Poem #17: Light and Dark

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#17 of Poetry

The contrast and comparison of the light and darkness in life, and how they melt into each other to where you cannot have one without the other.

Light and Dark

  1. Light

The sun shining bright Upon the broken window Fire burning light Eating away the corpse Bulbs shed truth Revealing all secrets Innocence and hope Or anger and doubt? Light reveals itself Upon shattered truth Truth the exposed death

Is it better to reveal Better to hide, conceal Better to shine the light Or snuff it out Swallowing the Darkness.

  1. Dark

Pitch black No white Not a crack Absent light

Hide the truth Forsaken youth Death escape Obscure shape

What is hidden Sight is blind Where is truth Of any kind

Darkness presses in Sounds shall cringe Muffled light Penned in

How to reveal Help what's hidden Forget the night Confessing the Light.


Creative Commons License "Light and Dark" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License