Poem #37: Rights

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#38 of Poetry

A poem about injustice in the world, and how its important to understand that equality isn't always perfect, just like everything else in life.


"You have the right to remain silent;" You have the right to cry aloud Shout and scream and weep At the crimes committed "Anything and everything you say" Should be heard The sounds of those Beneath the cruel "Can and will be used against you." Turned upon you The very shield you construct Becomes a weapon to destroy you.

"You have the right to an attorney;" You have the right to defend yourself To pour money and hope Into a degradable shield "If you cannot afford one," If you are weak And you are vulnerable Prone to 'justice' "One will be provided for you." Take your wooden sword And face the dragon We all make the journey together.

"Do you understand your rights?" Do you know of the rights and wrongs Fair is an imaginary term Prepare to fight for your Rights.


Creative Commons License "Rights" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License