Commission Story for Zohaku-Being Powerless doesn't mean being helpless

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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This story is to be meant for the first chapter with hopefully more to follow. Keep your eyes open for the next parts. Also I just remembered that to be safe, I do not own the copyrights for the characters or events in this story.



Breaking through the tree line coming to stand before a cliff edge that gave an amazing sight of the rather large city that lay before them with sunlight breaking through the light cloud cover streaming down on to the town below, Ash and his friends gasp in jog after finally getting out of the humid forest. Coming to take several moments of air that was fresher than what they had been breathing in for the last couple of days.

Having begun their trek through the forest about two days ago looking to make the trip an exciting one with Ash looking to catch a new Pokémon to add to the collection that he already had which weighed to several that he had lost count. The group was looking forward to getting into a warm bed with a good meal although no one could complain about the food that had been provided to them by their excellent cook, Brock. Normally the trip would only take like half a day if starting out early enough at the beginning of the forest, however that didn't as Ash and Misty had been arguing along the way on which way would be easier to take.

Ash, one person that always liked to follow his common sense and never look at a map rather always looking forward and when he came upon a challenge like climbing a mountain to get to his next gym battle, that was the way he would go. Well that came a problem too as sometimes they ran into storms, wild Pokémon, or Team Rocket. A group that had been a thorn in their side since Ash started out on their journey trying to catch Pikachu in the process even though all of the problems that they have caused always backfired on them.

Misty although liked a good trek through a forest trying to want to get out of the forest as soon as possible not quite liking the idea of bugs, she stayed mostly in the area of water finding it easier to relax there. That caused many arguments between the two and it also caused the problems of the trio getting lost which was the case here.

Having gotten lost more than once while entering into the forest, the group finally calmed down enough to allow Brock, the former Pewter City gym leader and the group's primary cook, cooking food for them and their Pokémon having found a different recipe for each Pokémon which seemed to enjoy his cooking as much. Plus he had the only sensible head among them although he had his own problems whenever he was in the presence of Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny he fell head over heels for each loosing common sense almost.

"Ahhh, Saffron City and the location of my next gym battle." Ash called holding both hands up with clenched fists in an eager state wanting to get down to business.

"Can we at least get a hot meal before you go charging into a battle? Remember what happened to you in Pewter and with Sgt. Lightning its best to learn about your opponent." Misty informed Ash looking a bit of a mess for wear. She looked forward to a nice shower and meal that didn't involve sitting or sleeping on the ground, however before she could get a response from the group there came a thunderous crash and explosions sending up a good size cloud of cement and blocks trailing up from the roof top of the Pokémon Center.

"OH NO! NOT MISS JOY!" Brock cried out running toward the trail that would lead into the city with the others trying to catch up with him as he charged full speed into the town. Near the Pokémon Center, the one building that seemed to be the busiest place in any city that was a gym in it because it was needed anywhere. The place was the medical hub for any trainer to bring in their injured or exhausted Pokémon to get treated but also give them shelter to be provided for any trainer to stay overnight and still receive a good meal in the process.

In the process, the trainers can trade and/or transport Pokémon under the watchful eye of Nurse Joy, the head nurse that ran the building with great kindness. A cheerful and happy woman that would offer a greeting that would make anyone feel at home there that came in. Standing about 5' 6" this woman like many in her family, Nurse Joy looked exactly like each other Nurse that ran the Pokémon center making it confusing as heck with only Brock seemingly being the only one that knew how to tell them apart.

"Hurry up, Meowth! Before the police show up!" Jessie called out to the feline like team member of the trio. Being the only Pokémon for the group that stayed outside of its pokeball all of the time, this meowth is a very rare Pokémon who was a one of the kind being able to walk on two feet instead of four. He was also able to speak human able to understand both human and Pokémon at the same point dealing with translating strange moments to his team members.

"Yeah, yeah." The feline commented pulling up the freshly caught Pokémon making sure that everything was secure so the Pokémon couldn't get out. Normally the boss demanded that the trio find the rarest and strongest of Pokémon for the organization of criminals, however now he was demanding that if the group wanted to get paid they would have to catch a Pokémon before they would receive the money. Pretty much the group found themselves living off the land sleeping in a makeshift camp instead of going into town...there was a bit of a problem with that also because any kind money that they received would mainly was used toward making new devices in catching their sole target most of the time, Pikachu. So here they were forced to break right into the Pokémon Center to making a decent living where the chance of a counterattack from any defenders was far unlikely.

Pulling up one of the nets that were filled to the max with squirming Pokémon demanding in their own languages to be let out. The nets were specifically designed to make sure that no matter what attacks that the creatures had tried to get out of the nets weren't able to break the bounds holding them there. James the other male of the group grunted giving the net a swift kick to get the Pokémon to set down enough to allow for transport of the creatures. "This is like shooting Magikarp in a barrel!"

The early morning silence of the town was slowly coming around when the shrill sounds of sirens broke out flaring to life with the sudden shouts of an overzealous person charging into town throwing out several pokeballs allowing for Pokémon to be release. Looking over the thieves found an Onix, a geodude, and a vulpix appear with a bright flash causing them to realize that it was time to leave.

"Time for us to disappear!" James called out pulling free his own pokeball and tossing it out to meet the oncoming threat. "Weezing, go! Smokescreen attack!"

The twin meteor like Pokémon unleashed out of its ball quickly unleashing a thick cloud of almost poison gas into the air quickly blinding the oncoming threat allowing their retreat to be barely noticed at all as Ash and company reached the ruined Pokémon center although Brock quickly disappeared into the building wanting to make sure that Nurse Joy was okay.

Coughing and sputtering trying to search for the correct pokeball snatching at one finally hoping for the correct one, Ash threw it up into the air not before depressing the center button in the process, he released Pidgeotto into the air letting out a chirp like call as it soared above the smoke. "Pidgeotto...clear out the...smoke...!"

The Pokémon quickly made quick work of the smokescreen clearing it out enough to allow for the group to breathe much more easily with Brock returning to them having come to realize that Nurse Joy hadn't come in quite yet allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief.

A call from the sky drew the group's attention once more as the bird got their attention. "Pidgeotto, do you see where they went?"

The flying Pokémon gave a sharp nod before flying off toward a rather large region of forest that seemed to stretch out for miles with the likely of getting lost was even worse unlike the area where the trio had come through. The thieves dashed in and out of the trees moving at top speed trying to make things far harder for anyone that may be following them a tad harder to find them. The two humans were confused coming to realize that the trio that had arrived wasn't Officer Jenny at all but their main target in the first place as they came to realize that they could've caught the rodent hoping to get a major bonus with their load.

However Meowth who seemed to be the brains of the operation having been able to help set up traps whenever needed insisted that they continue deeper into the forest where he told them that a surprise for the twerps. Again the plans that the group always came up with didn't quite end up like they always wanted them to be causing them to go hungry many days on end and causing the boss to get absolutely pissed with the teams calling for more money. That was when the boss said enough was enough that they had to produce Pokémon or else they wouldn't get anything from HQ.

This time Meowth had gone about setting up some net launchers hidden among the trees in which he leading the group to figuring if the others had heard anything about the trap before they had started looting the Pokémon center that the group would screw it up AGAIN! When they arrived in the location, he went about explaining the general idea to them before directing them to take positions.

The crunch and snap of twigs and leaves that had lain on the ground of the forest broke throughout the nearly silent forest with the wildlife starting to wake up as the group passed through following the general direction that Pidgeotto had given them. At times the group had to rely on searching the area on the ground as the brush above their head had become too dense to keep sight of Ash's Pidgeotto.

Finally they seemed to be upon the right track coming upon the sight of several bags of squirming Pokémon sitting in the middle of the clearing of trees still scrambling to get out. Now honestly after getting captured by Team Rocket more than one you would think that the trio would actually be a bit wiser about running after the thieves.

Upon reaching the clearing, the group began trying to remove the netting from around the Pokémon however it became more difficult by the fact that the materials were completely different than a regular net. Not really wanting to use their own Pokémon to break the netting because of the fact that it may injure the captured Pokémon that were probably already suffering from some kind of injury that they had experienced.

Suddenly like anyone would expect would happen if they had learned from several encounters with the same trio all of the time, three nets slammed into the group throwing them away from the middle of the clearing. One net caught both Brock and Misty throwing them clear away from the captured Pokémon with the nets' ends coming together sealing off any kind of escape that may be possible from the hole.

Ash found himself caught in a net separate from the rest of the group but not knocked as far away from the other Pokémon holding him to the ground rather tightly with the net clinging to his body making further movement impossible. Just inches away, Pikachu, Ash's first Pokémon that he had received when he started his journey and longtime friend, began struggling with the net sending out powerful thunder shocks into the net however it became known that this time nothing was going to work. Meowth had gone about making sure that nothing could break out and the nets would close in on the target making sure that it couldn't move.

There came a sharp crackle of a laugh that was joined by another causing the captured trio to stop moving allowing their gazes to turn to the trees as the sunlight finally came through the branches allowing for the once hidden silhouettes to be revealed. Clad in their usual attire with multiple net launchers placed on their shoulders, the figures became apparent enough to be recognized and their usual agonizing saying began.

"Prepare for trouble."

"And best to make it double."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To protect all the people's within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!" a third voice answered the others jumping into the middle with a smaller version of a net launcher on it shoulder baring its fangs in a tooth grin.

"TEAM ROCKET!" the captured trio called out finally realizing that they were going to either have an easy time with this group. The only problem was that with the nets restricting their movements, they could grasp for their pokeballs hanging at the belts forcing Ash to look toward the sunlight hoping that Pidgeotto was nearby.

"PIDGEOTTO! QUICK ATTACK NOW!" He called toward the sky just as the Pokémon circle above. Quickly arcing downward, the bird quickly folded its wings in on themselves causing it to begin to dive in on the thieves.

"Ooooh looks like it's time for me to catch myself some dinner!" Meowth called aiming the launcher skyward toward the oncoming attack. Triggering off a launch, the net struck the bird rather rough enclosing in on its body holding the wings a lot more tightly causing it to strike the ground just at the base of the tree rather strongly. "PIDGEOTTO!"

"It's time for this group to get out here." Jessie said jumping down followed by the others as they began to pick up their catch for the day looking rather pleased with themselves about their accomplishments. Meowth himself looked even more pleased by the fact that he came up with a plan that actually worked and the fact that he was going to get a decent meal in the process. "The boss is going to be happy with this catch that's for sure."

"And have enough power from this Pikachu to get rid of all of his power problems." Meowth answered as he began day dreaming about how the catch would allow him to get back into the bosses favor once more getting rid of the Persian feline that had taken his place at Giovanni's side. Nevertheless the group failed to see something strange happen.

As soon as he saw that Pidgeotto come crashing into the ground at a rather harsh speed, Ash began to feel helpless more over powerless to save his friends and even his Pokémon that the team rocket had been able to pick off without breaking a sweat. Gritting his teeth in anger, Ash clenched his fists again in anger fighting back a series of tears that were forming in his eyes as he mutters under his breath. "Dammit, I wished there was a way that I can save my friends!"

Suddenly the air around his body began to glow and ache thrumming with energy and a strange feeling causing Ash's mind to turn his attention back to team rocket forgoing looking at what was going on with his body. All across his body his muscles began to strain again the thin material of his clothing as a fire deep down inside of his body began to light up sending a rather furious nature scorching through his being.

The sharp sounds of clothing tearing and a deep growl forming up behind his lips caused Misty and Brock to look in shock as their friend began to take form although all of the details of the change were hidden from sight because of the blinding light. Given time the clothing pulled away from his body shredding away although the shreds were snuggly held in place because of the net. His body began to grow mass of fat including that with muscle sending out new addition portions to his body as his skin began changing color from skin pink to that of orange and the near soft feeling began disappearing with the sudden appearance of rough scales that began to pepper his skin further. With his hands clenched in pain and anguish that started to dull after a while, Ash came to feel five sharp shots of pain shooting straight through his palm causing his hands to flex outward allowing five sharp claws on each hand to spring out from the tips of his fingers.

From his rear broke free a rather massive and thick tail that continued out further growing spikes and scales of its own along the way ending at the tail however the spikes shot up Ash's back to the middle of it where two large tumor like shapes pushed up out of the skin. The two continued to push out before taking form of medium sized wings.

His neck began to lengthen stretching out a bit as Ash found something began pushing up along with his neck and face forming a small muzzle. Further up on his head the dullness pain continued to push up as much of Ash's hair fell out however there came a sharp crack and strengthen pain shot throughout his skull as a small horn with a sharp point jutted out. The sharp ringing in his ears began to grow intense with the next final steps of the change to happen as his ears thinned out becoming stick like features that began to grow upward beginning to swing in the air as he found the noises around him begin to intensify.

Within minutes the form was too much for the net as whatever Ash had changed into finally broke free of the constraints. The remains of Ash's clothing, belt plus gear and strapless backpack dropped away from his new body allowing his once closed pokedex to flip open with the sensor pointed toward Ash or whoever he was now. Looking down in shock, Team Rocket couldn't believe what was going on.

"What in the world is that thing?!"

"I don't know but it's coming home with us!"

Before any of them could make a move, a huge ball of light formed at the creature's mouth with it being aimed directly at the trio. Before any could react, Ash unleashed the ball striking the trio directly sending them flying off toward the sky. Leaning down, Ash went about snapping the nets that surrounded his friends and Pokémon off freeing them allowing them to stand up properly.

Misty and brock couldn't find their voices staring up at the creature that once was their friend standing there in shock. Before them stood a small dragon like creature although by the looks of it, it almost appeared to be a Pokémon. Looking down to notice the open Pokedex that was laying on the ground, Brock picked it up coming to realize that the device was able to scan the creature.

"Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon. This extremely rare and highly intelligent type is able to fly faster than any known Pokémon." The small device informed the group allowing for both to look up in shock at what was before them.

" that you?" Misty asked afraid to step forward afraid of what the creature may be even though it used to be Ash. The dragon seemed to try and respond however any kind of response that was given came out strange allowing for the guess that if it was even Ash still there was no way that he could tell them. Looking a bit more worried, Ash found himself frightened about not being able to communicate but also the possibility of not being able to turn back to normal once more.

However a small feline like flying creature swooped in out of the trees coming to hover in front of the group with its attention directly turned toward Ash in particular. "Hiya." Appeared in Ash's mind causing him to stumble backward in surprise looking at the creature in wonder if it was the cause of his current situation.

Swinging the device around to scan the new creature, the weirdness of the situation just continued growing as the pokedex scanned the new creation.

"Mew, the the psychic pokemon, is said to possess the genetic composition of all Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people. Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it." The device informed the group.