Untitled (11/11/11)

Story by darkwolfe23 on SoFurry

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My poetry, this one ain't great, it was a fuck you I wrote to a ex gf, it is angry and bile filled, just adding it cause its something I wrote,

The events pass, The past is written, The past is static, Its set so common sense says, But not for you, You rewrite what happens to suit you, You turn devotion to obsession, Love to lust, Joy to sorrow, Pleasure to pain, Just to suit your quest for your perfect world, A one night stand turns to rape, Your indegresions fade away while you fabricate new ones for others, All your lust is someone elses fault, Where you were wrong your now right, Where I was right I'm now wrong, You regret ever meeting me, How long till I don't exist in your past, Is anything about you genuine, Or is it lies built on lies, A house of cards ready to collapse when you finally remember, Those who don't learn from the past repeat it, Those who change it are crushed by its weight, Fuck you and your made up world, When it collapses I'll be there to light a blunt from the flames of the wreakage....