Metal encased soul. (Part 1)

Story by Rykem on SoFurry

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(This story will be in first person.)

Rykem Notolus

I wake up ...

(Restarted! I have my muse back! Its still unfinished, I got this in at 4:15 in the morning, Why cant I sleep? -_-)

*Rykem Notolus*

I wake up in a daze. I hear flames, from my left I feel warm. 'What happened to me? Who am I? Where am I?' I question myself, before blacking out.

I smell something, smoke? I hear a loud sound off to my left, it sounded like something crashing through the underbrush. I quickly open my eyes to find the sun trying to murder me. "Gah!" A voice sounds out, I then realize that it was my voice. It sounds rash and broken, why? I slowly open my eyes, facing away from the sun.

I slowly turn back toward the sun, I feel cold the fire seemed to die out. I look around and see the metal casings of... something? I hear a growl coming from the direction of the sounds from earlier.