Cliche Gay Story - Part 3

Story by Gabriel Azra on SoFurry

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It's been a while since I've uploaded, sorry... I've been busy getting my gold card from starbucks :D VIP access mothafuckas! (: Third instalment of my short series: Cliche Gay Story - I hope you enjoy it! Have any twists you'd think are good in my story? TELL ME! :O

Day 3 - January 4, 2012

Okay, so I already broke my promise of posting every day. Sorry. There's some shit that's going down and I'm about to tell you.

So, Tara and I broke up. She wanted to have sex when she got drunk last night and I told her no. She didn't get the hint so I pushed her off the bed. She passed out on her floor and the next morning remembered what happened. I got an ass full (not literally) and she broke up with me. Now I keep gettings texts from people asking "what's going on", "you didn't fuck her dude?!", and my favorite, "got a small cock or something?" That last one was sent from her friend. Let me clarify how big my cock is, not small enough to fit in her virgin pussy. Also, the bitch who texted me is a fucking slut. She's a fox, you know how those sneaky foxes are... Mother fuckers.

ANYWAYS: I haven't talked to Tyler in a couple days, he hasn't been at school, and since it's only day two at school and he's missed the first two days of the semester I'm assuming something bad is going on. I sent him this:

'Why weren't you at school today dude?' and I've also sent him, 'What ever is going on hope you're okay.'

Was the last one gay? I thought it was, but I sent it anyways. It's so pathetic that we over analyze these things. And to be honest, I don't give a fuck. I'm a senior, I'm leaving in four months. Let's do this. If I'm outed by my best friend who I love, no big deal. If some bitch outs me, I'll cut their fucking ass... No big deal also.

Have you ever Googled "gay chatroulette"? There are some really funny websites, but while I was trying to navigate all the old, fat men's penises, I met this really nice husky named James. He was cute, funny, and interested. We exchanged numbers and now I'm talking to him. It feels weird to be really talking to someone who knows my sexuality, but it's nice not to have to act macho and manly all the time, because sometimes I want to break out into dance or use my hands when I talk and guys just don't do that. Ugh. I even type gay, and I know I do, I don't give a shit. Cause you all know I'm a homo. No big deal. The world real life world right outside my window doesn't need to know for a while.

I'm going to post every day. Okay? Good talk.

Bye (: