
Story by Tyrse Styles on SoFurry

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It takes a life time to understand each other as we do

We knew one another from the beginning

I sure didn't expect to care for one such as you

It might be nice to have a sibling

Years passed us by and we grew

Reveling in the experiances we shared

I have someone to teach as they grow

I think I might love having a sibling

Jealousy, rage, and sadness

These are the emotions we fling at each other

I was better off before we knew one another

I think I hate having a sibling

We rarely speak to one another anymore

Passing by only seems to be an annoyance

It's a mutual agreement this silence

I act as if I don't have a sibling

We've grown a little more mature have we not

Growing a little closer each day

I see you enjoying our time together as well

I think I'v come to appreciate my sibling

It's not an easy life as we used to live now it it

Seems every way we turn the world is against us

We'll feel safe with each other watching our backs

I don't think I could survive without my sibling

It has been a long road, with no end in sight hasn't it

We became each others strength as we grew

But we have reached a crossroads, we must each find our own way

I begin to cry because I realize I have to let go of my sibling

We can only watch as the distance grows longer between us

In the beginning it hurts, but it won't last forever

I know our paths are meant to cross again

I'll always treasure the bond we share, the bond of a sibling