The Digimon Wars Aftermath Chapter 1 When Will They Ever Learn?

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Authors note: This was originally supposed to be Season 4, but I couldn't help myself. This is too epic, I had to write this and make possible future story. When you are reading this please note everything that has changed and keep an eye to new characters and other things from the next chapters of the main story.

''But wait, what is this exactly?''

Well to answer that question I might as well answer well.

This story is the aftermath of the main series, what happens when the Digimon Wars ended and such. I originally wanted to write about how Michael ruled and how he built his empire but I left that for the main series.

Oh! And before I forget, I'm making a small test. To everyone who's reading this, COMMENT!

I must know how many people are actually reading this, depending on the comments I chance the time 'limit' I have which is one week.

Another thing, please comment about my other stories and what not. Who knows I might continue them! (I'm actually working on another original Pokemon story.)

Make requests, I give you one week. If I don't get an satisfying amount I propably quit this site and move onto another website perminately where I'm also uploading this series.

With all that said, ENJOY!!!

It has been over a decade when the Digital War ended, this war ended with over billion people dead. The most deaths in war in human history, all thanks to one man. Michael 'Napoleon' the Emperor. This man held a grudge against humanity and got his revenge; after he managed to get USA destroyed he took his aim on the new Roman Empire and the Asian alliance. The Japanese were the first to go, by launching a huge earthquake he managed to wipe out the entire island from the face of the earth. Italy fell when Michael figured out a way to take away their Digimon forms, thus leaving them utterly defenseless. The Russians and the Chinese were reduced to dust by Michaels Digimon armies, China fell first and the old country is now nothing but a huge wasteland. Russia was the next target; while the remaining Nazis attacked Stalingrad Michael arranged a surprise attack on both sides headquarters. Soon the European Union rolled down on the fascists and communists, as of right now USA is being rebuilt. New York is elected to be the new capital as D.C was completely destroyed.

What will the 'new' country do? The world wasn't surprised one bit when the new president of the United States said in his speech.

''We must kill the source that caused this war, the one responsible for the 3rd World War! The Digimon!''

The new USA immediately swore revenge on Michael who had destroyed every single piece of data for the Digital Gate Machine, but the worlds finest scientists have assembled to witness the creation of the first Digital Gate to the Digital World in a decade.

Little do they know that a new war is at hand.......

Don was a brilliant young scientist; he was only 23 years old and was put in charge to develop the new Digital Gate Machine. He had a messy brown hair and no facial hair; he was only 10 years old when he 3rd World War was raging. He doesnt remember much, his area was invaded quietly without mindless killing. Its one of the areas that Michael protected from the Russian/Chinese hordes that landed in Alaska. Don had seen Michael with his own eyes and was rescued by him, his family and friends were rescued thanks to him and his troops. That is why he has always wanted to meet him again, but little does he know that the new US government wants to use the machine as a weapon.

Don was dusting his lab coat as he walked through the white hallway; he stopped at a door that said.

Research Room 1821

He opened the door and walked in; as he closed the door behind him he took a quick look at the Digital Gate Machine. The room itself was loaded with computers and huge wires on the ground; the machine itself was a platform that was shining bright. The machine was supposed to work that the people standing on the platform would get disassembled into bits of data that would be sucked into the huge pipe above the machine.

As he walked in he took a look at his coworkers who were all there.

Jennie was 41 year old scientist who was determined to the Digital World to fins her daughter, she had dyed gray hair and few wrinkles. She was the one responsible for the navigation part.

Next was Hank, he was a physicist who was in charge of the transforming into data part. He had shaved head because he hated when anyone mentioned his early hair loss, he was only 36.

Then there were a ton of other scientists who were in their use, they mainly just gave them tools and watched over that the equipment works.

Don walked to his station, a huge computer that displayed everything that was happening. In data form of course.

He was looking at the charging bar, it was 96% percent done. The machine required a lot of electricity to even work once so they had a backup generator kind of a battery that would be charged for one use only. Then it would have to be recharged.

Almost Don said to himself.


Don was slightly startled when general Jen had come behind him; Jen was a promising officer who was put in charge for the destruction of the Digital World. She was young and had short black dyed hair that barely reached her shoulders.

Don quickly turned to her.

Im sorry, just talking to myself. The battery is almost charged, only one more day and we should be good to go.

Should be? Jen asked as she raised one of her eyebrows.

Don cleared his throat.

Well we still have to perform tests and-

No, I dont want to wait for damn thing to recharge for a damn week. I want it fully operational by tomorrow. Understand?

Even thou Don didnt want to he swallowed and nodded.

Y-Yes, general.

With that said general Jen left the room and Don turned back around to look at the charge meter, 97% done. Don was absolutely excited, this was his lifes work and any scientist would be excited to see if their lifes work would work or not.

The rest of the day was just boring calculating and waiting for the damn thing to recharge, the group was in the break room having their lunches. Don had a big sandwich he had made. Jennie had some homemade salad as always, Hank had steak.

Man, you should eat more. Hank said while pointing at Dons sandwich.

Well if I would eat like you soon Id become fat. Don snapped back at him.

Now now boys, break up the fight. Jennie laughed as she took another piece of her salad.

Don and Hank chuckled a little; they always found a way to get the day going. After finishing their little lunch Hank and Don were put in charge to clean up the table from bits and pieces of their lunches, as they put the last pile to the trash Hank scratched his head.

Hey, wheres Jennie?

Don was confused; usually she would sit on the table looking at their misery while having a cup of coffee.

I dont know, lets check the DGM room.

They immediately rushed to the Digital Gate Machine room, they had to be sure that Jennie would be safe. When they got the door they noticed shining light from under the door, they took a quick look at each other and opened the door. They were shocked when they saw Jennie standing on the platform; the machine was charged and activated. Don and Hank quickly ran to her, Don was waving his hand and yelling.

Stop! Whatever youre planning its too dangerous, we havent tested the machine yet!

Jennie just stood there calmly and looked at them.

Then let this be the test run, Ill find Heidi even if it is the last thing I do!

Don and Hank ran to Jennie and didnt even care that the platform had been activated, they grabbed the struggling Jennie and Don tried convincing her.

Its too dangerous; this machine hasnt been tested yet in any way! With any luck youll die quickly.

Hank and Don were confused when Jennie started laughing, just as they would have asked Jennie just spat it on to their faces.

Its too late kids, were all going together.

Just as they realized that the machine was just about to launch them to the Digital World they quickly turned around and tried to run, too little too late

They were stopped by the stabilizing beams and got transformed into data and then the bits of data got transferred into the tube above them that had the Digital Portal inside it, they didnt even realize anything what had happened when they were suddenly falling from the sky.

They were only a few meters high but the landing still hurt, as they were standing up to see what had happened their breaths were taken away. They had landed in to a beautiful field of flowers of many colors and sizes; they looked around the beautiful landscape and gazed to the clean sky. As Jennie took a deep breath of the clean air Don lost it, he turned around and grabbed her by her shoulders.

Do you have any idea what youve done?! We could have been killed and we have no way of getting back because theres no one on the other side who knows how to use the fucking machine!

Hank had to grab the little guy form tearing her arms off.

Calm down! The machine worked and we only have to wait for the machine to recharge so they can launch a calling back portal.

Besides. Jennie started as she was dusting herself. We made it to the Digital World didnt we, with any luck well find that monster Napoleon and-

And then what?! Hank interrupted. Napoleon is a monster who has killed over billion people just because life wasnt good enough for him, what do you think hell do to us?

Don wanted to hit Hank for his words. He is not a monster, he simply cleaned the world!

Hank raised his hands and turned away from him. Here we go!

Don continued. He killed those who didnt deserve to live! He killed the commies and the Nazis, he also destroyed the Empire of The Rising Sun!

Jennie ran to him and covered his mouth. Shh! Theres someone there!

As both Don and Hank turned to the direction where Jennie was pointing they got scared, they saw a Digimon. And not just any Digimon, they saw one of Napoleons soldiers. A Greymon. He even had the wrist band; it had the symbol of Napoleon. An fist that had the grip of the sword, the symbol was white while there was a black sun background. It was a symbol Napoleon had made that resembled a beacon of hope in a dark world; the reason why he had all his soldiers wear it was easy to recognize a comrade.

Hank whispered. Well at least weve confirmed that he was real

Don nodded as he took Jennies hand off of his mouth. The thing was, even thou there was evidence most people in the world denied Napoleons existence. Simply because they couldnt believe that a child would be able to bring the entire world to its knees, some people didnt even believe that people could turn into Digimon and the US governments official statement on the matter is that they were not humans they were Digimon who fought on their side. This is one way how the new president could easily declare war on the digital World.

Don and the others quickly stopped their gazing when the Greymon got out of their sight, Don didnt even think, he just acted. He started running after the Greymon despite Hanks warnings Jennie ran after him, soon all three of them were chasing the Greymon.

Soon enough they reached the hill where the Greymon disappeared, when they saw what was on the other side their jaws dropped. They couldnt believe their eyes, what they saw was almost like from a movie.

It was a city, a huge scale city that must have held hundreds of thousands of Digimon. Even thou there were no skyscrapers some buildings were pretty high, the width of the city was simply amazing. The most amazing part about the scale was the huge 12 floor high wall, there were three gates around the circular wall and a ton of towers where the Digimon could keep watch.

Amazing Don couldnt have dreamed of a city like this, the way the buildings were built was almost straight out of a futuristic book. In the human world these buildings would have been very expensive to build, these buildings were built with care and were built to last.

Jennie almost went on running towards the city when Hank grabbed her shoulder.

Where do you think youre going?

Jennie looked at him with a face that could kill a weaker person. My daughter, what else?

Don walked in front of her. We have no clue where she might be, we arent even sure if they will let us live. They could-


The group got startled and turned around to see a rather young girl; she had to be at least 25 years old. She wore a pair of red jeans and a white tank top, she was holding a stick.

Who are you people? The girl asked.

Don knew that they were in trouble; he could easily guess who the girl was but decided to play a role for a while. We made a Digital Gate Machine and weve come here to warn Napoleon. The United States has been rebuilt and has declared war on the Digital World.

Hank and Jennie quickly understood what Don was trying to do, so they let him to do the talking. The girl threw the stick away and walked a little closer to them.

Is that so? Well Im not the one you should be talking to, you should follow me and well go meet my brother.

Don watched as the girl started calmly walking towards the city, he hesitated a little but he decided to ask.

Umm Whats your name?

The girl turned around with a small grin.


The girl turned back around as the groups jaws dropped, it really was her!

On their way to the city the group whispered to each other about this world and the girl they were following, Hank tried to warn them that this was a really bad idea Don and Jennie wouldnt budge. When they had been walking for a quite a while Jennie took a few running steps to get near the girl and asked.

Arent you even one bit curious how or why were here?

Katie giggled; she continued walking calmly as she spoke.

I really dont care right now, but I do want to know one thing thou. Why did you come here instead of the army?

The question wasnt really surprising; Don was the one to answer this one.

It was an accident, as we were preparing to test the machine it sucked us in.

Katie smiled, even thou they couldnt see it they could easily guess it.

Not really that surprising, were almost there.

After walking for what felt like an hour they had reached the open gates of the city, they were intimidated by the massive amounts and vary of the Digimon around them. What really scared them was one of the Greymon guards at the gate, who welcomed them to Freiheit, they did know that Digimon were intelligent but the dinosaur like figure really distracted them.

As they walked deeper into the city they started to notice smaller Digimon and humans, but these people had to be 26 at maximum. They were surprised when they saw that some of them had kids of their own, these people seemed much more mature that of the human worlds.

As they approached the huge palace they noticed that some Digimon were actually following them. There were three of them, even thou they wouldnt dare to actually look at them they noticed that they were man like Digimon with huge claw weapons.

Don was the first to approach Katie. Hey, I think were being followed.

Katie giggled a little. Theyre just my Honor Guards, nothing to worry about.

That was when Don gained some courage to actually turn around to see these Honor Guards, they were all WarGreymon. Don was surprised by how they didnt even bother to try to stay hidden, all three of them just walked right in the open while passing the citizens. He was even more surprised that the Digimon didnt even try to avoid them, the Honor Guards avoided them. It was rather funny looking when the WarGreymon actually jumped over Digimon and if they had something to carry they stopped to wait, but not once did they take their eyes off of him.

Do was confused, usually when someone has a high rank he or she can literally push people out of his or her way. But not these, they seemed to respect the Digimon more than they respected them. Odd.

Jennie took a few steps to get closer to Don and whispered. Theres so many people here, but theyre either kids or in their twenties. It doesnt make sense, any ideas?

Don looked around, it was true. There were a lot of people around them, confused seeing older people. It was weird, they were all about twenty years old and if they had kids they hadnt even entered puberty yet.

Don was slightly startled when Hank grabbed his shoulder. Im leaving the talking to you, youre the one who worships these people.

Don nodded, he understood Hanks concern. If they would decide to kill them it wouldnt be funny at all.

They had reached the huge palace, the building itself was quite wide and was 5 stories high. They got confused when Katie suddenly stopped and turned around. Remember, the Emperor doesnt like to be interrupted. You speak when spoken to and you speak with respect, understood?

The group nodded in unison, Katie grinned a little and turned back around to go talk to the two Greymon guards.

After walking long stairs to the highest floor, Don and the group had to catch their breath. One benefit of being a scientist is certainly not being in a good shape, but Don was confused. Katie wasnt breathing heavily or was she sweating at all, her skin hadnt gone red either.

Well, coming? Katie said with a grin, as she continued to walk the group stood up and stumbled after her.

After going through a door their breath was taken away again, this time by the beauty of the throne room. It was shiny black with red carvings all over it, the curtains were red and there was a gray carpet leading to the throne room. As their eyes found the huge throne their breaths were taken away again, it was him. Napoleon.

Dons hearth was racing, it was him! His savior and idol, it was really him! He had the same kind of clothes too!

As the group followed Katie to the Emperor they were confused, the servants who had brought some drinks and snacks for him bowed to Katie and quickly left the room. When they reached the Emperor Katie bowed a little and walked next to him, Napoleon looked at the group as Katie whispered something to him.

Don was filled with emotions but the one he was taken over was fear, this man could decide their fate by just looking at them. As Katie took a few steps away Michael leaned forth.

So, youre the ones who brought war to us again. Hmm?

Don was confused but quickly replied. No, we all have our motives for making that machine. Jennie here wants to find her daughter. Hank just wanted to see if you were real. And I wanted to meet you, honest.

Michael seemed confused, he leaned back to his seat and spoke.

You must understand that I cant just believe you right away, we follow the news of the human world. That wannabe Bush has declared a war on us, even thou the last time we literally destroyed them.

Don decided to take a few steps forth and speak. We dont agree on what he thinks, that is why we came here to warn you. They have a Digital Gate Machine, not as advanced as yours but still usable. They can nuke all of your cities in the matter of weeks, if you dont do something then were all dead.

Jennie and Hank were a little worried of Dons words but they remained quiet and listened as Michael stood up and spoke.

I know exactly whats going to happen if we let them! I just didnt know that it would happen so soon, how often can it be used?

Don was quick to reply. It needs to charge every time its used, it takes about three days to charge. But when theyve charged it up again theyre going to call us back.

Michael thought of it as he took a few steps forth, he then walked to one of the windows and pushed the curtain away.

So we dont even have a week to prepare. Katie, call a city meeting. I have an announcement to give.

Katie bowed and ran away; Don was just about to ask about the meeting when Michael continued.

Let me get this straight, youre on our side?

Don nodded. Y-Yes, like I said we came here to warn you.

Michael turned around to look at them. Well then, I guess I should welcome you. Come, the meeting is about to begin.

The group was confused, Michael had lead them to a balcony and It looked like the entire city had been collected to this small city square. They looked at Michael who was given a microphone by a cat looking Digimon who remained at his side.

((Cue epic music.))

Michael stepped forth; he looked at the curious crowd. This was their first emergency meeting. Michael straightened his back, took the microphone a little closer and started his speech.

Humans are no strangers to war, after all weve been fighting for long as we can remember. War is all we know. In the past we fought for our greed, for honor, for freedom. But that all changed after the 3rd World War. Where I fought for the freedom of the Digital World, we thought that we had crippled them after killing so many of them and destroying their homes and lands. But theyre back, stronger than ever.

The crowd started whispering and everyone got nervous and scared, but they quickly quieted down when Michael continued.

For over ten years we have been living in peace, Freiheit has become the real utopia the Digital World needed. But now our very existence is being threatened, they have become stronger and smarter and they have brought with them new weapons that can easily wipe us all out! We are completely defenseless against them! So, we have only one option. Attack.

The humans in the crowd started cheering like crazy while the Digimon were still confused and scared.

What Im about to ask is not an easy thing, humans are no strangers to violence but the Digital World faced its first large scale war a decade ago and it was the most horrible thing that you had ever seen. I can easily guess that the humans of this city will join me but Digimon, are you with me?

Some Digimon cheered but most whispered, Michael saw this and continued.

The humans think that they can just kill us all, but we arent helpless kids anymore. We have grown, we have bred, and we have become large in both numbers and strength. There is nothing that can stand in our way, if the humans dare to enter the Digital World with hostile thoughts then we will destroy them!

Now most of the Digimon cheered while the rest waited impatiently to hear more, Michael raised one of his fists.

We built ourselves a paradise, our rule now reaches three large cities and our numbers have reached hundreds of thousands. The humans dare to threaten our children and friends! I bled and fought for the freedom of the Digital World before, but now I cannot do it alone. Will you help me to help you?!

Now the entire crowd raised their voices like never before, they went insane. They were so pumped that everyone felt that they could take on the humans alone; they were more than willing to die for their leader.

Don and the group was absolutely stunned, they couldnt believe their own eyes. In an instant Michael had raised a force that could easily wipe out countries, an achievement that the human world could never do.

They were slightly startled when Michael turned around to face them.

I believe that its time to use you to my advantage.