I become Rinn

Story by Teatochan on SoFurry

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Ok, so this is my first attempt at this so be gentle ok? ^^ The world is a fusion of future and past with technology and ancient ways blurred together in a whirlwind of cultures, classes, and traditions. The bath, for instance... in Japan, I have heard, the bathing room and toilette are totally different places.. .this is a Japanese bath. Its my world and I like it!! Ha! Oh, and there really is yiff in here, ya just gotta get a bit into it before that starts. * * *


  • * * I had attained the championship just over five years ago. With the rank of current champion had come numerous responsibilities and obligations as well as almost endless privileges. As you can probably guess, being a champion brought an endless supply of females all desirous to be my mate and to my current shame, I took ruthless advantage of this as many in my position had done in the past. It was common practice for a champion to spread his seed to as many as possible before he settled and found a life mate. It was most flattering when females from surrounding cities would travel to take part in the hunt for the position my life mate and I took pleasure in being desired in such a way. Felines, lady wolves, deer, otters, and many many others were used as distraction on the cool nights and carriers of my children, as I toiled under the strain of duty thru the long days. Among my many responsibilities had been to train and educate the next generation of fighters who would take my place if they proved themselves worthy. I had power for it was my word that controlled the time and place of our cities battles and times of peace. My word could stir a conflict so large as to destroy a whole opposing city or keep the balance with single combat to resolve any arguments that were to large to end with just the parties involved. I was not the first wolf to attain champion as my city was primarily of that race, but I had the honor of being the first 'packless wolf' to rise to that position. All others had enthusiastically fought alongside their pack to have a joint leadership of our city fighting force. The upside to this was that I had to share none of the attention, pleasures, and riches but the downside was that it had made my position harder to maintain and perform. A lone leader has no one to help them out and all responsibility is his alone. As I contemplated this, my current position seemed all the more sad. I could have had assistance in this fight had I grown up with a pack to watch my flanks. A trio of young powerful warriors had risen fast in the ranks and before I had a full six years in office, they had issued the challenge. I had defend my title or turn it over to them. I of course chose to fight as it would have been cowardly to just bare my throat and walk away with my tail hanging low. I had an advantage as I had personally trained these three and my heart swelled with pride as I watched how they worked together. Their easily apparent leader was the wolfen silver, Jorin. Unusual as it seemed, his pack consisted not of other wolves, but a lithe black panther named Tsung and the largest equine I had ever seen in my life, called Kul. In single combat, I could have taken any one of them and I had a chance if there were but two... against all three I put up a valiant fight but fell, and heavily if not quickly. I had been released from the ravages of their onslaught by the marshals who oversaw all rank combats to make sure no unneeded deaths occurred in the heat of battle. I knew that these youths had meant to kill me as I looked into their frenzied faces as they attacked and so was very pleased that the marshals pulled them back and announced my defeat. I took my belongings and moved just outside the city to a large plot of treed land that my father had left to me upon his death. The house had been in disrepair but with a small amount of work, I had made it quite comfortable and I prepared to live my life to its conclusion in relative solitude and quiet. HA! Others had a very different path in mind for me. The new champions worshiped my deeds and I knew this, but it had never occurred to me that they would see almost every action of mine as something to repeat in order to truly see themselves as my betters. Bathing after a strenuous workout in the morning I had been surprised by their arrival. I had shown throat as was respectful upon their appearance, apologized for the smell of my wet fur and asked to what I owed the pleasure of their visit. In rare times, a past champion died in the battle for rulership and my fight with the two brothers who led before me was one of those occurrences. In a burst of fury I had lost my focus and killed the eldest brother, my black fur soaking in the blood as if it had been a refreshing drink. When I had been handed the cup, the blood had flowed from my hands staining it with my deed. The youths had meant to copy my action and having been denied during the actual battle, were determined to end my life as I had done to my predecessor. They informed me of their intentions and gave me time to prepare to meet death in an honorable fashion. As I had been defeated by them before, I knew what was coming and it was no surprise to me when they had taken all of my attacks and threw me to the ground to complete the final blow. Jorin went to fetch the cup and I saw my only chance to survive. I bucked hard so as to throw the horse from my torso where he sat and lunged to my feet to do the only thing I could... I ran. Having been trounced by them twice now, and knowing that they would not acknowledge my defeat without death to accompany it, it did not seem at all cowardly to flee. They were after me in moments as I stumbled into the thick forest surrounding my home. Lush thick moss cushioned my heavy steps and a thicket of dense saplings hid my aching body as I tried to catch my breath while moving forward. It was not easy and I knew that at least one broken rib would hinder my progress as well as the bruises that surely lay across the entirety of my body, hidden by the dense black fur that did the same. Before my time as champion, I had grown up in this forest as an only cub with my father and had made childhood friends in the area. When I returned, I also had renewed those friendships in earnest while reworking the house for comfort. As I gasped for breath and held my side to ease the pain, I summoned one such friend by sounding out the cry of eagles. I heard an answering call from a few miles off and resumed my flight toward that sound as I knew my friend Tir would never refuse to aid me. A glade appeared as if by magic to my searching eyes and from the sky I saw my savior descending. I had no time to thank him properly and he, no time to reach the ground as my pursuers caught up at that moment and began their assault anew. I fought as best I could to knock them off balance and then lept into the air with all my might to grab onto Tir's neck as he strained to return skyward. As I was hanging by my arms to Tir's neck, his flying was encumbered not only by my added weight, but by lack of balance as well. He could not fly far in this state and had to touch down in a space on my high line to have me mount properly. My seemingly unstoppable pursuers had other ideas. We descended, or should I say, I dropped down into their waiting arms as the last of my strength gave way. I suppose luck played an important roll in my escape at that moment. I was not a small wolf by any means. The momentum I picked up as I was falling was enough, coupled with my weight, to knock all of my pursuers cold. As well as this, luck enabled their bodies to cushion my fall so as to have no further broken bones added to my list of hurts as that momentum stopped suddenly. I was able to just pull myself to a standing position as Tir landed and I forced my legs to carry me to his side. After a heartfelt thanks I managed to mount up properly and we took off again, leaving my would be executioners laying tumbled in the grass. We flew for not more than two hours toward the city before Tir informed me that he could go no further as he had obligations at home that needed to be attended to. My body required rest, but riding a flying mount was not so much rest as slowed activity and my muscles stiffened the moment my paws hit ground. My bow of gratitude and farewell to Tir was jerky at best as all my muscles began to grump at me about their overuse and then lack thereof. Tir bowed a fond farewell and promised to look in on my house upon his return and was off in a flurry of feathers. I was on my own again now and I moved steadily south, hoping to find a ride on the motorway nearby. I replayed the days events in my mind and found that I was not unpleased with the Champions fighting prowess. If anything, it was pride that they had worked so hard to become such good fighters as a unit. I had been hoping they were not such good trackers as to be able to find me though, as I still had plans to die of old age surrounded by my sons and daughters! The hurting of broken ribs interrupted this train of thought and I wrapped my arms around my chest to ease the sharpness of it somewhat. I needed to wrap them soon to make sure they would not move around so much. I growled at the ribs and aching muscles in frustration as I climbed up to finally reach the motorway. To top it off, there was a small itch just behind my left ear and I muttered about fleas as I reached to scratch the area focusing on my small irritations to take my mind off of the larger ones. That evening found me laying down under an overpass to rest. I had not been able to secure a ride and I had a very strong suspicion it was because of my appearance. The black of my fur hid all the blood and bruising well, but the mud and twigs in it were an obvious statement of uncleanliness. I knew of roadside latrines and bathing facilities all along the motorway and so found one to clean up in and had settled down for the night. The sun was setting and my fast metabolism had made the bruising ease up already but the ribs still hurt badly. I knew they would heal in a month at the most. Sound from the edge of my shelter alerted me to the presence of others in the area. Lifting my head I sniffed the breeze and knew that it was my antagonists. I swore loudly as I lept up and tore away as fast as I could. My paws found uneasy purchase as I scrambled up and down rocky areas along the motorway. I jumped from an incredible height to an underpass far below to try and slow my pursuers up but they were relentless. It was not much time before Tsung had outmaneuvered me and stopped my forward movement. Kul grabbed my arms twisting them high behind my back and Jorin strode around to face me directly. He acknowledged my skill at hiding but informed me it was all for nothing as they had traced me with a chip. He reached up to ruff up the fur behind my left ear and I growled softly remembering curses against fleas, which I swiftly unsaid replacing them with curses for technology such as this. Jorin settled down on his haunches and gave orders for Kul and Tsung to settle me down for the night. We would all travel together first thing in the morning back to my home and then my life's blood would stain the cup for their finalized victory. As they tied by hands together and linked them in a hogtied style to my paws, I was glad only of the nights rest I would have as my lease on life extended just that many hour more. As I passed into oblivious sleep, I prayed the gods to assist me by making my captors unwilling to kill me. I felt the sun on my fur, warm and loving as a females caress... the ground on which I slept was fragrant... I felt them watching me... the haze of sleep still clung to my mind as I slowly awoke. I now felt the ropes on my wrists and ankles loosening and falling away. I stretched and rubbed my wrists with my eyes closed again, noticing the lack of bruises and more importantly, lack of broken ribs. I wondered how long I had actually slept with some confusion. Something felt different as if I were not as heavy but I put that to the waking as fog still clouded my eyes and mind. They still watched me unblinking.. .I could feel it... I opened my eyes to look up at them from my place on the ground. "What?!" I had asked them, freezing as I did so. The voice that had spoken as I questioned their ongoing wide eyed and appreciative staring was not... could not... be my own. Jorin pointed at my body as though requesting an explanation as the other two remained still and wide eyed. I looked down and nearly passed out from shock as my eyes took in the view of not my own muscled furry chest, but a very large set of softly furred breasts warming in the morning sun. I sat bolt upright and grabbed at them to verify their existence as disbelief and realization hit me. I quickly reached down to discover my masculine pride had been replaced as well by the corresponding female bits. I cried out in dismay to the gods as I remembered my prayer the night before. Oh my captors would never wish to wash the blood of a female over the champions cup, to be sure, but to have given me a body such as this was a punishment to be lamented. The rather appraising looks dropped upon me by my captors promised much in the way of a different kind of morning activity than that which had been promised the night before. I sprinted from in front of them to the nearest bath to stare at my reflection in the smooth mirrored surface in a mixture of horror and amazement. How could I possibly deal with this.... And here I stand rolling my life's accomplishments and failures up until now around in my mind like so many loose marbles. I think I am in shock because I do not hear the door open, not even the roar that I know is coming from the motorway enters my thoughts as I stand, still trying to wrap my mind around it all. I see Jorin in the mirror behind me and warning bells go off in my head as he puts his hands on my small shoulders. "Pretty nice little body you got there Rynne." He murrs softly in my ear. "What can you do with it?" I blink in shock both from hearing him talk this way to me and from what he is implying. I look further back in the mirror and see Tsung and Kul have both accepted this change in plans, both appearing to be quite enthusiastic judging by the bulging evident at the front of their loincloths. I grit my teeth and growl low in my throat as I spin around, shoving Jorin's hands off of my shoulders. He chuckles and circles around me as the others come into the room to follow his lead. "Very pretty, I think silver bells would look the best against that silky black fur Rynne, but I believe we should change your name just a little... make it more fitting huh? Rinn? Correctly spelled for a female that way... so much more proper?" He licks his chops if the name itself was a pleasant flavor rolling across his tongue. "Lets see if you still have some punch in those tiny little arms!" He rushes in quickly to slap at my face and I can tell he is not taking me seriously anymore. I brush off the waves of disgust for his way of thinking, and feel a guilty pang of regret for having thought of females as lesser creatures many times myself. As I mentioned before, I could have taken any one of them in single combat and it seemed now, that my speed had increased to make up for the lack of muscle mass. As soon as it became evident that I could take him even in this small body, Kul and Tsung jumped in to assist. As it had never done while I was male, I found the heat of the battle warming me in other ways. I marveled at the muscles rippling under my opponents fur and wondered how it would feel to run my hands over them, burying my fingers in thickness of it. It also crossed my mind that I would love to have my body pressed crushingly tight against their chests as I was forced to the floor. As we fought I felt my loins dampen more and more until the fur between my thighs was sopping wet from it. The smell I was giving off made for a heady aroma and I was soon dizzy. I could tell it was driving the males as well. As in all of our past battles, they were able to overpower me and it was not long before I found myself off the ground suspended by the wrists in Kul's grasp. I closed my eyes and whimpered in a most unmasculine fashion, shocking myself. The scents of the males mixed with my own in this closed area was intoxicating and I felt my hips buck toward Kul as if by their own will. This seemed to be a cue for the turning point in our battle as he dropped his head down to press his mouth over my muzzle, forcing his long tongue into my open mouth while still holding my arms high in the air above him. I felt hands gripping my hips as Jorin moved up behind me to grab the fur and skin at the base of my skull. A tingling sensation raced over my body and all my fur felt like it was standing on end as he did this. I changed from pressing my hips into Kul to thrusting them back as best I could into Jorin's groin. I could feel his eagerness as a rather large bulge twitched and pressed itself against my tail. Kul dropped slowly dropped to a sitting position drawing me with him and then lay back on the floor all the while maintaining his grip on my arms. I was almost afraid of the cock I felt pressing itself out of its sheath and past his loincloth against my thigh. Jorin hunched himself over my back and retook my neck in his teeth bunching his hips to position himself for entry into my virginal feminine body. Kul pulled away from our rough kissing to watch Jorin and smiled hungrily at me. I was glad for black fur as it hide the blush I felt spread across my face and down my back. Jorin released my neck and grabbed my hips lifting them up for easier entry. I felt him rub his thumb across my tail hole and tried to jerk my head around to look as well as tell him to stop but Tsung grabbed my face and pulled it to the side to look directly into his predatory yellow eyes. In the heat of the moment I had forgotten he was there, but I could tell he would not let me do so again. I could do nothing but grit my teeth and drown in sensation as Jorin rubbed his cock between my thighs to brush over my swollen clit while lubricating himself in the fluids. I had taken enough females in my time to know what was happening but let me tell you, it was a totally different experience to be on the receiving end of these sensations. I knew as Jorin pressed the head of his cock against the entrance to my cunny that I would not have long to wonder if it was as good for females as it had been for me as a male. He slowly bumped his hips forward, the head of his member forcing an opening for the rest of his long shaft. I whimpered softly as I felt him pressing against the small barrier that signified my female body's virginity. He worked back and forth against the hymen a few times bringing forth small whimpers and moans from my throat before drawing back and appearing to allow me to rest for a moment. Without warning he thrust forward hard ripping through the barrier, not stopping until he had buried the whole of his cock deep within me. I cried out unable to control myself as he slammed up against my cervix and my body fought to ease pressure and burning of the broken hymen. Jorin held my hips tightly and drew himself out slowly, inch by inch, only to repeat the motion and make me cry out again. With each thrust I could feel his knot pressing against the outside of my cunny and it was my fleeting guess that he was saving that for later. Much later, I hoped, for I could just barely handle what he was giving me already. "Do you like it rough, Rinn?" he paused to growl in my ear. Another hard thrust... "I heard you did from one of your former lovers..." He started back up with renewed vigor and I could not keep from crying out with every thrust. I felt him slow and stop but was unsure if I really wanted him to... I let out a small whimper and pushed my hips back against him. He laughed. "Eager little bitch now isn't she!" He pulled out and slapped my rump as he backed away. I flinched from him lunging forward higher onto Kul's chest, twisting my neck a bit in Tsung's grasp. He released my face and I looked up at Kul's smile as he began to press me down closer to the monster he had been hiding between his legs. He was also moving himself back toward the wall so that he could sit more upright. I knew what he wanted but was afraid that he would damage me as that thing looked about as big around as my arm! Kul released my wrists and grabbed me around the ribcage instead, lifting my unresisting body up over his monster cock. He set me over it and began to apply slow steady pressure to allow my little cunny time to accept it and stretch open my vaginal walls enough to handle him. I grabbed his upper arms holding as tight as I could as my pelvic bones seemed to spread to encompass him. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes tight as a long low growl rumbled from my chest. Inch by slow inch he drove his shaft into my body and it seemed an eternity before I felt him hit bottom. My breath escaped loudly as I grunted and gasped for air. I had never imagined anything like this and I had no time to think as he started to lift me off again slowly. When I had just the tip of his enormous cock still inside he slid me back down again. Over and over he patiently helped me to ride that shaft and after a bit, I was able to get my legs to stop feeling like jello and take a bit of the work from his muscular arms. He lowered his head to begin kissing me again and I allowed myself to wallow in it, eyes closed. This felt like lovemaking... the large strong hands helping me and his tender, if forceful, kisses. Jorin had battered my body, but now I knew it was to ease me open for Kul. I could never have handled this if it had not been for him so I felt indebted. I felt as if I could bathe in this glow for eternity... Suddenly I became aware of a set of hands reaching around to massage and squeeze my breasts I knew it was Tsung as his rough tongue began cleaning my cheeks as he moved in rhythm with me over Kul. On my next downward slide, Kul exerted pressure on my ribs to hold me from rising up again and I opened my eyes to look at him questioningly. He just smiled as he drew away from his last kiss. I then felt his hands work down to the small of my back and pull my body so that my rump jutted outward as he pulled me tight into his hard stomach. I attempted to squirm but found that I could not so much as budge my hips because of being impaled on his cock and the hands locked over my lower back. Tsung pulled my upper body back into his embrace while pinching my hardened nipples. I dropped my head back to look up and drown in his eyes once more. His breath was hot as it caressed my fur while he bent my head and back painfully far with the force of his kiss. He released my breasts and the kiss quickly causing me to fall forward onto Kul's chest again. He placed one hand on my upper back to hold me in place as he began to groom the fur all the way down my back to just above my tail. My cunny was beginning to ache and each time it throbbed, Kul's cock would twitch as if in response. I did not know how much longer I could stand being still on it... Tsung grabbed my tail and pulled it aside, rubbing his thumb over the hole underneath. I gasped aloud as I finally got what he was up to but try as I might, I could not move away from his attentions. He dipped his head down to lick under my tail with his raspy tongue causing me to tense up and whimper yet again. I heard him spit and felt a wet finger pressing against my tail hole. He worked his finger in gently and drew it round in a circular motion stretching the sphincter muscle out until he could get two fingers in. He worked his fingers in and out, then round and round, finally stretching them apart until he felt I was relaxed enough and that all I could do in response was moan with the sensations coursing thru my body. He drew back and I felt the head of his cock pushing gently against the now stretched hole. The head then passed the first batch of muscles and he inched forward deeper and deeper. I thought my mind would explode with all of that feeling as well as the ever present monster impaling my cunny. As he pushed in and out from the back, Tsung began to pick up a little speed and force. At this point, Kul released his hold on my hips and the force of Tsung's thrusts lifted me up a bit on Kul's cock. This continued until I was almost lifted off the top of Kul's shaft and then Tsung would stop moving and wait for Kul to force me back down over the length of him. The first time I felt them both crammed deep and solidly back into me, I opened my mouth to cry out in ecstasy. Jorin took this opportunity and grabbed my face shoving his cock deep down into my throat. I started to gag and tears seeped from my eyes as he began to fuck my mouth, locking my jaws open with his thumbs. It was almost impossible to take in all at once... there was so much going on... Soon I was absolutely smothered in sensation as Tsung continued his assault of my tail hole, shoving me up Kul's cock and then my being shoved firmly back down. I loved it all including the ever present cock in my mouth which I had started to suck in earnest to stop myself from gagging. I knew if I could just get them to cum, that I could get a chance to catch my breath. I had not counted on what would happen in my new body before I could accomplish my above mentioned goal. I felt a sort of tingling heat behind my knees that grew and flowed like water as it spread upward toward my clit. All of a sudden my whole body felt hypertensive and I began to buck out of control as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over me. I groaned around Jorin's cock as it began to throb and I tasted his hot thick seed as it spilled from my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could and this seemed to make him happy as my throat massaged the last of the seed from his now relaxing erection. As my body bucked and strained, it also gripped the two shafts deep in my tail hold and cunny tightly forcing them to release their seed as well. I felt pulse after pulse answering the gripping of my vaginal walls as Kul released seed and overflowed a passage that was not made to hold this much. The thick fluid gushed out covering his loins and my thighs. Tsung thrust his hardest yet as the muscles of my anus gripped hold of him and his load began to empty into my bowls. Before he was finished, he pulled out leaving my body feeling empty for his absence, and dumped the last of his seed over my back and tail. His hands gripped hard over my hips and his fingers dug deep past the fur, his nails popping out to prick into my flesh. I collapsed, still firmly hilted on Kul's shaft enjoying the occasional aftershock pulse its way thru me and I still could feel his cock move in response. Jorin lay down next to, and rested his head on Kul's shoulder with his muzzle near mine. He lapped at my face lightly to clean up some of his spilled seed with pleasure and satisfaction twinkling in his hazel eyes. I felt Tsung lay down atop me as his breathing slowly returned to normal. We lay there in that pleasant afterglow for most of the day I think. I could not see the sun and with everything that had happened, I think it was excusable that I had misplaced my internal clock. After a time, Kul's shaft shrank and retreated into his sheath just as Tsung and Jorin's had and I was free to try and shuffle Tsung off of my back. I had the need to clean myself because my fur had begun to mat with the drying seed of these three males. My legs were not reliable as I made my way to the sinks and grabbed a bucket. I heard an appreciative whistle from behind me and so I glanced over my shoulder to take in the sight that presented itself. Three young warriors lounging against the wall, completely relaxed with each other, all with smiles on their faces. I again felt a burst of pride as I began to clean my fur with the cold water I had drawn. They did indeed work well together and I was proud to have given up my position to them. I heard them get up and grab their own buckets for washing and smiled to myself. I could get use to being a female and I would not mind getting use to being in todays position again... * * *

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