!

"Dad! Don't..." but it was too late, the door opened and I felt like I was in the accident all over again. Watching in slow motion as the door slowly swung open to reveal...a man in a suit...with glowing hazel eyes!

"Hello," the man said, his voice deep, husky, and smooth, "sorry for interrupting your evening, but it has come to my attention that you have come into ownership of a very special dog." The man gave a smile and his teeth couldn't be more perfect. His shinning canines were prominent, giving him an air of mischief.

Lelouch growled uncontrollably and the fur on his back adulated and rose a bit. Dad hushed him and waved his hand at him and Lelouch got quiet, but his fur still stood on end. As dad did that, the man in the suit's face flashed something that looked like anger, but quickly smoothed his features back into a calm nature.

"You see," he said running his hand through his hair as if he was nervous, "that dog is actually my master's dog and I have come here to retrieve it..."

"No!" I said a little too loudly and Lelouch crouched to pounce as he gave a hiss that turned into a rumbling growl.

The man didn't even flinch and Dad hushed Lelouch again.

"But my master has..." the man cleared his throat, "requested that his dog's new owner would...come back to the mansion for a substantial reward."

"If he's the owner," I said, my eyes running daggers through those hazel eyes, "then why didn't he try to retrieve him from the shelter when he was there for a month."

The man cleared his throat again and looked down nervously, I couldn't tell if it was an act or not, "Well, he has been looking, but not this far away from home. We were surprised to find him in the registry in this town. The description in the report matched him...I mean, how many Shiba Inus do you know that are that big."

"Okay Alex, don't be rude," Dad said as he offered to let the stranger in, but he refused.

"Actually...since it is a Friday night, do you mind coming with me to my masters home right away? He is anxious to see his pet returned," the man said.

Dad knitted his eyebrows, "Maybe we can work something out with your...I'm sorry, I don't remember you mentioning this guy's name."

"I'm terribly sorry," the man said as he bowed, "Master Steven sends his apologies for the urgency of the matter, but he does love his pet very much and would like Lelouch back before breakfast tomorrow."

"Yes, well," it was my Dad's turn to clear his throat, "Do you think we can work something out with this Steven. I mean, my boy has gotten really attached to his dog and..."

"I'm sure we can work something out," the man cut him off, "Steven is a very reasonable man, but he wishes to discuss with you in person. We have arranged transportation to and from already."

"Well," Dad looked at me then back at the man, "I don't see why not." Then he furrowed his brow, "I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"Oh," the man said in surprise, "I'm terribly sorry, my name is Mathew, but you can call me Mat."


No matter how much I told my dad I didn't want to go, he insisted. I didn't really want to tell him that this guy was some sort of werewolf; he would think I was going crazy. The sad thing is that he would believe that because he thinks me being in this chair has made me soft in the head. Wouldn't you go crazy if you had to constantly sit down after being able to run five miles without a sweat. Being forced to live in a chair over something that isn't your fault at all?

"Maybe I am going crazy..." I mumbled to myself.

Well that was definitely a lot easier to believe than the man driving the lionize was a monster, I mean...I could have dreamed the whole thing...and Lelouch grows fast, so why not his fur. It can change color. Yeah, this makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I dreamed the whole thing.

For the first time in a long time I leaned back and relaxed, the tension I hadn't even noticed was there eased out of my back and Lelouch came over and rested his head in my lap as he laid down on the row of empty seats beside me. My dad was sitting on my other side on his cell phone talking to someone about work, I wasn't listening because it was probably about some new treatment for my spine and I really didn't want to be reminded of it. My wheel chair sitting in the back of the limo was all I needed to remind me how useless my legs really were.

The limo pulled into a drive way and soon enough Mat came around to help me into my wheel chair. As soon as I was out the mansion in front of me took my breath away. In the middle of the woods was this massive mansion with dark brick siding and columns. The limo was parked next to a massive round fountain that had stone carved wolves dashing around a mountain in the center with one particularly large wolf at the summit standing proud and powerful with water running down in rivulets down the rock. There were also wolves in mid howl shooting streams of water into the fountain.

Mat started to weal me towards the mansion, one side of the double stair chaise had planks of wood placed over it to make a ramp into the home. It made me sick to look at the ramp, but Mat paid no mind as he railed me up to the door and pushed me into the grand foyer with Lelouch attached to me by his leash.

"Master Steven!" Mat raised his voice a bit, but it still sounded calm, "Alex is here with Lelouch."

"I'm in the den," a deep and strong voice said from a room to the left.

It was dark except for the full moon flooding in through the window and the fire roaring in the hearth. Mat quickly, yet gently wheeled me into the room and I looked to my left for my Dad and...he wasn't there. I looked around, tried to do a 360 as best I could while in my chair, but I still couldn't find him.

"Dad?" I said but got no response.

"Your dad is still in the Limo," Mat started, "he wanted to finish his call..."

"Lelouch." The voice said again from over by the fire place where a massive chair was, the fire washed his golden skin in radiant rays of flickering light as his hard emerald eye stayed fixed on the fire. I felt my body tense up, the guy was massive, he was in nothing but a bath robe, but that only accented how big he was. The sleeves of the robe were stretched taut over his massive arms, his massive hands griped into the arms of his chair, and his chest forced the fabric to spread apart exposing his trimmed harry chest. His pecks were exposed and as the light from the fire played across them the short blond hairs shimmered like golden threads as they made a happy trial doing down in-between his pecks and past the first pair of fist sized abs that disappeared into the black fabric of his silk robe. His feet, damn those feet were huge! His big toe had to be the size of my wrist in width. The man turned his head to look at me and his emerald eyes sent a chill down my spine as his golden mane of wavy hair adjusted to his shifting visage.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay, but when I saw that face, my dick became instantly hard. He was the best looking guy I had ever seen, his face was ageless to the point where you couldn't tell if he was twenty or forty, but his eyes showed a power of not just physical might, but something more. His chin was chiseled and his muscles in his neck angled perfectly to show his Addams apple and a light stubble shimmering in the firelight.

He looked over to my side where Lelouch was crouched, but not defensively, more frightened than anything. His tail was tucked in-between his legs and he was as far back away from the man as he possibly could be while still staying at my side. I thought I imagined it, but I could hear light whimpers emitting from the frightened dog.

"Lelouch," the man said in a much more stern voice and as he did, Lelouch flinched a bit, "get over here now."

The man sounded like he was scolding a son and not a dog when he spoke, he may be frightening, but he definitely had respect for Lelouch...and how did he know the name that I gave him? Did I just guess his name at the shelter or something?

Lelouch took a hesitant step forward then looked at me with pleading eyes, and at that hesitation the mans face grew hard.

"Lelouch!" he shouted, the whole house shook with his booming voice, not like it didn't before, but this time I could actually feel the vibrations. Like the feeling of the bass at a rock concert. It thrummed through you and deep into your heart, but instead of making me want to dance, I felt my body shiver in fear. Even Mat's hands were trembling on my wheel chair.

Lelouch yipped at the sound of the man's voice and slowly walked over and the man lifted him up by the scruff of his neck and up off the floor, his robe straining with the effort to contain the massive muscles flexing as he lifted up the massive dog with one hand. Lelouch yipped in surprise and his muzzle hung open as he gave up periodical yips and whimpers.

"What the Hell Were you THINKING!" he roared, the crystal in the chandelier shivering and humming with the power of the man's voice, "Running off like some lone wolf!" the man growled the last words "lone wolf" as if it was something shameful.

"And then!" he shifted Lelouch over to look at me and gestured his muzzle towards my body, "you choose this Fucking CRIPLE as you MATE!" Tears, literal tears streamed down my dogs face and his muzzle as he pleaded with me to make it stop. I couldn't hold it back any more. I clenched my fists, grabbing a handful of denim in each hand and whispered.


The man looked at me with his face ablaze with rage.

"What was that boy?" he rumbled, his voice made it sound like he heard and was daring me to say it again.

"Stop it." I murmured then gained confidence, "Stop hurting him!"

For the longest time the silence hung in the air, the man's eyes bore into mine and slowly but surely the color in his face returned to normal until a slight smile started to crawl across his face until a wolfish grin was there as he started to laugh.

"Wow," he said, as he gently let down Lelouch and he ran over to me and put his muzzle under my chin and whimpered and shivered uncontrollably, "you did that a lot faster than I thought you would."

I stroked Lelouch's fur and whispered that it's ok now over and over and then I looked up at the man, his arms crossed as he stood next to the hearth, looking down on me with those powerful eyes with a big grin on his face. His pecks were bouncing as he chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Talk back to me that is," he answered quite satisfied, "most of the mates that my children choose just watch as I swing them around by their scruff."

Something was wrong.

"Your what now?" I froze as I felt a chill go up my spine as a massive brown paw rested on my shoulder and a muzzle closed up to my ear.

"Glad you kept him safe," the monster from the night before growled in my ear. Then he gave a sensuous lick, "It would have been a shame to simply kill you." The scream was caught in my throat, I couldn't move, I couldn't think.

"Don't worry Alex," the wolf chuckled out, "your practically part of the pack now."

"What do you mean? What pack? What's going on?" I stammered.

The man looked at me with a slight smirk and then walked over to Lelouch and scooped him up in his arms and held him tight, "Thank god you're ok," he murmured as he rubbed his stubbly cheek against the dog.

Lelouch was shivering and whimpering still, but he was slowly relaxing into the big man's arms. That's when I saw him change. It was swift and smoothly, his body didn't jerk or shift like in the movies. His body swelled and grew, the robe shredding to pieces as the massive muscles of the man outgrew the flimsy garment. That's when I realized how highly vaulted the ceilings were. They had to be at least ten feet high and the growing man was quickly reaching the ceiling.

Bulging power rippled through the man as his pecs ballooned out and his legs thickened to tree trunk width. His bones seamlessly shifted into long dog legs that were jointed three times instead of just twice and his face pushed out and his stubble spread until his entire body was covered in thick golden fur with a swirling black design though it, accenting his eyes like eye shadow. The monsters massive ten pack bulged out to the size of bricks and...his...HOLY FUCK! His cock had to be at least three feet long and a foot wide completely flaccid and in its sheath, but the pink tip poked out as if the meager sheath couldn't contain the massive monster within the monster. It didn't take more than thirty seconds before a massive golden wolf god stood before me, cradling the little in comparison pup in his massive arms.

"I was so worried love," he said as he nuzzled his little pup, "don't ever scare daddy like that again." Lelouch started to murr and nuzzle his daddies peck and lap at the erect nipple as it dribbled...milk? I couldn't help but feel a little tingle in my pants at the erotic gesture, but the fear rocketing through my heart kind of made it impossible to enjoy.

"Your mother will be so relieved," he sighed as he gently set down the little pup but as he walked back over to me, I realized just how big the werewolf was. The sheer size of his foot paws was testament to that, he could crush the chair he was just sitting in a moment ago with one of those massive feet!

"So Alex," he said with an almost condescending tone, "I have heard quite a lot about you. Mat, keep him held down and Lelouch, if this is your mate, I suggest you don't interfere."

Fear boomed in my chest and I sprang to life and I managed to surprise the monster behind me and push forward...but not up. I still haven't gotten used to the fact my legs don't work. I fell flat on my face and the monster, Mat, picked me up with a light chuckle.

"Don't worry," Steven said as he slowly stroked his massive rod, "the first time is always the hardest."

Fear rend my heart, was he going to do what I thought he was going to do. He must have read my mind...or my face because he gave a light chuckle.

"Don't worry Alex," he reassured me with an amused voice, "your virginity will stay with you, but the actual conversion process involves your...consent if you will." He moved his paw to pick up a wine flute from the fire place mantle with his thumb and fore claw and brought it to his now half erect member...or at least what I hoped was half.

He tilted the glass so the first few trickles of pre from his anaconda, no it was bigger than that, would drip into the glass.

"And before you reject it outright," Mat breathed into my ear in his arousal, I could smell his musk filling the air...or was that Steven, "you ought to know all the perks of being part of the our physical superiority." He gave a slight chuckle and I felt something boil up from the pit of my stomach, more of a question really, but it was only a couple of words.

"My legs..."

"Yes," Mat breathed, "our physical condition is quite perfect don't you agree." He shifted my head so I looked directly at Steven and I couldn't help but feel arousal and envy over that perfect muscle bound figure, bigger than any man could ever dream of becoming, and standing perfectly on his own two feet.

"You see," Steven moaned, "The properties of the change do have very beneficial medicinal properties. People who have even had terminal cancer have been completely healed by the packs essence. It's potency can even repair scared or permanently damaged tissue, along with the augmentation of physical strength, beauty, and," Steven gave a gasp that turned into a low growl as he squeezed his still growing member, the glass almost completely full of bubbling pre, "sexual enhancement." A shot of pre came out of his flared tip and arched its way far over the glass and splattered on the floor only inches from my chair. It was only pre and he could have filled two glasses from that one spurt!

A nauseating mixture of revulsion and envy overcame me and I couldn't help but give out a sound that was a cross between a gag and a moan. I swallowed the bile in the back of my throat and forced the courage to look up.

"You're sick," I gasped, "you think I'm so fucking desperate to get my legs back that I would drink your cum!"

Then I felt it, Lelouch's wet and cold nose nuzzling my clenched fist and he gave off a slight whimper and I could almost hear in my mind what he was saying, Please, take it, I'm begging you, please just take it.

I felt something in me crack, something give in, something went loose and I felt my resolve to run and fight melt away. The fear was part of it, but...something more was behind why, but I just couldn't place it...maybe something wasn't breaking...or making room for something else. Regardless I found the wine flute in my other hand, I didn't even remember grabbing it, but there it was, filled to the brim with the clear, warm, and slick liquid with a trail of it running down the side of the glass. There it was, and as if mesmerized, I brought it to my lips and started to drink.