Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 2

Story by Starfireuk on SoFurry

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Hey everyone Starfire here *waves* this is the second part of my story, you can find the first part here >>>

Sorry for major delay but with Christmas and new year just gone and the fact I moved home I had no time what so ever to do anything also Skyrim has taken over my life >.< I am sure I am not the only one saying that :P.

This piece of the story carries on from the first part soo enjoy, same a again everyone if you read it I would like feedback thankies :-).

As the sun's rays blaze through Starfire's window shack he opens his eyes as he sits up and rubs his eyes. He then gets up and puts on his boots and walks out of his shack, he then notices a note hanging on his front door "hhmm what's this" Starfire says as he rips the note from the door and begins to read it *Dear Starfire, I am just out collecting some scraps from the local abandoned school would of asked you to come but I am yet to see you in action plus you was asleep so I didn't want to wake you so see ya later this morning.....Lisa*.

Starfire crunches up the note growling a little annoyed that only yesterday James told Lisa that he was going to be the new scavenger. He then decides to go see James to find out where the local school was so that Lisa could see him in action.

"Knock knock" Starfire says as he knocks on James door opening it at the same time "ahh Starfire, come in come in, what can I do for you? Have you spoke to Lisa yet?" "yes I have but she has gone out this morning without me" said Starfire "hmmm yeah she can be a bit of a rule breaker sometimes, where has she gone?" James said with annoyance in his voice, Starfire then hands James the crumpled up note that Lisa wrote, James reads the note and sighs a little before saying "I told her not to go there alone, it can be a dangerous place, the last time she went there alone she was shot by raiders luckily I sent Nathan to keep an eye on her" James the slams his fist on the desk as he shouts with anger in his voice "STARIFIRE GET OUT THERE AND MAKE SURE SHE GETS BACK HERE SAFE!!" Starfire nodes then says "I don't actually know where the school is" James sighs "it's not far, just head west over the hill and it will be straight in front of you, you can't miss it if you miss it then you are retarded, NOW GET GOING!!" Starfire then starts running as he reaches the front gate, he bursts into Rogers small office "ROGER OPEN THE GATE, LISA HAS GONE TO THE SCHOOL BY HERSELF AND I NEED TO BRING HER HOME" Roger shakes his head and says with disappointment in his voice "dose that girl ever learn? Give me a min" Roger then lift the nearby leaver as the gate then opens, Starfire then runs off out into the wasteland heading west towards the hill.

Starfire reaches the top of the hill as he then sees the tall blue primary school *Hopping Hill primary school* thought Starfire as he then slowly approaches the front doors, he slowly opens the doors as they creak open, he draws his sheathed .44 magnum and holds it firmly in his left paw and cocks it, he slowly walks in looking around like a security camera his eyes looking from left to right as he turns his head, he hears a noise coming from the end of the hall, he moves a little quicker approaching the door as he takes a hold of the door handle, he takes a deep breath opening the door quickly points his gun at the figure "show me your hands motherfucker" the figure doesn't respond "I SAID SHOW ME YOUR HANDS" Starfire says aggressively as he then fires his magnum at the figures feet "the next one will be in your turn around slowly" the figure then pulls out a gun turning around quickly shooting it at Starfire as his gun is shot from his hand, the figure then walks from the shadows saying "oh dear Starfire looks like you need some training" said Lisa as she then sheathes her gun and giggles picking up Starfire's gun and gives it to him, Starfire growls taking his gun as he says with annoyance "what the hell are you doing here by yourself? James told me about last time you were here" Lisa sighs a little "I know I screwed up last time, it' just that I was looking for this" she pulls out some electrical compartments, "well next time you try something dangerous make sure someone is with you ok silly" Starfire giggles a little "right you have what you came here for now let's go" Lisa smiles putting away her gun as she then follows Starfire.

Both Starfire and Lisa approach the front gate "OPEN THE GATE RODGER" shouts Lisa, the gate then opens as James is standing there shaking his head "what did I tell you Lisa, never go to the school by yourself, you know what happened last time" Lisa walks past him her ears lowered "yes I know James I am sorry but I got this" she shows him the electrical components, James takes the components "what junk" he says with a little anger in his voice, "no, this is not junk this is the final piece of what I have been working on over the past few weeks" she snaps back as she takes back the components and walks off annoyed a little, "I will go talk to her" says Starfire as he follows her back to the work shop.

Starfire approaches the work shop "hey, so what's this thing you have been working on?" Lisa smiles and hands Starfire a black object that looks like an old world phone "what is it?" asks Starfire, "in the old world they called it a walkie-talkie, you can communicate with someone by pushing the button on the side here and talking into the speaker and the fur on the other end will hear you and they can respond accordingly, it will become very handy when someone by which I mean you are out and about scavenging or whatever" Starfire chuckles a little at her comments and says "so does it work yet?" Lisa sighs saying "do you ever listen you moron, I went out to the school to find the final piece and now that I have it I can fix this thing so no it doesn't work yet.....idiot" Lisa starts working on the walkie-talkie, Starfire walks off saying "I will leave you to it then"

So that's the second part of this story, I will be starting the third part when I can be bothered, I will do it I can be real lazy sometimes.

Peace out all

Starfire xx