Siblings Love 3: The good, the Bad and the Baby?!

Story by Pugmugs76321 on SoFurry

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This is a clean play with NO sexual activity. If you are not into pregnancy then this story probably isn't for you.

So, Alex and Crystal have discovered a new love between the two of them. They were already brother and sister but have now decided to tie the knot, literally. They have mated twice and both times he has successfully knotted and came inside his sister, but will she get pregnant? How will their parents react if she did? Would they know it's his? Would they keep the baby?...

All these thoughts ran through Crystals head as she laid on her brothers bed after their shower. He was snuggled up close, his chest pressed against her back, both of their hearts beating so hard they could hear it. "What if I get pregnant..." she thought to herself, biting her lower lip as her brother rubbed her bulging belly, stuffed full of his hot sticky cum. She didn't want too be pregnant! She was only 16 and it was her brothers baby! As they lay together she pondered these things not knowing her parents were thinking the same thing.

Down in the living room, their parents sat, sipping on a cup of coffee and discussing what they had seen the night before. They were tired, clearly so were the kids, but that didn't give them an excuse to let them mate! They were brother and sister for gosh sakes! "What if she gets pregnant, Kevin? Then what will happen?! Everyone will know we let our kids have sex!" Marie hissed at her husband, a look of worry on her face.

"If she gets pregnant we will just take the child as our own, let the two of them be teenagers." Kevin replied, the same look of worry on his face as he leaned his head into his paws and thought hard on the subject.

"Crystal?" Alex whispered into her ear, sitting up slightly as their soaking wet fur dripped onto the bed. "Will you.... How about we..." he groaned, trying to think of how to word the question right. He stroked over her bulging stomach a few times before leaning down and kissing her softly, "We should move out. Get our own apartment out of town... We will say were lovers, no one has to know were twins. We can just tell mom and dad were getting our own apartment together to save money. And since we won't be here we can yiff all we want and mom or dad couldn't stop us!" he said, nervously at first but then growing excited as he blabbered on.

Crystal barely heard her brother mumbling over her own thoughts and it took a few seconds for her to click back into the real world. She looked up at her brother as if he was crazy as she heard his idea. "Where would we get the money? We would need food and water and electricity. And what if I get pregnant?" she blurted before she could stop her mouth. Immediately she pulled her hand up to her mouth to cover it before she looked away from his hurt eyes and leaned her head on the bed. "I would love to move in with you... But were only 16... We would need money for that... Plus of we did have a baby that's another bunch of money we would need that we don't have..." she whispered, feeling smaller and smaller with each word.

Alex just looked at his sister, expecting her to be as excited as he was, but was really put out by her words. "Oh... Yeah... I guess I didn't think about the money..." he said before nuzzling her neck and pulling her tight against him. He buried his muzzle in her sweet smelling hair and sighed contently before muttering, "I love you... And if we did have a baby then I would love it just the same..."

"You would? Really?" she said a bit of excitement entering her voice as she turned her top half around to look at him. "You wouldn't be mad if I had a baby?" she then grabbed his cheeks and pressed her muzzle into his, wrapping her lips around his, she kissed him deeply before springing off the bed. She had forgotten that they were tied together and let out a loud moan-ish cry as his knot was forced out of her with a *Shlick...Pop!*. As it came put of her, she tumbled into the wall, pressing her hand against it and groaning, pressing a hand into her stomach. She looked down. Between her legs and watched the steady flow of white, sticky cum leaking from her sex and onto his floor. Slowly she stood back up and then hurried over, pressing her maw to his once more, then rushing out of his bedroom.

Alex grimaced as his knot was pulled from her warm insides, letting out a groan of pain as she so quickly got off him. He grasped his member and held it for a second before pulling his paw away and making a slightly disgusted looking face. He looked at the string of his seed, mixed with her juices that led from his hand, to his shaft. As she kissed him though, it snapped him out of his look of disgust and he smiled at her, then looked at the steady drips of his seed dripping from her swollen sex. As she left the room he laid on his bed and sighed happily to himself, "Mission accomplished." he said aloud, looking up at his ceiling. He was very proud of himself, getting his sister pumped so full of his seed it literally flowed out of her!

Crystal had ran off to her bedroom and thrown on some clothes. A baggy t-shirt a bra, a thong and a pair of sweat pants. She then ran down the stairs quick at first, but then over heard talking from the living room, "But I'm to young to be a grandmother! Plus their twins!" she heard her mom yell at her father. She then crept down the ext few stairs and looked at the two of them, "Mom.... Dad?" she said quietly as she stepped into the living room. Both of her parents turned to face her as if they had been caught stealing a cookie from a cookie jar. "You guys.... Know?" she mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Know?!" her mother scoffed, "You could have woken the whole neighborhood last night with your sex!" her mother then got up and stormed out of the room, as she walked past, she practically threw a little box at her head. Crystal managed to duck just in time so the box didn't nail her right in the mouth.

When Alex picked it up, she could clearly rear the words "Pregnancy Test" on it. She gulped, then went to say someone to her mother but thought better of it. Then she looked at her dad and bit her lip, the tears pricking her eyes, "What?! You're not going to yell at me too?! I LOVE him!" she yelled, then ran up the stairs.

Alex had almost been asleep before he heard his mother yell, then his sister yell back. He had just thrown on some pants and was about to run down the stairs to see what was wrong, but when his sister ran up the stairs and almost knocked him over, he tripped over his foot backwards and watched as she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door, locking it soon after.

Crystal was locked in the bathroom and waisting no time. She ripped the box to pieces, quickly skimming over the instructions before standing up, yanking her pants off and holding the little stick between her legs as she peed on it. Once she was done, she set it on the sink, washed her hands then sat back on the toilet and began to sob. "What am I doing?" she thought to herself. "Mom and dad hate me, I just pushed my brother out of the way and am sobbing uncontrollably in the bathroom." When their came a knock on the bathroom door, she looked up to see who it was, but she couldn't see through a door, obviously. "Who is it?" she whispered.

"Crystal... Open the door baby... Come on, please?" Alex called softly, leaning against the door with his head bowed, standing in a pair of undone jeans. "Please Sis... Come on... Let me in..." when the door opened he almost fell forward. He tripped over his own foot and landed on the bathroom floor on his rear. He chuckled softly before looking at his teary eyed sister and stopping immediately. "What's wrong...?" he asked looking down at the little stick in her hand that had a little pink plus sign in the middle of it.

"I'm pregnant..." she said looking up at him, fighting back the tears. She threw the stick in the garbage, stood up and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest and just inhaling his scent.

Alex leaned down and looked at her in shock. Amazing how two little words can totally burst a guys bubble! He needed to be the strong one here though, so he gently reached up and touched her chin, tilting her head up to look her in the eyes, "I meant what I said... I will love that baby just as much as I love you..." with that he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her passionately. His hand soon left her chin and rested on her stomach, running his hands over it and just feeling it. He couldn't believe that there was a living thing growing inside of her, and that the little thing was his...