DA in Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood: Part IV: No holding back

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry


#5 of Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood

Its done. JEEZE i cant believe it took this long! Volkner's battle will be quick, its just the Champion's will be the Longest since it has its own chapter. my fingers are hurting >.< so i gonna lay down. now NEJOY! X3

Hitmonchan rushed towards Machoke, punching him with a left jab. Machoke blocked the attack but was slightly pushed back, he grunted. Charmeleon was too distracted by Hitmonchan's fast attack, Hitmonlee leaped at him and swung his leg, kicking Charmeleon in the face and knocking him away. "It is rude to not pay attention to your opponent in battle." Charmeleon growled and rubbed his chin, and sent a ball of blame to erupt into a swirling tornado. Hitmonlee's eyes closed in dismay as he leaped directly into the tornado with a powered up kick, he appeared directly on the other end of it, the inferno disappearing. Charmeleon gasped as he put his hands up in a guard, creating a blue wall in front of him (Reflect). Hitmonlee's clawed foot glowed white as he broke through Charmeleon's defense (Mega Kick), and sending him across the stadium, slamming against the wall.

DA growled and looked back "Damnit! Charmeleon!!" Bruno smirked as Hitmonchan jabbed at Machoke with light speed punches (Mach Punch) Machoke dodged them quicker before uppercutting Hitmonchan in the air. Hitmonchan flipped then retaliated as his fist turned icy. Machoke stood his ground as the attack hit him, causing him to shiver lightly (Ice Punch). Hitmonchan took this opportunity and was ready to punch Machoke, when Machoke foresaw the attack and ducked, bashing Hitmonchan with his arm. Hitmonchan cried out and growled "I'm not losing to a brute like you!!" Hitmonchan rushed at Machoke with a flurry of punches, Machoke blocked each one before he ducked down and kicked Hitmonchan into the air, he then dug his hands in the earth and flung a huge slab of ground at the Pokemon (Strength). Hitmonchan saw the incoming boulder but could not counter fast enough, he was hit and slammed into the stadium seats. Machoke smirked and leaped at him to continue the fight. Hitmonlee quickly attacked Charmeleon with swift kicks while the other Pokemon was having trouble, dodging and spewing flames at each moment he could find. "You're still too weak. You should've at least evolved by then." Hitmonlee kneed Charmeleon in the jaw, knocking him away before Charmeleon skid along the ground, firing huge balls of fire at Hitmonlee. The Pokemon guarded as he created a white barrier along his surrounding, the orbs of heat simply disintegrated. Charmeleon gasped, Hitmonlee slowly descended to the ground "My my. You should just give up, the League isn't meant for you boy." Hitmonlee rushed at Charmeleon who spewed a smokescreen at the ground, Hitmonlee stopped and growled. Charmeleon slashed at him and bit at his leg, Hitmonlee cried out and spun around, flinging the other away from his injured leg. Blood leaked down from the teeth marks, "Ngh...You damned lizard!"

Charmeleon snubbed his nose and smirked weakily "Heh...that's stopped your leg." Hitmonlee laughed to himself before rushing at Charmeleon, who blew fire out of instinct, Hitmonlee vanished in a green flash, before appearing behind Charmeleon and kneeing him in the back. "If only your hypothesis was true." Hitmonlee vanished again before appearing in front of Charmeleon and spin kicked him three times to crash into the wall (Triple Kick). Machoke looked back to Charmeleon with a growl "Hang in there...just for a bit." He looked back to Hitmonchan as the Pokemon glowed with a yellow light, focusing its power (Focus Energy). Hitmonchan rushed at Machoke and swung at him with lightning quick jabs, Machoke staggered as Hitmonchan punched him in the jaw. Machoke was thrown back and weakly stumbled to the ground, Hitmonchan walked closer. "I told you. You won't win this!" Machoke spat out blood and smirked, shaking his head. "You haven't learned one bit. You won't win alone in these types of battles." Hitmonchan cocked a brow, "What're you talking about?" Machoke looked up and stomped his foot into the ground, slabs of the earth popped up as he flung them at the Pokemon.

Hitmonchan grunted as he tried to block the arriving rocks, he eyed Machoke at the corner of his eye as the Pokemon rushed to help Charmeleon. "Wha- hey!! What are you doing!?" Charmeleon fell to the ground, looking up as Hitmonlee walked to him. "You will die here." He lifted up his leg, ready to drop kick Charmeleon as he closed his eyes shut. Machoke grabbed onto Hitmonlee's incoming leg and flung him towards Hitmonchan, knocking them both to the ground. "Not on my watch!" He looked to Charmeleon and helped him up "You alright?" Charmeleon rubbed his snout and nodded "Yeah...I'll be fine." Machoke looked to the others "We have to work together to win this one...Master wont be the ones to call the shots." Charmeleon nodded as the opponents looked to see what they were plotting. "Hey...Char. Let's do...yknow, "That move." Charmeleon gasped and looked nervous "But...we haven't really practiced enough!" Machoke gritted his teeth "Trust me! Master has faith in us." Charmeleon gulped and nodded in agreement. Hitmonlee glared and rushed at the two, kicking his leg wildly "Enough of this!!" Machoke and Charmeleon both leaped out of the way before Charmeleon blew orbs of smoke out at the field, blinding the two other Pokemon.

Machoke rushed at Hitmonchan and knocked him down to the ground, while Hitmonlee was distracted, Charmeleon came and slashed at him. The two both grabbed their opposing Pokemon and twirled them into the air, flinging them at each other on the ground, Soon Machoke lifted a huge slab of rock while Charmeleon took a deep breath. Both Pokemon unleashed all their power on this last attack, launching it directly at the two as it erupted in a blast of fire and rock. The two landed on the ground and sighed pleasingly, as the smoke cleared, Hitmonchan was knocked unconscious while Hitmonlee slowly staggered up. "Tch...not bad...I...I guess I...misread y-you...impressive..." he fell to the ground with a thud. DA clenched his fist and nodded in victory. "They did it! Those two...never thought they would come up with something like that on their own." Bruno grumbled and brought back his two defeated Pokemon. "Not bad. I gotta say its been different. But now...I'm putting all the stops here! GO!!!" He flung out two Pokemon, a huge towering armor Pokemon appeared while an evolved form of Machoke was summoned out of the ball. DA shivered as the thoughts of the past came back. Bruno had defeated DA and his two Pokemon; Nidorino and Machoke.

Bruno crossed his arms and laughed at DA's misfortune "Well. All six of your Pokemon and you can't even beat me!? The League isn't a playhouse kid. Come back when you've grown a pair." DA growled as he returned back to reality. "No...it won't be different. I'll defeat you!! Char, Machoke return!" Machoke caught a glimpse of his rival Machamp grinning wickedly before he returned to his ball. DA looked at Luke, a bit lost in thought. "I don't have a Water or Psychic Pokemon...never liked them much. But for now, I'd have to rely on strategy rather than strength." He sent out another Pokeball, out came Nidoking, who yawned and stretched "Huh? ..Huh. those guy's again." DA nodded to Luke who clenched his fists and leaped next to Nidoking. "Okay Nido. Let's do it!" Nidoking raised a brow and looked down to Luke "You sure are jumpy today. Alright, I'll side with you this time."

The other Pokemon named Aggron stomped his foot to the ground and roared "You boys are in for a rough ride!!" Luke growled and charged at Aggron, Nidoking gasped "No!! Luke! He's too strong for you!" Luke stopped as he were about to charge up an Aura Sphere "But Nido! I'm a Fighting Pokemon!" Nidoking blinked and remembered that Steel Pokemon are weak against Fighting types. He nodded and looked to Machamp "Well then...let's get this fight STARTED!!" He unleashed a huge white beam directly at Machamp who smirked and stood his ground, defending himself with an orange light (Detect). Nidoking gasped as Machamp appeared unharmed "Right...now let's try this." He slammed his foot and rushed at Nidoking, grabbing onto his hands but punching him with the other two in the stomach, lifting him up and flinging him away. Luke gasped and looked behind him as Aggron grinned "Pay attention you weakling!!" Luke looked back then ran straight at him. He jumped as his arm glowed an aura like color, he punching Aggron hard but the opponent's armor shined, protecting him (Iron Defense).

Luke cried and jumped back, his knuckle in pain as he jumped around "Ouch ouch!!" Aggron kept that cocky grin up as he charged up and glowed a light blue. Luke regained his feeling back in his palm as he looked startled, Aggron send a twisting beam of ice directly at Luke. Luke leaped above him and sent orb after orb of his Aura Spheres, Aggron knocked them away and only grew agitated. Luke dodged the incoming ice beams with acrobatic moves as Aggron smirked and grabbed onto Luke's leg, he slammed him hard into the wall. Luke cried out as he saw an incoming attack by Aggron's fist, he dodged it in the knick of time before uppercutting him with a Force Palm. Aggron stumbled back and growled "Not bad for a shrimp." DA looked among the fighting pairs "I wont lose. I trained them hard enough for this. I know they wont let me down."

Machamp was fighting with Nidoking, the Pokemon threw straight punches as Nidoking was quick on his toes, dodging and blocking the opponents blows as he pretended to be punched and fell back, only to get back up by using Double Kick and launching Machamp into the air. He smirked and flipped back, sweeping low and knocking Nidoking down (Low Kick), Machamp then stomped on Nidoking's stomach, he gasped and grabbed the other's foot, flipping him then sending another Hyper Beam at Machamp. The opposing Pokemon didn't have time to retaliate, so he was hit with the large beam, falling down and staggering to get up. Nidoking huffed as he grew tired from the beam. He lost focus before Machamp was behind him, smiling "Not that tough as you say you are..." His hands raged with strength as he used both of them and slammed them hard against the back of Nidoking's neck (Cross Chop). Nidoking gasped and fell face down, incapacitated. Machamp smirked and cracked his neck to the side, yawning "Too bad..." He looked onwards to see Luke fighting Aggron. "I'll go take care of your little partner. Sweet dreams Nidoking." He rushed to help his partner, leaving Nidoking unconscious.

DA looked to Nidoking and growled "I...never knew Machamp learned that move!! Damnit!" He opened up his PokeCom on his wrist and shuffled through his items list. He found a Max Revive left "Only one...I wanted to use this in case it gets really bad. But..." He looked to spot Machamp a few yards away from Luke, he growled and nodded. "I have no choice!" He pressed the button as a yellow pulsing light appeared to hover over Nidoking. "This will take one minute. Let's just hope Luke can last that long..." He grew worried and proceeded to look at the ongoing battle. Luke was fighting off Aggron with Force Palms, managing to stagger his opponent. Aggron shook his head before smirking, he summoned up rocky tombs, trying to encase the other in ground (Rock Tomb) Luke was a bit too fast for them as he launched another sphere. Machamp growled before appearing next to Luke, he gasped as he saw the towering Pokemon. He brought up his hands to block one of Machamp's strong punches and was blown back, Aggron saw this chance and encased Luke's lower body in solid rock. Luke couldn't move well, he struggled to get free only to find Machamp in front of him. He smirked "Yer playing with the big boys now. And we don't play fair..." He clenched his fists and slammed it hard against Luke's abdomen, crushing two of his ribs in the impact as Luke howled in pain. Tears ran down his eyes as he could do nothing to hold his injury, he screamed in agony as Machamp was ready to launch another hit.

DA's eyes widened at the foul play "Nidoking!!!! GET UP!!!!!" Nidoking's eyes shot open before he ran at Machamp at full speed, stopping his incoming attack. Machamp shivered "What!? You were...knocked out!! You couldn't have- "Nidoking gripped Machamp's arm and swung him hard into Aggron, knocking the two off guard and causing them to be sent back. The rocks crumbled down due to Aggron's lost control, Luke weakly fell into Nidoking, holding the other up, he looked to DA. "Hey! Max Potion, now!" DA grumbled and rummaged through his back pouch, flinging a green bottle at the other. He gently placed Luke down and sprayed along his wounds, Luke opened his eyes and gave a gentle sigh, smiling gently. "Whew...that really hurt. Luckily Master happened to have that. It was his last one!" Nidoking blinked and slumped "Damnit!" Luke leaped up and smiled, rubbing his neck. Machamp growled and rubbed his chin before flexing at the other, smirking "Now yer gonna get it you bastard!!!" Nidoking stood in front of Luke and glared at the other "Yeah? You and who else? Seems like your partner isn't looking so good." Machamp looked back to Aggron who stumbled to his knees, panting heavily. "You idiot. How could you lost it like that?"

Machamp snorted and spat at the ground before cracking his knuckles. "Let me handle these two." Luke looked to Nidoking and walked aside him, doing a fighting stance. "No. I wont stand by the side lines anymore. I will fight, until I'm defeated." Nidoking looked to Luke before smirking, looking to the others and sighed "Okay..." He slammed his fists onto the ground creating huge, stone pillars towards the two "Let's finish this once and for all!!!" Aggron drew back before sending a large beam of ice at the uncoming attack, freezing the pillars yet unable to stop the attack, he was still hit. Machamp smashed his way through the incoming icicle barrage. Luke jumped on Nidoking's back, leaping in the air and sending orbs of Aura Spheres at Machamp. Machamp grunted and was pushed back while Luke made a copy of himself and landed next to Machamp, fighting hand to hand with him.

Machamp gripped the two of them and knocked them away. Luke brushed himself off before growling, looking back as Aggron was fighting Nidoking, yet seemed alittle weaker. Luke's ear twitched as he remembered, Fighting could defeat Steel! He rushed to Nidoking's side as he sent a copy of himself to fight Machamp and keep him distracted. Nidoking locked hands with the other, growling and using his strength to push the other away, Aggron smirked and pushed, using his strength as well to lift Nidoking up and flinging him away. He was hit in the head with an incoming Aura Sphere as Luke launched one after another at him, Aggron winced before sending a wave of ice at Luke, freezing his legs as he grunted, jabbing at the ice with his chipped spikes. Aggron grinned wickedly and walked steadily towards Luke as he rapidly tried to break free from the ice.

Aggron came close to Luke, over towering him as he readied his claw, Luke gasped and shut his eyes tightly. In the knick of time, Nidoking appeared and gripped the other's arm with his own, pushing back before he smirked "You're done." He opened his mouth and charged up, Aggron's eyes widened as he was blasted head on from Nidoking's Hyper Beam. Sending him into the wall and creating a large explosion of power. Nidoking panted and took a deep breath, Aggron slumped to the ground, defeated. Nidoking crushed the ice around Luke's legs "Thanks! Oh that's right, Macha-"He looked back to see his clone beaten up, as well as Machamp kneeling on the ground exhausted. The clone dispersed and Machamp grunted, getting on one knee. "Tch...d..do you think I'll lose that easily!?" Nidoking sighed and shook his head, walking up to Machamp as Luke stood paces behind him. "Give it up now. What happened in the past, is done." Machamp growled before springing to his feet and rushing at the other "Shut up!!!" Nidoking swiftly dodged the uncoming attack, he gripped Machamp's arm before kicking him away. Machamp growled and fell on his knees, panting hard. "It's over..." Machamp looked to the two before looking down and closing his eyes.

He stood up quivering, and shook his head. Turning away "...Damn you Nidoking." Nidoking tilted his head "You...and only you would make me do this." He clenched his fists and raised his hand. Looking away "I surrender." Nidoking's eyes widened as DA blinked "...Wha...?!" Bruno flinched before growling "What?! What the hell are you doing!? You cant just give up get back in there and fight!!!" DA looked to Bruno and sighed "Bruno...it's done. Your other pokemon are defeated, and Machamp understands he wont win." Bruno looked away and clenched his fists, returning Machamp to his Poke Ball without saying a word.

DA flung his pokeball at Nidoking, returning him as he caught his ball. Luke leaped back and landed by DA, nodding as the two walked onward. Bruno stood aside and crossed his arms, looking away. DA eyed Bruno as he walked by him, "...I accept this defeat." DA blinked and turned around "You have shown me that you really meant to win this time. You didn't back down. You believed in your Pokemon, and they were your key to success." DA was about to speak when he was hushed by Bruno "No...there are no need for words now. Go face your next challenge." DA rubbed his neck before turning away and walking onwards. "And DA? ...That was an excruciating battle." DA stopped and smirked, setting his hands in his pockets and walking away. Luke looked behind to spot Bruno, before he walked out of sight.

"Master...what happened between you two?" DA blinked and shrugged, "Well...it was just a hassle. Nothing too big and nothing too serious to worry about." Luke rushed past DA, stopping him in his tracks. "You aren't telling me something. I want to know." DA looked down to Luke and gave a smile. He ruffled the other's head "Luke...it's nothing now. I've repented for it, so there's no need to say anything." DA nodded and continued on, Luke looked down and sighed "...I guess. I shouldn't try to pester Master about his thoughts." He looked back before walking beside's DA. . . . . . . The two enter the third room of the Elite Four, the automatic door opening and closing behind them as the room was pitch black. "Huh? Where are we?" Luke said as he tilted his head, Soon the lights all shot up one by one. An electric field appeared around them, blocking every exit.

"You're in my domain now. And let me say this, it's about time I've fought someone." DA blinked as a young male with blonde hair walked down a set of stairs, he wore a blue coat as he slipped his hand in his pockets. "Who are you? Never seen you before." DA asked, the male flipped his hair and scoffed "My name is Volkner, and I'm third in line. I cant tell you how long it's been since the last Trainer fought me. These battles have been boring for me. Perhaps you can relieve me of this tiresome game." He held three Pokeballs in his hand as he flung them outwards "Go." Three Pokemon appeared: A Jolteon, Menectric, and Luxray. "I have need of only three Pokemon. If you cant handle this new set up, you might as well admit defeat." DA blinked and growled "Another lightning Trainer eh? Alright! Go get em boys!!" He sent out Mightyena, Houndoom, and asked Luke to aid them.

"What's this? A Mightyena? This may prove to be interesting." Mightyena smirked and ran his hand through his hair "Well now. You may be a worthy opponent." The Jolteon grinned and taunted the others "Please! Their all gonna go cryin to their Master when we're done!!" Luke eyed the wild Pokemon as he looked to Houndoom "Can we really keep going? We didn't even stop after the second fight." Houndoom looked down to Luke and smiled brightly "Don't fret Luke. I never had a chance to battle, this can be fun if we just make it this way!" Luke blinked and looked back "I guess your right...Okay! Let's give it our all!" he made a stance as the six prepared to battle.