kitsep chapter 3 WARNING BIRTH

Story by mattfoxlikesretro on SoFurry

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#2 of kitsep story

dayoon shows up yet again! and who is this yet unnamed mysterious squirrel? what will our hero do next???




you have been warned

_______________________________________________ chapter 3 -warning birth- _______________________________________________

kitsep lay back and spread his legs, groaning softly as his gravid belly shuddered with a contraction. justin left him, padding quickly to a closet down the hall. "where was it... ah." he reached up, his paw trembling as he reached for the large basket labeled "birthing supplies". this happened so often, he should be used to it by now. but he wasn't, and wouldn't be completely used to it for a long time. his little brother, giving birth! it was an exciting time to be sure, but one he dreaded as well. males aren't meant to give birth, and even with how stretchy kitsep was, it sure didn't feel all that good when the babies decided to say hello to the world. as quickly as possible, he carried the basket back to the bedroom and set it down on the floor at the foot of the bed, near where kitsep lay panting and whining softly. he removed a few blankets, a quilt, a stack of towels, anti-bacterial hand lotion to help keep the babies from catching something when he handled them, and a special pillow filled with sand. justin quickly padded over to the entertainment center and opened a cabinet. inside was a small toaster-oven which he placed the pillow in and turned it on. kitsep yelped a bit and grunted, folding his ears back as he whimpered softly "h-hurry justin!" justin took the warmed-up pillow out of the oven and placed it in the bottom of the large basket, and then the quilt on top. kitsep yipped and grasped at the sheets, feeling something drop inside him. "h-here they come... nngh!" justin nodded and wiped his paws with the lotion, vigorously scrubbing them together to kill any harmful bacteria that might have been hiding out between his paw-pads or under his claws. one has to take these precautions, because nobody wants their babies to get sick! justin wiped his paws off on a towel and turned to kitsep's exposed rear, waiting for the little kit to show. after a few seconds, it began to crown, a shrill cry filling the air as the small green and orange fox kit drew it's first breath. justin rubbed it softly with one of the towels, examining it';s genitals for a second before placing the little boy fox into the warm basket. "it's a boy... i'm the father." justin uttered to kitsep, petting his flank reassuringly as kitsep grunted and cried softly, another shrill cry filling the air as justin returned to his duties. he carefully cradled the small body as it slipped from kit's rear, cleaning it with a fresh towel before setting the boy fox next to his brother. "another boy, also mine." justin marveled at the growing number of fox kits in the basket. he almost wished he had the ability to bring life into this world, but just being here for kit was good enough for him. he cooed softly and pet kitsep's side as kit whimpered and cried softly, feeling another body drop within him. justin drew his breath as the first of dayoon's litter greeted the world. the blue and orange baby fox whimpering softly as justin cleaned it off. "a boy... wait... a hermaphrodite... dayoon's the father." he cradled the kit as if it were his own, and placed it next to it's two half-brothers in the basket. "heh... guess this means me and dayoon are related now..." he pet the babies softly as they explored their new world. another of dayoon's litter pushing it's way from kitsep's body and into justin's embrace, cleaned, then set next to his brother. "another boy, dayoon's again." kitsep whimpered and panted heavily, wincing as another body made it's presence known. it hurt a lot, yeah, but the pain went away in a few hours after the birth. he was a little sad dayoon couldn't be here to see his kids, but that was normal for kitsep. suddenly, a female voice rang out "kitsep, it appears we have lost our supply of electricity. should i dial the company for you?" he whimpered and shook his head "l-later... i-i'm busy... rrgh... giving birth right now... i-rrgh..." justin patted kitsep softly and said "we'll handle it soon, thank you betty." he got a sigh and a "if you say so justin. i'll let you know if anything else deserves some attention." justin ignored the computerized voice as another pup emerged from kitsep's rear, he had no time for the A.I. now, he had to take care of kitsep. soon, the basket was getting crowded, and justin began to set the pups next to kitsep. in the end, dayoon had 8 kits, 1 hermaphrodite, 4 males, and 3 females (or cuntboys, it was too early to tell). justin had 9 new sons, 2 hermaphrodites, and 5 females (again possibly cuntboys, age will tell). the kits one by one fell asleep, as justin prepared a formula to feed the litter. being so young, they were basically feral. they ate and drank from dishes, and were taught to use a litter box. once, kitsep actually got pregnant from a feral, and had a 100% feral litter, but that is another story for another time. soon, the kits would learn to walk, then talk, then they would be potty trained. of course, a midwife would be hired to help with all this, and kitsep would tend to that soon. in the mean time the A.I., betty, would take care of them.

seven miles from kitsep's house a van waited along the road. as kitsep was birthing dayoon and justin's cubs, a light green sedan pulled up next to the van, and the window rolled down to reveal a familiar white and blue fox. "the package is in the house, he hasn't opened it yet though... but there has been... some complications... erm... i... kinda... knocked him up..." inside the van sat a squirrel, only wearing a white lab coat, the rest of his body naked to all the world. he spoke up, rubbing his chin lightly. "yes, i thought you would. that changes nothing in the plan. we continue at nightfall as planned." dayoon looked at the squirrel and tilted his head. "you knew? you knew he could get pregnant? you knew i wouldn't be able to resist his scent?" the squirrel nodded and chuckled lightly "yes yes, i knew. you've never been exposed to it before, and it's quite powerful the first time. the more you are exposed to it the more your body builds up a resistance... erm... to a degree. you can only resist it so much, meaning, nobody will ever be completely immune to it. resistant yes, but immune no." dayoon looked confused but shrugged it off. "huh... anyway, so i'll meet you outside kitsep's house at 9 then?" the squirrel nodded and fished around for something in the glove box. "yes, and don't forget to bring the rest of the equipment ok? and here is the second installment of your payment." he tossed a small envelope to the fox. "twenty-five thousand dollars. don't spend it all in one place ey? heh. oh dear... i must be off, i've got work to do, and it's not easy to sneak into his house you know. i shall open the gate to the driveway at 9:00 on the dot, don't be late. remember. it's for SCIENCE!" dayoon chuckled at the reference and nodded. "ok, i'll be there. goodbye, and good luck!" he waved and rolled up his window. the squirrel did the same and headed off-road into the woods, along a barely visible trail heading to the rarely-used rear of the complex known as kitsep's home. (it may look like a house on the outside, but underground is a massive sprawling 700,000 square foot facility known to very few, and protected by a state-of-the-art security system) dayoon shifted the car into drive and headed back to town, the day was still young, and he had work to do. the van bounced and shook along the terrain as the squirrel checked his location on the GPS built into the van's dashboard. ' I should be getting there any minute now. ' he thought to himself as the van got a particularly good jar from a big root hidden in the grass. up ahead the brush started to thicken, the squirrel knew that a small concrete building was hidden somewhere within, he would have to go on foot from here. he parked the van and turned it off, then he got out and walked around to the rear of the van. he hopped up inside and picked up a small telephone attached to the wall and dialed a number he had memorized just a few days ago. "hello? yes, it's time. 3 minutes. got it? ok, bye." he hung up and crept towards the brush, seeing faintly a concrete wall hidden within. the squirrel knew there was a camera mounted just above the door, so he had to be careful. he slipped under a bush and hid, waiting for the right moment. the building was protected from power outages by a backup-generator system, as well as banks of batteries. the batteries prevented the resident A.I. from shutting down during an outage and powered emergency lights, but everything else ran off of 3 diesel-turbine generators. the generators took a full 57 seconds to get up to operating speed, more than enough to slip inside the door and access the complex's network, shutting down the security systems, and allowing him to set-up in one of the many un-used rooms. ' Once inside i have to make a left, then a right, then it will be the second door to my right. and- there! ' the squirrel's watch beeped, signalling that his operative at the power plant had shut off the power coming to the building. the building was so massive that it had it's own line direct from the power station, so he needn't worry about anyone else noticing the outage. if he was lucky, kitsep and justin would still be birthing right about now, and since they were above the ground in a room with windows at 11:00 AM, they wouldn't notice a thing! he quickly dashed to the door and pressed a small device against the key-card reader, waiting a few seconds until he heard a faint -click- from the door's lock. he opened the door, closing it behind him, and dashed down the hallway. he made a quick left, then a right. dashing to the second room on his right, the network operations center. he rummaged around in the small bag he brought, fishing out his laptop and some cables. as he plugged everything in, he heard a low rumble from the hallway, raising in pitch slowly. ' the generators! gotta hurry... ' he thought as his paws worked rapidly. once he accessed the network, he shut down the cameras, and blocked the A.I. from a few things. a few quick taps from his digits and everything was done. just as he finished, the lights flickered on. he opened a new window on his laptop and tapped into the A.I.'s voice software. anything it said anywhere in the building, he would here from his laptop. and for good measure, he tapped into the microphone network too, so he could hear anyone else too. almost right away, he heard the computer pipe-up in a female voice "kitsep, it appears we have lost our supply of electricity. should i dial the company for you?" the squirrel stifled a laugh as he realized the A.I. had a VERY British accent. anyway, time to set up. he double checked to make sure the cameras were off in the rooms and hallways he would be using, and headed back to his van to get his gear. he made a few phone calls to his contacts and arranged for a few things to be delivered, making sure to give them directions to the rear entrance where his van was parked. his plan could not fail, he need everything to go absolutely perfect! the very survival of a species depended on it! for years he had been searching for the one. candidates came and went, and none of them had panned out. then he discovered kitsep. kitsep was perfect in ALL aspects he was looking for! he had to have the fox. but alas, the fox had declined his offers. he had no want for money, the government was forking over money to the little fox hand over fist after the incident that created him. so he had nothing to offer him, nothing the fox wanted! but he needed the fox, and he WAS going to succeed. whether kitsep wanted it or not.