Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#1 of Into the Unknown Stories

This is going to be a series of stories that I dreamed up sometime ago was hoping that it would spark off a RPG however it didn't take off like I had hoped.



~So how do you begin on where it all started at? Do you relate on how when originally the general idea of populating space on unknown with it being the first ships to be sent out? Or how everything was sent into chaos by one simple miscalculation had sent the convoy built up around 12 escort cruisers and about 13 colony ships flying throughout space that caused everyone to lose consciousness by the time that they passed through the barrier.

~It didn't matter as it had happened about thirty years ago however for those that had lived through the terrible experience could never forget the terrible experience that lead to so many of them being through light years away from home. Lost in an unknown place finding that nothing could really be done, the commanding officers of the ships that had made up the escorts decided that they were sent out here for a reason it was best to continue with the mission.

Settling on a group of planets that the scientist deemed were able to allow for people to survive and grow crops, the colonies started to be posted throughout the system however they kept them within range of support just in case they were needed.

Finally everything seemed that were set up that they started setting up a space station when given time to allow for a sort of defense to be set up. Next came up was the need for building a fleet of ships in space which took a good part of years to consider. Lucky enough the scientists on the planets were able to find fuel for the ships to continue the search for allies and other resources.

What was surprising enough is that one group of ships came upon an abandoned space station hanging in space lifeless almost given the wear and tear signs on the outside, repairs were not so easily done as the group found that command had to sacrifice whatever remained of the colony ships and a couple of the escorts.

When they were done, the station looked like a wreck almost with the station having been put together from scraps of other ships before the HQ decided to get it moved into place over the homeworld that they colonies set up for the new colonies. One thing that was noticed when the marines and crew were able to get on board the station; they came to an observation window overlooking a huge space set inside the station itself revealed a farther surprise than ever thought of.

Hanging even more motionless in space were several groups of supply ships that looked like they were brand new and ready to go. Finding a way to board the ships after going through the stations hall-ways, the crews board the vessels finding that although they were small in length the cargo holds held a ton of raw material from metal, wood, water, food etc. and all of it was still useable.

Taking this opportunity, everyone that could be put to work to put the new supplies to great use with supplies were given to the colonies to get things going for building new cities and getting things moving for the colonists down on the surface. Given time, small cities like back on Earth were starting to rise with new children, families and all were beginning to grow throughout the entire planet allowing for the populations to grow.

New crops were grown and new metals were discovered for continuing to grow adding for an almost comfortable feeling to be setup.

Throughout this entire time, nothing threatening had been discovered that seemed to be willing to threaten the lives of this new group of colonists and their governments allowing the outcasts that had spent this much time in a unknown galaxy to grow. To flourish in life and growth throughout the number of years...until now.

Chapter 1

"It begins"

SHIP NAME AND Class REGISTRATION: New Galaxy Ship (NGS) EXPLORER (Cruiser Class-Former Escort)




Sitting back in his chair overlooking the consoles and the crewmembers that sat in front of him, Commander John Murdock let out a groan forcing him to check the time once more for the fifth time since he had come on duty. One thing that he always hated was these long ass patrols that HQ had assigned the older ships to.

Standing about 6' 5" 200lbs, with black hair that was starting to show grey from the long years of service and because of his old age being one of the few that were still alive from the original crew that were sent here. His hair was currently cut military style which he didn't mind at all because of the fact that it beat having longer hair that most liked.

Medium built although he planned on trying to trim down on the fat, he found that these long patrols weren't helping that much. Although the worry wasn't helping that much either. And for good reason because of the fact that being sent out in this area wasn't one assignment that he currently wanted.

This area that the explorer was currently in had already lost about three other ships, several of the original ships that had been with the colonists when they arrived. Whoever was sent out there to find out what had happened either came back with nothing or were lost to whatever reason caused the HQ to grow concern? Already the command were considering that they shouldn't even send people out here until the new ships one that was already were nearly completed and ready for launch.

However another person by the name Admiral Cheppard argued that if something was truly out here that it would be best to truly know about it before the colonies were destroyed. Given time, the Admiral finally won the argument and the explorer was sent out here to continue searching the area. One thing that was argued was probably sending more than one ship because of the past events however with the shortage of operational ships it was pointed out that it was impossible for those numbers currently.

The Explorer had just arrived in the sector about 3 days ago and so far the ship hadn't experienced any kind of dangerous things out here. So far from records that were recovered when the SOS was sent out by the other ships that had disappeared listed that they had been in the area for 2 days before getting jumped by something and that was all that was wrote.

Another couple of days and they were to report home which was always something that John looked forward to plus getting back to his wife and two daughters back on Earth 2.

It was near the end of his shift and it meant that it was another day closer to getting away from this area which was always a good thing. However things weren't that simple.

"Sir, I am picking up some weird readings...really faint but they seem to be growing." The conn officer called from her station drawing his attention back to reality. Jerking his head in the direction of the officer, he was about to stand up just barely before a thunderous explosion rocked the ship sending many of the officers standing to the ground.

Another explosion rocked the ship knocking out the lights and most of the power leaving the display screen operating. "ARM WEAPONS AND RETURN FIRE!"

"SIR! TACTICAL IS DOWN ALONG WITH HALF OF THE POWER!" The tactical officer called from behind the Command seat just as a new explosion sent sparks flying from his console sending him crashing back into the far wall.

Hitting the on board comm board to send out the word to the rest of the ship, John felt the trickle of blood flowing down the sides of his head streaming down his face as he felt like he was about to lose conciousness. "THIS IS THE COMMANDER TO EVERYONE ON BOARD! ABANDON SHIP! I REPEAT, ABANDON SHIP IMMEDIATELY!"

Another hit struck the cruisers forward section destroying the bridge and killing all of those that were currently there just as the Commander sent out word for the ship to be abandoned. Whoever was attacking the ship remained hidden out of sight but continued to take their sweet time with hitting the ship with long range weapons shredding the hull to pieces venting atmosphere in several different sections plus crewmembers.

Only a few were able to reach shuttle pods launching away from the ship just before the cruiser blew up in a bright flash leaving little or no wreckage. Not turning back to allow for a proper sight to be captured of who was attacking them, the shuttles quickly made their escape for home leaving behind what was behind them.

End of Chapter 1