Broken - Chapter One – The Hike

Story by LuckyFox on SoFurry

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Note: This series is intended for adult readers. This series WILL contain male/male relations, forced situations including sex, physical aggression which may contain bloodnot in yiff, and other material inappropriate for younger audiences - I welcome all feedback though I request in advance any criticism or requests remains constructive, and I look forward to hearing such. Enjoy.The black jeep wrangler came to a sudden stop, gravel colliding back down to the ground for a moment as momentum finally gave way to gravity. Loud music abruptly ending and the click of a door popping open. Only a few unnecessary chrome accessories on the automobile give hint to the owner's heritage. A heavy foot-paw extending from the open door beginning to exit, hand-paw removed classic aviator sunglasses to expose the vibrant cyan hues of an adventurous husky male. He was young enough to have an unquenchable thirst for adventure, but old enough to know just how to achieve it. He reached into the back of the vehicle, both paws on the rough gravel as he moved; obtaining a heavy hiking bag he had used to store important accessories for his adventure. He was on the edge of glory, and the only way was up.Tan cargo shorts and a light-gray muscle shirt adorned with what appeared to be spatters of paint and a faded crest of some sort adorned his body, only hinting at his strength. He looks around, raising a hand-paw to his brow to give him a better view against the sun, eyes gazing into the distance at the hillside covered in trees and bushes of all sorts. He closes the car door behind himself, followed by a lazy motion to put the keys into a pocket to be forgotten about for now. The backpack looked weighed down with the supplies that he needed; some food if he couldn't cross any, some fishing gear and a sloshing sound that suggested a stock of clean water or maybe some fuel. Before long his toned legs have him off and moving with the endurance of someone that took great care of their physical performance, muscle not lacking but not just for show.The sun starts to coast further and further down, threatening to disappear behind the horizon but not yet reaching sunset. He knew he was going to have to stop and build camp, but he felt successful with today's work. Miles had been covered and he had made ample progress on scaling the mountain side. Current placement heavily covered with trees and bush like most of the area. He found a small clearing where those hues could view sky once more. He looked up before turning around to take in his environment. It was quiet and he sighed happily, so far from the cares and worries that he carried with everyday life. Backpack tossed to the ground, he starts collecting his necessary resources. The area was a densely wooded and offered plenty of firewood, giving the husky more time to work on his tent for now. What

seemed only minutes later and he was onto building the fire, another easy task he had done dozens of times before. The harsh sound of the magnesium striker and a couple of long huffs from his chest and the fire was off to an excellent start. Adjustments made for optimal burning and he was content it would last for ages. The rest of the night moved along easily, effortlessly. Some food from his backpack to make his first night a lazy one and some comfortable bedding he kept in his bag kept him warm.The husky awoke to the gentle calls of nearby birds and the soft-blue of the early morning sunrise washing over the pale material his tent was made of. Unzipping the front of the tent to take a look out, he sees the leaves falling in the gentle way only this time of year could do. That earthy scent of fall striking his nose while he gave a deep breath and he finally felt at home with a happy sigh.A moment later "Fuck..." he called, eyes catching his backpack strewn about the ground, contents spilled out everywhere.He hurries to retrieve his shorts, getting himself decent from prying eyes before he exited to survey the damage. "Fuck..." he let out again, leaning over again and again to pick up strewn items. The compass was still there along with his necklace in a hidden compartment, making him raise a brow in thought. Seemed lazy to take the food but not the valuables, must have been a hungry feral "God damn it" though he was just glad judging by its size that the husky wasn't the next meal, paw slipping through ha gash on the bag suggesting whatever it was would not make for good company. It wouldn't ruin his trip, but it was an annoyance, all food from here on out would have to be caught the old fashion way, and with a stomach already asking for breakfast he knew his options were limited. He cleans up the mess, campfire still smoldering from the night before but uninterested without any food to make. The husky retrieves some clear string from his backpack before putting the newly ripped backpack into the tent. It was his own mistake and he hadn't anyone but himself to blame for it.It wasn't a long walk to find a waterway that looked promising. High enough on the mountainside to lose all contact with civilization, but familiar enough with its topography to hold no fear. With some careful paw work and a small bit of fur taken from his tail, he had fly-bait and hopes of smooth sailing from here on out. An occasional fish jumping in the distance gave promise to his expectations and so he stood. Almost motionless beyond the slow rise and fall of his chest and the occasional repositioning of the line from downstream back up. With the use of a long stick from the woods on his way and the string he had brought it wasn't long before he had enough to last the day. Less than an hour lost and breakfast was completely ready. Seasoned with what hadn't been taken from his backpack he couldn't be happier, devouring it quickly only to

lay lazily by the fire a little longer.Laziness would quickly give way to curiosity, cinching the backpack to his body he was off again. The husky stopping to lie in a small field of grass dancing in the breeze, stepping along streams, and basking on rocks along the way. It was a day unlike any other, at one with the wilderness as he had longed for and enjoying it immensely. Curiously he would catch sights of the beautiful scenery and even civilization far off in the distance like a distant memory. Only broken interest in the status of his parents, his siblings, how work must have been but lacking enough curiosity to think any further on the subject of what he left behind while away.His mind kept wandering, the bright hues of his eyes watching the earthy tones of the leaves as the fell across his path in a beautiful display. Beige, orange, brown, gold, and burnt reds forcing the contrast of greens to forfeit to the season of fall while the wind would catch the leaves and make them dance on their descent back to the ground. The sun slowly moving from the heat of mid-day to soft warmth of an approaching sunset giving a sense of success to the musky husky worn from two days-worth of heavy hiking. Breath catching in his chest while he felt his body start to slow, weakened and ready to rest, he brushes his sweaty brow. "Ok..." he thinks aloud "Okay we'll call it a day". He tries to find a modest opening amongst the trees to safely build a fire, clearing the ground with a foot-paw before he once more builds his tent. Minutes later and a camp is prepared, eating his already cooked fish from his catch earlier in the day and thankful he decided to do so. With the fire crackling and the sun setting, giving vibrant pinks and purples to the sky, a promise of good weather for the day to come making him grin in satisfaction. This trip was turning into everything he wanted it to be and he couldn't be happier.His ears perk and his chest freezes at the undeniably sound of a loud crack in the distance, the sound of someone's weight forcing a piece of tree to give way against its will. "Who's there!?" he calls out loudly, frozen in his place listening for anything else he could hear. Only silence beyond the tone of crickets and owls in the distance and campfire illuminating the trees but offering little insight into the distance. He kept his breath inside his chest growing stale a moment longer before he returned his attention to the campfire assured there was nothing but old-wood shifting in the distance.CRACKLouder this time, closer, almost harassing in its nature. He stands quickly, feeling his anger rise at the possibility of an intruder. "Who's there!?" he calls again, louder than he had before. His eyes catch what only can be described as shifting darkness in the distance, perhaps dancing shadows from the campfire giving illusion to his altered senses and the sun too far gone to help. "I said who's there!" he moves

forward, trying to use a hand-paw to block the campfire and allow himself a better chance to see whom ever had been nearby.His ears fall in a slow fashion, breath caught in his chest while lips part just far enough to show his level of shock. Only his fur hiding the pale flesh underneath while husky-legs refused to move. In the distance, a clear shadow of something much bigger than he had ever known, perhaps twice his height or maybe more. The moonlight only offering an outline of something clearly abnormal, clearly unreal but not enough to determine any accurate dimensions. A slow puff of warm air is illuminated by the moonlight as it moves away, and as quickly as it was there it's gone leaving the husky staring fearfully into nothingness.A shiver runs down his spine, just standing motionless debating the level of reality in what he just saw. Something in the fish? Too much work? Something was wrong but whatever it was that couldn't have been real. Even a bear wouldn't have had such size, his mind reeling for any possible explanation.He forces himself the thoughts from his mind, little choice beyond believing it was his imagination running wild with his isolation. He knew such a thing was entire possible, enough of an understanding in the human mind to even understand why. "No..." he thinks aloud once again, shaking his head while he concurs with himself, it was in fact his imagination. He retreats to his tent, prepared to sleep off the thought, full on dinner and beyond ready to continue his adventure tomorrow.