Rei's Story Chapter 1: Trust and Hope

Story by 1mastermind on SoFurry

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#1 of Rei's Story

Hey folks,

after writing the second chapter I had the need to make this one a lot better. So here is the new version. Story and plot hasn't changed, I only gave the characters furry features for displaying their mood as suggested and altered the flow a littel hope you like it.

ebook version of both chapters here:

pdf version if you'd like to read it free from So Furry: here:

Hope you enjoy it.

This is a story of complete fiction and features characters of anthromorphic being known as furries. It contains description of affections and interactions between male characters and is not meant for underage readers. If you are offended by this or are not allowed to read such "crap", please stop now clear your browser and go to the next pastor for mental guidance to absolve for your sin of just opening this file.

All other happy reading and comments are welcome.

Chapter 1: Trust and Hope

Rei Loire hated his military assignment so much these days. All those new recruits he was ordered to train in military academy wouldn't last a second in a real war. Though they all signed in on their own account, they, so it seemed, did this completely in the belief they just needed the best weapons and armor to withstand whatever an enemy could throw at them. But he knew better. Those memories of his participation in the last war were still vivid in his mind. Sometimes he woke up deep in the night not really knowing if he was in the academy or still out in the battlefields down on their home planet all those years ago where they had to flee from to those space stations now in orbit around.

How could their leaders have been so blind about the strength of their neighbors on their planet Ferolis just because they abused all kinds of technology due to the tragic disaster all those centuries ago? Had it been so illogical that their lifestyle without any modern technology could have made them more adept with nature and inherit them with special powers to survive. Just because they desperately needed the best possible spirit channeler to fuel their giant protective shield to prevent the disaster from happening again they had attacked the Naturebound (the name of those who lived in complete harmony with nature) to abduct those who perfectly matched those criteria. The response then was swift and brutal. Even though their scientists had found a method to genetically boost the natural abilities of some species, like wolfs, foxes, cougars or horses, they still were no match for the naturally selected Naturebound who tore through whole battalions with just their bare fangs. After long years of war they had no other choice but to flee to their space stations to survive.

He had been a lieutenant in a special force team in this war, if you could really call this a war, ordered to sneak around the enemy, spy out their plans and destroy their forces in surprise attacks. It was a good team and his genetic boosting was just perfect for the task of a surprise attack. He was the first and only genetically boosted tiger which is not only because nearly all tiger clans were Naturebound but because the genetical boosting he acquired was as much a danger to the enemy as to his own comrades. His genetically boosted roar could scramble whole armies in fear, but that also applied to his own comrades. It was necessary for all others to have a safety distance of at least 600 yards to not be affected by his roar. But even then the weakly minded could still pass out.

After waking up drenched again due to one of those nightmares he was just taking a stroll around the academy fields to clear his head, when he saw that there was still light on in the gym. As he walked in he could hear noises from the locker rooms. Drawing nearer and peeking into the shower he could make out that it were two of his recruits having a shower probably after a late night training session which was totally forbidden to any recruit.

The first was Stephen, a 20-year old grey-brown Australian shepherd with a really big problem with any kind of superior. His body was covered in bushy long fur which only was short at his front and hind legs. He had a really long snout and pointy ears, which correlated well with his sleek physic. He was the best of all the others, but had always been detained because of not following any orders.

The other was Benjamin, a 19-year old yellow lynx, who even if it was said, that all feline were the best in balance, would tip over his own feet every now and then. The only remarkable about his fur was the bright white circular patch just around its navel.

Making sure not to be seen he was able to eavesdrop the conversation they had.

"What a tough training partner you always are." said Stephen, "You may be a real duffer in drill sessions but when it comes to close combat sparring it seems really impossible how accurate you are able to move. You nearly beat me today and I am more than capable of standing my ground even against that post war monster of a drill instructor of ours. How can a fossil still be so proud about a war which had such a bad outcome?" "I don't know Stephen, but you do know that he is a real ferocious fighter." Benjamin retorted. "I heard that some of the students of the last unit he had under his command for training resigned their military career after the final field exam. It is said, that they have been so scared, that they were scared of even the smallest shadow."

Yes. Rei remembered that day very good and just that made his ears to lay against his skull and his tail to curl around his right leg as he felt again ashamed of it. It was the last day of the field exam before the graduation ceremony for the recruits. They were in field camp when Oliver, a grey-white husky and the best recruit he had ever had, asked him to tell them something about the war he was in. Rei had granted their request and told them about one of his missions. At the end of his story they were so fascinated, that they asked him to show them his genetically boosted ability from which they had heard so many stories. He refused, but they didn't give up, so he agreed to show them. After finding a perfect spot he instructed them to stay at that exact place, so they would be out of the dangerous area. What he didn't know was that, Oliver and six others sneaked after him to have a better view. In the moment he began his genetically boosted roar he realized what just had happened. The seven recruits all stood still for the first few seconds' utter terror displayed in their eyes and their tails stock stiff as statues. As their brains regained some functions they ran like headless chicken in all directions just to escape. It had taken Rei and the other recruits nearly three hours before they had found them. The later investigation of the incident had brought him severe disciplinary measures for using his power and he had sworn to never ever use his powers again.

"I don't believe that. I think this is just a story that old fool has made up to scare the weak ones not to oppose him. Now turn around so I can start to massage this stiffness out of your shoulders" Stephen said and Benjamin wordlessly complied.

'What?' Rei thought while his features became angry and his tail uncoiled from his leg and started twitching erratically in anger. 'Making one of my greatest errors into a plan of mine'. For this commentary Rei will find a way to punish him. After all Stephen had still his final field exam. He could make that exam real hell for Stephen if he wished. "But still he is really gorgeous looking. Have you seen how good he was looking during the last drill? All those muscles on that toned body. How I would like to have single training with him." Benjamin put in. "And what about me? Am I not enough for you? I thought you found me gorgeous the very first time you set your eyes on me." Stephen interjected trying his best to make a sour face.

"Yeah you are still my one and only, I just meant I'd like to. Isn't it allowed to have some dreams? Don't forget how we once met." "Yeah I know. We met in that club on Station Omega Red, what was its name, a yes, Club Omega Red. You were wearing that tight outfit which enhanced your physic so much. At that moment I knew you were the one for me. Even the dancer on stage, how good he might have looked, was a mere shadow in comparison to you." Stephen explained with a loving smile on his face while he slowly kneaded the shoulders of the feline he loved to the bottom of his heart. "Yes I remember. And since then we have gone through everything together. You even enlisted for military just to be with me after my parents pushed me into it." Benjamin said while spinning around and lunging for his friend to give him a passionate kiss on the muzzle and starting to grope his sheath. Now Rei knew why Stephen always had this good for nothing attitude for military service. He had only enlisted to be together with his mate. But even though Stephen was still his best recruit and that was the only reason he had not been kicked out after the first insubordination. Suddenly he also realized that due to his eavesdropping on the two and seeing that passionate kiss and the groping had gotten him quite aroused, as his barbed penis slowly became hard and started to retreat from his protective sheath cover in pure white fur.

All trying to get his arousal under control were swept from his mind as Stephen unlocked from their passionate and loving kiss to restart their conversation before he was so pleasantly interrupted. "About that dancer of the club," Stephen began "have you heard about that incident a few days ago, during an on stage event. It is said that a lion on steroids was trying to attack him." "Yeah I know it. To be precise I was in the club at that night too." Benjamin said. "Why wasn't I with you? " "Because my love, you had one of your disciplinary punishments that night for again not following orders. But still that was a really dangerous situation then. During the performance there was suddenly that lion on stage bringing his claws into killing slash when suddenly that Doberman bouncer of the front door intercepts and stops the attack with extremely fast close combat movements. I really thought the lion would go down but it seemed the attacks weren't able to harm him as his fogged brain didn't seem to register the pain. In the last moment before the Doberman would be the new prey for the lion the second bouncer, that grey-blue wolf, jumps at him and knocks him down with just one head butt. At that precise moment I had made up my mind, that I want to be a better soldier and asked you to train with me at every possible moment." Benjamin explained while making a pleading face, as he never had explained to why he suddenly wanted to get better. "But you do know, that the wolf did this not with brute strength. I do remember I once heard from another client in the club that he is a genetically boosted ex-soldier. That was only possible because he is a military weapon in living form. You could only achieve that if you yourself would become genetically boosted, which is nearly impossible because of all the complications that occurred during the process." "Yeah I know, but still it would be cool to have such powers at your command. With those I could best that dictator of an instructor and he would have to respect me."

Rei didn't believe his ears. A genetically boosted wolf with the strength to best a lion which is surely twice as powerful as he, and a Doberman accompanying him with close combat military training. How could that be possible? Those two they were talking about couldn't be his old comrades from wartimes. He had seen them last on their home planet. During their last mission on the planet while they were trying to evacuate the last of the scientists to the space stations before the total destruction of their home from the hands of the Naturebound. They were just loading the last of the shuttles for takeoff when an attack force of the Naturebound stormed the flight areal. His team was immediately ordered to stop them as long as possible to grant the evacuation as much time as possible. They all split up to take their positions and were trying to ambush the intruders. But it all came out not as planned. In the moment they were trying to spring their trap a second much larger force advanced from the exact other direction taking them into a pincer assault. Without any hope of surviving, they spilt up in teams of two to stop as many as possible and grant the escaping people as much time as possible. They were standing their ground as best as they could, but after about 20 minutes the onslaught of enemy's was growing stronger and he gave the command to abandon posts and flee to the shuttles. At that point of the 8 person team only 5 were still fighting and as it was impossible to keep the enemy at bay they decided to abandon post to get on one of the shuttles. As they made it to the vicinity of the spaceport they saw that the shuttles weren't ready for takeoff just now. They all knew that the shuttles wouldn't make it of the planet if the Naturebound should reach them just now. The only chance would be that they sacrifice themselves in a suicide attack to get the shuttles the time they needed. Before Rei could even think of the best possible method two of his comrades sprinted into the onslaught only shouting to the remaining 3 to flee from here before they were never seen by him again. He and the rest hurried to the shuttles and just made it of planet and he had sworn never to forget those faces and to make them heroes post hum at least in his mind.

The first was his second in command and the best close combat martial artist ever setting foot in his vicinity, who was capable of even keeping up with him in training and that could only having been possible with genetic boosting, but that was the special point about him, he never had been. His name was Cody, a Doberman with complete night black fur coat except in the area from his cops his pecs and abs and the upper part of his inner thighs. As all of his species he a knub of a tail but seeing his ribbed physic would stop any one from making fun because of that. The sharp canines that adorned his muzzle and those steel-gray eyes made him so fearsome looking, that those not intimidated by his physic would cower when looking in his face.

The other has had many names during his service. He was the best genetically boosted soldier and, as some had whispered under their breath, a completely insane person. A true master of stealth and sneak attacks, which could be explained with his natural fur color of a dusty gray-blue, and due to his genetical boosting, possible to best even foes which were up to 3 times as big and strong as he himself. Because of these talents he was called Body Snatcher, Ghost or Blue Tyrant. His name was Seth, a wolf of nearly the same stature as Cody only that hi9s upper body was more v-shaped and his most striking feature were the ice-blue orbs in his eye sockets, that showed a level of alertness at any given time.

Those two had been the best of his team and the reason most of the missions had let to success. But they both died on that mission and could not possibly live on this space station. He had to check for his own and fast.

But during his musing about times long past he had completely forgotten about the two he was eavesdropping, as during his reverie the conversation between Stephen and Benjamin had gone on.

"But do you really think I could succeed in the final field exam when we train the rest of the time? Because I think Loire will let me fail because of my clumsiness." Benjamin asked still not truly sure about his abilities. "No my dear, before the exams start you will be in top form and might even be able to stand a chance of standing your ground against him. But enough of this talk. How about you pay your debt for again not winning against me. You know what that was?"Stephen said a devious grin on his face. "OK. As I promised I will do whatever you want." Benjamin retorted with a little annoyed face. "That's just what I wanted to hear. Now how about you stop that teasing of my privates and start to administer it with your muzzle." Benjamin more than eagerly stopped his groping and began to kneel before his friend. He slowly began to use his dexterous tongue to lick along the sheath and up the semi-erect cock which already had retreated from its hiding place while using one of his paws to play with the testicles in the completely grey furred ball sac. All the sensational overload that Stephen received through this let him start to pant and a steady flow of pre emerged his tampered cock tip.

Only a short while later Benjamin's actions had taken fruit, as Stephen's 9- inch cock was now complete free of its sheath and leaking pre like a fire hose. Making one final lick from the base of the sheath up to the tip Benjamin open his muzzle wide and took it completely in. After accustoming to the invader in his mouth Benjamin slowly began to bob up and down while keeping a steady suctioning on the rod. Lost completely in the sensation Stephen put his paws behind the head of Benjamin and began fucking that tight muzzle.

By watching all this sexual playing Rei couldn't hold back any longer. He walked around the corner of the shower door and harrumphed once startling both so much that Benjamin nearly bit down on Stephen's cock. "I do not know what I should do with you two. First you should know that no recruit is allowed to use the gym after last post. Second, your down talk about superiors is clear insubordination and can result in you going to be kicked out. And third but not the least a violation of the codex is the sexual interactions between recruits in the academy. With this said. What is your statement to those points?" Rei barked while fixing the two before him with a stare that could melt through the hull of starships. Stephen was the first to come down from the shock seeing their instructor suddenly standing in the door. He helped his still kneeling and completely dumbfounded companion on the tile shower floor up, before addressing his superior. "Sir, we may have violated insignificant rules, but you can't be serious about kicking us out." Stephen countered. "I could of course forget what has transpired here, but that would come to some conditions you two have to fulfill." Rei said with a grin on his face, as he thought about the things he had already in mind. "OK, Sir we'll do anything, but please just don't kick us out." Benjamin intercepted after having returned from his shock and putting his paw over Stephen's mouth before he could have made any insult against Lieutenant Loire.

"To forget about this I have three preconditions one for every violation. First because the final exams are close, and you are both a pain in my neck, you both must pass under the first three of my class which I know is nearly impossible for you Benjamin since you are still in the lower portion of the statistics." Stephen rolled his eyes because this really didn't affect him as he was first in this statistic and never wanted to be here anyway. Benjamin on the other hand folded his ears down draping his tail around his midsection knowing, that this precondition would surely be the end of his new found dream. "Second," Rei went on, "from now on you will do whatever I order you during training without any backtalk." Before Stephen was able to comment to this Benjamin rammed his elbow into his midsection with so much force that Stephen nearly collapsed, which proved to Rei that Benjamin really wanted to be a soldier and that he would control Stephen to achieve that, which would make Rei's work so much easier. "Third, you both will have detention work every weekend for which you will report at my office. Have I made me clear and will you accept those conditions?" Both nodded slowly Stephen with a sour face and rubbing his abdomen where Benjamin had hit him and Benjamin dispirited as he was sure the first condition would be the end of his career.

"Now that we have an agreement, I think it is time for your first punishment, as it is Saturday. As I saw how eager you were to clean each other, I want you to do me the same favor." After saying this Rei put off his sweater and shirt and untied his track pants while Benjamin and Stephen stood dumbfounded to this order. After coming over the shock of the order and because both were still horny as hell were on Rei in no time and helping him out of his pants and undie. As they were done, both saw for the first time what a remarkable body was always hidden under that military uniform.

Muscular slim torso with well-defined abs; beefy arms ending in sharp claws that could easily rip you in half, not so muscular as with bodybuilders but defined enough to make out every muscle; big thighs ending in big paws, normal for his species; you could say he had a normal built for a special ops soldier, but what made his appearance so astonishing was the fact that his black markings on his completely white fur emphasized every one of them. His groin had also a very special black and white marking structure, as a black streak was on either side of his already bulging pure white sheath and ended just short of his sac with the narrow tips of the markings pointing directly on either grape sized ball. His tail which swayed lazily over his tight butt cheeks had horizontal black streaks about half around the tail with a big prominent black tip.

Stephen and Benjamin started to drool by seeing the now completely naked and nearly god-like body of their detested drill instructor. Seeing, that without prodding them back to reality both would stand there for all eternity Rei announced with mocking annoyance in his voice. "What's up? Have you never seen a post war monster, as you put it, which still is in good fighting shape? Did you think it was my natural abilities that kept me winning against you babies during training? I might be old but I'm still training a lot more than you." "We know sir. It is just that you physic is so gorgeous, that we were completely caught off guard." Benjamin answered his tail franticly swinging behind him while Stephen just nodded still a little entranced. "Then if you find it so gorgeous what you see, why don't you start with what I ordered you to do?" Rei said with that same nasty grin on his face. With nothing more to say Stephen and Benjamin both started to stroke and feel every contour of Rei's body, starting from the buffy arms over his shoulders down his chest to his belly with those remarkable abs. There they remained a few seconds sniffing in the strong musk while feeling the hard butt locks. All this attention didn't go unperceived with Rei, as with every little stroke they did, he quietly purred and moaned while his cock slowly began to bulge its sheath a little more until it no longer was able to contain it and the barbed tip emerged from its hiding place. Seeing this both looked at each other and started going down to his thighs, to tease him just a little more. They fondled with his muscles, always going up and down sometimes kissing or licking at a spot, which nearly drove Rei insane. As his cock was fully erect and 10 inch long and precum was already oozing out of the tip he couldn't hold back anymore and moaned so loud that he was sure to wake someone up in the vicinity. That was just what the two wanted to hear, as they began to work their way up again. As their paws again reached his groin Benjamin put his muzzle slowly over the throbbing cock tip and taking in the greater feline's musk while still stroking the sheath from which it came. Stephen instead started licking and suckling on one testicle in its white container before going over to the other. Rei knew that with what he was just doing they could now easily blackmail him as well, but this didn't matter to him anymore as he liked what they did.

While both were thoroughly sucking every inch of his cock and balls, Rei came pretty near to a climax, so he ordered them to stop and that Benjamin should now start to lick that ass of Stephen while he would start to wet that throbbing front part of him up a little more. Eager as he had been the whole time Benjamin started without any hesitation which surprised Stephen so much that he nearly lost his balance due to the sensation, which drew another smirk to Rei's face. But Rei didn't want to fall back anymore so he started to tease the tip of Stephen's cock with slow circling movements of his tongue before slowly going down every inch of the cock up to its base while still circling the tongue in his muzzle. After a few rounds of going up and down the shaft Rei opened his mouth wide and with a final push also had muzzle around the sheath and both balls on which he now also sucked and licked with his tongue. This action came so unexpected, that Stephen howled so loud that Benjamin stopped his work to see what was just happening, and seeing it made him blush so deeply that it was clearly visible through his yellow fur, as he try as he might was only able to get the cock in not the whole sheath and balls. But after a few seconds of shock he started again with his work on the buttocks and the hole. Shortly Rei also pulled back a little and started again with going up and down the shaft while he also grabbed the cock of Benjamin with his paws and started massaging him as well, as he had still been the only one without proper attention to his needs. While massaging him, some muffled groans and purrs could be heard from him as his cock began to swell.

After a few minutes of working on each other, Benjamin leaned back and announced to Rei "Sir, due to your thorough and really good work on my cock, I am now so horny, that I long for feeling you deep inside me." "That would be a pleasure to you, which as this is a punishment doing that what you want would be wrong. Instead Stephen will forcefully mate you so that you will get a sore butthole and will feel it for some time." Rei said at which Benjamin slowly gulped, as he knew what a fierce partner his mate is. So he slowly bent over near the shower wall and lifted his tail out of the way to give Stephen a better access.

Stephen walked behind his friend and as he was ordered shoved his hard prick through the tight pucker in one swift motion, which drew a pained cry from the feline. Rei was a little startled by that, as he thought both would argue about that with him and he made a notice to himself, that he would see to it, that Benjamin would get enough rest for his rear. To sooth the pain for Benjamin Stephen didn't move an inch with his lower body and slowly liked the fur on the back of his boyfriend and asked with a little pain in his own voice as silent as possible so Rei wouldn't hear it. "I'm sorry, but I had to do it or else we would have gotten in big trouble" "Don't blame yourself. It will hurt like hell for the next days, but if I want to become a soldier, I have to endure a lot more pain over the years." Benjamin whispered in return to sooth the worries of his partner. After feeling, that Benjamin had relaxed a little he slowly began humping in and out of him with just enough force to not hurt him anymore. As they got into a nice rhythm with each other Stephen got so lost in the feeling that he forgot totally about the tiger until he was startled as something pressed against his tail hole and Rei whispered into his ear. "If you might have forgotten it, you both are here to be punished, so now it's your turn." And with no further word Rei pistoned his cock completely in Stephen's hole which resulted in the painful cry of the now forcefully speared. Benjamin realizing that the sudden rigid state of his friend and the pained cry could only mean, that Stephen had just endured the same as he turned his head around and planted a passionate kiss on his muzzle to give him the strength to endure it. Rei of course also waited until the tail hole he was now in relaxed to the invasion before he slowly began to move himself into a steady rhythm. Stephen flinched as Rei began, as he thought he would be forcefully fucked to maximize the pain, but as nothing like that happened and the painful sensation slowly getting pleasurable he resumed his fucking of the hole he was fastened in.

Stephen also realized the barbed tip of the invader in his hole stimulated him in special ways that he never had felt before and even in his euphoric state made a mental note to submit to Benjamin at some time to get a barbed rod in his hole. As all three were already quite pent up from the foreplay it didn't take them long to reach their climaxed states. Benjamin registered it as he felt a big bulge hammering against his still hurting tail hole, which was the knot every canine had but was sure Stephen wouldn't try to tie with him to not make it more painful. Stephen in his near frantic state had to restraining himself with all might to prevent his instincts to tie, but as the barbs on Rei's cock suddenly flared up and Rei pushed into him with all his power for his own release he was so overwhelmed by it that he slackened his hold on the hips of Benjamin and the powerful thrust he received drove the knot into Benjamin. The surprise of Benjamin resulted in a convulsion of his hole which in addition to the jizz flowing into his backside was the end of Stephen's control and he shot a powerful load of his semen into Benjamin. The pressure of the cum pumped into his rear broke the dam of the small feline and he sprayed the wall with his spunk. All three slowly crouch down on the tiled floor in afterglow and remained hugged together until the knot of Stephen had deflated enough to disconnect him from Benjamin.

After a few moments of sitting on the floor and regaining their breath Rei sat up and spoke in his commanding voice. "Now I want you to take a shower and go back to your barracks as it will be a hard training day tomorrow." "Understood Sir." Both said in unison and saluted him from the floor. "But before that I have a question to you. While I was eavesdropping on you I overheard the conversation about an incident in a night club. You said there had been two bouncers who had a really decent training in close combat. I want to know on which station this night club is and what name it has." "Sir, why is that of such an interest to you?" Benjamin asked. "Because I'm really interested in those two bouncers, as persons with such good training are always needed here." Rei answered as matter of factly as he could. "It was on Station Omega Red and the Club is named Club Omega Red." Stephen answered. "Good and thank you for the info." Rei said and started to collect his clothes. Just as he started to leave the showers he turned around and said. "One thing I forgot. When you come to my office next weekend you should wear your combat uniforms, as you will get a private special ops and close combat training, because you still have to complete our agreement to forget about your violations." With that said he turned and left.

The next weeks went by without any disturbance as Stephen was now behaving like a real soldier and Benjamin was trying really hard to get better in every aspect of training. The special sessions on weekends, that Rei still announced as punishments, went by just like that. The special ops and close combat training the first week showed how far away both were to stand a chance against him, as they both had lost in nearly under one minute. But that he knew, was nothing special, as here he could do as he pleased and wasn't restricted to normal techniques. The rest of the first session he instructed them in ways to overwhelm any foe regardless of the size and power and how to sneak up and espionage a target without being noticed, which weren't part of the normal recruit training. The following weekends he spared with them in the gym to give them more possibilities to learn the combat techniques.

At the end of the 4th weekend training Benjamin curiosity reached its peak and he had to ask the question burning in him since the first tutelage. "Sir, why do you train with us so thoroughly while this here should be a punishment?" "Well Benjamin. As you might remember I said you must complete the final exams as first and second of class so that I forget about the violations. As a matter of fact to make it nearly impossible for you two to reach that goal, I will be your opponent during this test. The other recruits will get a really easy target. But as I know that you wouldn't stand a chance against me with just the normal training I give you this special training, so that you might have a minor chance to pass. But still it will be a nearly impossible." Rei announced.

For the first time since the shower incident Stephen seemed to get his rebellious stance back but kept himself in check as he spoke "Sir, I do think that you are cheating. You said that we must pass first and second but isn't it not equal if the others get a weaker foe and we get a stronger?" Seeing, "That is right Stephen. But as you might know I overheard your conversation in the showers and I heard the part about Benjamin nearly besting you in sparring. So I already knew then, that if you both train in the rest of the time till the exam it would be completely impossible that even Benjamin wouldn't pass the conditions. As a matter of fact during our first weekend session I could see those progresses and I knew that even Benjamin could pass that condition too easily." Rei had to attest to both, which he had hoped to do only after the tests.

That comment caught Benjamin totally of guard, as he still had negative thought to being able to make the cut at the final exam. Seeing that he had baffled both Rei concluded, that as the damage is now done, why not attest a little more so he went on. "That left me no other choice as to make the condition so much harder to attain. Although in the last weeks I have seen a progress in both of you that I think you might make it through the test in first and second and that you might even be the best recruits in a long time that seem good enough to be called soldiers." That compliment even made Stephen blush a little.

After regaining his senses Benjamin decided, that now could be a good time for the other question he needed to get an answer to so he took his guts and asked his instructor right away. "Sir, I would also have a question if I might ask." "Shoot on Benjamin." Rei said. "I would like to know if you know how it feels to be genetically boosted and what preconditions one must have to get one?"

Having waited for that question a long time Rei was prepared to answer it. "Well, first of all you must be a well-trained and healthy soldier with top marks in every aspect of your career form. Second you must pass a really high sophisticated psychic test, because the mental stress and enormous pain during the process is nearly unbearable and has driven many subjects to insanity during the process. But the most important aspect that one should think about before attaining that procedure is the lifelong willingness to live with the fact, that everyone around you will always see you as a monster and abomination to the natural cause." Both Stephen and Benjamin could see a real dark cloud of sorrow hang over Rei as he said this. Even Rei was a little startled, that after all those years of being seen like that he still felt so hurt about it.

"I'm sorry I asked Sir. I just wanted to know it." Benjamin started to apologize. "No problem Benjamin. I knew you would ask me this question a long time ago and I knew it would be hard to answer it correctly. I also made a request in the laboratories as to which boosting a lynx would naturally get and I can tell you that it would boost your natural talent of stealth. But I wouldn't go that way. Some might say it is the best you can do, but I on my account think it is not worth the effort anyhow." Rei explained and Benjamin then decided, that he would still want to try getting genetically boosted, but would consult the tiger before hand for further advice on that matter. "Thank you Sir for the answer. It really helped me to know all this" Benjamin said. "Just don't rush on that and think it through completely." Rei said and they started sparring again.

An hour later Rei called it a day and dismissed both from him. But before he had left Benjamin called him back because he had forgotten something. "Sir, I almost forgot. You asked us about that club once. We will be going there tonight and would like to ask you if you'd come with us." Benjamin asked and by looking at the face of Stephen he knew that even the shepherd wouldn't mind being with him. "No I don't have time, but thanks for the offer. Have fun and be back early, as next week will be your finals." Rei answered them, because what both didn't know was that Rei had already planned to go there tonight as well but not to relax there but to check out those bouncers.

As the evening grew near Rei changed fast into his black special ops uniform and took the night sight spyglasses and a combat knife with him, the knife more out of routine than need, and made his way to Station Omega Red and the Club there.

After approximately two hours of trip and asking around he had found the district in which the club was located and he made his way up to one of the roofs in the vicinity to have a better look. There he had to still wait about an hour before a commotion of people arrived at the entrance which meant that the club would be opening soon. In the midst of those at the door he could make out his two recruits waiting in tight black shirts and shorts talking to each other and sometimes kissing one another. In the group he could make out a few others of his recruits with female partners, but still no sign of the ones he was looking for. A few more minutes of waiting later the club doors opened and the security of the club took their station at the entrance and allowed the waiting people in. That was the moment he was waiting for. Rei slowly unsheathed his binoculars and switched to normal sight, as the entrance was good lighted. He roamed through the masses trying to get a clear view of the bouncers at the door and after a few moments of waiting and watching the crowd had thinned so much, that he got a clear view of the bouncer on the right side of the entrance. The person he was seeing there was of course a shock to him. Standing there was a black Doberman with a complete brown underbelly, which you could only see at his neck and torso, as he was wearing a black shirt and shorts. But it was clear, that this was really Cody, his old comrade from the war, as his whole stance and look was that of a hard boiled special ops soldier. After a few seconds of shock he again roamed through the crowd at the entrance to the next bouncer and was again shocked who stood there. Wearing the same outfit stood a dusty grey-blue furred wolf with a grey underbelly and such an intense stare that even the meanest of people would shy away in fear. Even after all those years you could still see the reason why he had been called the Blue Tyrant, as his complete stance and behaving was that of a monster ready for a quick death strike. That was to 100% Seth. But how had they escaped and why hadn't they come back to the military and are now wasting their talents as mere bouncers in a night club.

But Rei couldn't revere on that subject anymore as he suddenly felt a nuzzle of a gun in the back of his neck and a cold and calm voice whispered in his ear "Didn't they tell you it is mean to spy on other people. I think I should teach you a lesson." With that said Rei suddenly felt the hilt of a gun hit his neck in a swift motion and he fell over. But before he was lost in unconsciousness he could see a yellow fox wearing a black special ops uniform and a military standard snipers rifle standing there.

His waking up was with a real big headache. At first he thought he has had a really bad dream but slowly the details came back to him. He had been observing a night club at Station Omega Red, where he had seen two ghosts of his past being still alive before he had been ambushed by someone really stealthy and swift. That person had sneaked up on him so stealthy and had overwhelmed him so swift that he hadn't noticed it, and that meant a person with perfect covert operation training. As he tried to move his arms and feet he realized that he hadn't been tied secure but that he was completely free to move, but he didn't take any chances so he opened his eyes only to slits and roamed his periphery without moving his head to much. He was lying on a couch or bed in some backroom. The walls were white with pictures or art on them. The lighting was bright but not so bright as in an interrogation chamber or a holding cell. The door had a doorknob on this side, so he could leave if he wanted as long as the door wasn't locked. This meant that those who had abducted him didn't know who he was or they were too confident, that he would be no threat to them. Suddenly his eyes fell on a rifle in a corner near the door. That was a military standard sniper rifle and if his last memory on the roof was correct the one his ambusher had worn. Before he had a chance to referee about this fact the cold and calm voice was again whispering into his ear. "Hello princess. Did you have a good sleep or would you like a little more sleep before I serve you your meal?"

Before he had even realized it he had sprung up and had gone into a defensive fighting stance on the other side of wherever he had lain on. Standing there on the other side was a lean yellow fox in a black special ops uniform just like his own, with a white underbelly that just had some dusty spots here and there, which meant he had been the person on that roof who had overwhelmed him. His stance was completely relaxed, as if the person he was speaking to was a little kid and not a military soldier, who could easily kill him in one stroke. As he looked up a little to see the person who could do such a thing, he saw into a face of another person he thought he would never see again. It was the face of Jaden, their personal top sniper. Just like himself he had survived that day on the planet but shortly thereafter had left the military because of the problems with the system. Relaxing a little he again roamed the room before fixing his eyes again on the only other person in the room. "So Jaden, it was you who sneaked up on me on that roof. I really thought I should resign my post if I could be bested so easily by someone." "Oh it was so easy for me to track you down. As you see, I was just walking down the street as I saw you sneaking around the club and I really wanted to know what you were up to." He said while lazily swinging his tail behind him.

"And while you took a walk in the streets you had your rifle with you, which if I remember correctly you should have given back as you resigned. What a coincidence." Rei retorted. "I wouldn't call that a coincidence. First the arms master allowed me to keep my rifle as how he explained it 'it suits me so much' and second I had just been on my way to a training session when I bumped into you." "He allowed you to keep it! Don't make me laugh. Wasn't it so that you used your pheromone boosting to tantalize him so that he does whatever you want?" "Might be right but that is what I am." Annoyed by that answer Rei took a few calming breaths before he returned his questioning. "Yeah, OK. Let put this aside for once. Now I do have two questions to you. First where am I here? And second but for the most I want to know if those two at the entrance had really been Cody and Seth." "Well for the first question you are here in one of the backrooms of the club you were surveying. The other question is more delicate to answer and not so easily explained." Jaden grew a little nervous which assured Rei, that by pressing on he might break the resolve of his opponent here and get the answer he wanted.

"I think it is better if we take over from here." An unknown voice said from the doorway right behind Rei. Rei spun around, surprised that again someone could sneak up at him so easily, without him knowing. "Don't be surprised Rei. I was the one blocking your senses to the arrival of our new guests in this room." Jaden became more agitated and now Rei realized it wasn't his questioning that had made Jaden so nervous but the fear that Rei would hate him for again using his powers against him. "I hadn't wanted you to kill one of them due to your still agitated condition." Standing in the now open door were 4 people. In the front stood two which he had never seen before. The left one was a grey wolf with light grey abdominal fur wearing a black tank top and tight black trousers. He had a deeply stressed appearance, as if he hadn't had slept good for a few weeks. To the right stood a completely white fox, who wore only a small string, a white leather west and had a headset over his right ear. He had shied a few inches to the left, as the sudden movement of Rei must have scared him. In the back stood both of the bouncers just staring, but doing nothing else. Being so near to them, Rei had gotten the answer to his second question, as it was now clear that those two truly were Cody and Seth.

"First of all I think it would be better to sit down, as you might see, that my friend here next to me is a little bit scared of your appearance." said the wolf to the right, which was the one speaking before. Still a little bit perplexed Rei nodded and sat down on the couch he had lain on before. The newcomers went around the couch Rei was sitting on to one on the other side of the room. The wolf and the fox both sat down, while Cody, Seth and Jaden each stood to the sides of them still keeping a sharp eye on him. "Now that we have all relaxed a little," At which point the wolf sternly bored his eyes at the three standing to the left and right of him "I think it is more than appropriate to first introduce ourselves. My name is Drake Moroese, I'm owner and head manager of this club. The one to my right is my mate and our head animator Michael Storm. I do not think that I have to introduce the other three to you, as you know them even better than I do." It was clear that the person before him might only be a club owner but his the air that surrounded him made him the born leader. "That is correct, though I still think I might be dead, because I seem to recall two of them should be dead for ages." Rei bored his stare at the 3 standing behind the opposite couch. "Well, I assure Lieutenant Loire, you are not dead and those two are no ghosts. But back to the questions you have. Let's start with one that you have surely thought allot about in the last few minutes. How this coincidence could be possible, that one of your old comrades was just around when you came here that evening. Even if Jaden here said it was pure luck, I assure you that is not completely right. You see, that we knew you would be coming to this club. Those two over there hear a lot of things at the entrance of the club, so they heard that a certain person of their past is drill instructor of some of our clients. They knew that once in a time you would find out about them here and start searching for them. It was an easy task to find you as there are a mere handful of tigers on these stations and perhaps 20 of them are white mountain tigers. From thereon it was easy to follow all of your steps and as you made your way to Station Omega Red. We knew you would be here soon and Jaden went out to survey your movement. But I'm still sure it would have given better methods to get you here than ambushing you and knocking you out." With that said Drake turned his head to Jaden with a really angry face. "If you knew him as good as I do, you wouldn't have gone to any risks." Jaden interjected.

"Might it as it be. Now to the question that brought you here in the first place. How could those two still be alive when they should have died years ago. This is a longer story, but let's start where you saw them last. As they were running to the assaulting masses of Naturebound on the planet, so that you and the last of the fleeing could escape, they truly had no chance to survive and were really badly wounded in the process of stopping them. As the last shuttle ascended to the stations they both lay down their weapons and surrendered, knowing that their lives would now be over. Seeing that those two were the last of their detested enemies on the planet, the Naturebound spared their lives for now and took them back to their tribal leaders to discuss what should be done with them. They were taken to the white mountain tiger clan where a meeting of the leaders of all natural lands should be held, to discuss the fate of them. As a honoring of their bravery in the last battle the leader of the white mountain tiger clan, Bloodclaw, allowed their healers to attend to the wounds of his prisoners.

As the meeting began, the leaders of every tribe had come to discuss the matter of those 2 POW's, as we might call them. Bloodclaw, whose son we had abducted for our defense mechanism, as you might know, was still so furious that he wanted them banished into the desert without any water to slowly starve there to death, as he thought it to be the right punishment for those who abuse the will of nature. Swiftfoot, leader of the cougar tribe, who had also lost a son to the scientists, reminded Bloodclaw that even doing this, even if they were blasphemer, wouldn't bring back their loved ones and wouldn't change anything. He also reminded him that those two had fought against an overwhelming mass of enemies to protect their own and that such a task wound even be hard for any clan in this council, even his own. After days of debating the subject, the leaders had found a consent that any kind of punishment that meant a sure death sentence would be against the will of the natural order, as those two were truly a top breed. But it was although true that they could never be integrated into any tribe, as they were still heretics to the natural order. The only possible answer was to banish them to a small island in the parts once their homeland, where they could live isolated from all other beings until their natural end. After telling Cody and Seth their decision about the destiny that awaited them, they gave them some saplings and food for the first weeks and sent them to one of the desolate islands near the main continent, where they should live from now on.

About that time here on the space stations another important part about their survival took place. As I already pointed out earlier, we had abducted young males and females from the Naturebound to make our defense system work, which in the first place even started this whole mess. What you might not have known is that most of those had secretly still been held captive in the laboratories, to make further experiments with them. During that time, I was chief of the science and engineer team to construct the part of the defense system on this station. During one of our final tests with the mechanism I had found out, that the 'spirit channeler' that was sent to us to fuel it, could never having been a volunteer, as he was escorted by special forces and was held in restraints all the time. After the successful test, I made some inquires about our subjects, which only came back with remarks as 'top secret' or that my clearance level would not be high enough. After another rejection at military high command, I met Jaden, who was still an officer at that time, by coincidence there. I had still been so furious then, that I told him about the suspicious facts I had found out. After hearing me through he didn't call me a fool, but told me that he had also seen strange repositioning of military personal to special operations. He assured me he would look into those things and inform me if he would find out anything.

After about a week later Jaden called me and told me we should meet a.s.a.p., as he had found out disturbing news. At that meeting the same night he recounted to me, that he had followed one of those contingents in secret to an old research facility, where he had found about 20 or 30 prisoners of the Naturebound tribes, that were held like guinea pigs for testing with different substances to maximize their spiritual affinity. Those not of use to the scientist anymore were left in their cells to starve to death. Hearing all this, I begged Jaden to immediately lead me to the facility, so I can see with my own eyes. He rejected, as it would be too dangerous to go there without a proper plan and even seeing it wouldn't solve the problem. At that night we both made an insane plan to rescue those held captive there..."

"Mister Moroese, if I might interject at that moment, I would like to ask Jaden a question, why he hadn't told me about it or asked me to help you." Rei interjected. "Well, Captain Loire, as the two other comrades of yours in this room will surly agree, you have always been a perfect soldier, who would never disobey orders given to him. So I'm still sure, would I have told you about this plan, you would have wanted to help, but your high degree of military honor would have left you only one choice, as to inform our higher-ranking officer to this case, so that all is done in the military way, at which time all traces would long have been erased by the authorities." Jaden said a little bit resentful, which was emphasized with the use of his military title instead of his first name. That really hurt Rei to the core but he had to agree, that that would have been his road.

Seeing no further questions the club owner resumed his recounting. "The main problems at our task were getting into the laboratory unnoticed and getting all the imprisoned out without being noticed. Both should be accomplished with a simple bureaucratic trick I had in mind. As with every top secret facility the hardest problem is getting necessary equipment there without arousing too much suspicion. With the facts Jaden had told me about the facility I was certain they would need great shipments for spiritual enhancement technology for the testing of their subjects. So I rearranged one of my own shipments to be delivered there. That shipment should function as our escape route. The problem there should be the transportation of all prisoners to that escape route without being spotted. The freeing of the prisoners from their holding cells would also be a factor, where our whole task could come to a drastic end. For getting in Jaden assures me that with his talent of shadowing others mind, as he put it, he could easily make the guards forget they ever saw anyone near the facility. Inside we would sabotage the surveillance station and then rescue them and bring them to a save house I had arranged for. To reduce the chances of being caught we started the rescue at midnight, when the least personal would be there and it was impossible that any test would be made. The beginning of the task went just as planned, until it came to the task of secretly getting the prisoners out. The physical status of most of them was still adequate enough for them going on their own, but at least 10 were in such a bad state, that we could only move them on stretchers. That of course made it impossible to be fast enough to avoid being noticed, but Jaden really took his abilities to the limit and shielded the whole group from being spotted. As we came to the storage hold Jaden collapsed due to overpowering himself, but there he could rest a little, as we had to wait for the delivery truck to arrive with the redirected parcel. During that wait I started to provisory tend the freed and assure them that I will find a way to return them to their homes. About half an hour after arriving in the storage area the final and most tricky part started, as we had to get all on the truck without anyone, even the driver knowing about it. The whole plan was hanging to the fact, that no delivery should be made, but even then they couldn't resist such a good coincidence to get their hands on the so much needed material. During the discussion about the delivery we led always a hand full of them to the truck and Jaden used his last strength to shield every group as good as possible. After a few rounds all had been secretly stowed away in the delivery compartment and we were heading to safety. We brought them to the safe house, where all were hidden, while I thought of a way to get them all of the stations.

In the week after the rescue Jaden resigned his commission and tended to the hidden while I arranged for the transportation with one of the shuttles I had in use for the construction of the defense system. The only problem was that the construction had reached a level, that a reason for using the shuttle were getting sparse and if a shuttle mission would be needed, the refugees had to get to the pad fast enough to keep the whole extra work within the normal time of shuttle preparations. The other big problem was that the investigation on the laboratory breakout would get closer to the hidden the longer it would take to get them off station. But luck wasn't with us in that case, as no opportunity made itself clear and the time was running short. After one week without any chance of starting the shuttle, I went to drastic measures and sabotaged the defense system at the right spot to get a reason for service run with the shuttle. I knew that doing this would arouse suspicion, because the station had been functional and my sabotage could be retraced to me, but I hoped they would find out after the shuttle had left the station. The night before the start I ordered Jaden to bring all hidden Naturebound to one of the storage facilities near the space station and after night fall our passengers were brought on board and we waited for the next day, when the shuttle should start. During our wait I gathered information from about the exact location of the families of the recued and wanted detailed information of the tests made with them, as I wanted to know how far we'd gone just because of desperation. I talked with them all night and was also happy how well they had recovered from the imprisonment and at morning I went back outside to collect the shuttle crew for takeoff.

At first we went to the defensive ring to repair the system and during my absence with the workers Jaden started his job of manipulating the crew, so they thought the second part of their mission would be a secret mission to survey the planet in need of supplies. After the necessary adjustments I returned to the shuttle with the workers where Jaden already waited to take them into custody. They were of course shocked to hear that they would be taken to a small detour on planet and didn't believe I had something to do with it. I described them the situation and what I had found out, but was shocked to get their answer, that they didn't mind, what had happened in the laboratory to the prisoners, as long as the defense system would get their spirit channeller. I brought them to one of the passenger compartments and locked them there to assure they wouldn't interfere but made clear to them, that they wouldn't stop me and that our whole society had lost its humanity if we allowed such cruelty just for survival. As I returned to the cockpit, the preparations for our side trip had been made and we started our descend to the surface. Spaceport authorities called in as soon as we left the return course and wanted an answer, at which point I informed them, that this shuttle would now head to the planet to return hostages to their homes and that they could kiss my ass as they ordered my immediate return and I switched the com off.

During our 3 hour flight to the surface I went through our maps to find the best landing spot with the nearest village and found one just at the north tip of the main continent. During our descend I went to the refugees and asked Keensight, a female white wolf, whose village I had selected to accompany me there, as I was going into enemy territory and I wanted to reach my destination unhindered. She of course agreed happily, as she missed her home. After take down Keensight and I went on the journey to her village, but before I went I asked the rest of the group to wait for my return, as I knew I'd need them all for the final stage of my plan, to which they agreed, as I had saved them. Less than an hour after our departure we reached the first scouts, who had seen the ship arrive and feared the return of the blasphemes. They started an assault at me, but after seeing their kinsman they halted their attack and cautiously came nearer. After explaining why I came here and a testament of Keensight they agreed to take me to their village to speak to the elder, but I had to come as their prisoner, as they still mistrusted me. I agreed and the trip to the village continued. As we arrived there, the whole village already knew that one of their lost was returning home with a prisoner in custody. I was immediately taken to the elder, to be questioned about the reason one of us should return to this land. I described how I had found out about the prisoners and how after rescuing them I brought them back to the planet. At the end of my story I asked the elder to give me the chance to talk to all the other chiefs of the different tribes, as I wanted to reunite them with their lost ones. He was still skeptical about my intension, promised me to bring news about this to as many as possible. I thanked him and asked him to bring as many supplies as they could spare to my shuttle, as the rations on board wouldn't last for long. As a proof of my intentions I even wanted to stay as their prisoner, but the chief neglected this, as a blasphemer shouldn't profane their lands anymore and he was thankful, that his grandchild had returned here. I thanked him again and returned to the shuttle with the food that was taken there.

About three days later, the first tribal leaders arrived to see, if what they had heard about one of their enemies returning their lost ones to them. The happiness of all the reuniting's was overwhelming and most of them thanked me for the safe return of their kinsmen, but in some cases, the lost one wasn't with me. I apologized to all of them but asked them to stay a little longer until the rest of the tribes would arrive, as I had a proposal for them. They agreed and two days later most of the leaders had arrived, so I told them that what had happened all those years ago should never have happened and that if they still would long for revenge, I'd be happy to stand as a sacrifice to their will for my people. The leaders found that offering as proof, that I was a honorable person and neglected the offer, as they found that enough blood had already been shed in that matter. They even gave me permission to come to this land whenever I wanted, which all agreed to except Bloodclaw. His son also hadn't been under the rescued and he wanted to never see anyone of us again on this planet. I assured him, I wouldn't rest until I had found all of the still missing and returning them to their families. As I had done what I came for, I told them I would going back to the space stations tomorrow and asked them if they would care about those, whose families hadn't come, to get them to them. They agreed and just before I made my way back to the shuttle they called me back to ask me if I could delay my departure for 2 more days, as I should take two soldiers back that were still alive. I was surprised to hear this but agreed to wait for their arrival. Shortly thereafter the leaders left and took their children and kinsmen with them. I was glad to see them go home at last, that I didn't fear my return to the station anymore.

To my surprise, as one of the last groups was starting to leave, one of them didn't want to go with them, as he wanted to stay with me and Jaden. As I asked him, why he would do such a thing, he explained, that since his rescue from the laboratory, he had only felt safe near me and during the flight to the surface had realized, that he had fallen in love with me. He pleaded to be allowed to go back with me to my home and, after I had agreed, said farewell to the group and told them to tell his family, that he is safe and is happy where he is. He was as you might already have guessed that gorgeous but shy being next to me, my mate Michael. Just as the leaders had promised, two days later a group of tigers and cheetahs escorted to people to the shuttle. Those two were Cody and Seth, who were happy to be able to return home. During our flight back to the space station, I filed them in on the reason, why they were set free and could return home. They thanked me and asked if they could do anything for me to pay back their debt. I said, that wouldn't be possible, as I would be put under arrest, as soon as I lay foot on the station, but that I would endure anything, as long as I knew that I had helped so many beings. I asked them just one favor, that they would look after Michael, as he was also in danger of being caught and put back in that laboratory. As it was clear, the minute, the shuttle had docked, Special Forces stormed it to take me under arrest. I didn't put up any resistance and was taken into custody to await my trial. Luckily they didn't find the rest of our group and they could leave unnoticed. After days of being interrogated, it was clear, that they couldn't bring me to trial, as they couldn't allow letting anything of this leak out, which would frighten the population and destabilize the trust put into the government. They had only one chance and that was to set me free under the condition, I would resign my post as chief engineer of the defense system and that I would sign an agreement, that I would keep everything secret, what had happened. As I didn't want to help them anymore, I agreed to the conditions. I then returned to the safe house where I met Cody, Seth, Jaden and Michael. Jaden then bid us farewell, as he wanted to keep a low profile so he wouldn't be brought into association with us anymore. Michael, Cody and Seth on the other hand wanted to stay with me and asked me what I would be doing. I told, them, that I would want to keep my promise and find the rest of the abducted, who might be still on these stations. I also wanted to open a place where people could find a safe heaven from the chains of society, where they could live like they wanted, at which point this night club was founded. As they still wanted to repay me for bringing them back, Cody and Seth are now working for me as the heads of security."

After Drake had finished the story, Rei thought it through and after a few moments asked him. "Mister Moroese, I don't get it. Why did you bring me here and told me all about this." "Well first of all you may call me Drake. To be honest, I wanted to see you, as I do have a request to you. You see, the defense system still needs an operator to function, which with coincidence is my mate Michael, as he is the best spirit channeler ever found. The government does know about his existence on the station and Michael and I agreed that he would be used to make the protective shield functioning, as it would also protect the Naturebound on planet and that I think is a beginning for making redemption for our misdeeds. But the sole problem is that some do still want to stop our attempts of succeeding, which brought Michael into grave danger. We also are still on the search for the remaining abducted and. That's why Jaden here has returned to protect Michael along with Seth and Cody and to assist in the rescue missions. They can easily protect Michael, but the search for the other secret facilities has fallen back due to the protection. So I wanted to ask you if you could assist us in any way."

Rei had to think about this proposal and an idea came to his mind. "Drake, I think, I know a way to give you the necessary help, because I also owe you for helping my old comrades. As you know that some of my recruits are guests here I may inform you that I have two under my wing that would be appropriate to become security personal on their free time here. They also think they owe me due to a little trickery I did, which will secure our secret, that two meant dead soldiers are more than alive." Hearing that the features of Drake Moroese lost a lot of dark clouds that had gathered during the recapturing of the events. "I thank you so much for your help Rei. What are their names?" Drake questioned. "The first is Stephen a grey-brown Australian shepherd, the other Benjamin a yellow lynx." "Ok. I will send Seth to get them here and Cody will give you special VIP-tickets for the club entry. To ensure their safety I would suggest, that they are kept completely in the dark about all the other operations. If you might excuse me now, Michael and I have to attend to my business here again, but I think you won't need us anymore." With that Drake and Michael stood up and left the room. But before Seth could leave as well, Rei stopped him. "Jaden, Cody and Seth, my old pals, why didn't try to meet me in all this time. "Well," Cody said, "we thought it would be better for you to forget us, as you could have gotten in trouble if anyone knew you were a pal of us. But we always kept an eye on you during that time and we know that you didn't like your appointment as drill instructor, but we thought it is the best we can do. We are sorry if you are angry on us." "I'm just a little bit, but I'm just too happy, that you are still alive. I do hope we can spar again soon. And I would like to ask you three for a favor. As you see, those two I told you about, they are really good and need just a proper training, that I'm not able to give them in the academy. So I'd like to ask you, if you would train with them in private, so they can get as good as they can be." "Of course my friend," Seth interjected, "we long to see the abilities of those two, as they must be outstanding, when you praise them." "Thank you, you two. I think from now on my sleep will get much better now also, as I know you're still alive." With that Rei stood up and hugged is old friends and they all left to collect the new part time security of the club.