White Knights [6]

Story by Destroyed on SoFurry

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#9 of Sean & Taws

Chilling out and heating up in the desert before heading back to the hotel.

Sean settled onto the old blanket and leaned forward to rest his elbows over his knees and stared off into the distance. Ever since the band of drunk locals had left, taking their loud music with them, the four of them now had the whole of the plateau to themselves. Beside him Oda relaxed, legs crossed, and fished something from the inner pocket of his vest. The wolf set it into the cup of his crossed legs and unfolded it, producing a long stemmed smoking pipe and tobacco pouch. While he busied himself preparing it with a slow, almost ritualistic method Sean watched. "I didn't know you smoked."

Oda's eyes gleamed darkly in the mask of his white lupine face, "There are many things you don't know about me, pup." The wolf observed with a brief gleam of teeth as he smiled. Raising the pipe he held it to his muzzle while striking a long match with the claw of one thumb. Sean lidded his eyes against the sudden flare of bright flame that dipped and wavered with each slow draw through Oda's pipe.

"Got me there." Sean admitted, watching the bowl flare and smoke curl upward to be whisked away by the slight breeze. "You and Lazy, for one," he commented with one eyebrow slightly raised.

Oda grinned again, teeth gleaming as they clenched the stem of the pipe. He held the bowl cupped in his curled fingers and let smoke trail from between his lips, "Scare you, pup, that show?"

"Scare?" Sean shrugged, "No. Confuse, yes. You two don't strike me as the type."

The wolf whuffed a smoky laugh, the smell of vanilla and cherry tobacco wafting across Sean's dull, all-too-human nose. "He's not." Oda admitted, he pipe flaring in the darkness as he pulled a slow draught, "I - am altogether another story." Sean glanced from the orange glow to find the wolf's dark eyes staring at him in an almost predatory way.

"Then what was all that about last night?" Sean challenged, gritting down the thrill of fear that raced up his spine, "You two have never -"

Oda held up one hand to stay the human's runaway babbling, "I never said that, and last night was just teasing you. Lazarus likes you, son, he rather likes you a lot. But you're human, so there are a lot of human foibles in you that sometimes get in the way." Smoke wafted between his powerful teeth to linger in his whiskers before trailing away. "Last night you merely got confused, and not offended. That says a lot about you, and about you and his sister."

"Good, I hope?"

Oda nodded, glancing off into the darkness toward where Taws and Lazarus had wandered off to talk. Likely about him, Sean thought, and their relationship and what could happen to it tomorrow. The brother had never truly met him before three days past, and only knew of him through Taws' words. Sean was sure they had a lot to talk about. "Very." The wolf commented with a gentle growl.

Sean could not see his love and her brother through the darkness. He was not sure if Oda could or not. "In that case, what is the story with you two?"

"We've been there, done that." Oda shrugged noncommittally, "But that was long ago. He learned what he wanted to learn. Since then it's mostly been a quiet comfort between us; we know each other more deeply than many partners do after entire careers. And because of that we don't have to get trussed up by the inevitable tension that sometimes arises."

Sean leaned back onto his elbows and gazed up at the fiery trail of the comet against the sprawl of the galactic rim. The moon was just peeking over the ridge behind them, casting a pale glow across the plateau. "Learned that -"

"It was a pleasure, but not a desire." Oda's fur glowed with a ghostly luminescence in the moonlight, his tail a bushy sweep to one side of his hips. Dark eyes gleamed as the wolf took another drag of his pipe and exhaled. "Ever try it, yourself?"

Sean's eyes snapped up to meet the wolf's calm, predatory regard, "No." he choked in surprise at what he could read in that dark gaze, "No," he reiterated with a shake of his head, "Never been my... thing, as you say." Once again directing his gaze toward the darkness into which Taws had disappeared he licked his lips, feeling nervous and exposed alone with the wolf all of a sudden. "Up until this past December I never even considered a woman outside of my species."

Oda chuckled warmly and puffed his pipe with a slow draw, letting the smoke trail from his black nostrils, "New ideas; new experiences. You never know what you'll find in that box of chocolates, after all."

Sean chuckled and nodded, "Hot bitch flavor."

The wolf guffawed with an explosion of smoke from his muzzle, "Good one!" He leaned over to slap the side of Sean's knee with the back of a white hand. "Don't discount the rest of the flavors, though." Furry brows rose and tall ears twitched with a gleam of teeth around the stem of the wolf's pipe, "After all, once you go knot you'll know what God forgot."

Sean winced but laughed as well. Contemplating the idea of being intimate with a male sat unsettlingly enough, much less the idea of an intimate who got themselves stuck for an hour. "Ouch."

Oda shook his head and winked, "Nah, it's not all that bad." The glow of his pipe briefly lent a golden fire to his predator's gaze as he puffed, letting the smoke linger in his muzzle and cling to his whiskers as it trickled around his stout fangs, "Just takes tender loving care."

Sean shook his head and snorted through his nose, returning his gaze to the stars filling the black palette of the night sky. The wolf's regard was unsettling. "I'll just have to take your word for it, snowballs." He glanced aside briefly and smiled, "Or should I just ask Lazarus?"

Oda winked with a leering grin and then licked his whiskers with a leisurely slow stroke of his long tongue, "He wouldn't know; he tied, not I."

Resting his chin on his knees Sean spared the wolf another glance, "How did that come about, anyway, you and Lazy? He seems so..."

"Straight?" Oda prompted and Sean could merely shrug. Sean only knew Lazarus by Taws' description and a couple of days of interaction. He seemed so much like a big brother that Sean found it hard not to view him that way. He had never grown up with any siblings so the antics of older brothers were only things he experienced second hand through friends and they ran the gamut of practical joker like Lazarus to brutal dictator. "He is that. Still, there are times that he surprises. He knew of my... proclivities back after we were first trained and worked together, though before being assigned as partners. After a day of hard training and hard drinking, I made a very drunken pass at him when we were alone. He... didn't react poorly, but there was a look, like I crossed a line he never expected me to do with him. The next day I was mortified by what I had done, and so spent the next few weeks studiously avoiding him."

"How'd you mend that?"

Oda blew smoke rings for a few seconds as he mulled that old memory like the gap of a missing tooth. "It was during a field training operation, we both got put on the same surveillance rotation, and just sat there for hours talking it out. Turns out Lazy was more curious than horrified by what I had attempted with him, flattered even. It was quite a relief to know I had not alienated him by that. So we sat, we talked, we shed a tear or two."

Sean chuffed a soft laugh, "I don't see you crying, snowballs." He chided humorously, "You're like a rock."

Oda's shoulders rose and fell, "It is the nature of my people to be stoic and reserved, but we are a loving people with the fire of life in our breast."

"Your people? I figured you for a Native, yeah."

"Chippewa, from the Canadian Northeast. My name, Animikee Odayin, means Thunder Heart in your language."

"A proud name. And, you were saying, after you'd shared some tears with our local practical joker?"

"Ahh, yes. We talked it out, and found that we were unsure about each other still. But, there was a willingness, a curiosity. It took time to arrange, but we were finally able to take a few days to share and see what the other had to offer. In the end, Lazarus learned what he sought to know, and I as well. Now it's all open between us, allowing us to enjoy each other as brothers."

"And in all that time, never again?"

Another puff of smoke and the gleam of predatory teeth. "Well... I never said that. There've been times, when we've both been unattached and lonely, that we seek comfort from the other. Once in a while we still share." The bowl of Oda's pipe glowed a fierce orange as he sucked in a large mouth full of smoke, holding it a time before jetting out into the cold mountain air. "If you ask me, though, he's wasted on that poodle of his. I honestly don't understand what he sees in her."

Sean laughed merrily and laid down fully on the blanket, attention fixed on the stars. "All that time and you're still carrying a torch for him, huh?"

Oda snorted up beside him. "Let us say that if it wasn't for you and his sister in the room last night, with the way Lazy was acting that it wouldn't have been 'a while' since we last shared something together."

That brought another laugh to the both of them. "So where do I fit in all of this then?" Sean asked, looking up as a steak of light sliced across the sky, flared, and faded somewhere off to the distant west.

Oda glanced up at it as well and said nothing for several moments until the spark faded. Another followed it, less brilliantly, flaring and then disappearing with a sparkle. "The mate of my brother's sister, and a good man. A little uptight in his human ways." He glanced aside to Sean with another of those strange lupine smiles, "But we can buff out those imperfections in time."

"Just be careful how you buff." Sean laughed and winked.

"Hey!" Lazarus' voice echoed up from somewhere down the slope below them, "Who's talking about 'buffing' without me!?"

"Damn dog ears." Sean growled with a laugh, rolling his head back to try and spot Lazy. Oda chuckled a puff of smoke and wiggled his tall lupine ears, tail thumping the blanket. They waited in companionable silence while they listened to the collie siblings scrambling up the hillside. They appeared as pale colored shadows through the shrub line and mounted up the hill easily. Lazarus leaned down as he wandered past, giving Oda's knee a slap.

"Come on you old crotch hound, let's grab a brew." Without slowing he gave Sean a wave and continued up the hill. Oda rolled onto his feet with easy grace, tail sweeping the air behind him. Brushing the knees of his pants he padded up the remainder of the hill in Lazarus' wake. Taws was panting and grinning as she crossed the blanket, gathering Sean's head before he had a chance to stand and drawing close to rest it against her lower stomach.

"It's beautiful out here." She breathed, gazing up at the stars. Sean put an arm around the back of her legs and leaned against her hips to rub the side of his head against the shirt covering her stomach. He looked up as well, past the gentle swell of her smallish breasts to the ghost-white glow of her throat ruff and upraised chin while she stared at the brilliant spectacle of stars and comet.

"It's beautiful right down here on earth, too." He offered with a smile and a tightening of his arm to pull her closer. Narrow knees pressed against his shoulder with the shift of her weight and he felt the feather light brush of fur across the back of his hand. He watched her long muzzle dip from the stars to look down at him, eyes dark in the pale silhouette of her moon-lit face, muzzle slightly open and tongue curling just past her lips. The brilliance of the starlight cast her head in a ghostly pale halo through the fur of jaw and head, tall ears pricking forward as deeper shadows.

Shifting one leg she stepped across his bent knees to face him, causing him to lean back slightly to keep looking up. His hands raised to her hips to steady himself and she grasped his shoulders gently, thumbs rubbing just beneath his simple, round human ears. "You always have the perfect words, Sean." She crooned happily, tail sweeping with occasional flickers of that same ghostly luminescence past the dark material cladding her hips.

Sean laughed and bent his head forward to nuzzle her shirt, feeling fur shift beneath the thin material, the smell of her intoxicating. "I work for an advertising company, love!" he pointed out with a kiss just below where her navel was hidden beneath shirt and fur. "Perfect words for perfect ladies, now is that such a stretch?"

Taws slid her fingers through his hair and chuckled, "So am I, love, but you have a special way of finding just the right ones, at just the right time." She sobered and her hand slid down to caress the line of his jaw slowly, "I'm sure that's what Ashley loved about you, when she did."

Sean hitched up short at that unexpected comment, tilting his head slightly against the warm curve of her stomach. He shook his head slowly, "Ashley... was a haughty, self-assured women. She thought pillow talk was nonsense. She saw beauty in things; art, jewelry, fine clothes and fine company. Not in mere words. Her theater was the social gambit and therein she was a true courtesan." He sighed and bowed his brow against her, his nose brushing the button of her pants. "That's why I find what happened to her so horrific. They took everything that made her strong and shattered it, for nothing more than her beauty." Tipping his head back he looked up again with a smile, "She did not even see the romance in lying together in the dark and admiring the stars, or each other."

"You paint such a... bleak picture of your relationship, Sean. Was there so little love?"

He sighed with another nod against her stomach, "We were the same types, love. Professionals about our careers. Oh, yes, there was love there, but it was that slow boil kind of love; more the respect of peers." He sighed softly, "It took losing her to understand just how tenebrous our closeness had been."

Taws looked back up to the stars quietly for several long minutes, one hand stroking the back of his head holding him close to her stomach. "And yet, still love." Taws settled slowly onto her knees and put her arms around him, lacing her fingers behind his neck and burying his face against her subtle cleavage. "How could she miss the beauty of the night sky, though." Leaning back she met his gaze when Sean looked up. "She never made love to you by the light of the stars?"

Sean chuckled softly at that question and brushed his head slightly to one side, sliding his cheek and then lips across the warm swell of a small breast, "Well, once." He admitted, "On the observation deck of the Empire State building. That was about as close to nature as she ever desired to get." He drew his head across the opposite direction to trace the swell of her other breast with his cheek, "It was two years ago, and she had gotten tipsy at a Sky High new years' party in one of the Penthouses. We managed to sneak out onto the observation level and that was that. Hot, urgent, and swift. I think it took us more time to get our clothes off than culminate the passing of midnight."

Taws' hand tightened against the back of his head and pulled his cheek more firmly against the gentle rise of her breast with a soft sigh, "Then let this night be special. For you, the stars; me." Turning his head slightly he nuzzled into that warm swell, brushing his lips back and forth until he felt the firmer rise of her nipple. Capturing it between his lips he pinched lightly through the fabric of her shirt with lips over his teeth worrying at it as Taws gasped softly and dug blunt claws against the back of his scalp.

"What about Lazy and Oda?" He asked, giving her sensitive nipple a brief respite while he tugged her shirt free of her pants. Taws snorted a laugh and stroked her fingers through his head again, claws delicately rasping against his scalp.

"They're not stupid enough to interrupt a bitch getting her man." She growled as his fingers slipped beneath her shirt and splayed upward, light touches finding the naked flesh of vestigial nipples beneath the lush satin warmth of her fur. Each touch sent a twitch racing up her body and a soft hiss through her muzzle. Her tongue curled up against her palette while her jaw hung loose and she leaned closer. Continuing upward his fingers lightly traced circles around the second set of warm, naked rings and the slight hardening at their center. She had told them that those nipples were only throwbacks to an earlier era, when her kind were more like their quadrupedal brethren, but that did not make them any less sensitive.

So he lavished them with the attention she deserved, rubbing his thumbs about each hidden patch of naked flesh while she twitched and moaned softly. He paused briefly to prize loose the buttons of her blouse, letting it fall open and leaning in to bury his face in the lushness of her fur, nuzzling deep and inhaling her particular bouquet as he closed his eyes. She shrugged out of her shirt and cast it aside as he let his hands continue their northward trek by touch alone, splaying as they came across the swell of her proper breasts, hooking each nipple between middle and ring finger before giving each warm mound a gentle squeeze. Finding a vestigial nipple buried within her fur he brushed his lips across it, then his tongue with a slow, circling lick before pressing his lips against it in a warm kiss. The collie's fur bushed as goosebumps raced across the flesh of her stomach and she crooned with soft pleasure.

Rolling the firm swell of her breasts under his hands he splayed them, stroking her nipples against his palms in light, massaging circles while he drew his head across, nuzzling slowly through her fur to find another delicate lower nipple upon her belly and kiss it in turn. "Damn," she growled in a soft breath, "you're magic." Her hand continued to stroke and clutch at his head in turn each time he found sensitive abdominal flesh to kiss and stroke with slow licks of his blunt, thick human tongue. Sean could only chuckle as he nosed inward to the centerline of her ventral fur and nuzzled her navel. Unlike humans it was relatively flat; more like a surgical scar than the crater that Sean had to dig lint out of. She did not count it especially sensitive so he merely used it as a navigational aid to guide him through the blinding lushness of pale cream hued fur.

He slowly drew his head downward until he felt the waist of her slacks against his lips, tracing them slowly from side to side slowly to find the heavy brass button securing them. Worrying that loose with his lips, dexterous as they were, was quite a challenge with his arms raised above his head rolling and brushing against the very firm peaks of her breasts. She did not help in the least, her hips moving from side to side as she swayed under the delicate, teasing touch of his fingers. Eventually the button popped through the eyelet of her slacks and he nosed into the small gap, gathering up the tab of the zipper with his tongue. Catching it between his teeth he drew downward slowly with a quiet rattle of metal teeth releasing.

Once the fly of her slacks was open Sean buried his face in the dense nest of fur that puffed forth, inhaling the heady musk of her fur and canine groin. The exotic, subtly spicy warmth of it sent his mind reeling and he could do nothing more for several seconds but savor it with heavy breaths. He dropped his hands away from her breasts to hook his thumbs under the waist of those slacks, worrying them downward slowly to remove the barrier between him and the hot, musky wonders that his nose told him he wanted a taste of, now.

That was not to be, however, for no sooner than her pants fallen to her knees and his lips caressed the delicate, soft point of her canine vulva she dropped her hands to his shoulders and pushed him back. "Awwww, Taws!" he groaned as he fell onto his back, grinning up at her like a fool and licking the dampness clinging to his lips. "Tease."

Kicking her slacks aside Taws dropped onto her knees, straddling his thighs, and ran her hands across his chest. She rubbed upward slowly to his shoulders and then, flexing her fingers, raking the tips of her blunt claws downward. Claws hissed alarmingly upon the fabric of his shirt until she reached his stomach, teasingly grinding her naked crotch against his denim clad groin. Sean groaned again while she leaned up over him, dropping forward onto her elbows and bringing the long, narrow length of her muzzle down to peck a softly furred kiss to his lips. Her cool nose brushed against his own, glistening ebony black in the wan light of the crescent moon and stars.

Reaching up one hand Sean slid his fingers into the thick fur at the nape of her neck, catching a handful of the satin stuff and pulling her down as he opened his mouth to the touch of her muzzle, meeting the thin, nimble muscularity of her long tongue with his own blunt one. Long canine teeth pressed against his lips as her tongue slid into his mouth, stroking the curve of his palette while his own stroked the silken smoothness of its underside. All the while her hips slowly shifted up and then down, rolling firmly against his groin and the rapidly tightening bulge contained by his jeans. Sean tried to suck in his gut to limit that insistent pressure but she denied him that surcease with a hot grind of flesh and fur against denim, the yielding warmth of her vulva crushed against his trapped erection. Turning her head slightly Taws' muzzle opened further, teeth caressing his cheeks as their kiss deepened, her tongue pressing deep into his mouth but, with the skill of considerable practice, shy of a depth that would leave him gagging.

Their early attempts at the human intimacy of tongue kissing had left him choking and both of them laughing with the hilarity of it, but the awkwardness never stopped them from practicing. Sean's lips sealed about the muscular thickness of her tongue and sucked salaciously upon it, rubbing either side and beneath it until it wound itself beneath his own tongue with slow, seductive warmth. No happy licking did she give him; no trying to wash his tonsils or play tether ball with his uvula. She knew with intimate detail just how much tongue to give him; not that it was not an inconsiderable amount as the shallow mouth of the man beneath her captured the warmth of her kiss and returned it rather aroused by the touch of fangs against his cheeks.

Without breaking that deep, intense and in many ways highly taboo kiss Taws shifted one hand back, questing across his stomach until her fingers caught at his jeans. Sean sucked in his gut once more and pressed her tongue up against the roof of his mouth with a firm suckle, hissing a breath through his nose when he felt the button of his fly pop loose almost violently under the pressure of his needy erection. Taws giggled softly through her nose at his desperate need and, before working his zipper down, used her hands to stroke his cock through his jeans. Sean groaned and bucked against her hand but she drew it away, breaking her kiss and lifting her head slightly. Her fingers, black pads surrounded by short white fur and tipped by dark claws, brushed dampness across his lips.

Slick, warm dampness that tasted alluringly of her own arousal. Sean opened his mouth and captured her fingers, tonguing their tips and suckling that heady, subtly sweet saltiness from her pads. She rubbed them against his blunt tongue before drawing them out, pulling momentarily at his lower lip before reaching down again. He felt the back of her knuckles grind heavily against his still trapped cock and her muzzle lifted, dark eyes fluttering as her body arched and bowed above him. Her chest heaved with a rumbling breath and she panted with a curl of her tongue as he felt her hand moving against him but still denying freedom for the aching pressure of his trapped arousal. He did not hasten her teasing, however, one hand still fisted into the fur of her nape and the other stroking her strong hip. Rhythmically the back of her hand ground against his bulging jeans and, after several slow moments she let out a soft, whining yelp and her body shuddered.

Once more her hand came up fairly dripping with the dampness of her sex and she stroked them slowly across his lips again. He felt them shaking slightly as he tasted the warm subtleness of her musk and lipped at the damp fur and coarse pads, catching her claws between his teeth before drawing her fingers into his mouth to suck softly upon them, savoring her arousal. That only spun his own lust ever higher and the tightness of his pants became a notable discomfort. Once more she drew her fingers out of his mouth and reached down, this time catching the tab of his zipper with the blunt tip of her thumb claw and pressing it downward. With a grind of metal the discomfort of his jeans fell away and his cock twitched muscularly, jumping upward from its confines to press against her palm. He let out a groaning hiss when those damp fingers captured his length, squeezing and stroking gently.

He bit his lower lip and grimaced at the warm grasp, hips rising a few inches and then falling under the weight of her hips bearing down. He felt the slick heat of her soft nether lips pressing against the base of his cock and her hand slipped away, coming to rest on the blanket beside his head. She dropped her head to look down the tapered length of her muzzle at him, her tongue hanging out. Dipping that fine muzzle she slowly traced her long tongue across his lips, tasting herself upon his kiss. Gradually her hips began to rock again, sliding the heat of her soft lips against his naked, smooth flesh. Her slick wetness leaked freely from that salacious caress and the weight of it kept Sean from pressing upward to meet it.

When the tip of her vulva slipped across the peak of his glans Sean dropped his head back with a thud against the gravel beneath the blanket. Hissing through clenched teeth his eyes rolled up at the torture and he felt the slick, hot caress slide downward to slip away after a light brush against his balls. Continuing to roll her hips Taws ground that soft, pouty canine pussy upward along his length to his tip, letting her wetness trickle downward along the breadth of his flare before stretching her lips with a slow downward grind. "T- hsss, Taws!" he growled in a very canine way as his back arched and he dropped both hands to the ground, loath to grasp her hips and hasten that torturous, delightful lubing of his length.

Grinning with bright teeth Taws stroked his lips with another slow lick that pressed her tongue into his mouth deeply. He lipped at it and captured its tip between lip-softened teeth, flicking the trapped length with his tongue. "Oh, what's the matter, my dear?" she asked with a crooning growl once she wriggled her facile tongue free. Dipping her muzzle she tickled his cheeks with long whiskers and playfully drew a lick across one of his ears, then wrapped her long tongue into the hollow behind it while her whiskers tickled its inner contours. "Oh, does my poor man have an itch?" her growl whispered in his ear before her tongue drew across it again. Brushing her chin across the top of his head her hips repeated that ever-so-slow grind up his length, pressing down as his blunt tip brushed past the tip of her labia. With a nimble rock she pressed herself firmly against that blunt human glans, flattening the pouting lips of her canine vulva until they parted with a hot, slick kiss. Sean coughed out a groan and strove to press deeper into that slick heat but was only denied when his cock slipped out of her caress and she slid downward, pressing his slick cock firmly against his stomach.

"Yes!" he moaned, clutching fistfuls of blanket and shuddering powerfully. Above the moon-lit glow of her particolored form the stars shone with seemingly blinding brightness. Somewhere over his head to the east the crescent moon stood far above the barrier ridge adding its soft glow to her fur, lending it a ghostly shine. Her entire body was limned in a soft halo of gossamer fur that shone in the light of the night like an aura. Slowly again her sliding stroke worked up his length, once more cupping his glans and drawing it into the slick kiss of her nether lips. "Christ, Taws, you're going to make my balls weep!"

The collie giggled into his ear as her muzzle slid back down to his dry ear, wetting it with another slow lick. Seductively angling her hips she flexed the muscles of her groin and, twitch by twitch, he felt his almost painfully sensitive glans sliding upward between them and slowly settle into the hollow of her entry. "Weep deeply, love." She crooned a soft growl into his ear, worrying his lobe with deadly predatory fangs as she dropped slowly down and back. Sean's eyes rolled wildly and he pulled at the blanket as the silken heat of her entry captured him in its firm tightness. He grunted powerfully and gasped at the slow heat pressing downward upon him, his hands coming up off the blanket and latching firmly onto her his, bearing her down. Taws embraced him with the tightness of her vaginal entry, flattening his glans powerfully until his tip slipped past the sharp demarcation just within.

Not that the rhythmic, muscular clenching within the depths of her body was any less intense; it was hot and slick against his tip as she took him deeper. Dropping his head back Sean closed his eyes tightly as she drew up and then slowly slid down again, in full control. They shared that control as easily as they shared their lives; completely and equally. Never before had Sean felt such wonderful abandon in letting anyone take such full command of their lovemaking. None of his past girlfriends had the self-confidence to take their pleasure and share it as Taws did. Ashley's command was that he almost always lead, even if he was not in command of their lovemaking.

Taws, slowly pressing downward and then drawing up, drove him swiftly to the brink and then tightening with the amazing strength of her canine kegels, banishing his eminent release only to slip downward and bring it racing to the precipice once more. Her breath was warm against his ear as she worried at it delicately with solid teeth, working from his lobe around the furless curve with a tickle of her whiskers. Moment by moment her body moved with increasing swiftness, the fluttering pressure of her muscles clenching with more rapid spasms. She panted heavily, hot breath ruffling his hair as her hands, just to either side of his head, rumpled the blanket into tightly balled fists.

Then she let out a low, growling whine and her hips pressed downward heavily, taking him to the hilt for a heartbeat before her inner muscles began to flutter with powerful contractions. Her hips shuddered and bucked against his thick, knotless root and tightened so powerfully his own half of their shared orgasm was almost halted in its tracks. But there was only so much even that powerful constriction could do against the rippling heat grasping his buried length. With a loud groan he threw his hips up against the gyrating weight of her hips and his balls found their release. His cock jerked powerfully against the crushing heat of her grasping depths and he felt the rush of his cum surge up his length to spill into her with a furious rush. He barely had a moment to savor that immediate release before the second crew of madly swimming semen hastened to join their brethren in the fruitless desire to inseminate the loving canine climaxing upon him.

All too soon his orgasm peaked in a breathless rush and began to fade, his body slumping bonelessly down onto the rumpled blanket. Taws threw her body upright, arching back and pushing the fullness of her weight down upon him. Her muzzle lifted to the blurry white streak and fiery red swath of the comet overhead and she howled. The long, loud ululation of orgasmic release echoed from the ridge and faded into the distance. From some distance away a pair of howls answered, joining her vocal release while Sean felt the hot, wet rush of her climax cascading over his groin and rapidly emptying balls. His cock twitched the last of its pleasure into his collie lover's womb while the muscular fluttering of her acceptance slowly began to fade.

The view above him was angelic and, in the euphoric high of his climax, Sean could only gape in admiration. The moonlit aura of her fur shimmered in the softness of the night breeze, rippling across her up-thrown body like a ghostly silver river. Black nipples peaked through the fur from the tautly drawn mounds of her breasts and her tail curved up behind her. The whiteness of her ruff shone lambently like a beacon in the star light while, overhead, a brief cascade of glimmering streaks raced across the sky. Taws' head occluded the corona of the Nightfire comet, leaving a dim red fan across the sky as if erupting from her upturned muzzle as the muscles of her loins contracted powerfully and she let out another sharp, rolling howl. Once more it was matched in chorus by two voices from the east.

All three faded into silence and Taws hovered there, head uplifted to the stars and body arched back for a moment, before falling forward and collapsing on top of him. She had never howled before, but Sean did not find its introduction to their lovemaking in the least disconcerting. It was a lovely addition; wild and free, loosed from the constraints of civilization. In the darkness of the Nevada desert under the stars it seemed the utmost natural expression of passion brought to fruition. Sean managed to pry his fingers loose from the dense tangle of her hip fur and threw his arms around her, bearing her down in a crushing hug. Both of them panted heavily and he buried his face in the soft fur of her neck while they came down from the euphoria of their shared desire.

"Love you," he murmured into that fur breathlessly, "with all that I am, or ever will be."

Her arms returned the hug against his shoulders and she brushed the side of her tapered canine muzzle against the side of his head, "Before you, love was a pale grasping at something I did not understand." She growled with equal breathlessness, "With you it is a wholeness I cannot describe." Sean raised a hand to stroke the side of her head.

"And you said my words were always... special." He huffed softly into her fur, nuzzling deep to nibble lightly at the warm flesh of her neck. "That... Taws, oh, Taws, am glad I lived my life as I did before you. So I can know the truth of love when it found me." He dropped his head back and turned to brush his lips against the damp coolness of her canine nose, "I did not find it, I did not find you. Both found me, when I was the most lost." He captured the fur of her cheek ruffs and gazed up the length of her muzzle into those night dark eyes, "You rescued me."

"And now we go to rescue her." Taws breathed, tracing the tip of her tongue across his lips. Her body continued to clench and twitch along his still erect length. Against that tightness it was not likely he would lose that solidity with any haste.

Sean rubbed his thumbs lightly beneath her ears and her eyes drifted shut at that gentle massage which she liked so well. "My love, you sound jealous." He observed with a soft laugh.

Her eyes opened and glimmered down at him, "Should I not be?" she asked softly, "We're not going to rescue your sister or your mother, we're going to save someone you were set to marry."

"A zircon before a diamond, Taws, my love." Sean reassured her, "It is that I know her, and yes we were once in love, but it is not a flat tire she is needing help with. I would not take her back. Even if our love had not blossomed, that bridge lies in charred ruins."

Giving a slow clench of her vaginal heat Taws bowed her head and licked Sean's lips slowly, "Then let's prize this zircon from its tarnished setting, Sean, my love."

They ambled their way back to Lazarus' truck some time later, arms around each other. Sean carried the dusty blanket over one shoulder and Taws, naked from the waist up, carried her shirt draped over another. They found Lazarus lounging on the ground against one of the front wheels of his truck and Oda sitting cross legged on the hood, pipe still hanging from his muzzle. Two beer bottles sat empty on the bumper.

"Nice song, wild one." Oda rumbled humorously with a salute of his pipe. Lazarus snickered and levered himself upright, stretching and shaking himself as he brushed dust from his pants.

"You didn't have to sing along, you silly boys." Taws laughed. Lazarus and Oda glanced at each other and the collie chuckled, ears backed in an abashed moue.

"Instinct!" he protested with an impish, toothy canine grin. "You sounded... pleased."

"Oh, shut up." Sean laughed, slapping the collie on the shoulder as he passed. He opened the tool bin behind the cab and shoved the blanket in. "Or did you boys have your own reason to howl at the moon?"

Oda and Lazarus shared a glance, the former just chuckling warmly while the latter looked surprised, and then rubbed his tongue between his upper lip and teeth, sucking a fang, as he glowered at the wolf. Taws' ears pricked up, observing the exchange, but she said nothing. Taking the pipe from his muzzle Oda caught Lazarus' eye, slowly raising his head and offering a low, soft howl that crooned upward in octaves, fading in a rolling, inquisitive whine. With his eyes still fixed on the collie he repeated the soft howl and Lazarus lifted his own muzzle, matching Oda's note, and Taws chimed in a second later. Together the three tilted their heads to the glittering sky and sang to the distant stars.

Unable to even come close to the purity of their song with his poor human throat Sean could only look on, feeling a tightness in his chest and a dampness in his eyes. Their shared song evoked a primal response deep within his chest that clenched off his breathing until its last echos faded into the distance. Somewhere, far away, another howl drifted on the breeze, joined by others scattered in all directions, some nearer and some further, all sharing the same long, unifying chorus. In silence the quartet stood and listened and, once silence had finally returned but for crickets, they climbed into the truck without a word returning to the bright lights and chaos altogether less peaceful than wolfsong in the starlight.

Sean sat on the edge of the bed in the curtain hued gloom of dawn and watched the sleeping dogs in the opposite bed, his thoughts too chaotic to give him any peace in his rest.

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