Deep of Winter

Story by ShouldNotWant on SoFurry

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I think we've got a bit of a system for getting these done. Thanks, Kaleem!

Some OOC Chatter:

SNW1: Mmm. Moo, baby.

SNW1: Free rides for the doggies.

Deep of Winter Should Not Want! - Edited by the fantabulous Kaleem McIntyre

It had been a harrowing few days for the tauren huntress, but all in all she had to admit that it had been worth it at the end. Her trainer had said that she was crazy to try and sneak up to Winterspring to tame an arctic wolf, but that of course only made her more determined to set out and complete her goal.

"You're still young and headstrong" he'd said to her just weeks before, "The Firbolg don't take kindly to outsiders. They'll shoot you down sooner than you can say 'friend'. Anyway, what do you plan to do even if you get there? Those wolves aren't your common barrens wolves. They're rough, wild! It'll take a strong hand to tame one of them."

Hah, what did he know? And who exactly did he think she was, some kind of human damsel in distress or something? This trip wasn't just a lark, DawnStar had come prepared. It'd cost three gold to a sleazy looking goblin to buy the schematics for these snow-blinders, but it was worth every copper to be able to see out in the snow. She was well-decked in furs, with boots tipped with steel teeth to grip in the ice.

She might have been bruised and battered, and may have had to make... arrangements... with the Firbolg to get through, but when the pale snowy sky of Winterspring stared down at her, she realized that she had finally made it! Two weeks of constant traveling across the harsh lands had been worth all of the rigorous travel that she had had to endure just to get to this point in time.

DawnStar beamed as she stood at last on the snowy Winterspring plains. The stark landscape of Winterspring was almost aggressively white, and the glare from the snow would have been blinding if she hadn't thought to wear her finely engineered goggles. The sight alone was almost worth the effort, but no, the true prize awaited her still. Unable to stop smiling the young huntress made her way down the side of the mountain and headed into the snow-covered forest. She wasn't at the top of her class in tracking for nothing!

Inexperienced? Hell, there wasn't a thing in the barrens that could look her in the eye. Today was going to put proof to her wisdom.

It took half an hour, but the tracks were easy to follow in the snow. There were cats - snow leopards by the smell. Maybe it would be worth taming one of them before she headed home, but it was the wolves that she was after. They were tough and strong, the perfect accompaniment to a talented hunter.

'Not much longer', DawnStar found a yellow stain in the snow up against one of the old pines.

Wolf marks. She'd finally caught the scent, quite literally.

DawnStar kneeled down by the mark, giving the air a sniff -- it couldn't have been gone more than ten minutes ago, its owner should still be around. Tugging her furs closer around her, the tauren stood up and looked around for tracks, and then spotting them, she began to quietly follow the path the beast had made. Oh, how her trainer's jaw was going to drop when he saw her new companion! Her daydreaming wasn't doing much for her focus, but she was skilled enough to get back into focus quickly and not lose track of the, well, tracks.

Said tracks led up into the mountains a ways, but DawnStar had done her research. The arctic wolves wouldn't be that far up into the mountains. They would have probably found a low-lying cave to den in. The climb was tough in the ice, but if a wolf can do it, so can a tauren girl, she surmised. As she crested the top of the rise, she got her first eyeful of her quarry.

Luck was with her as she looked up the small pack of wolves; four of them that she could see. There were a few broken bones with teeth marks surrounding what was obviously their lair, and the ones hanging around outside appeared to be relaxing. It would't be safe to continue up the way she was trying to climb, but if she could edge around the clearing to the south side there was a grove of trees the tauren huntress knew that she could use it to hide in to prepare her wolf trap.

DawnStar paused to watch the wolves for a bit. Such beautiful beasts, she would be the envy of Mulgore for capturing one! But, there was no time for that now; the pack would catch her scent if she remained there too long, especially if the wind turned against her favor. Spotting the clearing DawnStar quietly made her way around the pack, taking care to avoid detection.


Quietly she removed the trap from her leather satchel, set it down in an inconspicuous plot and then scattered some snow over it to conceal it. DawnStar then fetched a piece of cured meat out of a scent-proof oiled wrapper and set it over the snow into place.

She then went to lay in wait.

The minutes seemed to tick by for longer than she'd have expected to when she looked up at the sky to see that the sun had moved farther towards the horizon that it had been when she first found her hiding place amongst the trees. With the scent of fresh meat on the wind she would have thought that a wolf would have been there in no time to scout the source. But no, a minute stretched into five, then twenty. DawnStar couldn't see the clearing well from where she was hidden, but it was unlikely that they'd all abandoned the den on happenstance. She tapped her gloved fingers on her flank. The wolves usually never took this long to pick up the meat's scent.

'Fine,' she thought. She would give them one more minute, then she would come up with a diff...

Just as the tauren was about to pop out and check on the clearing though, she heard a snuffling sound that echoed strangely through the copse of trees. She couldn't place it, but it definitely didn't come from the direction of the den.

DawnStar pulled her hood down, trying to pinpoint the origin of the sound that crossed over her hearing. Did one of them finally take notice of the bait and come seeking? She peered at the clearing, waiting to spot movement.

No, no movement from the clearing. She'd chosen a good place, they'd have to push their way through some rhododendrons to get to the trap, and she would see the movement of the bushes long before the wolves. But she was sure that she could hear shuffling coming about from somewhere...relatively close as a matter of fact. Paws through thick snow, DawnStar would have staked her training on it. she craned her neck, peering at and around the clearing. If not from the den, then where...

There was a soft growl behind her, then a sharp bark. It had a deep bass rumble to it and then the tauren smelled wolf.

The sudden bark caught her off guard and she spun around, dropping her gear and sending her cap flying into the bushes. Dumbfounded and sprawled indignantly on her ass, she stared upwards into a face that was NOT supposed to be there.

Her hazel eyes were greeted to a sight that both elated and terrified her as she took a thick gulp of breath. The figure in front of her was another of the winter wolves, gorgeous and tough with thick arctic fur that made it look almost like it had a mane. But the way it was staring right at her, with those intelligent bluish eyes, the tauren suddenly felt particularly foolish. How long had it been tracking her, while she had been tracking them? It was not like she, with her hooves and armor on, could have hidden her tracks in the snow, any more than they could have hidden theirs.

Her eyes went wide at the large wolf before her. She had grown up in Mulgore where wolves were rather small compared to the size of her race, but this one was something different, larger and more imposing even to a tauren her size...and she was no small heifer. Seeing one from right up close just made it look more threatening, still... she winced at the sound, small ears going flat at the resulting growl.

DawnStar heard rustling in the direction of the bushes towards the den and then a sudden thought chilled the tauren's veins. The trap was still active, and if one of them - there was a yelp, then the hiss from the frost-imbued trap as it triggered. The already cold air dropped another few notable degrees as her trap immobilized one of the wolves that had come to investigate the bark. The wolf in front of her let out a sudden deep, threatening growl.

Apparently these wolves were very smart, smart enough at least to link the sudden dangerous trap triggering and ensnaring one of their own and the strange foreigner here in their midst.

"I'll just... release him, shall I?" The huntress spoke more to calm herself than to the wolves. She carefully made her way to get up and move toward the trapped canine, watching the one before her for sudden movements.

The other was tracking her with his eyes, waiting for DawnStar to make any movement that was even remotely threatening. Would he know what she was doing if she went for her gun? Maybe. Probably not worth finding out. The others started to emerge from the trees around her alcove as the absence of two of their own for so much time made them all curious as to what was going on. Three -- no, four of them surrounded DawnStar with their heads down and ears back along their skull. A growling chorus seemed to pick up from every direction as the pack too note that something was seriously amiss in the clearing, the echoes of their grumbles reverberated so loud enough that the tauren felt it more than heard it.

Back where she had first laid her trap she found a wolf that was almost a hand larger than the rest of the ones that had now surrounded her. She should have known better than to assume the largest was the alpha, even if that one had come up mid chest to her. However, the one held completely immobile by the frost crystals of the trap was just a little bit smaller than the first that encountered her yet the implications were clear by the look in the other's frozen eyes.

Leave him trapped, and the wolves around her would probably tear her limb from limb. Free him, and she would then have to deal with the two largest wolves of the pack, and they were not likely to be happy about her treatment of the leader.

The choice was obvious even as DawnStar glanced from wolf to wolf and carefully made her way to the alpha.

'Well, they hadn't killed me -yet-, that was a good thing at least. Right?' The tauren questioned.

The young huntress gave the large white wolf a sheepish smile as she knelt down at his side, careful not to get within biting range, "You won't kill me when I free you, right? Right? I'm talking to a wolf..." With a sigh she reached for the latch on the side of the trap. The construct jerked and with a loud SNAP the crystal holding the wolf in place shattered. Not daring to move the tauren watched the supposed alpha nervously.

The monster of a wolf didn't move for long moments after he was freed. He held his pose, standing there in front of her even as the icy crystals turned to vapors on his fur, while still glaring at DawnStar as if she had still held him captive.

When the inevitable happened, the tauren only had a split second of warning. His ears flipped down to his skull, and before she could dodge, strong forelegs bore DawnStar to the ground as the jowls of the wolf's crushing jaws spread around her muzzle like a trap...ironically. The hunter then found herself more eye to eye to him than she thought would have been possible before. As he held the tauren's long face between his sharp teeth, DawnStar's nose was assaulted with the smell of rancid meat from his breath. With just a little more force he could have shattered her snout between his jaws like a grape.

'So far from Mulgore, tauren must be a delicacy up here.'

Something in the wolf made him pause, though. His eyes watch her, boring into DawnStar like a goblin drill. Unblinking, he tested DawnStar, waiting for her to blink, to avert her gaze, to show submission.

She let out a pained whimper, her eyes momentarily locked with the wolf's, his gaze putting almost as much pressure on her as his weight. DawnStar let out a muffled grunt of equal amounts fear and pain after that as the pressure increased. With a frightened whimper she looked away, and then closed her eyes. Figuring that if she were going to die she didn't really need to see it happen.

Slowly, as if he were pondering DawnStar's fate, the pressure increased, until the sharp sting of his fangs drew blood that trickled down through into her muzzle fur. Then, without warning or reason, the wolf jaws disengaged themselves. There was movement and shuffling around the bovine as the pack began to move suddenly, right before there was an unexpected sharp growl again. DawnStar had studied the wolves enough to know that they communicate almost entirely by body language, but the nuances of it is too complicated for someone without their inherited instincts to understand.

And then something warm and furry brushed up against her. The smaller bovine ears tilted this way and that as she tried to puzzle out what was going on before gathering enough courage to open her eyes, only to find herself face to face with the alpha's sheath. Blinking, DawnStar looked up above her only to see the second largest of the wolves, the titular alpha by his actions, with a leg cocked up towards her and the red tip of his pride poking free of his sheath. DawnStar raised her head more just in time to be assaulted by a foul smelling liquid that splashed against her wounded muzzle as the alpha marked her.

At least this much DawnStar understood.

She had submitted to him, though somewhat unconsciously and now according to the primitive wolf society, he owned her.

The Tauren coughed and unsuccessfully tried to turn her head to avoid it, managing only to get some of it into her mouth. Bleh. With little choice DawnStar remained on her ass, watching the alpha, before glancing around towards the others, and then back at him. It was kinda hard not to with the former since his sizable sheath was right in her face.

The others of the pack were staying a respectable distance away. Respectable in that they were close enough to pounce and rip and tear her into little pieces should she try and turn tail to run. However, the scent message was clear; the alpha had claimed the unknown creature.

While DawnStar's attention was momentarily occupied, the beta male ducked his head away from the scene and then, seconds later, she heard a crunch, then a sad hissing of her dying trap.


Making that trap had been part of her training. It was hand crafted and enchanted by DawnStar's tribe's shaman with the spirit of ice. When the little soul-crystal at its core snapped under the wolf's teeth she could almost see the last traces of magic fleeing the trap's mangled form.

With the broken trap hanging disdainfully from his muzzle, the beta turned back to the tauren. He dropped the trap at her feet, and then started to approach again. His muzzle hung low, on level with her eyes, while his lips were pulled up in a snarl.

It was about this time that the alpha's anointing flow came to a sudden end and DawnStar reflexively tried to wipe away the alpha's "mark" off her face, but the furs she was wearing had already soaked up too much of it. The tauren was only successful in clearing her eyes and snout because of this, though not enough to stop everything from smelling of wolf.

Normally she'd be furious, but considering the situation if her trap was all she would lose from this then she would still come out ahead. The bovine's eyes then went wide at the snarling wolf and she quickly averted her gaze, looking at the large beast's paws instead.

The alpha wolf's muzzle then bumped against hers, and DawnStar felt a snarl transmit itself directly through her jaw bone from the animal's throat. DawnStar took care to avoid the large wolf's gaze, keeping still at the reverberating snarl despite everything in her yelling to run. Through her peripheral vision, the tauren could see the wolf's eyes staring her down, but this time she was smart enough to avoid direct eye contact. She was smarter than that.

Some sarcastic inner voice congratulates her at that.

'Good bitch.'

Another muzzle snuffled at DawnStar's ear, but the alpha male lifted his head and let out a bark. There was a slight squabble above DawnStar's head, teeth met with clatters, and the fur of the alpha stood above her stands on end momentarily. It seemed that someone was fighting over her. The pack dynamics here were obviously more chaotic than DawnStar was used to with plains wolves. In the harsh cold, it was a constant struggle for dominance between the members of the small group of wolves.

The young tauren carefully glanced around at the sound of a scuffle just as the alpha and the second wolf tumbled over her onto her left side and jumped a little when warm breath ghosted next into her ear, then yelped and tugged at her leg as it was nipped. And here she thought she was saved...

It was only DawnStar's thick hide boots that blunted most of the wolf's bite, but it still stung some. Another bite caught one of the tauren's out flung wrist and pulled painfully on her arm.

The alpha let out another growl beside her, but some sort of decision seemed to have been reached because he then turned his attention back to you, the bigger wolf he had been fighting with nursed one of his paws with his tongue as it bled out onto the ground. With a deft sidestep, he turned about and latched his teeth over DawnStar's hide jacket.

With a violent snarl, the alpha male ripped the hide armor off from over the tauren's chest. DawnStar yelped in panic when the huge wolf bit down onto her jacket. It didn't come cleanly off - the piece of apparel was too well made for that -- but that didn't stop the feel of the sharp cold of Winterspring from patting against her skin where the hide came free. She then started to try and backpedal away from him as he tore off a large chunk of it. She barely got more than a meter away before her breeches were grabbed and similarly tugged, which alternatively pulled her bodily into her previous spot before the seams broke and a large chunk of them were removed. One of the wolves near her legs grabbed her hardened leather breeches at the knee and jerked her leg in a painful direction to tug it free, and then DawnStar heard the stitching rip over her thigh before things started to come loose.

All too much was going on for the tauren as they focused on watching the others even as the wolves torn into her hard-earned armor and clothes. DawnStar rapidly turned her head from one wolf to another as she tried to keep them all inside of her line of vision while at the same time she trying to avoid their gazes.

With one arm over her chest DawnStar pushed away at the wolves snapping at her clothes, too overwhelmed to register that it might not be the wisest of ideas, since she couldn't stitch finger back on.

While she tried to keep her halter top from ripping free, another wolf straddled her, and another marking stream hit DawnStar's chest, right above her left breast. The sharp tang of wolf hit her nose again as it soaked into your matted fur...for the second time in under an hour. Pulling her head back and to the side to avoid it the tauren was successfully distracted from trying to resist the other wolves' actions, her snout overwhelmed with the scent of wolf.

Once she was nearly naked the wolves then backed away to begin prowling around her, one melding into the next as they tried to find a vacant spot onto her to claim for their own, at least with their eyes first before they hit DawnStar with their bitter splashes of wolf piss. One marked DawnStar's thigh, and then one caught the hem of her breeches and pulled them down to her knees. Thankfully they stay there, keeping her legs together like a hobble. The snow was cold on the tauren's ass and under bits, but DawnStar's attention was so torn between the circling wolves that she almost didn't notice. The tauren almost didn't react as yet another stream hit her, the fluid seeping into the fur on her thigh and the snow beneath her.

A wolf grabbed her ankle again and tugged, but no armor was there to blunt the bite now. There was a moment of agonizing pain as the fangs dug into her lower calf, but the jaws didn't bite to tear. They were now harrying her, playing with their prey like a cat would with a mouse. It was in the moment of her reverie that the alpha put a paw on DawnStar's shoulder and pushed. Unprepared for the sudden forceful shove the wolf managed to flip DawnStar halfway onto her side before she caught herself with one arm.

She whimpered at yet another bite and tug, yelping when a sharper bite pulled her extremities closer, only to find herself pushed with more surprising force, the huntress catching herself on reflex more than thought. Aside from a couple of straps and adornments she was wearing under her gear she lay nude beneath the wolves' gazes, sprawled sideways across the yellow-flecked snow beneath her.

DawnStar only resisted on reflex now, the situation was too confusing and overwhelming to let her register it fully.

The alpha growled above DawnStar and the paw pushed again. The alpha's jaws then closed over her neck and pushed the tauren's head down against the ground. Her surprised grunt was muffled as her snout was forced into the snow below, the various jaws and paws on all sides kept her pinned in place, with only her eyes and tail moving around erratically. It was tough to breathe with her nose pushed into the ice and mouth full of the yellowing snow. Another wolf bit at DawnStar's whippy tail, while another set his foreleg onto her back. It was a bit uncoordinated, but the wolves finally pull DawnStar onto her knees.

DawnStar could only see out of her peripheral vision as another of one of the wolves cocked a leg in her direction before a thick sheath pulled itself back as he marked the tauren. The tauren closed her eyes as yet more liquid splashed over the side of her face, opening them again to watch the maneuvering wolves, only noticing the circling one's sheath because of its sheer size. But, again, it was not like she could do much about it.

Another circled around the former, and DawnStar could see another wolf with deep red spear peeking from his sheath. The alpha growled around the tauren's pinned neck, and she felt paws grab at her chest from the side. As the wolves closed in on all sides the day didn't seem as cold as before now that DawnStar was sandwiched between them, though she recognized this fact in hindsight of the current problem staring her into the face.

There was a growl and then more squabbling above her. One of the wolves bumped into DawnStar's side, and then hopped up over the tauren's back. From the side, she felt wiry fur brush up along her backside and the bovine found herself taking this pause to try and collect herself. Then, there was the feel of something wet and fleshy slapping against your side and DawnStar's mind began to spin wildly as she tried to figure out just what the hell was going...on...


The flesh behind her throbbed and slapped up under DawnStar's belly as the wolf began to hump her side. It then dismounted, before there was another growl and bark above her.

It seemed that the pack was now fighting over her again.

With the alpha holding her head to the ground, DawnStar felt another set of paws grasp her hips as a panting wolf pulled himself up and over her back. Her tail was tugged out to the side and she could feel this wolf's fur, just like the previous', drag itself across her under parts as his belly rubbed against the tauren's ass. There was a warning growl from the alpha as he ground DawnStar's neck down against the ground, hard enough that the ridges of snow and ice push against her windpipe painfully.

DawnStar gave a weak struggle, but it was just a token effort, the grip the alpha had on her alone was enough to restrain her in that position. She tensed and yelped as the various appendages of various wolves brushed and knocked against her, her nostrils blowing some snow away from her pinned snout, then she went completely still as another one of the wolves mounted her rear...this time not getting a annoyed grumble from the alpha for his transgressions.

'Oh. That's what they were doing.' DawnStar thought bitterly.

This time she gave her movements more than a token effort, but unfortunately her earlier guess was correct. They were choosing who would get to mount her first and bust that cherry. She could not budge her upper body at all while her posterior was firmly pinned in classic feral mounting style on her hands and knees. The thick winter coat of the wolf above her did serve to be somewhat pleasant though as the tickling strands of hair brushed over her exposed rear making DawnStar shiver despite herself.

The wolf behind her gave a few questing thrusts of his hips, the blunt tip slapping against the tauren's asscheeks. The wolves around her were shifting and growling, getting into the action even though only one was up above her hips. Almost all of them were rubbing up against her sides; their thick pelts dragged themselves up and down DawnStar's hide wantonly. The tip of her mounted male's sex then caught her unprepared cunt with a wet, sloppy kiss, and then with a low huff and quiet growl over her back, the legs around the tauren's hips gave a sharp tug and joined the two together completely.

The wolf was thick enough to make her give a yelp and DawnStar fought as hard as she could not to blush as she felt the turgid length spread her wide like a hot sword through warm flesh. There was no foreplay, no chance for DawnStar to adjust to him as the winter wolf jabbed himself forward and began to hump with those feral thrusts all canines were known for. Just like his smaller brethren on the barrens plains, the wolf's hips pushed flush into hers and she felt the thick shaft slide deep into her slit, rubbing inside and across her cunt making DawnStar gasp and roll her hips instinctively. It felt so slick and hot, and so wet that his pre provided enough lubrication for both of them to moan and grumble as furry hips began to dance automatically without a real rhythm behind them.

DawnStar's breathing turned fast and shallow as her bovine instincts commanded her to lay there and moo submissively for the dominate male over her. However, Tauren pride demanded that she try and find a way out of this and looking around DawnStar let her eyes darted around to search for an escape, but of course, she failed to find any.

Because of her failure she had no choice but to grunt and buck as she felt the wolf's slick shaft push further and further up against her rear until the two were ass to groin next to one another. The heated length was so warm and good as it pulsed against her bare rear with a heat that made her groan wantonly in need.

Not wanting to give up completely DawnStar gave one last push forward, away from the prodding shaft, but failed to make much headway. The wolf's aim on the other hand held true as his thick shaft held firm and spread her nether lips wide as he plunged into her soft, warm depths over and over to try and stimulate them both, or just him, into climax. A yelp heard from the front as the shaft speared the tauren further than she was exactly comfortable with followed by a very clear 'moof!' as it unceremoniously hilted inside her for a second time.

DawnStar was so preoccupied with the wolf cock now buried inside her sex that it took her a few moments to notice that the alpha had released her neck. As the wolf mounted on her back started to thrust frenziedly into the tauren's snatch, the alpha shuffled forward and sat on his haunches just in front of her face, one hind leg to either side of DawnStar's head. The air around her grew warm, sheltered between the other male's hind legs, as the alpha's heavy sheath bobbed just in front of her eyes. At that point, there was no doubt what he was demanding.

The alpha male didn't growl or snap at her to do what he wanted, however. No the larger winter wolf seemed more content to bask himself under the glow of complete control as he dominated the female bovine with his sheer presence alone. His furry balls churned inside of his white sheath as the cold of the snow under him began to heat up from the warm breaths coming from DawnStar's and his own raging blood, not to mention the still steaming wolf urine that was soaking all over the place.

Another wolf rubbed itself right next to DawnStar while just a few centimeters away a pair of snarling and yelping wolves combated each other to try and growl the other down for the next right at the tauren, even as another needy wolf cock bump against her side. Deep inside of her moistened tunnel, the shaft of the wolf throbbed heavily as the wolf pounded his hips against the tauren's with audible smacks. In her hunter training she had watched the plains dogs and wolves close enough to have seen them mating, so there was little surprise as his forelegs grabbed tight onto her hips while at the same time her sex was spread even more painfully wide around what felt like a growing knot.

DawnStar rocked back and forth ever so slightly underneath the big wolf over her as he lusts boiled inside of her ears making all rationality filter out of her mind like a bad dream come morning. Closing her eyes the tauren grunted as that large shaft pounded harder and more fully inside of her overfilled snatch almost as if the wolf behind her was trying with all of his might to get that fat knob at the end of his cock to spearhead into her nethers to lock the two of them together.

Feeling something moving around her head DawnStar opened her eyes, only to be greeted by white fur and pale sheath, the latter practically punching her against the nose. Forgetting herself she glanced up at the wolf, then instantly winced and flattened her ears, looking back down at the sheath.

Knowing that she was fucked -- quite literally at the moment - DawnStar sighed and moved her snout to nuzzle the alpha wolf's crotch. It didn't take long for the scent of musky wolf to invade her nostrils and take her hesitations away as she ran her nose underneath his balls and then up to the peeking tip of the bigger wolf's length. Opening her muzzle DawnStar let her broad, warm tongue lap over the alpha wolf's short fur right as a grunt and whimper escaped her from a particularly sharp jab from behind. A nip at her side made the tauren huntress focus some as she felt another large wolfcock rubbing against her side, right up underneath her arm no less. This act made DawnStar moan when she realized that she was going to get a lot of 'attention' from the pack before the day was done.

More and she came to find that she liked the affections the pack was showing her and bouncing her hips back into the male behind her the tauren let her inhibitions go completely and just submitted to them and all they offered. A wave of the end of her tail was the only outwards sign of this though as the pack wouldn't have been able to understand much of her mumbling utterance called words. However, the alpha soon got the point clearly as he whined when firm, fleshy lips opened and then began to play with the first few inches of his growing cock. DawnStar didn't give the other full on submission though might swallowing him down.

No. She might have been their bitch, but she still had enough pride about her to show the other just how much she could still defy the pack if she so chose to.

A sharp cry made all ears turn upwards and DawnStar yelped out to the sky above as he pussy was taken fully by the wolf fucking her. The fat knot at the end of his shaft had sunken home and buried itself deftly inside of the tauren huntress and without taking a moment to let her get her next wind the winter wolf at her back began to fill her snatch with his seed. Gush after gush of hot wolf cream seeped into the burrow of DawnStar's channel and warmed by the flowing river she mooed supremely loud and arched her back into her lover before bucking and shivering as a faint throb of her own orgasm let itself be known.

While not the real thing, DawnStar was a quick trigger but slow shoot, the waves of rapture that took hold of her served to make her nethers flutter around the wolf and tug at his cock hard enough to get him to hump desperately into her ass yet again. The pack looked at the two and let out a howl as several hard cocks rose up into the air to salute the male who had first claimed the unusual female that had wandered into their midst. The winter wolf let out his own howl but it trailed off into a sigh and then a loud bark as one of the others bumped at his side to get him to hurry up and finish. The mounted grumbled in annoyance but snuffed his nose to let the other know that he would finish once he had emptied himself completely into the female. If the the grinding of his knot into DawnStar's backside was any indication, that wouldn't be too far into the future.

Ten minutes later DawnStar got a reprieve from the grinding of thick knot against her netherlips as the wolf behind her suddenly pulled back, his hind legs dug deep into the snow to give him some leverage, and then dismounted from her with a loud pop.

A blast of cold air swept against the wet fur of her groin instantly as the bigger body on top of her back vanished leaving the tauren's wet, gaping sex to ooze outwardly as DawnStar gave a bodily shudder. Before the shock of the cold could become too familiar though, another wolf quickly took the former's place. With a grab of forelegs to the tauren's hips, and a recognizable slide of fur across her rump, a fresh wolf shaft jabbed at DawnStar's cunt almost teasingly. Seconds afterwards the red, fleshy lance slid in deep as the new wolf growled over the bovine female's back as he began to hump her eagerly.

In front of her, the alpha let out a happy growl when DawnStar's returned her tongue out and across his cock to flick itself over his sheath. The tauren female had been teasing him for so long while she was getting mated that the alpha was hard as a diamond and redder that a blood ruby as the multitude of veins crisscrossing over and along his cock pulsed desperately in the cold. The alpha didn't feel the need to make the female take him into her mouth immediately and was more than happy to let her tongue slurp and slob over him making his length as shiny as a piece of stained glass. Drips of drool coaxed the ground however, as DawnStar had used her lips to suck on the bigger wolf making frosty ice droplets of saliva and pre freeze together underneath the bovine's chin whenever they touched the ground.

Yet now as the second wolf took DawnStar fully with his overly eager shaft the alpha male was now ready to find his own release inside of the tauren's mouth and growled down at her to get her to finish what she had begun. A hump into her face, right along her nose, made DawnStar whimper and breath out a heated sigh. In a rush of red flesh, the alpha wolf's knot slipped out as he began to use DawnStar's muzzle to roll his sheath back fully. His somewhat motionless hips soon started to rock excitedly as the winter wolf leader probed at the tauren's gums with the tip of his shaft. DawnStar's tongue stroked across whatever flesh he put in its range and soon the tauren huntress cheeks were ballooned outwards as she fulfilled her duty to please the leader of the pack.

Bobbing her head back and forth DawnStar relaxed her throat as best she could to try and swallow as much of the alpha down as she could manage. Having never done this before, at least not with another male, the bovine huntress had little experience or control over her gag reflex as the winter wolf bucked himself into her face and mashed his balls into the underside of her chin. His musk and sweat and dominant energy turned DawnStar's insides to jelly as he closed her eyes and pulled more of the male into her mouth as she could manage. The spurting pre from his tip grew thick, almost gamey, as the wolf furry nuts pulled up firmly into his body and churned out more to feed the suckling tauren.

Hands held down and body laid hands on knees before the other, DawnStar wasn't able to reach out and fondle the knot of the other as it jumped forward into her face. The bulbous flesh was wide and full and ready to plant itself into the warmth of the bovine huntress' heated cavern. However, that seemed impossible as DawnStar could barely get her muzzle open wide enough to wrap her lips around the girth at the end of the wolf's cock, let alone swallow it between her teeth to hold the other secure. Her tongue roved along the underside of his dick complacently as she swallowed the accumulating mix of pre and saliva building in her throat, never minding that this was not exactly how she had originally planned to spend her day today.

The going on behind her didn't go unnoticed however as DawnStar felt the second wolf at her snatch hilt and thrust and bury and then go still as her cunt was opened wide for the second time in under the hour. She didn't stop herself from giving off a grunt as the large wolfcock held itself steady inside of her body loosening streams of wolfspunk into her depths to mix with the fluids that were already pooled between her legs. A surprise did catch DawnStar though as the wolf pulled himself further up her back to rub his furry sac into her groin and move the tip of his cock just so that it touched something inside of her that made her pull up off of the alpha.

A shout broke free followed by a trembling moo as the tauren came for the first time today and gushed her own honey liquor out around the ball that locked her with her second lover. The mounted wolf let out a yip of surprise as a heat like no other wrapped around his shaft and seared his length hotter than anything he had ever felt before. The two writhed and moaned and groaned to the sky before a sudden bark made the two jerk and look forward into the alpha eyes as he growled at them threateningly. The bigger wolf seemed more angry than he had been before, even trapped in ice and metal, but it was easy to see why as DawnStar looked down to find the hard cock she had been nursing on seemed ready to pop.

DawnStar bowed her head and pushed her face directly into the alpha's crotch. Her lips and tongue, yet not her teeth, found his sex quickly and swallowed him down back into her maw.

The wolf back behind, not wanting to be the focus of his alpha's fury pulled out of the tauren huntress rear with a frantic set of pulls before padding away quick enough to duck behind a tree to get out of the other wolf's line-of-sight. A shudder ran through DawnStar as the sudden invasion gave way to the cold. The rapidly cooling wolfseed dribbling out of her and down her inner thighs didn't help matters as it began to turn to icicles right onto her fur.

The problem solved itself quickly as a fresh wolf jabbed himself inside her, the wolf's impatient thrusts spread DawnStar's sensitive flesh like ripe fruit under a knife as he bucked and growled in intense pleasure. Distracted once again by the activities behind her DawnStar barely noticed the alpha's change of plans, only to suddenly find him fully thrusting vigorously against her face and lips. Despite her mental acceptance there was only so much her poor sex could take as she shuddered and peaked again when the hard wolf's knot easily sunk up into her vagina.

Just like the wolf before him, the one mounting her gave a few sharp, shallow jabs to start things off before dancing his hips forward so hard that one of his legs came up off of the ground as he took the female for his own. DawnStar felt his rubbery tip prodding and stretching her walls as she clenched and trembled around him, her insides had been molded so well from the other two that her cunt seemed to almost conform around the third wolf as he fucked her good and proper like the virile male that he was. Seemingly unconcerned by his pack-mates dribbling semen, he finally hilted himself in several more precision thrusts, getting his throbbing knot to stay tight into the vice of the tauren huntress inner valley, while his fuzzy nuts pressed flush up against the DawnStar's pert rump mounds.

In front of her, the alpha let out a snarl of pleasure as DawnStar's muzzle opened more and more and took him in almost to the hilt. Wasting no time trying to make with the unneeded pleasantries, he forced himself into her surprised mouth straight to the knobs, trying to get as much of himself buried into her even if that meant breaking her muzzle. With his knot kissing at the tauren's lips, the thick wolfcock throbbed against the roof of DawnStar's mouth like a pulsing beacon signaling his euphoria. As if to accentuate his dominant position, the alpha put his forelegs on the back of the bovine's skull and then leaned forward. The thick shaft slid against DawnStar's molars, dripping and squirting pre as he pumped and humped with pent up sexual frustration, doing his best to extend his coming tidal wave of pleasure even when the tauren's tongue curled around the middle of his length.

DawnStar grunted through her nose as a protesting grumble was muffled by alpha's cock. The afterglow of her orgasm made the tauren much more lethargic and pliant than she would have liked to have been as the new wolf plowed her used sex, the jabs only resulting in the occasional grunt when a firmer push spreads her further. Being a bit busy trying to breathe with the alpha's large dick in her maw DawnStar had little time to try and nitpick about what was happening as soon she found her head pinned to the ground for the wolf to leisurely facefuck her.

There was another hard jab, and then something throbbed behind her. The third wolf pulled free six minutes after, and this time she could feel the stream of wolf cum running from her abused sex into her crotch fur and onto the ground like milky sap from a pine tree. Down between her thighs the male seed dribbled out into a steady flow, and then quickly crystallized as it froze in the near sub-zero climate. Not that that matters for long as a fourth wolf mounted her, fumbling around for long, cold moments, then pushed himself into DawnStar's very open and very much widespread cunt.

Almost delirious from the constant use, most of DawnStar's remaining attention was spent trying to breathe around the alpha wolf's cock that repeatedly hammered itself into her throat, blocking the tauren's air passage. Drawing sharp breaths through her nostrils every time the alpha pulled back, the tauren's eyes went wide when that thick length pressed against the back of her throat, and then shoved past the tight muscle to lodge its broad tip in her throat before pulling back, only to repeat. It was almost a blessing when she felt the alpha's hips give a shudder, right before bitter seed filled her muzzle. His balls bounced against her chin, and the thick knot throbbed impatiently against her lips as he filled DawnStar's muzzle with splash after splash of runny wolf spunk.

DawnStar moofs through her nose as the fourth wolf pulled out fifteen minutes afterwards, the assault of cold against her oversensitive sex was almost downright painful. This time she didn't mind when the next wolf took his turn; at this point she was stretched enough for the discomfort to be minimal, far less than the subzero temperatures against her nethers. Finally getting himself off, the wolfcock spurted seed down her throat before it pulled back to deposit the rest in her muzzle, the huntress fighting to breathe and swallow at the same time, not entirely succeeding.

Unaware or uncaring for her difficulties breathing, the alpha remained hilted as he sprayed the bovine's tonsils down with runny spunk. DawnStar's throat contracted around the spurting cock repeatedly, swallowing in lieu of breathing with a choking sound from the huntress, as the alpha finished his facefuck in a leisurely fashion. The jets then receded into squirts, then to just dribbles, and finally DawnStar got that deep breath she wanted, even if it was taken around a mouthful of wolfcock.

As if to ruin even that little achievement, though, the alpha shifted slightly on his hind legs, and halfway through her deep breath, another jet of liquid hit the back of DawnStar's throat quickly following after the first. Sputtering and coughing, heady urine filled the tauren's senses as the alpha relieved himself completely into her trapped muzzle.

She coughed and inhaled deeply once the cocktip finally pulled back, barely getting any air in before more liquid smacked into her throat, her sensitive nose overwhelmed with the strong scent of the wolf's urine. Head still pinned and his dick in her maw she had little choice, choking coughs escaped her nose as she swallowed down the bitter liquid, and what she fails to swallow dribbled over her lips and down her chin to the snow she was pinned against.

Behind her, the fifth wolf quickly finished, right before he was replaced by a sixth, the time between almost a second as one of the anxious wolves seemed more than ready to begin the next round of mating. Several dozen minutes later, with only a few painful seconds of cold between them, a seventh took his rightful place. Or was that the first one taking a second turn? It was impossible for the tauren to tell. Minutes dragged on, as DawnStar's awareness of what was happening around her and to her slowly began to drift away...

DawnStar blinked sleepily, lifted her head, and looking around in slight confusion some hours later.

When DawnStar truly had come back to her senses again, it was to the over-bright glow of dawn off of trampled snow. Blinking some, the bovine huntress realized that she should have been cold, freezing, in the sub-zero temperatures, but looking around the tauren found that she was surrounded on all sides by wolf fur that was hotter than any hides she had ever worn before. Mind blanking on recent experiences in the morning bleariness, it felt hot enough to want to just laze with them, like being surrounded by sleepy puppies. DawnStar's breath tasted foul though as she licked her chops, but she had had worse after long nights of drinking so it was nothing to complain about...right before her mind surmised what exactly the flavor on her palate was reminiscent of.

It was that fact that brought about a startling reminder of yesterday which interrupted DawnStar's happy morning. One of the wolves crowded in behind her, she couldn't immediately tell which one, seemed to realize that the tauren was awake. Without foreplay, warning, or permission, a sheath pushed against her cum-crusted rump, and long inches of wolf cock pressed up lazily into DawnStar's abused and rather sore depths.

What came next was not the frenzied mating of yesterday, and perhaps that was even worse in a way. The wolf was almost as worn out as the tauren, though he was likely significantly less sore, so he took longer thrusts than the quick little humps that she had been treated to earlier. His humps are slow and purposeful, and the thick cock spent longer stroking past bruises. As painful as it is was for her though, the wolf seemed to be having the best morning of his life, growling and licking at DawnStar as his hips bounced off of hers ever few seconds.

Woken by the sounds of early morning sex, the other wolves slowly begin to move. As the wolf thrusting into the bovine's tired and sore snatch finally started spurting deep inside of her, the wolves started to wander off towards the den one by one. Consequently with each one that departs the temperature dropped a few critical degrees. Soon, DawnStar was shivering uncontrollably. The remnants of her hides were in tatters; the wolves must have ripped them up completely yesterday, sadly she hadn't been of the mind to try and salvage anything after the initial 'attacks' on her hide. To make matter worse the traps she had were ruined and the meat she had kept hidden away were stolen from her backpack. In short, they had left her nothing, save her life.

DawnStar grunted with each thrust into her tender sex as the wolf slowly fucked her. The same said wolf licked the mildly salty fur of the tauren's neck -- both from her sweat and the other wolves' various fluids - before he finally peaked and stopped, shuddering as he pulled out. DawnStar didn't get to enjoy her rest for long though as the temperature of the situation soon made itself known, the huntress had to pull her limbs together as she looked around for shelter. She figured that she could try and make it to the nearest settlement and probably freeze to death half the way there.

Or... she looked downwards and bit into her lower lip.

At least it would be warm in there, right? Better than freezing to death. She gave her ruined gear a sudden kick, then sighed and slowly began to walk over to the wolves' den, arms wrapped around her chest for warmth. DawnStar glanced sideways at the wolves as she passed.

As she approached, the wolves made no hostile motions or signs of anxiety. Of course they saw her, and watched her movements towards their shared space cautiously. Their eyes were trained on the tauren's every step, but only one wolf made to move himself. It was the alpha who stood and positioned himself at the entrance to the cave.

He seemed to measure DawnStar as she approached, and when she get ten or so steps away, he lets out a soft growl, loud enough to be heard throughout the clearing. His eyes caught onto the tauren's, and then with a smooth and deliberate motion, he lifted one hind leg. Then he waited, watching the bovine for her reaction.

Avoiding his eyes as much as she could, the tauren caught the beast's next gesture and paused, then lowered herself onto all fours and walked up to the alpha on her hands and knees, her bowed head before/below his bobbing sheath.

This close to the cave, DawnStar could feel the relative warmth radiating from within. It may not be what she would have called "warm", but it was hot enough to survive. All that was left was to pay the toll...

When she willingly placed herself beneath his uplifted leg, the expected stream of urine hit DawnStar's muzzle, then dribbled down onto her lips and off of the underside of her chin. It was humiliating to let something that she was at one point considering making her pet treat her in such a way, but given the choice between that and death was there really any other option?

DawnStar closed her eyes while she allowed the warm liquid to wash over her muzzle. After last night the smell was strong and acrid, but she found that she was slowly growing used to it. When the stream of urine finally tapered off to an end the alpha still stood impassive. He rested his lifted hind leg onto the tauren's back as a few inches of the wolf's cock showed at the tip of his dangling sheath. Her tail flicked when the paw rested on her back, the huntress then opened her eyes to see the slowly growing wolfcock pointing out at her. Taking the hint she nosed the wolf's length with her broad nose, then licked at its underside, guiding the tip of the alpha's maleness between her lips as it grew more firm and full.

DawnStar started to suckle on the tip instantly as she swallowed the remaining dribble of urine from the end of the wolf's length before it was replaced by the much more palatable pre. Soon the tauren was all out sucking down the alpha's length as its broad tip rubs against the roof of her long muzzle, her chin flush next to his balls DawnStar committed herself to fulfilling whatever need there was to gain the alpha's favor...

The wolf above her gave a satisfied rumble, before he then let the bovine see to his needs while the rest of his pack watched on jealously. As DawnStar's tongue swirled over him, the alpha slowly began to rock his hips forward. Before long, he lowered his lifted leg, and with the tauren's head between his hind legs as he started thrusting properly.

DawnStar suckled on the length thoroughly, then, as the alpha repositioned himself, just kept right on with it as her lips locked around the thrusting wolfdick. She did have to wince though whenever the broad tip pushed down her sore throat, but she did not pull back, letting the alpha finish before she swallowed the leader's seed obediently.

DawnStar didn't have long to wait before the eventuality of things came to a head. The large wolf let out a warning growl, and his forelegs clasped onto her chest. Seconds later, thin jets of watery cum splashed against DawnStar's tongue. As if following some hidden cue, the other wolves stood and walked towards the bovine, rubbing against her as if in acceptance. Or, she might have guessed by their own cocks dangling between their legs, in anticipation. Either way, as soon as the alpha's seed was finally finished sluicing down her throat; he stepped off to the side, which opened the way into the wolf's den.

As he pulled back and the others rubbed against her DawnStar stood back up and, avoiding the alpha's gaze, trotted into the cave to warm herself. Tauren weren't made for this kinda weather after all, no sir-ee.