Metal encased soul. (The world as they know it.)

Story by Rykem on SoFurry

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(Brief explenation of stuff. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, Point them out for me if...

(Brief explenation of stuff. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, Point them out for me if you can.)

*The known world.*

Grafen: A hevaily mountained continent that has impenatrable and inclimbable cliffs on almost all sides exept one wich is the northern area near the 'Top Of The World'. (A Icy land barren of most life.) It is home to the Naga. There is a main mountain in the center of the continent that is too steep and high to climb by most races it splits the continet into four divisons, North, South, East and West, It is home to the Dragons and is called by Draken Guard. The moutain area next to the eastern edge is home of the Dwarmer. The flat lands in the western edge is home to the Kran. The heavily forested hills in the south is home to the Elves and is not called by any name.

*Known kingdoms.*

Fragan: Fragan is a fishing kingdom on the edge of the land before the 'Top Of The World'. The land is usually covered by snow and ice making it trechorus for other races. The main kingdom for the Naga. with smaller towns branching out.

Draven: A kingdom that is inside the mountains of the eastern. It is built into the mountains by the Dwarmer. Thier kingdoms are firmly settled deep into the rock and almost made entirely made out of copper, gold and rock.

Vhar'khuvn: A kingdom that is hevily defended by walls all around the kingdoms and towns. The land is barren and grey. Home of the distrustful Kran (Not much is known about them by the other races).

'Elven kingdom': A heavily forested area with hills strewn all over. The actual kingdom is in the trees, Protected by the magic that fuels the elves. They make thier kingdom out of wood while the other ones use stone and ore.


Naga: Serphentine in appearance they dont look well suited for the cold but are suprizeingly resilient to it. They are warm blooded. They are known to be very trusting and open to trade.

Dwarmer: They are very short is stature but are good miners and egineers. They usually are very hard to get to know but once you make a friend they are very loyal friends. They are open but not too trusting to outsiders. (Basically Dwarves.)

Dragon: They range is color and breath weapon and are usually very vain and proud.(You all know what dragons are.)

Elves: (You should know what Elves are.)

Khan: Not egnough information. (They will be known about in later chapters.)

And many more races but none have any kingdoms to be known.