Making an Ass 4

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#5 of Making an Ass

Making an Ass 4

Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Canine80

This was another fun commission and also a challenge to explore some elements I don't usually include. I've been a fan of Xaie for years and most of his character pages were done by my favorite tf artist on all of FA. I'm honored that I got to write him a tf series.

This had more tf's than I have done in a long time, I hope some of the rushed ones are made up for by the diversity.

Xaie © Canine80

Making an Ass 4 Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Canine80

The sun had been setting for over an hour, the sky a rich and even salmon pink. The campus was falling into darkness, street lights snapping on, the lights of dorm rooms casting out onto the dark grass. It almost seemed darker than night in the dusk as everyone's eyes tried to adjust. While the sense of sight was being deprived, sound most certainly wasn't. Music from Sigma Chi spilled out of the old brick building, echoing off of the empty foreign language building, the music hall and all the way out to the quad in the distance.

The reason for the music was quite obvious, banners hung from every entrance to the fraternity. It was the "Pleasure Island" festival and it had been the talk of the campus. Slip and slides had been laid out on the lawn around the fraternity as a sort of ocean, though only a few frat brothers were still using them, their bare muscled torsos gliding along the vast stretches of colorful plastic. The true party was inside. Fraternity brothers, pledges and a few hopefuls moved up the steps and past the huge stacks of speakers at the door, moving into the tightly packed building. While the party was open in one sense, there was one rule to Pleasure Island... Boys only.

The one rule had shocked many frat brothers, denying their primary source of pleasure, but the challenge that they couldn't enjoy a night of manly pursuits soon shut them up and any lasting doubts were quelled as keg after keg was brought in. Tables set up in almost every room groaned under the weight of the chips and dip and chicken and brownies, every other sort of snack tucked in-between. The place was packed, everyone slipping by shoulder to shoulder... but no matter how packed it got, everyone had to make their way to the frat brother that had made it all possible.

Standing near the base of the stairs was Xander, the frat boy that had made it all possible. He was a sophomore but already he had a bushy blond beard framing his face, his blond hair worked up with a bit of gel into a fauxhawk. He'd elected to go without a shirt, his nipples pert, his legs clad in a pair of gray leather pants that almost seemed like donkey hide. Every time a party patron passed they clapped him on the shoulder or back, complimenting him on his brilliant idea. Xander looked up, hoping to see someone at the door in particular. He was heart broken that it was just another member of the frat.

"Great work Alex!" He said, slapping Xander's shoulder. He forced a grin, but he really hated being called Alex. His master had renamed him in history class, dubbing him Xander. Nothing had felt as right as that day... Xander remembered his crotch getting soaked in left over donkey cum, letting it taint his manhood into a fat, black donkey cock... How Colton and Xaie had taken him in and turned him into an amazing gray donkey. Xander opened his eyes, realizing he was drooling and hard, his leather pants tented. Xander tried to quell his lusts by satiating his hunger. He reached over to the table and grabbed a burlap bag that held oats, bringing it to his face. Xander pushed his face into the burlap, opening his mouth, gulping at the oats and swallowed them. He let out a bit of a snort of delight.

There was a soft murmur at the doorway, drawing Xander's attention. A figure passed through the doorway, then another. Xander let out a soft coo, it was his masters! Xander nearly dropped his feed bag before setting it aside. Colton and Xaie entered the frat, each garbed in tight leather pants of their own. Xaie wore classic brown but Colton wore bright orange pairs, their chests uncovered. Colton's skin glinted in the light, sparkling with the rope lights draped around the molding of the ceiling and the salmon glow of the evening sky. Xaie's brown and red Mohawk was up in pride while Colton's was left down as usual. Wrapped tight around Xaie's neck was the collar his master had given him. Every contour of Colton and Xaie was exquisite, their biceps and triceps thick and defined, their pecs swollen and their nipples erect. They looked far more handsome, attractive and... large than when Xander saw them last.

Colton reached out, rubbing his hand over Xaie's ass lovingly, feeling the curve of the cheeks, his aching tail hole. Xaie moaned out, leaning into Colton's side with need and lust. Xaie knew Colton had been planning this party for some time but all Xaie needed to be happy was his master, and after his field trip he knew that more than ever. Colton was just happy Xaie had returned to his human form in time for the party. Both muscle laden punks looked over as Xander swept over. Xander parted his lips, he wasn't sure if it was for his master's lips, nipples or groin but he craved him. Colton reached out, putting his finger to Xander's lips.

"Soon my pet, soon." He said, not wanting to spook any of the girl obsessed frat boys until it was too late. Xander came to a stop, bowing his head in obedience. Colton nodded in pride at how loyal he was, "Is everything in place?"

"I've been hyping what a new trend the milk is and there are kegs of that in every room. Only boys have showed up and we got everything on the list." Xander replied. Xaie nearly purred.

"Master, it is just as you wanted..." Xaie said. Colton turned, kissing the side of Xaie's head. Xander bowed his head more, a little jealous but he understood that Xaie was master's favorite.

"Well... Let's enjoy ourselves." Colton said, putting one arm around Xaie's shoulders and the other around Xander's, leading his donkey boys into the writhing sea of men that were grooving to the loud music. The night was just beginning.


Amber fluid poured out from the kegs, pooling into the red plastic cups that were being handed around like some sort of holy communion. They were lifted up and tipped back, the beer flowing down the throats of dozens of frat boys every few moments. Colton, Xaie and Xander moved through a doorway into the game room, looking around at the ping pong tables that had been set up, smaller cups being set out across the green wood. The man setting up the table was a junior with broad shoulders. He had perfectly trimmed dark stubble the same length as the hair on his head, giving it a unique uniformity. To his side was obviously a freshman that had snuck into the party, perhaps even a visiting student from a highschool. His shaggy strawberry blond hair framed his face. Colton leaned closer to Xander.

"Challenge both of them... Then make things interesting as time goes on. We'll be back to check on you later." Colton said. Xander bowed his head.

"Yes master, of course!" Xander replied, eager to please. Colton reached over, giving Xander's ass a squeeze before he and Xaie continued on. Xander reached up, running a hand through his beard before he looked to the two men, running his hand over the edge of the table.

"You interested in a game of beer pong?" The larger man asked.

"I have some interest, but I don't want to scare you off from the game after you lose." Xander said cockily. The red headed freshman looked shocked but the older man chuckled.

"If you're that good, how about you go without a partner." He said. Xander nodded.

"Sounds good to me, double drink handicap." He said, offering his hand, "Xander." He reminded the frat boy he'd only seen a few times. A large hand came across the table.

"Mason, this is James." He said. Xander squeezed the hand and let go.

"What the fuck is this stuff?" came a shocked murmur from across the room. Xander looked over, seeing a blond senior had tapped a keg of Farmer Jack's milk. The opaque milky froth poured out, foaming up like beer.

"Hey, didn't you read facebook? That's Minomilk, it's only the coolest stuff around. It'll get you drunk without passing out and there's almost no hangover." Xander said. The blond blushed, worried he had lost face at being out of the loop. He lifted the cup and sipped from it. The brew was musky and salty but had a certain barley taste. A tingling moved through the frat boy. He let out a soft moan.

"This stuff is fucking awesome!" He said, refilling his cup before pouring more for others. Xander glanced back to Mason.

"How about we alternate between beer and minomilk?" He said, gesturing to the cups. Mason nodded.

"Sounds good to me." He agreed. Mason lifted up the ping pong ball and tossed it, bouncing it over the net. It landed in a cup with a slosh. Xander lifted up the cup, drinking the beer from it, the ball slipping into his mouth. He sucked it cleaned before sliding it out into his hand. Mason smirked. It wasn't the typical way to play. He hadn't noticed the shocked look on James' face as the teen got hard just from watching the display. Xander grinned, he'd be an easy turn.


Xaie and Colton moved through the party, keeping their eyes on things. While many games revolved around alcohol, Colton nearly broke out laughing when he saw pin the tail on the donkey being played. Xander hadn't been very subtle. There was also truth or dare with Pinocchio rules. As a six foot, two inch tall football player streaked by wearing nothing but his pride Colton couldn't help but think that the dares were winning out.

As the two turned a corner, Xaie's nostrils flared a bit. He sniffed at the air, a smile crossing his face. He smelled a delightful strain of sweet grass. Xaie turned, seeing the grass in a brick planter. He wandered over in a bit of a daze, leaning in. His lips parted and he began eating the grass out of the planter, his flat teeth breaking through the blades easily, practically chewing his cud. He worked across the planter until there was nothing left but the roots, rising up to lick his lips. Xaie felt quite good after his little snack but then a bit of panic set in. He didn't see Colton.

"Master?" He called out, looking around, "Master?!" He asked, getting more worried. He came to a stop, calming himself. Xaie started sniffing the air, drawing scents in. A shiver moved down Xaie's spine as he smelled a strong source of musk. Perhaps it was master. Xaie moved past the stairs and down the lower hallway, passing a garbage can full of plastic cups full of sticky white residue, moving to push open the bathroom door.

The bathroom was a typical university type, faintly yellow tile running along the whole bathroom floor and half way up the walls before meeting faint yellow paint that covered the rest. A long set of mirrors ran across the left wall with sinks beneath, a doorway to the left leading to communal showers. A line of urinals ran half way along the left wall past the door, the rest devoted to stalls. Three frat boys stood at the urinals, trying to pee.

Xaie thought he was seeing things at first, wondering if he was seeing triple. After a moment he realized he wasn't completely wrong. Two of the three were twins, their dark brown hair shorn short. The third man just happened to look like them, the same burgundy and black jerseys hanging over their shoulders. All three men stood, holding their shafts, aiming them at the urinals but nothing came out. They grunted in frustration, their cocks seeming to just be getting harder and harder. Xaie grinned a bit as he saw darker pigment spreading over their shafts. The change was starting.

"I think you have to release something else first." Xaie said, moving over.

"Ugh, dude..." One of them said in disgust, wanting to pee in peace. The third man seemed to actually consider it. Xaie moved up behind the twins before squeezing between them. They both looked shocked and offended, ready to punch Xaie. One even pulled back to throw a swing before Xaie's hands came down on their shafts. He began stroking, sliding his hands up and down. They shuddered in shock.

"Dude, I'm not gay... What... are you..." One of the twins moaned.

"Yeah, what are you... doing? Are you some type of fa...hhhaww...." He moaned softly. Xaie grinned even more at that. These boys must have had a lot of the milk to drink. Xaie said nothing, continuing to stroke the twins off, feeling their hard shafts. The third man leaned over Xaie's shoulder gently, all but licking his ear.

"I'm gay." He whispered.

"Haww..." Xaie shuddered in delight. For some reason the third man took that as permission. He already had his cock out from trying to pee. Soon it was pushing against the seat of Xaie's leather pants, humping as the man reached around to undo Xaie's fly. Xaie grinned, focusing on the twins. He kept thrusting his hand up and down, watching their cocks get darker and the skin on their sacks get thicker.

"Well, we're not gay, but there are no girls at this party..." One twin began.

"And its all about pleasure. It might not be so bad..." The other continued his brother's thought.

"If you really want to do this kid, how about you suck me off and let my brother fill you?" The first twin asked. Xaie glanced over his shoulder.

"As long as he gets on his knees." Xaie said. The third man shuddered.

"Kirk, and gladly." He said, dropping his pants completely. The twins moved around, one coming around behind Xaie while the other stayed in front. Kirk knelt down before Xaie, reaching up to unbutton Xaie's pants, leaning in to nuzzle his groin. As Kirk opened the fly and saw Xaie's bush, the incredible musk rotted his mind. All he craved was sex. He leaned in tight and pulled the pants apart. The twins didn't see, but Kirk found his way to Xaie's sheathe. The man's tongue plunged into the furry moist package, slurping at the hidden cock inside, getting coated in donkey slime until a solid black cock began pushing out. Kirk's mouth parted, his lips sliding over the shaft as it emerged.

Xaie's pants were thrown to the floor, the twin behind him excited there was no underwear in his way. His cock pulsed in his hand while his other caressed Xaie's ass cheek. He moved forward, sliding his human cock up and down between Xaie's cheeks before he changed his angle. Xaie felt the pathetic human cock find its way to his ring and start pushing in. The man didn't see just what he was getting into though. Xaie's hole was black and swollen like a donkey. The muscle began slurping at the twin, pulling him in. Drool leaked from the jock's lips as he felt his cock embraced by such a tight and slick ass. It was as if he was already lubed.

Seeing his brother make expressions of such ecstasy only made the first twin harder. He grunted, jerking his cock off furiously as he put a leg on either side of Kirk. Xaie leaned down, bracing one arm on the floor for support, the other moving to take over stroking duty for the twin. He parted his lips and began slurping at it, taking it into his mouth. It was so alien to him after tasting the delicious cocks of Colton and Farmer Jack but Xaie was giddy at what was to come. He easily took in inch after inch, taking the human cock in to the hilt, his lips slurping at the man's bush. Both twins called out in unison, starting to pull back and thrust into Xaie's ass and mouth. Kirk sucked even more eagerly, gagging a little at Xaie's size until he relaxed, letting the huge shlong slip down his throat.

The twin behind Xaie was becoming the wildest as he thrusted, losing control. He was fucking like an animal, pulling almost all the way out of Xaie's ass before slamming back in... but each time he pulled back, the twin had more cock to pull out. He had been a mere six inches to start but after his first testing of Xaie's depths he was an inch longer. After a few wild humps he was already past ten inches, his cock spreading out. Xaie's tail hole got fatter and darker as it began to feel a true donkey cock in it. The twin kept fucking hard.

"Hawww!" He brayed out, grunting as his balls swelled bigger. He didn't even look down as his cock flesh turned as black as night. His brother in front was having just as wild of a time, fucking Xaie's face like the end of the world was at hand. The twin's cock swelled out, getting fatter and fatter, the head pushing out as if trying to reach all the way to Xaie's stomach. Kirk was having a very different sort of experience. Beneath Xaie, Kirk's lips had turned black and his face was starting to push out. His teeth grew blunt, his tongue wide. Kirk's ears began stretching into points. Thick brown curls pushed out on his chest, under his arms, along his legs... but soon it was spreading well past that. Thick stubble began pushing out of Kirk's cheeks as his chest hair spilled over his shoulders and down his back, his tailbone stretching out.

"Eeehaww!" Xaie shuddered, his cock delivering a huge load of cum into Kirk's hungry mouth. He gulped at it with such greed but it was still too much. It spilled out, dripping onto his hard cock. Kirk's face continued to contort, pushing into a short muzzle. What had started as chest hair was now a thick, soft fur covering his entire torso, spilling down his abdomen to mesh with the hair of his bush. His leg hair soon became thick fur, his arms swallowed up in the stuff. Kirk's ears continued to grow, rising up to the top of his head, tickling the twin's balls above him. Kirk shuddered, black splotches spreading over his cock as it grew longer and longer, swelling to eleven inches as the head grew a bit flatter. Soon Xaie was letting a donkey boy suck him of, although one part was still remaining. As if realizing it himself, Kirk's tailbone began spilling out like a snake coming out of a hole, whipping around before a poof of brown fur emerged from the tip.

"Heeehaww! Heeehaww! Heeehaw!" Kirk brayed out wildly, letting Xaie spray tainted donkey cum on him. The twin fucking Xaie's face fell backwards in shock, grunting.

"What the fuck is going-" The twin's question stopped as he looked at his huge black cock, fourteen inches long. He wanted to scream, to run... but all his body let him do was grab his cock with both hands. He started wanking off wildly, watching his fingernails turn black and spread over the tip of his fingers. If he held them together it almost looked like he had hoofs. He turned his head to look at Xaie, to wonder what had been done to him. He only had time to see Xaie redirect his cock before the twin got a face covered in thick sperm.

The man moaned, his tongue pushing through the layer of cum. The cum soaked into his face, his skin turning brown, the bones creaking as it pushed out into a muzzle, his ears growing pointed and moving up quickly. Stubble and then fur burst through his skin and the cum as his head changed, his brown hair shrinking back and turning black into a short mane. Before long the man had a donkey head, cock and hands... but his body couldn't leave it at just that. His skin turned into thick hide, his toes fusing and becoming hooves, his hips pushed up as his tail grew in. Before long he was a true donkey boy, jerking off. His huge cock spasmed and began spraying a fountain of cum up into the air, the mess splattering over him.

"Brother, you look so HAWWWWWWWWWT! Hawww! Hawww! Eeehaww!" The other twin screamed as he came into Xaie's ass. His face scrunched up into an orgasm face that soon shifted, his teeth getting bucked in the front as his mouth pushed away from his face into a muzzle, fur covering his body, a tail swaying behind him. When the last twin to change opened his eyes finally he saw something very different. Before him stood a chocolate brown and caramel tan donkey with a black and red Mohawk and shapely ass cheeks. Beneath the donkey he was fucking was another writhing in bliss, and further on was his own brother, a donkey as well.

"This... is the best party ever..." he whispered, a tear of joy leaking from his eye.


The upper floor of the frat was quieter than usual with everyone partying downstairs and no one bringing girls up to have their way with. Colton paused, hearing several different voices braying downstairs. Colton smirked, he was glad Xaie had found himself some true fun. Colton kept walking, coming to a stop as he smelled something in the air. Curls of sweet and sultry smoke were escaping from a cracked door, along with a very different type of music. It was far more ethnic, coming from somewhere in Asia.

As the door opened Colton saw that the room had been designated the smoking room. Ash trays were littered around on tables and countless robust leather recliners were set up. In the corner a mount of pillows was settled around a table holding a hookah. Colton's eyes moved to two seniors finishing up some stogies. They glanced up, bowing their heads. One had the short cut brown hair that was typical, the other having curly black hair and some thin stubble.

"Hey guys, thought I'd stop by for a smoke and I thought I'd share, hope that's alright." Colton said, reaching into a pocket in his tight pants. He withdrew an air tight container holding three very large cigars. They glanced him over, noting his goatee, his dyed hair, his piercings.

"You smoke cigars?" They asked in surprise. They had just finished, but the quality of what he was drawing out drew their attention. They practically licked their lips in anticipation. Colton grinned, moving to sit in the chair between the two men. He opened the container, withdrawing one. The potent smell lingered even through the remaining smoke.

"Of course. Is there anything else that's quite as manly?" Colton asked. He handed each of them a cigar and took the last for himself. The clip was handed around and they cut the tips of the cigars after smelling them, bringing them to their lips. Colton was handed the lighter first. He ignited it and brought it back and forth over the tip, the tobacco catching and glowing bright orange as he drew in. The hot gasses filled his long, warming him, tingling... for Colton had prepared very special cigars as well.

The other two men lit their cigars and inhaled, drawing the smoke deep. As the smoke hit their lungs, both men suddenly relaxed, their eyes dilating. They felt so cool, so manly... As if they were the epitome of sex and masculinity, and that pride flooded their groins. Their pants were soon tenting with erections, much like Colton's. Colton groped himself with his left hand, smoking with his right, watching the other men. Each draw made them more and more aroused. The curly haired senior exhaled, the gray curls of smoke swirling around his head. Tendrils of smoke seemed to settle against his stubble and connect, becoming longer hair. His stubble was almost twice as thick as it had been. The brown haired senior was leaning back more in his chair, his shirt growing tight as his shoulders spread wider and wider.

Colton sucked on his cigar, drawing the smoke in, feeling like it was harder and harder to hold his instincts back. His shoes started fitting worse as his toes fused, turning into hoofs already. His leather pants got tighter as his legs were getting covered with fur. The other two men were getting lost in their own experiences, instinctually groping themselves before the brown haired frat boy opened his pants, pulling out his cock, fondling the aching shaft with his fingers and palm.

"It's hard being so manly, unable to resist libidos like ours... I don't know how you can hold back Brock, being so buck." He murmured. The black haired jock seemed to puff up in pride at that.

"It's hard Evan, it's hard. Sometimes I can't even get through class without jacking off." The curly black haired man explained, his memories seeming to change. Colton could feel their new memories at the edge of his awareness, how their entire lives were starting to appear different in their minds... How they had always been hung extremely well, unable to resist their shafts from a young age. Brock popped the button of his fly deftly, his cock spilling out. He toked on the cigar with his right hand, the left moving to start stroking his shaft. Colton waited until they were just lost enough to let his own black donkey cock out, stroking himself off.

Brock and Evan stroked themselves off, their hands sliding up and down their lengths, smoke billowing around them. They felt like such bad asses, such manly men. Well, it was certain they were male... but they weren't quite ordinary men anymore. As Evan stroked off, his cock swelled thicker and thicker, the base getting puffy, blood pooling into the cock more and more. Rather than just getting harder, his shaft was getting excessively red. As if sensing the changes, Evan's fingers played with his mushroom shaped cock head, tugging and squeezing it. The flesh moved, pushing into a point. Tiny blue veins pulsed in the cock as the head stretched longer, the urethra getting wider. As Evan fondled himself, the base of his cock bloated out into a knot. Evan was sporting a large canine erection.

Brock wasn't far behind and he was racing to catch up. Brock clenched the cigar between his teeth, both hands needed for his shaft. He wrapped one tightly around the base, the other working at the rest of the exposed rod. At first none of his cock could be seen inside his hands but slowly it began pushing out, longer, thicker. Brock rolled his palm over the head of his cock and surprisingly it seemed to blunt the tip, making it flare out and grow flat almost like a horse's cock. Pigment spread over it, making the shaft turn darker and darker.

Colton moaned, watching both men change, seeing their animal cocks. Evan started panting before he drew more on the cigar. He puffed at it before exhaling. His brown hair was starting to get lighter, a reddish hue spilling into it. Evan puffed again, moving to pull the cigar away from his lips but his mouth didn't want to let go, it seemed to follow, pushing out into a short muzzle. His ears throbbed as they stretched into points, a soft reddish orange fuzz spreading over the back of them before the tips darkened with black.

Brock was still puffing away, smoke billowing from his nose as both hands worked his monstrous cock. It had kept stretching longer long after Evan's had stopped. It was well over eighteen inches and still stretching. As the smoke passed through Brock's nostrils the turned black, getting thicker and wider. His skin began growing darker just like his hair. His stubble began pushing out wildly, the hairs growing longer and longer, billowing against each other. The hair on Brock's arms and legs turned jet black and got thicker, his flesh being obscured. His fingernails grew thick and hard, his shoes falling off of his feet.

"Hawww... Hawww..." Colton brayed gently, seeing the changing men reclined in the chair, smoking. Brock's legs ended in thick wide hooves, wooly fur hanging over the edges of them. Two drops of blood leaked from his head as horns began pushing out, the tips curving up before long flat horns began pushing out. Brock's face pushed out into a short muzzle, his bushy black beard so long it was hanging down to his chest, his hair growing shaggy around the back of his head as well. Colton had been expecting another bull like Jack... but it seemed that Brock had become a buffalo instead.

"Arrooooo!" Evan howled out in bliss, working his canine cock for all it was worth before it spasmed, musky cum launching out, landing all over his furry white belly. Colton blushed, realizing that he had neglected to watch Evan. His pecs were firm and his abdominals were crisp, his pleasure trail turning white and spreading up, his chest hair loosing all color as well. His arms and back and legs were covered in the same orange hair that now covered his head, the orange ears on top of his skull. His eyes shifted yellow as his muzzle completed. Soft black flesh pooled out of the soles of his feet as his toenails turned into claws and his feet became paws.

"Merrrrr! MOOOOOO!" Brock howled out, his gigantic cock cumming so hard that the ropes of sperm hit the ceiling, splattering out and landing over them like a fire sprinkler. Colton brayed and bucked, his feet dangling in the air as his huge donkey cock sprayed all over his belly, his caramel tan fur erupting out, the honey brown fur not far behind. His face pushed out gracefully into a muzzle, his ears flicking atop his head. His ass cheeks pulled apart as his tail hole gaped out, a tail flicking beneath him. Colton brayed happily, feeling so amazing.


The doors to the frat had been locked, the blinds drawn, the moans of sex and rutting filling every room and hall. The writhing crowds in the main rooms had thinned out as people went to have sex and change. The carpet was soaked with the beer and cum mixture from Jack's Farm. Colton moved down the steps to the first floor, glancing along the lower hallway as Xaie emerged from the bathroom, every inch of the pet soaked with cum. Colton held out his hand. Xaie ran to him, rapping his slimy arms around his master. Colton only grinned as the cum soaked into his fur. The two moved through the entry way, looking at a trio of football players making out on the couch.

As Colton and Xaie passed, the energy swept over them. Mustaches and beards pushed out from their cheeks as they kissed, their pants tearing as raging black cocks emerged and their ears pointed. Two more guys were dancing so close in another corner that they were practically humping. As Colton and Xaie passed their pants burst, tails flicking around over huge tail holes. The jock in the back thrust forward, spearing into his dance partner, fucking all the way to his prostate. As the donkey lovers left the room, more brays erupted behind them.

They moved out into the game room, stopping just out of sight, grinning wide. Xander was still playing the two boys, having turned fully into his slate gray donkey. His opponents were wearing nothing but their underwear. The senior's chest had grown so hairy that he practically looked like an ape. While all the hair on his head had been the same length when the party started. Now his beard was bushy, his hair rising up into a black Mohawk, donkey ears jutting out from the side of his head. His strawberry blond friend was another sort entirely.

The eighteen year old stood on digitigrades legs, his feet ending in hoofs and his legs covered in curly red wool. His nipples were so hard they were aching. Every time he waited to toss the ping pong ball he stroked the long red goatee that hung from his chin, looking almost as if the touch alone made him cum a little. His ears were pointed but furless and curled ram horns moved back from his forehead, curling over his ears. He had become a satyr.

"Come on Xander, win!" Colton said.

"Yeah brother! You can win!" Xaie said excitedly. Xander picked up a second ball and calculated carefully before he tossed them both. They bounced, bounced again, and plopped into cups of frothy milk. Mason and James groaned, lifting the cups before guzzling them... and then moaned as it settled in their stomach. It seemed to be one shot too many. The sound of tearing came and the underwear on both boys split, huge dripping cocks emerging. Fur burst from all over Mason's body, horns pushing out from his head, his face pushing into a muzzle. The seven and a half foot tall minotaur grabbed his cock, working it hard. The satyr next to him grabbed his extraordinarily long cock in his hands and stuffed his own face with it. Colton pulled Xander over to him, kissing the gray donkey before kissing Xaie.

"Welcome to pleasure island." He whispered happily.