Dead Space: Family Ties (Part One)

Story by AnonymousG3 on SoFurry

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#3 of Dead Space

(Please comment if you read it, vote if you enjoyed it, favourite if you loved it and ask for more if you want it. Enjoy.)

Her head slowly rose from the pillow, and her orange eyes opened. She slowly murring and chirring as she felt the being's warm seed still heating her being and even wiggled her hips a bit to stimulate the feeling some more. When she looked over she jumped and sat up, looking around at the deserted room she saw her partner was gone.

Where was the creature? Where'd he gone? How did she not detect him during his escape?

Closing a fist she growled. How dare he abandon her! How dare he just get up and leave after all the pleasure she'd given him! The Stalker, infuriated by her captive's absence, stood up and walked over to the door before head butting it.

The door slid open, registering interaction with where the hologram would be to rig users and treating the head but like any other interaction with it.

Yes she'd planned to keep him as her permanent captive, unlike the other who she'd accidentally killed when they resisted and forced her to use force, but at least he was enjoying it; he was the best so far and she wasn't about to let him get away.

Reaching the door at the bottom of the stairs, she cocked her head when it opened and realised it had been fixed. Her anger increased when she realised that he'd even made her lair escapable and she vowed she'd take a 'harsh' vengeance. Stepping through the door she head butted the now fixed door controls and quickly pulled her head back before the door snapped shut. She chirred quietly to herself as she wiggled her hips and ground against the nearby wall; his still warm seed did still feel awfully good so deep inside her.

Turning her back to the door the Stalker let out a long, loud, cry that was soon answered by a similar one. Racing back along the corridor, she found the rest of her pack picking through the remnants of some other defeated Necromorphs. A few slasher arms, a couple of legs and even the body of a dead pregnant had been found and the seven strong pack were picking at them. To them, food was food no matter where it came from.

An enhanced stalker, taller and bulkier than the others, came out of the shadows as its four eyes glowed powerfully as it looked over its pack's activities with piercing orange eyes. This stalker commanded respect, the others moved aside and almost bowed as it moved past them, she was the Queen, no, the Empress, and they were her servants.

After a quick conversation through clicks, whistles and a few calls, the Queen knew that the captive had escaped and shared the Stalker's burning anger. It was quickly decided that dinner could wait and they should follow the escapee's scent before it faded. None of the pack disobeyed the ruling of the enhanced stalker, none of them. They would hunt him down without remorse.

The Queen did notice a certain "Bounce" in the Stalker's step; she evidently deemed the escapee's warm seed a pleasurable feeling insider her as she moved but the Queen would be sure to keep her in check should she start acting out of line or tease the others.

Dianos and Riok were now aboard a small gunship heading for a cluster of transports, shuttles and gunships holding position above the city. Riok was having his minor wounds seen to by a medic, which he wasn't complaining about, but he did find one of the four other survivors aboard the gunship very irritating.

He went by the name of Damian Cozel, a grey wolf and also a Unitologist priest in training. He would often talk about the Necromorphs, relate it back to Unitology, praise them and end by saying something vaguely along the lines of "The dead should be honoured to be Necromorphs now."

Riok was an inch away from standing up and punching the wolf in the face. He was currently in the middle of giving a mini seminar to two other survivors who were also Unitologists.

"NLS Flair this is NLS Shark Tooth, we have Six survivors abroad and we're coming home. Flair, we request permission to dock with the NLS Horizon." The pilot, a male black wolf, said once they were within range for comms.

"NLS Flair to NLS Shark Tooth, permission granted, welcome home." Somebody aboard the Flair responded.

Riok looked out of the cockpit window to see the hull of a large colony ship approaching them with the words NLS Horizon written across its hull. Nearly a decade before Riok and Dianos' birth, the Horizon had brought the people here and had been made into a monument and museum. The ships workings were still working and left in so when the Necromorphs came the government launched the Horizon and the battleship class Flair to supervise evacuation and serve as a safe haven for survivors.

"NLS Horizon, do you have a record of those aboard?" Dianos asked, praying for the best for both his and Riok's families.

"Indeed we do, second name please..." Someone responded.

"Dianos?" A third, female, voice asked. "Dianos?" A fuzzy visual hologram was projected by Dianos' RIG before becoming stable and a picture forming.

"Mum!" Dianos shouted, nearly leaping off the crate he was sitting on. His mother was about half a foot shorter than Dianos, had fair greyish blue skin and warm, almost homely, golden yellow eyes.

"My gosh, Dianos! Are you ok? Is Riok with you?" His mother asked, smiling and nearly breaking down in tears. "Your father's just gone for a shower, how did you make it out alive?"

"I'm here." Riok called out, Dianos turning round so Riok was also in the video feed, Riok smiled and waved before listening to their conversation again.

"We're fine mum, we'll be there soon." Dianos replied, smiling happily.

"Riok, we haven't seen your parents aboard but then again everyone is split up all over the ship so it's unlikely we'd see them anyway." Dianos' mother said. Riok left Dianos to talk with his mother while he went off to inquire about his family.

"Talok, anyone under that name?" Riok asked.

"Nobody has been registered aboard under that name, I'm sorry." The person aboard the Horizon responded.

Dianos immediately looked over at Riok who didn't really know how to react.

"Fear not, if they're down there, they will most likely find unity with the greater inelegance." Damian piped up. Riok, unable to hold back his rage towards Damian lunged at him and grabbed him by the collar of his Unitology clothing.

"Now you listen to me and you listen well. If you ever say anything like that about my family again, or anything remotely like that, I'll feed you to those things personally so you can have your 'unity' with them!" Riok yelled in his face, his helmet down. To finish, Riok threw Damien to the floor and kicked him hard in the ribs before walking over to the hatch.

"I'll be back in a while." He grumbled, opening the door and stepping into the airlock, which had been jury rigged to the gunship, before closing the hatch and opened the airlock.

"Riok! What the hell are you doing!? Where the hell are you going!?" Dianos demanded, rushing to the hatch and trying to open it; the hatch was sealed due to the airlock being open and couldn't be opened until the airlock was closed.

"To find my parents..." Riok simply replied before jumping from the ship. They weren't in zero G so Riok fell towards the rooftops quickly but oriented himself to the ground and fired his boosters at full power.

He was slowed, but his still hit the rooftop with force and dropped to his knees with a grunt when they took the brunt of the impact. Before he could be followed, Riok crossed his javelin gun across his chest and took it in both hands before moving quickly towards the entrance to the apartment block. He opened the door and quickly went inside, hearing and seeing Dianos dropping in behind him as the door slid shut.

"This is my fight now Dianos...don't follow me." Riok said, strong until the pause when he became much weaker in his voice.

"Riok, you know I'm not just going to let you get yourself killed." Dianos replied, sprinting over to the door but failing to reach it before Riok locked it from the inside.

"I don't want any more casualties, just...go." Riok said, turning his back to the door when he heard the gunship land on the roof and proceeding down the stairs towards the apartments. The carpet was torn and blood stained, the lights flickered and created a truly foreboding atmosphere as Riok reached the long corridor where the doors to the top floor apartments were. The corridor seemed vaguely infinite in the low light.

The sudden crackling, burst of light and sound from his RIG's holographic communicator caused him to jump and level his gun until he realised what was going on.

A red, female, salamander in military uniform, a black security suit with armour on both arms and the helmet collapsed to be precise, was on his screen and she looked like she was on the bridge of a ship.

"Mr, Talok...Sorry to scare you there." She said, her voice was official but it was easy to tell she was genuine and not some stuck up military commander or something.

"To whom do I owe the honour?" Riok asked, unhappily sarcastically, moving to one of the open apartments and checking inside, everything was clear and it looked like the occupants had cleared out long before the Necromorphs got a chance to catch them due to the lack of blood and destruction.

"Amanda Notara, captain of the NLS Flair. One of our top engineers, Ferrah lives in the apartment building you are currently in. Her room, number Fourteen, has a panic room in it which she may have used when the outbreak started. Ferrah is our top engineer and we could really use her skills up here to help deal with what's happening down there." The salamander explained. "If she's in that room you two need to get to the roof and we'll send in a gunship for a priority extraction."

Back out in the corridor now, Riok came to a stop in order to speak.

"Look, I'll keep an eye out but I didn't come here for her." He simply responded, closing the conversation and moving on. He really didn't have time to do what she asked but he felt a duty to do so. Dragons were creatures of blood, honour and duty but for some reason Riok felt a duty towards this Ferrah whom he'd never met.

Each step made his legs almost quiver with anxiety. He was getting closer and closer to where he'd find evidence of what happened to his family and that worried him as much as it forced him on in order to help them should they still be alive.

"Stay here, I'll be back as soon as I can." The red dragon said. The dragon was slim but fairly tall. He was built similar to Riok but was slightly taller and his wing span was smaller. He was dressed in blue jeans, trainers and a black top and held an upgraded Line Gun in his right hand. His R.I.G was on green but it wasn't full and he didn't have a kinesis or stasis module.

"Please stay safe, please." His mate, a blue dragoness, called to him, not letting go of his arm until the doors of the train car closed between them. The dragon took one last look at his mate's fare face, warm yellow eyes and worried expression.

As the shutters locked shut on the train, the male ran his hand down the side of the train and spoke.

"I'll come back. Just wait and see." He said, crossing the line gun over his chest and turning before creeping into the residential building. His mate and two children, aged four and six, were safe; all they had to do was wait for him to return with the rest of the Talok family.

The male quickly made his way through the abandoned, candle lit, ground floor with his weapon ready at all times until he reached Riok's family's apartment. The door was locked and he could hear movement inside.

The dragon shouted something in Draconic, no response from inside but the sound dropped off. Again he repeated the phrase and this time the door unlocked and the hologram turned blue.

Touching the blue circle the door opened. Before the door was even fully open the red dragon was on his back with a leaper atop him.

"Ughr! Talok? Shit!" he screamed as he saw the leaper was a black dragon but its face was too disfigured to tell whom of the family it was.

The red dragon rolled over and stood up before aiming the Line Gun. The sides flipped open, the hum of power emanated from the weapon and he discharged two racks of energy into the vile beast.

The hot lines of plasma hissed through the air before scything effortlessly through the body of the creature and the combined hits from the two blasts cut off the top of the creature's head and a good portion of its back which included a good chunk of its spine.

The former leaper hit the floor with a splat and the dragon turned to the interior of the apartment. A nearby roar caused him to half turn in surprise but he blacked out before her could turn and defend himself against the looming black figure.

More family blood on family claws.


"HHHHHRRRRRRRAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!" The hydralisk roared, slamming its three arm blades down through and Necromorph slasher and slamming them into the ground with enough damage from his blades and sheer force to kill it. Ripping its blades free and swinging them in an arch as he performed a half turn the hydralisk sliced a leaper clean in half as it jumped for the bulky form of the hydralisk.

"DIE!" Xivix roared as his carapace opened up to reveal his spines and he totally shredded an encroaching infector whom had decided to go for him; due to the high velocity of his spines the infector was now nothing more than bloody ribbons in the midst of a field of spikes embedded in the ground. Three more slashers were closing in and Xivix was starting to lose ground.

Xivix recoiled into a defensive stance with his blades fanned and arms up in front of him as three javelins impaled the slashers and skewered them on the nearby wall. Looking to his left Xivix saw a dragon in an advanced suit walk through a door and into the room.

"Xivix, I thought it was you." Riok said, collapsing his helmet and looking at Xivix. Xivix cleared his lungs in one massive exhalation of air which made his audible sigh of relief and smiled widely at Riok.

"Riok...I've been fighting these things all day, I feel tired and sluggish after using my arms and spines so much." Xivix confessed, slouching against a nearby wall and pausing to catch his breath.

Xivix let his muscles relax regardless of function but, due to his mass, his slouched position changed very little. The claustrophobic atmosphere of the sudden and terrifying Necromorph attack simply vanished when Riok had turned up since the pair had known each other from childhood and had remained close; Riok usually lead and Xivix followed however but Xivix was by far his own person and usually only displayed such behaviour towards Riok.

The atmosphere of tiredness, blood and danger had made him feel trapped in a small bubble which only extended as far as his arms could reach and made the rest of the room feel a lifetime away but, when Riok arrived, everything shrank back into proportion and Xivix felt he was free to roam and move without fear or hindrance around his environment.

"C'mon big guy, can't lay around all day." Riok said, walking over to the hydralisk and helping him up again. Xivix was much bigger than Riok and yet when Riok walked over to a door to see if its mechanism was still working Xivix followed in his exact path in an attentive stance with his blades folded in and his arms at a ready position should Riok require assistance.

The door was locked so Riok stepped over to the control panel, ripped off the cover and reached inside to start fiddling around.

Xivix watched with undivided attention as he tried to think how he could mimic Riok actions in his head and learn from what his friend was doing. After a second or two the door sprang to life and slid open, Riok removed his hand from the controls and dusted them off before taking hold of his weapon again.

"You've never known how to hack consoles." Xivix said in a confused voice as he tilted his head slightly.

"I learnt." Riok replied in a monotone voice as he started to move off. Not even questioning his friend, despite Xivix knowing Riok had no idea how to hack when they last met a day or two ago and how Riok would never have found anyone to teach him due to the illegality of tampering with things on the colony, Xivix fell in line like a duckling again as he happily followed Riok around for about five minutes down seemingly aimless routs before finding a moment to ask Riok where they were going. At the moment Riok sprang to life and started explaining things.

"Look Xivix, I need you to stay strong and do something for me. On sublevel two there's a water reservoir, I need you to empty it and flood the storage tanks on the tram tunnel level. Empty all he water and the tanks will burst, slowly causing the tunnels to fill up and drown any remaining Necromorphs. Next you need to go to the tram station before it floods completely and I want you to seal it shut to drown the unitologists who are holding out inside. Got it so far?" Riok asked.

"Riok, why are we drowning the unitologists?" Xivix asked with his head cocked to one side and in his curious and quiet voice.

"Because they tried to kill me and they're using the tram station's main frame to hack into other systems and make life hell for survivors like you and me." Riok replied. "Finally I need you to blow up a transmitter on the plaza which is causing interference due to it being damaged. There isn't much time and I need to do a few other things too. Goodbye Xivix, I'm sure we'll meet again."

Riok turned and opened a door leading into a small side corridor before leaving.

Xivix followed him to start asking about a meeting point and if they could find a way to safety once their jobs were down but Riok didn't reply and the door locked shut the moment it touched the ground.

Disappointed with his friend leaving, Xivix took a moment to think over his objectives and remind himself that these were orders from his best friend and so he should carry them out post-haste.

As the door slid and locked shut, the dust whipped and swirled in a slow dance as only the door's motion disturbed it before falling to rest as stillness and lifelessness returning to the corridor.

Xivix soon arrived at the underground reservoir that Riok had mentioned and slithered out of the service lift to look around his new surroundings.

In front of him was a literally giant swimming pool like box of water nearly as deep as a bungalow and in a box of roughly twenty five meters squared. Around the sides ran a metal walkway which lead to a large building in the middle which was actually the control room for all the pools on this level and it turned out Xivix was only looking at one of them.

Xivix grabbed his head as a loud screech and feeling of clawing inside his skull overwhelmed him, the room stained a tint of orange before he calmed down and looked to his right.

Standing to his right, roughly five meters away, stood a female hydralisk of equal height.

Her armoured plates, prominent crest and well kept carapace seemed polished and defined in the low, orange tinted, light of the room; her exposed skin was smooth to the touch but had the welcoming look and underlying feel of a prominent and successful female. Her eyes, piercing orange, seemed to look through everything around her aside from Xivix. Her crest was big, well shaped and nearly perfectly smooth to his touch; he knew her spines kept under such a good crest were also well grooved and shaped which to a hydralisk was a sign of a capable and strong body. The plates adorning her back were prominent and almost formed a display with her crest that drew attention to her slender and sleek body and her generally well formed bodily profile. Unlike many female hydralisks however, her chest supported a large pair of plump and juicy breasts that were known to easily make even timid Xivix hard after mere moments of inquisition. Her breasts were heavy and big, something Xivix found intensely arousing as he loved to feel big breasts and not just know he was holding them in his dreams. The rest of her body was still keeping with the sleek and smooth look while displaying ample strength too. Her main aspects, sleekness and strength, were manifestations of his desire for a beautiful female along with one who had strength of mind and body.

Langfa was her name and she was his image of a perfect female. She'd been with him for just under a year now and had given him unique feelings and insights into everything the timid zerg had been afraid to even contemplate.

"Langfa..." Xivix spoke, straightening up and trying to reframe from glancing over her nude form in a time like this.

"Hello Xivix." She said, her voice calm and almost resonating around in his head as she spoke. She moved over to him, hips swaying slightly before she was nearly against him and leant on the railing of the walkway with her arms folded; Xivix leant on the railings and held them between his from most scythe blades and his middle scythe blades.

"This is a big place, you sure Riok wants you to do this?" She questioned, looking over at him.

"If he didn't then why would he send me here Langfa?" He asked, pushing off the railing and turning to face her.

"What makes you feel you can trust somebody who can cause damage of their own free will and not the voice which is me?" She replied, also moving to face him and looking deep into his mind.

"Enough Langfa. I trust you and your council wholeheartedly but I've known Riok nearly from birth, he'd never put me intentionally in harm's way or cause harm to anyone whom didn't either deserve it or those whom it had to be done to." Xivix replied, guesturning with his arm a little when he spoke about her. "I'll meet you at the control building."

"You shouldn't be doing this; you should be heading towards the shuttle. Remember, there's two of us in here." She said, turning to walk away. Xivix watched her for a few moments before turning ot walk around to the building by taking the opposite route around the pool. As he started moving the sequence which had happened when he saw langfa played out in reverse with the orange tint vanishing, the claws returned to his skull and finally the sound before he was dropped back into the silence of the sublevel. The vast room was cold, unnaturally cold, and that was saying something considering Xivix was a hydralisk.


Riok was now moving down in a lift to a corridor he'd go along to the larger building used to accommodate those of a feral nature.

As Riok shifted his weight from side to side uneasily as the lift slowly took him down several levels, his R.I.G's holographic communicator same to life and displayed an orange audio box.

"You never spoke to us, you were never there, we were all alone..." A quiet, raspy and very hissy voice hissed in Riok's ear before shouting at the top of their voice "WHO ARE YOU!?!?"

The call terminated just after that and Riok looked around.

"Ouch..." Riok complained, the volume of the last three words causing his ears to hurt. After a moment he called the commander.

"Notara, who was that?" Riok asked over his radio.

"Please, its Amanda, whom do you mean? You've had no incoming or outgoing communications since we last spoke." She replied to him.

"It's just...never mind, I'll talk to you later." Riok said, shaking the strange event off and levelling his launcher as he reached the ground floor.


Riok screamed as the doors opened and a Necromorph hurried in. Riok was shoved against the back wall and the creature was spewing what looked like vomit all over him; its chest organs pulsating and expanding through its broken rib cage before it released its next bucket load of puke onto him. Riok could hear a feint hiss and he didn't like where this was going. The Necromorph grabbed his left arm and the bottom of his helmet before pulling on both of them.

Riok grunted as pain seared through his arm where the creature was digging its claws into him and pulling powerfully on him.

Riok flopped like a fish in the creature's grasp before slamming his javelin gun into the side of the creature's head and blowing it clean off with a javelin through the side of the head.

"Puke now motherfucker..." Riok hissed.


"Aww fuck!" Riok yelped as the attack restarted and it started throwing up out of its neck. Going to attack again the puker blocked the weapon and threw Riok down onto the floor.

"Ahh...bitch." Riok hissed. Placing his hand to his cheek and notching he'd been cut.


His cheek?

The puker grabbed Riok and slammed him into the wall. Riok was on his knees and the puker grabbed his jaws and wrenched them open.

Riok didn't even get time to scream as the burning sensation ripped over his face, down into his mouth and throat with intense pain.

Part 2 coming soon...

(Don't forget to comment, vote, fave or ask for more if you want to! I hope you enjoyed the story.

Dead Space belongs to its respectful owners (And is an awesome game series.).

Dianos belongs to Shadowofintent.

Please do not repost this anywhere without permission from both myself (AnonymousG3) and Shadowofintent.)