Your Smile Says It All

Story by SPARTASTICUS on SoFurry

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A young 11-year old gray husky named Cody looked...

A young 11-year old gray husky named Cody looked out down the road. His parents' car finally vanished around the corner. They were taking his little sister and a friend of hers for a vacation at an amusment park. This was a whole state away from where they lived, and he himself did not wish to burden them further, so he would have the house to himself for a whole weekend. Coincidentally, his girlfriend Kim also had her family away for the weekend. Due to this, they had planned in secret to spend the weekend alone at Cody's house. It was only nine in the morning, but they wanted to spend as much time together as possible so hopefully, she would get here without anyone seeing her. Cody always enjoyed having Kim around, so he was especially looking forward to this. However, he was also concerned. Kim could come up with some wild ideas. Who knew what things she would have in mind for the weekend?

Finally, he saw her bike on the road. Kim was a 10-year old wolf/husky hybrid with fur as white and pure as the snow. She was wearing a t-shirt and wrangler shorts. She had a backpack with her because she was going to stay over for two nights. Soon Kim had ridden up the driveway and had parked her bike in front of the porch. "Hi Cody," she said, "Isn't this fantastic?" "It sure is," he answered, "We get to spend an entire weekend together, just the two of us." Kim walked up the steps right to where Cody was standing. Cody began to shake a little bit. Kim was by far the most beautiful girl he had seen since birth and there was nothing he could do to deny it. Whenever she got close to him he would always start shaking and would stutter if he tried to speak. Kim felt the absolute same way about Cody. Ever since she had met him in second grade she had known that nowhere else on earth would she find a boy who was as considerate, chivalrous, or handsome as Cody. Finally Cody said, "Well, let's get you settled in." "Okay, yeah." Kim answered, and with that, they both went inside.

Once Kim's things were upstairs in Cody's room, the two of them settled onto the sofa to watch a movie. The movie was a romantic drama; so right in the middle of a romantic scene, Kim pulled herself right next to Cody's face and rubbed her cheek against his. Cody was a little flustered when she did that. Inside, he was shaking like mad. He had been having some odd feelings about her that he had never felt about anyone before. He knew that she really liked him, but he had no clue as to what her next move would be. He would find out soon enough. As the clock ticked on, the sun rose higher and higher in the sky, and the temperature rose with it. Around noon, both Cody and Kim began to sweat. Kim wiped sweat from her forehead and said, "Phew! It's really getting hot isn't it?" "I agree," said Cody as he panted a bit, "What do you want to do about it?" Kim thought a moment, then she gave a mischievous smirk and said, "I think we should take our clothes off." "What?!?" yelped Cody, jumping clear off the sofa. He had been taken completely by surprise. "It allows less heat to be trapped." Kim reasoned, still wearing a collected smile. "What level?" asked Cody, "Third base." Kim said. Cody relaxed a little bit, this meant only to their underwear. "You can go first if you want." said Kim.

Cody gulped and tried not to blush as he removed his shirt. He paused for a moment, unsure of what to do next. He and Kim had seen each other in bathing suits; surely this couldn't be too much more different. After taking a deep breath, he reached down, undid his belt, and pulled down his shorts. Kim smiled at Cody. He was now standing there in a pair of white boxer briefs and for the first time, she realized how muscular he looked underneath. Cody felt nervous but tried his best to stay calm. He looked down at himself with a little hint of vanity. He did indeed have great chest and arm muscles and he was proud of them. Then he looked up at Kim. He was surprised that her expression had suddenly changed. She didn't look as confident as she had before. Cody couldn't help but wonder if she felt a little embarrassed about having to undress in front of a boy, and truth be told, she was slightly so. Cody wanted to help her feel better so he smiled at her. Not a devious smile, it was a kind smile, one that said, "Don't worry; I'm sure you look beautiful." Kim smiled back, she couldn't back out, this had been her idea. She gave a small blush, then removed her shirt to reveal a pink training bra, and then undid the button on her shorts. Kim looked back up at Cody and let out a little giggle as she pulled down her shorts and revealed her pink panties. "Wow..." Cody said, "I... I had no idea you were so beautiful." "Yeah," said Kim, "My mom got them for me, and she told me that boys would probably like them too." Cody said, "I wasn't talking about your underwear, I was talking about you." Kim looked up into Cody's face. He gave her the most sincere smile that he could. Kim's eyes lit up and she smiled back. Cody could now sense that there was something going on between them. Something that was important, something that neither of them had ever felt before. "So... What do we do now?" asked Kim, "That was all I had in mind." Cody thought for a moment before saying, "I've got it. There's a pond a short walk from here, and it's within our property, so maybe we can go take a dip." "Oh I'd love to!" shouted Kim, She couldn't think of any other way she'd rather beat the heat with her boyfriend than swimming in a pond in their underwear. They each grabbed a towel and headed out the door.

Not too long after leaving the house, the young couple was walking through a pathway that was in the middle of a field. At first it seemed like nothing would happen on their way, but suddenly, Cody noticed that Kim had a funny look on her face. "What's up?" he asked her. "Oh nothing," said Kim, starting to blush a little bit, "It's just that I've never swam in a pond before." "Really?" asked Cody. "Uh-huh," said Kim, "I've always swam in pools where I know the water will be alright, so I'm not sure what it'll be like." Cody looked at her and said, "Don't worry, I've swam here before and I can tell you that it's the most amazing thing ever, except for the fact that you weren't with me." Kim smiled at Cody. It was a smile that said, "Thank you, you've made me feel so much better." The pair continued walking, when suddenly Cody felt something. It took him a moment to realize that Kim was putting her hand in his. It felt so good to him that he held on to her in return. Neither of them said a word, but then, there really wasn't a need for any.

When Cody and Kim finally found their way through a small patch of cattails, they came upon a large pond that looked slightly deep, was only slightly clear and had mud at nearly every corner. Kim took a good look at it, looked at Cody, and said, "Wow, it looks great!" Cody was glad she liked it so far. If she liked the way it looked, then she would love the way it felt. They both hung their towels over branches and turned to the water. Cody volunteered to go in first and see what it was like for Kim, although it wasn't as though he didn't know. Turning to the pond, with a single bound, he jumped into the water. When he surfaced his body had a brown tint to it from all the mud. "Wow!" said Kim, "You're covered in mud!" "I know!" said Cody, "That's what makes it so great!" "Really?" Kim asked, sounding a little unsure, "How is it?" "It's fantastic," he replied, "It might not be what you're used to, but I think you'll love it." Kim backed up only a few paces as though she didn't want to go though with this. But then she took a deep breath, and said, "Okay... Here I come!!" She ran toward the pond, jumped, and landed in the muddy water. She soon surfaced, covered in mud and laughed. "Wow!!" she shouted, "You were right! That feels great!!" Cody didn't know what to think all of a sudden. Kim looked so beautiful, even though she was standing in a muddy pond and a complete mess, it was the best he had ever seen her. He got a weird feeling and then noticed that his boyhood was now becoming erect. This was the greatest feeling he had experienced since birth. Kim looked at him, "Is something wrong?" she asked, "No," said Cody, "You just look so beautiful." Kim looked at herself, she was soaked and muddy, her pink bra was turning brown, and her hair had mud dripping out of it. If anyone else had seen her like this, they would have told her that she looked like a disaster, but not Cody. Tears began to form in her eyes. Cody was worried that he had said the wrong thing. But he was wrong; Kim waded up to him and slowly put her arms around him. "You're the only one who would ever say something like that to me in this condition." She said. "Why wouldn't I?" asked Cody, "I love you." "I know." Kim said somberly. Suddenly she looked at him with a huge smile on her face and said, "Why are we doing this? Let's have some fun!!" Cody snapped out of his trance and followed his lover deep into the water.

Soon they were really swimming and both having a great time. Kim sometimes looked like she was having a giggle fit. This was because it felt so good to kick her legs in the warm muddy water, and it tickled a bit to have her slit rub against her wet underpants which by this time were pleasantly warm. Cody felt the same way, feeling his boyhood staff rubbing his underwear. Soon Kim swam over to Cody, put her arms around him, and said, "If I could choose anywhere to spend a great weekend, it's here with you." "The feeling's mutual." Cody replied, "I can't think of anything I'd rather be do..." Kim suddenly cut him off by pulling him closer and saying, "Shut up and kiss me." With that she planted a huge wet one right on Cody's lips. Cody was in complete shock. His whole body went limp, but he wouldn't trade this feeling for anything else in the known universe. Finally he wrapped his arms around Kim's waist and gave her a sensation in return. Both their bodies went limp and for a moment they slipped beneath the murky surface. They were suspended in space, intertwined in a passionate lovers embrace. Finally they swam back to the surface and took in a breath. They looked and saw the position of the sun that told them they should probably get back to the house. They climbed out on the edge and grabbed their towels. "That was fun," said Kim, "I am so glad we came and did this." "Me too." said Cody, and with that, they started back up the path.

When they got back to the house, they realized there was still the fact that they were coated in mud. Cody said that it was no problem; they could use the garden hose to wash themselves off and then get dry. "Do you think your underwear will ever be pink again?" asked Cody, "Probably not," said Kim, "but if it doesn't, I won't mind, because it's a reminder of this fun day." She grabbed the hose and cranked it up to full flow. It hit Cody and he immediately jumped away. "Whoa!!" he shouted, "That's cold!!" "What did you expect?!" Kim shouted back. Despite his situation, Cody found he couldn't do anything but laugh. "Stop it!!" he cried, "Make me!!" Kim laughed. This soon evolved into a game, with Cody trying to jump away to avoid the ice-cold stream of water, and Kim doing anything she could to get him. This went on until Cody was free of all the mud that had stuck to him. Then he snickered, it was Kim's turn. When he turned the freezing water on her, she squealed in delight and began laughing in a melodious tone that to Cody was the voice of an angel. Finally, she too was clean and water was dripping out of her hair. She ran over to Cody and threw her arms around his shoulders. Cody wasn't surprised; she must have been cold and needed to get warm. He managed to pull a towel around both of them and together, they walked up the back steps into Cody's house.

Soon after throwing their underwear into the dryer, they were back in their clothes and Kim was wondering what they should have for dinner. "What exactly would you like?" asked Cody; "I was hoping we could have pizza." said Kim. "Not a problem." said Cody. He made a quick call to the local pizzeria and soon they had take-out pizza to eat. When they were done with that, Cody suggested that they watch another movie. It seemed like a good idea. By the end of it both of them were very tired. They brushed their teeth and decided to shower in the morning. Cody found a clean pair of boxers to sleep in while Kim decided to sleep in a cotton t-shirt and a bikini bottom. Soon Cody was in bed and waiting for Kim. When she came into his room, he was shocked. He had never seen her like this before. "Wow," he said, "You look like an angel." "I do?" asked Kim, "That's funny; no one ever told me that before." "Really?" asked Cody. "Really." answered Kim, "I guess it's because nobody really loved me the way you do." "Gee," said Cody, "Wanna... sleep with me tonight?" "Sure!" said Kim, and with that, she leapt onto the bed with him. "Gosh," she said, "It sure is hot tonight; maybe I'll feel better if I take off my shirt." Before Cody could react, Kim lifted her shirt up and pulled it off her body leaving nothing covering her bare chest. Cody was dumbstruck. Kim now looked more beautiful than ever. "Wow," he said, "If the goddess of beauty took a look at you, she would go green with envy." "Why thank you!" said Kim, "You know, there was one time I saw my parents doing something weird in bed, and I think I now understand what it was." "What?" asked Cody. "They were doing something similar to this." Kim answered, "And it looked like they were really having fun doing it." "So are you saying?" asked Cody, "Yeah," said Kim, "I think I'd like to try it with you." "Well, Okay," said Cody, "I'll try to be gentle with you."

Kim, as usual, made the first move; she lay herself down on top of Cody. Then she wrapped her arms around Cody's shoulders and pulled him close to her. Then she wrapped her legs around his own and secured herself to him. At once, her panties rubbed against his boxers and Cody could feel an immense feeling of pleasure come over him. "Ooooooooohhh," he said, "That... that really feels good." "You're telling me..." said Kim. Cody made his move next; he pressed his muzzle against Kim's chest and felt it slipping in between her breasts. "Oh God!!" moaned Kim, "That really hits it!!" All the while, Cody's boxers and Kim's panties were rubbing the other. Finally, Cody's erect staff found its way to Kim's slit. When their genitals touched each other for the first time, Kim let out a gasp. "OH!!!" she cried, "What?!" asked Cody, "That thing between my legs!!" she said, "Go on! Rub me right there!!!" Cody obliged and began to work himself against his girlfriend. At the same time, Kim slightly lifted her backside and then forced it down onto Cody. The immense force of the two of them pushing themselves together soon produced results. Both Cody and Kim began to feel some sort of pressure building up in their lower stories. "Cody!!" gasped Kim, "What's happening to us!?!" "I don't know!!" he answered, "But I love it!!" "Me too!!" she cried. The feeling was now so great that although their energy was now very low, neither of them had the will to stop. The pressure on their genitals was now very great, something had to give, and that thing was Cody. "Oh my god!!!" he moaned, "I'm gonna blow!!! Uhhh!! Uhhh!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" he yelled as he released his first ever orgasm. A stream of milk-white boy-cum shot out from his dick and into his boxers. At that same moment, Kim finally gave in as well. "Ohhh!! Ohhh!! CODY!!!! She screamed as her pressure exploded and a wave of girl-cum flooded from her cunny into her panties. It took a few seconds, but their first ever orgasms subsided and they finally relaxed, breathing hard. "Cody..." asked Kim, "What just happened here?" "I... I don't know," Cody answered, "But whatever it was, it felt great." "Yeah," said Kim, "But I'd really like to know what that was, and why it felt so good. Maybe we can look it up tomorrow." "You're right," said Cody, "We wouldn't want to get into something without knowing what it is." Then they both smiled at each other; with beautiful smiles that told them just how happy they were to be together. "Kim," said Cody. "What?" she asked. Cody smiled and said, "I'd do anything for you." Kim smiled back; she felt the exact same way about him. "Goodnight Cody," she said, "I love you." "I love you too." Cody whispered back. Then they both fell asleep in each other's arms. From that moment on, it was clear to both of them. No matter how you looked at it, they loved each other like no one else ever would. And you make no bones about it. Even if they had to run away together, love would prevail, and they would marry each other someday.


Or Is It??