A New Life. Chapter 1

Story by Scratchy211 on SoFurry


Chapter 1 of a story. dunno how long. but enjoy

A New Life

By: Scratch Torn

Ch. 1 From bad to worse

It was the longest day of his life. Max Rando had just gotten a warning for being late and had to work unpaid overtime despite being only two minutes late and the company had him typing numbers away at the computer until his paws bled. After the long day at work, turning the handle to the door meant only one thing to the rabbit, more misery. As he walked in he saw his wife dressed in an elegant dress, tying her ears back and adding lipstick. "Are we going somewhere, Mel?" he asked her, not having heard of any plans.

"No Max, but me and the girls are going to a party tonight. I'm using the car so you'll have to take the bus with Jason."

Max opened his mouth to contest but before a word was uttered Mel stated, "And I'm running late because you had overtime so I need to leave now. We'll be out late so take Jason to Chunky Cheese or Barnagins or one of those other places he loves, ok?" Without a glance in his direction she walks past him and out the door.

Max sat down on the couch and kicked his shoes off, letting his feet air out briefly before getting up and walking into the kitchen. As he opens the fridge Jason walks in and kicks him in his right leg with his shoed foot. Max pulls it up into his arms and looks down at his ten year old son. "Why did you do that!?"

Jason just glared for a moment before saying, "You're late and now I have to take the bus! So hurry up! I have a track meet"

"Ok, ok. Just give me ten minutes"

"You have five!" Jason said before walking off.

Max's mind wandered with thoughts as he grabs a V8 and sat back at the couch. Things such as the cliché of a speedy rabbit in track, and more so that a hopper is in the hurdle event crossed his mind, but the question that was biggest in his mind is who his wife was with. Jason appears to be a normal rabbit but there's a black mark down his back that neither he, nor Mel had. Max even took the time at one point to trace back family photos and found no one on either side for four generations had that either.

After five minutes Jason came back and gave him another kick to the same leg at the same point. Max pulled his leg up, cringing for a moment before looking over, understanding why some parents spank, but knowing if he does he'd be knocked out with a hammer by his wife. "Will you stop that!" he exclaimed, still writhing in pain from the spike of the cleats.

"I told you five minutes!"

"I know! And it's only been five"

"Then we should have left right now!"

Max sighed and put his drink down, hanging his head as he put his shoes back on. He slowly got up, stress knots filling his back with pains and twinges. Max grabbed his keys and drink, turned off the light, and walked out the door with Jason.

At the bus stop they sat down and waited for what seemed like an hour. Jason played a game on his PSP, frequently shouting out a "YEAH!" or "TAKE THAT!" he continued to play as they boarded the bus. Max showed his card and Jason's as they sat down. Max looked out the window and watched as the scene when by. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep before a sudden kick in the leg woke him right up. "GAHH!!! GOD DAMMIT JOSON! STOP IT!"

"b-but we're here." Jason said, looking sad and innocent. Max could hear the people around start talking and glaring. He quickly stood up and grabbed Jason and walked off the bus. Jason ran ahead to see his friends while Max took a spot on the bleachers. The game ran for two hours. Max smiled when his son made his fourth goal of the game. After the game a large cheetah came up to Max.

"Hey Max-O! What's up?" The cheetah said looking down at max.

"Hey there guy!" he said, not able to recall a name or even a prior meeting. "not much. I was just going to go get some pizza and head home"

"Sounds like a plan. I saw that you took the bus so how about I drive?"

Max smiled at this. He was still holding the embarrassment from the bus and any excuse to not have to do that again he would take. "Sure that sounds like a plan. I was thinking Chucky Cheese would be a good place to go." at this point max stood up, and as soon as he did he let out a scream or of pain, grabbing his back. It was all he could do to not fall forward down the bleachers. The cheetah picked him up and took him down.

"Forget the pizza, do you need to go to a hospital?" the cheetah asked, a worried expression on his face.

"N-no. it's just some back pain. Just take me home. I'll sleep it off."

"If you say so. You might want to get it checked out."

"Noted. Would you mind helping me to the car?"

"Sure thing champ" The cheetah picked Max up and called their sons, he laid Max down in the back of the seat while the sons shared in the front seat. They drove home fast and max was surprised to see the lights on. His wife had said that she was going to be out late. He ran in to the house, grabbing a bat from by the garage.

"Show yourself!!" he yelled, expecting to hear a burglar. When he heard noise he ran toward it, heading into the bedroom busting the door open. The bat drops and Max becomes stunned, seeing his wife currently and very strongly being fucked by a large buff skunk, doggy style. He didn't even stop when Max came in. his wife looking up at him with a he's much better then you look on her face and skunked purposefully thrust in hard to make her moan out. Max just stood there for a minute before running back out the door. The cheetah stopped him when he came out. "Hey. Is everything ok?"

Max looked down then back up. "She's cheating on me. A...a skunk....and ...." Tears pour down his eyes as he looks up at the cheetah.

"Oh no. Come on now. Come with me. You can stay at my house. I'll come back tomorrow for your stuff."

Max nods and goes to the car. The two cubs get out of the front seat and as Jason walks by Max sees the stripe down Jason's back and quickly grabs him, pushing him against the car. "I should have known. I knew there was something wrong with you. I knew you were not mine! You're a fucking skunk! She's been doing this for that long! I can't beleave it! Why didn't I realize this before"

Jason tears up, looking scared. "I-I'm s-sorry daddy. Please don't hurt me"

Max lets Jason down and sighs heavily. "Jason....you should stay here with mommy. Go inside...and go right to your room. No matter what you hear don't go by my room. Ok?"

Jason nods and runs inside. Max steps inside the car and looks over to the cheetah. "I'm sorry you saw that. I got overwhelmed when I realized...he wasn't mine."

"It's ok. We'll head over and you can relax. I'll call you in sick and take a personal day then we'll spend the day nursing your heart as soon as I get William to school. Ok?"

"William?" Max says before looking back at the young cheetah in the back. "OH! William...u-um..." Max blushes and hesitates momentarily. "I...I don't remember your name either. I know it's awkward. I'm sorry"

The cheetah laughs slightly. "Well I never told you my name. I work in your office. I'm the mail clerk. I give you mail and files daily. Only reason I know your name is because the mags that you receive. I take it you've never even glanced away from that computer unless it's lunch or the end of the day. Anyway, my name is James Climor"

Max smiles, a bit relieved that it was ok. "Well James...thank you. This means a lot to me. You're a wonderful guy." And with that they pulled out of the driveway and went home, only stopping for an ice cream cone on the way.