A New Home

Story by Septical on SoFurry

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#2 of Jasper

check my profile for more stories of Max, Jasper or Toby

Two deep blue eyes peered fuzzily through their barely open eyelids. They looked at the tiger -what's his name again? - who drove the car. The tiger looked amiable enough bearing a friendly expression on his face. A set of simple glasses sat in front of yellow-green eyes that were fixed on the road. After a minute or so the fog in his head finally began to clear allowing the husky to almost think straight again. The question that came next did perk his ears, but the tranquilizer hadn't worn of completely letting the canine stumble over his words.

"So, do you like it?"

"Huh? Uhm, what?" spoke Jasper meekly while twitching his slightly fluffy ear.

"You're name. It took me a while to think of one, but when Jasper sprang to my mind, well, I just thought it would be a great name..."

"D-did you name me? I suppose it's okay, I guess. Can I ask you a question, err, sir?"

"Of course you can Jasper, you don't have to ask permission to ask questions, you know..."

"Oh, err, where are we going... sir?"

The tiger chuckled at how the husky spoke so meekly, glanced through the rear mirror and looked him over for a second. There was his newest acquisition, his new slave. He looked every bit a husky, the white and steel gray fur, the blue eyes, ears a bit stubbier then you're average wolf. He must've been about a head smaller than himself, but canines usually were. There were at least ten other huskies he could choose from at the slave market, but this one had this indescribable naïve look over him, something the tiger found irresistibly cute in a way. Indeed the chart had stated him to be insecure at times, but the canine wouldn't be his guard dog anyway so that wasn't a problem.

"We're going home, of course!"

"I've never been home..." canine ears dropping slightly.

"I hope you're going to like it. I've already prepared your bed, and I've got some clothes for you right here, as well as everything else we need right now. Maybe, if you're ready for it by then, we can buy you some new stuff at the mall tomorrow, sounds good right?"

Jasper nodded almost childishly, earning him a wide smile from his new master. The car was now leaving the rural landscape it had been driving though for the last thirty minutes and entered the suburbs. The new sight of houses prompted the husky to lean towards the window to get a better view, pulling his seatbelt taut and subsequently sliding it of his shoulder.

"Wow, these houses are really big. Do you live at a house this big?"

"Ho there, big boy, I guess it's time for rule number one: when in the car, the seatbelt stays on."

The husky uttered a soft "ow, okay, I'm sorry", ears folded back. He then put the seatbelt back in place, something that didn't proof too easy with cuffed hands. The feline didn't mean to sound harsh at all, but when he saw the husky almost shrinking a bit he produced another warm smile and answered:

"It's alright Jasper, I'm just concerned about your safety, that's all, don't worry about it. To answer your question: yes, I do live in a house like one of those, being a doctor allows me to live quite comfortably. But as you can understand, a big house like that quickly becomes lonely, so that's why I bought you!"

The husky returned a soft smile, but looking his master in the eyes was something he couldn't do very well, so he quickly looked away again. Looking in the eye was one of those things that submissive dogs just didn't like doing, something that was probably left over from earlier in evolution. As he was about to cast another look at the houses outside, the car unexpectedly turned and stopped at the driveway of a big white house. Jasper curiously looked around, seeing the rather large lawn that encircled the house.

"Here we are, home, you stay put for a sec, I'll get the door for you."

Daniel rummaged through the box on the front seat, seemed to have found what he was looking for and got out the car. He walked over to the backseat where Jasper was sitting, opened the door and explained to him how to unbuckle the seatbelt. Five seconds later and both canine and feline were out of the car. Daniel motioned his slave to come with him. When the two were half-way to the front door, the husky was startled by an odd sound behind him. Perking his ears and looking around he saw a young badger riding a bicycle. He heard the cub greeting a certain Mr. Richardson, and after hearing his master return the greeting, he figured that Richardson must be his master's surname. The stare at the cyclist was then broken when master Daniel took him by the arm and walked him to the front door. A twist of the key and a 'welcome home' later and Jasper stood in the hallway of his new home.

"Here, let me get these for you" the tiger said as he unlocked the handcuffs the husky was still wearing. He then looked up and took the husky's shoulder, saying: "I have to get one last thing out of the car, okay? You don't move a muscle..."

Jasper did not reply and just looked at the surroundings. There were three doors and a stairwell in the hallway, even if he wasn't told to stay put he wouldn't have gone anywhere out fear of getting lost. The tiger returned with the box that was on the front seat and asked the husky to close the door behind him and follow him. They went through the door on the left and entered what seemed to be a kitchen.

"So, first things first" master Daniel said. "Let's put your collar on you". He produced a black leather collar from the box and continued. "As you may or may not know, all slaves are required to wear a collar. I got you one with a tracking device in it, just in case you get lost, plus it has a tag with your name on it, see?"

"That means it is also time for rule number two: you're not allowed to take off your collar. You don't worry too much about that rule though, I don't think you'd be able to so anyway. Again, master just wants to make sure that you are safe, so that's why I want you to wear it. Now let's see if it fits shall we?"

Jasper examined the collar that master Daniel held out and hesitated a few seconds. "Here, let me help you with it" the husky heard and waited for the tiger to move behind him. He then felt the leather of the collar pushing softly against his throat and neck fur, and heard the metallic jingling of its buckle and tags. The collar tightened until it was snug but still comfortable. He felt with his paws the tags that now hung from his throat, hearing the friendly "there you go" of his master. What happened next caught the husky a bit of guard. Master Daniel turned him by his shoulders, ruffled the fur on his head and hugged him tightly.

"I'm very happy that you're here, Jasper, I know that it's a lot to take in right now, but I'm here to take care of you."

Right now the husky was simply to perplexed by all the new things, so he didn't really return the hug, but his slowly wagging tail did gave away his appreciation to his master. The tiger then took him resumed unpacking the other items that were in the box. Out came a set of pants that were quite similar to the blue one he was wearing right now, next were a few other boxes of which the husky couldn´t quite make out what they housed. Finally came out a black leather leash, matching the collar in style. The tiger saw the husky curiously eyeing the leash whilst fingering the D-ring that was on his collar, took the handle in one hand and clipped it on with another.

"This is your leash, I guess we'll use it from time to time. Look at it from the bright side: it'll keep you close to me and you won't get lost. I think you can stop wearing after some time, depending on how it goes. Which brings us to rule number three: don't leave the house or property unless I give you permission. You can walk around the house as you please, but I don't want you to go roving about on your own."

"But listen to me, do this, don't do that, I sound awful. I've said it a few times already, and I'll say it a hundred times over if need be, but I don't make these rules for nothing. Remember, I just want to make sure you keep safe alright? Now, let's go over the more fun things eh?"

The tiger walked over to the living room, urging Jasper to follow, and sat on one of the big couches in front of the television. Suffice to say, the TV was huge. Again, the tiger caught the husky staring and resumed:

"This is the living room, and that's the telly. Whenever not doing something you can watch all you like. I've already set up all the channels you can watch, just grab the remote and enjoy. If you're into reading, you may take any of the books over at the wall there. Though I figure most will not be that interesting, medical literature..."

"I do have some magazines usually lying around underneath the table here, if that takes your fancy..."

The husky took a while to reply, stammering a bit when he did.

"I-I am... I'm not a very strong reader, sir"

Daniel looked at the husky who was again fidgeting with his collar. Clearly he was a bit ashamed to admit it, something that was given away by the tail hugging his legs and the ears that were now flat to his head. He stood up and walked over to the husky, trying to look as friendly as he could.

"Doesn't matter, you can always ask me to help you reading, or read it for you! But come, I want to show you the room I prepared for you. Why don't you fetch your clothes from the kitchen and meet me at the hallway?"

Jasper politely answered his master and did what was asked while Daniel took a moment to collect himself. He knew that it would take some time for the slave to open up, but the thought didn't make him feel much better. He really wanted to make him feel at home, not be just his owner but a bit of a friend too. It sometimes seemed as if the husky was still a bit scared of everything. He then concluded once again that all it would take is some time and friendliness. Daniel sighed and walked over to the hallway, seeing that the husky was already there holding his clothing.

"Okay, good boy, let's go upstairs and have a look at your room. Your room used to be a study room, it took me quite a while to clear most of it out. There's still some stuff packed in boxes, but I'll find a place for those too eventually."

Arriving upstairs he took a turn to the right and entered the through the first door with the husky in tow.

"So, this is it, you can sleep on the bed over there, and put your clothes in there" the tiger spoke while pointing out the various furniture. "My bedroom is just across yours, so if you're ever in need of something- you know where to find me. The bathroom is next to your room, which is where we'll go next, you can put those clothes on the bed for now..."

Over at the bathroom he again showed Jasper all of the relevant furniture. Arriving at the bathtub, master Daniel made a exaggerated sniffing sound, saying:

"Speaking of baths, I can smell a certain doggy that could use one!"