High School Life

Story by So Lonely on SoFurry

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NOTE: all of the following characters are mine that I had created. If any of the characters is similar to you or anyone that you know it is purely a coincidence.

High School Life

Randy was just an average snow leopard with a white chest and gray covering the rest with ears and a tail that looked like you had dipped it in black ink. He also had an even coat of black spots where his white fur did not covered. But the life that he had was not that of an average teenager in high school. His parents were never really satisfy with him they always expected more and through this randy learn everything there is to know about living on his own, everything about computers and electronics, and some college classes. Randy was only sixteen at this time and he rarely left his house for any fun activity.

Randy has a few friends that he can actually trust, one of them included his tiger friend Evan. Evan just looks like your average tiger but the only thing that screams out to you that he his Evan is that he has gray eyes. Randy had taught Evan everything he had known but Evan could never complete understand but he did understand some of the electric part at least enough to help build stuff with Randy but Evan was one that knew the world. As in how it truly is with gangs and underground black market, he would show Randy how to survive and make a big profit from going with the system, and there is no better place for the system to show itself than high school.

Randy and Evan went to the same school, there they would find sellers of stolen electronics or buyer of custom weapons that the buyer could conceal it under their fur or their clothing. But not all was smooth sailing there would be times were Randy and Evan would get them selves into a sour deal and they had to fight their way out. Randy never really learned how to fight, but when the time calls for it Randy could beat anyone even if they were twice his size. Evan on the other hand grew up wanting to fight everyone so he was experienced.

When other teens see Evan and Randy they would completely ignore them. Randy and Evan was what you would call a loner but that never really bothered them they would just continue on and make money. Every time they would make a sale they would go to their secret place. It was an old abandoned restaurant that had closed down for as long has the city been old. But it was never demolished, but what people don't know about the place is that it has a huge basement and Randy found a way to connect the electric wires from their place to a power line that was buried underground. Now they had a fully running place to hang out or hide when it is needed.

There was also a junkyard about a mile from where their place is and they would go there and find great electric or other things to bring back repair and use for them self. One time Evan founded an old wielding generator which Randy had fix now they had a real place to stay. There was only one thing missing and that was for each of them to find a girlfriend for two main reasons. They wanted someone that they can completely trust and rely on and for a companion to keep them company. I is not as if they had never tried to get a girlfriend but the problem was that Randy and Evan would get weak knees and could not find the right words to say.

After that the girls that they were trying to talk to would laugh and that would really get Randy and Evan down. So eventually they would just stop trying.

It was now Monday January 9 a new year had begun and Randy and Evan had made new resolutions including trying and finding girlfriends. When they went back to school it was horrible almost everyone in class was asleep even the teacher could not keep their eyes open. So at lunch Randy had to make a phone call. "Hey mom and dad I got to stay after school and work on a major project that involves me being in group... yes it will take a long time... I don't know when it will be due all I know is that it is a major part of my grade... okay my friend will drop me off at home when it is done" Randy hit the end button and looked at Evan "Kay we're good lets go no one will notice us leaving school especially on the first day back from a three week break. " Right lets get to the restaurant and start working on a new project" responded the tiger. Little did they know two female leopards watched them leave a decided to follow them?

To be continued