Cliche Gay Story - Part 2

Story by Gabriel Azra on SoFurry

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I have had a lot of fun writing this story. I enjoy the characters and I'm hoping I can go somewhere with it. Please comment, rate and follow me!

Day 2 - January 2, 2012

Okay, so as I told you before, my mom has a really nice job, and she makes a lot of money. We live in a big house and she drives a nice car. Now, there isn't a problem with that but I don't like flaunting my families money. So I got a job and worked for the money for my car and I pay for everything but my cellphone and my car insurance. I don't have enough money for those.

I own the newest Pontiac G6. I bought it used and it needed a lot of work so I had to put a lot of money in it. I bought a TomTom navigation system with 11 speaker Bose sound system. I've got a bitchin' radio in my car.

Now, let's be honest, you're probably wondering about some stuff. First, my dad was abusive and beat me and my mom for 14 years of my life. He also molested my cousin. So now he's in jail. Second, I am 5' 11" and I am very fit. I have a thin swimmers/runners body. I have green eyes, and I have the whitest teeth in the world. No joke. If anyone is reading this and has a question about me or my life, ask in the comments of this post, I'll try to answer, and that goes for every post!

The day before today was the morning after new years eve. I had gone home after I woke up at Tylers house. Now it's the last day of Christmas break and I have to go to school tomorrow. Gross. I literally hate sitting in school all day. Our school has block scheduling, which means we have four classes a day, they're ninety minutes long, and it's really boring. It's a great system when you have stuff to learn, but I don't have a first block. So I don't have to show up until 9:10 class starts at 9:15. I also have an hour lunch because I have a distance learning class. So, my day is pretty much an entire joke.

I'm jumping from one topic to the next, I know but I'm not good at transitions. Sorry. Tyler tested me today and all I got was, "YOU'RE A CHOT." What the fuck does that even mean? Can anyone tell me what a cont is... I'm not going to look it up because that would let him win. No sir, that's not happening.

To be honest guys, I like him, a lot. I don't really know what to do with myself when he's around. Sure, I'm good at pretending to not be a drooling gay, but that doesn't mean that it's not something I don't think about every second I'm around him. He's so good to me. Here's an example:

We were jogging one time. I ahead of him and I rolled my ankle. He carried me all the way to his car (two and a half miles away) and drove me to the hospital and called my mom. Sure, it doesn't sound like much, but to me, that was everything. I knew I could walk and I told him that, but he insisted on carrying me all the way to his car. I can't explain how awkward but perfect it was at the same time.

Imagine, the love of your "life", carrying you to his car because you were hurt. Tell me that's not amazing. I bet you can't.

Tara and I are going to get coffee and dinner later. I'm kinda excited because I bought her a ring and I bought her sister a pillow pet. It's a giraffe, no big deal.

Okay, I gotta go and get ready. Bye.