A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Chapter 3: A Trip To The Zoo, A Talk With A Trickster, A Stop At The Super Market, and A Look At The Circles Within Circles of Politcs in Anthroa.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of A return to When We All Lived In The Forest

Legalities: Most of the story is copyrighted to me, all the character so far are copyrighted to me, ideas for some of the things in the story were thought of thanks to Flexible Survival by Nuku Valente, a way to reach that is blog.flexiblesurvival.com The story contains graphic adult material some readers may not find suitable, thus walk away. Also if you're under age, don't get caught and if you do YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE READ THIS! Thank you that is all. Now time to pick up where we left off.

I woke up again, after walking around the bunker for a while to calm down then ending up crashing on my cot with a sigh. I climbed to my feet and dug in my bag then changed into more civilian clothes deciding that since the creatures of this place probably feared the military, it may not be to wise to appear in my dress uniform or NWU's. I glanced down at my old beat up t-shirt and jeans and mumbled "Been a long time since I wore anything like this. I guess it's a good thing I always carry civilian gear as well as military." I walked to the entrance and closed my eyes then opened them and glanced back at Regina who was still deep asleep on her cot. I slipped my bag off my back and opened it slowly. I

I pulled out my forty five and laid it by her then turned and walked out the door shutting it behind me. I didn't expect to be back to the bunker ever again. I guess I should have known better. As soon as I left the bunker I was surrounded by a large group of hyenas wearing biker outfits. I pulled a baseball cap out of my bag and covered my face with it since I'd been on the news not to long before the attack and anyone who had a good memory would probably be able to spot my ugly mug from a mile away. What I didn't know was that my facial features had been cleaned up a little bit by the infection so my own parents would have a hard time recognizing me. I said in a gruff voice "There something I can help you with?"

One of the hyenas let out a maniacal laugh and said "Yeah, you're our new bitch." I slipped the rifle off my shoulder and pointed it at him without a word, but growled softly as if daring them to try me. The hyena backed up a few paces and said "What do you want to do matriarch?" I noticed that their leader was a herm, a quarter were male, a quarter were female, and the rest were hermaphrodites. I glanced at the leader who motioned for his followers to surround me. I sighed and jerked my arms away from the two that were trying to grab them then crossed the rifle over my shoulder, and shot one in the arm. He jumped back with a yip and the one who had been talking so far said "You sure we want to go after him matriarch?"

I sighed and pointed my rifle at him then said "You can leave peacefully if you just tell me where the zoo is." They looked at me confused and I said "My map says the way to get to the laboratory facility is through the zoo." The hyenas stared at me and I sighed then popped the empty round out of the chamber and tossed my gear on the ground. I looked at the matriarch and said "Let's make a deal if I beat you, you buggers have to do as I say, and basically protect this building since it seems like the safest place in town." The matriarch looked at the rest of his followers and started to motion for them to surround me when I pulled my rifle up off the ground and shot the closest one in the leg in one quick motion.

I smiled darkly and said "There are only twenty of you, two of which have seriously injured limbs with bullets lodged in them. I have three shots left in my clip, and another five clips on my hip, each containing five rounds. If anyone else comes after me I'll shoot them in the face. So agree to my terms, or leave after telling me where the zoo is."

The matriarch motioned for hir men to gather around then started talking with them. I watched them for a while as I studied my rifle to make sure it was in good shape then yawned and closed my eyes relaxing. I opened them as I heard the bunker door click open then said softly "Regina, go back in and lock the door. I'll deal with these guys, just don't open the door unless I give you a signal. I'll change it every time I go out, just in case I'm being followed after all this." I heard the door clink shut and lock then turned back to the hyenas who were watching me. I smiled at them and said "Sorry, a friend of mine is in the bunker and has all my extra supplies. If you want any of them you'll have to find a way to break the door down because I told her not to let me in unless I used the code we rehearsed."

I was only partially lying so I hoped the hyenas couldn't detect it. The matriarch studied me then said softly "Yeah, I'll take your offer up, but if you lose you become our bitch and we get to do whatever we want to you and anyone who follows you." I thought about it then slowly nodded and set my rifle back on my gear after arming the safety and popping the clip out. My friends on the ship always asked me why I was such a sharp shooter, and timed myself on reloading again. I always answered that I just had the feeling I'd need it some day, I had the feeling today was going to be that day.

The matriarch slowly approached me and the rest of the hyenas formed a loose circle around us. I smiled darkly and said softly "So It's just you and me. That makes life so much easier." Shi rushed at me as I spoke and I kicked him in the face muttering "Ok obviously no time for talk, all action. That works too." I felt hir teeth bite into my sneaker and did a round house kick with my other leg. Shi let go of my sneaker as she fell and I landed on my legs bouncing on the balls of my feet. Shi got to her feet and lashed out. I instinctively pulled my arm up to block my face and felt hir claws tear through the flesh and scratch bone. I winced and mumbled "Yay, so hyena claws can cut into bone. I'm glad I drank lots of milk when I was younger."

The matriarch let out a maniacal laugh and said "Well it appears your fur is going to come in nicely." as a coat of brown and block spotted fur grew over my arm. I stared at it then slammed my forehead into the hyena's knocking it back to the ground. I rubbed my arm silently wondering how to reverse the mutation when the hyena bit down on my leg breaking the bone with a resounding crack. I screamed out in pain as I dealt a blow to hir head with another kick. Shi let go and laughed as I fell to the ground then went for a bite at my throat.

I shoved my already injured arm into her mouth instead and shi bit down breaking through the bone and causing it to go limp. I screamed in pain and started punching her with my other hand, even as my leg and the rest of my arm were coated in black and brown spotted fur. I grimaced and twisted my now useless arm so my wrist was aimed at hir throat then pushed forward my now clawed hand stabbing into the flesh. I glared into her eyes and said loudly enough for the others to hear "Submit or die, bitch. I swear I'll kill you if you don't quit right now. I may be in immense pain, but that won't stop me from shoving the claws you gave me, into your throat."

Shi stared at me a few minutes then nodded slowly and said "I submit, because I can see by the look in your eyes that you are a willing to kill me without a second thought." I nodded slowly and let my arm drop to my side then yelped as it hit the ground. I glanced at the infection and shi followed my eyes. Shi slowly licked my arm and I sighed in relaxation as the saliva slowly numbed the pain. I slowly pushed hir off of me then glanced down at hir body. I blinked as hir shaft started to shrink and her labia seemed to swell. I glanced up to see hir breasts start to swell and her figure become slightly more effeminate. I raised an eyebrow and shi said "This happens to most who lose to another male, it seems like the infection causes us to be more to our partners appeal."

I looked at the former matriarch and said "Will your people submit to our deal?" Shie blinked and tried to understand me for a few minutes then nodded as it passed into her mind. I raised an eyebrow and asked "Well will they follow our agreement, or do I have to beat sense into them too?" I slowly sat up and glanced at my leg silently wishing I had some kind of medical supplies to help me out as I waited for hir answer."

Shi stared at me and said softly "We are now your people. You see, you bested me, thus making you the leader of our group." I blinked slightly stunned then slowly climbed to my feet and glanced around at the hyenas. They all looked away, although one or two looked me in the eyes with a measure of respect. I nodded to them then glanced at my arm and the former matriarch said "We have some medical equipment that can help heal you. If you trust one of us to administer it." I snorted and motioned for hir to go ahead. Shi reached into a satchel around hir waist and took a needle out then jammed it into my arm. I started to ask what it was for then relaxed as it's contents slowly flowed through my veins healing me.

I glanced at hir and said "I need to get more of those." as I slowly stretched out my now healed leg and checked on my mostly healed arm. It appeared that medical science, at least in this town, must have advanced far beyond what we had on the ship. I snorted and mumbled "Amazing how much the world has changed since just before the apocalypse." I slowly glanced around then said "You know our deal, so guard this place with your lives. Anyone makes any unwanted advances on the lady and I'll personally slit their throat with my combat knife." The crew slowly nodded and started to guard the building.

I walked inside and knocked on the door in an intricate pattern then Regina slowly opened it. I smiled at her and said "We now have people guarding the building. They won't make any unwanted advances on you so no worries."

She nodded and I said "I'll be back, I'm going to have one of them lead me to the zoo, but first I'll take a trip to the nearby supermarket. You're map should be a big help." She smiled and walked back inside then I headed out. I saluted the hyenas as I passed and they saluted back then I tried to focus on my infection and get it under control before anything big happened. I sighed and mumbled "It's bad enough I have a hyena's fur on my arm and leg, what's next, am I going to grow a god damn pussy?" One of the hyena's chuckled at my comment but I let it slide as I started following the map down the road toward the nearest supermarket.

I slowly followed the map down main street then it showed taking a turn onto Southern Avenue, and sadly that's where I got lost. Main street was the only street with a marker on it, and half of the other streets were blocked off by debris from the rampaging hoard. I sighed and shoved the map in my pocket deciding I'd make alterations to it as I went. I suddenly heard the sound of someone, or something, approaching and slipped down a side passage waiting to see who or what was going to pass. After a few minutes a group of alligator anthros walked past carrying several civilians tied to large poles. I watched them go and mumbled "It appears that humans are actually hunted for everything from sport, to food if what I just saw is anything to judge by."

I slipped further down the alley deciding it my be safer and found myself face to face with a large dragon who smiled darkly. I sighed and pointed my gun at his muzzle then pulled the trigger without a thought. Sadly, I forgot my mythology for that second and just ended up pissing him off. He growled at me and I shot the next two into his chest, however they just bounced off his armored plated hide barely injuring it. I cursed softly as his muzzle split into a grin. I realized that if I didn't do something quick I'd be dead, and quickly reloaded then shot him five more times in the spot I'd already scratched. I blinked as I saw a slight crack appear with the fourth of my five shots. I jumped back as he lashed out at me, realizing that I was actually going to be able to hurt him with how accurate my shots were.

I smiled seeing the rage as I reloaded watching him carefully. I let my muscle memory guide my fingers then took aim and shot the crack, and ended up lodging the round in it. I fired again and the second bullet sent the first through his chest. I smiled as he fell then walked up to him and said softly "If you survive that and want to fight again, I'll be waiting for you." I strapped my rifle to my back again and walked over him out the other side of the alley. I stopped at the mouth of the alley and watched as what appeared to be a bunch of rubber animals walked down the street carrying an anthro fox between them. I blinked and mumbled "Maybe I should find out what groups own which section of the city."

After the rubber battalion left I slipped out of the alley and started along the road. I knew I wouldn't really be able to find the zoo without some kind of street signs to direct me, but I figured if I wandered enough my sense of direction would guide me where I needed to go. I pulled out the map and studied it then mumbled "The zoo is north east of the library, then after you pass through the zoo to the north you get to the lab which is west of the museum. If I go south of the museum I end up at the mall, and if you go west of the lab you end up at the power station. So it kinda looks like the library is isolated off away from everything. Yet if you look closely to the west is the beach, to the south is a road leading away from town, to the east is an open wasteland meaning this place is close to either a bomb falling or some other disaster."

I sighed and put the map away then followed the street I was on, constantly glancing at the sun to check my position. I silently cursed as I realized that it was a cloudy day and thus I couldn't be exactly sure. I sighed and continued onward thinking that my luck didn't currently amount to shit on the positive scale. I stopped at the street corner and slowly looked around wondering who or what was going to come after me next. My answer came in the form of a ram running down the roadway in front of me. I watched him go then shrugged and followed him slowly. I noticed other infected watching me as I passed, but none tried to intercept me. I wondered why, until I was suddenly sent flying by another ram. I winced as I slammed into a building and heard my ribs creak, before falling down onto my back and having the air knocked out of my lungs again.

I slowly climbed to my feet and saw the ram staring at me with hate in his eyes. I pulled my rifle out and shot him between the eyes then walked over and kicked him. I blinked, as he slowly got to his feet shaking his head, and mumbled "Well this isn't good, it appears the infection hasn't just given the dragons nigh invulnerable body parts. I guess that means I'll have to aim at the body parts I know aren't very well protected." I walked over, shooting two more shots to knock him back to the ground as I approached, then put the rifle to his eye and said softly "See you in hell." Before pulling the trigger and sending his brains flying out the back of his head. I slowly stepped away as the adrenaline, and my anger at him slamming me into the building, slipped away then stared down at his corpse. Suddenly something moved out of the sewer and grabbed onto it and dragged it into the sewer.

I stared after it then turned and started running. The only thoughts passing through my mind was "Oh shit, oh shit. There are more of them, must be a lot more than the two of us thought there were." I kept running until I found myself at the local super market. I went back over the route I'd taken to get there, then slowly walked up and knocked on the door. It opened a small amount allowing a girl with cat ears and a cat tail to stick her head out and study me. I bowed to her and said simply "I'm looking for some food, water, and more importantly health items." She closed the door and started talking with the others inside.

I waited leaning on the wall and got ready for anything they could possibly ask me to do. Suddenly the girl walked out and said simply "In exchange for your rifle we'll give you everything you asked for." I thought about it then shrugged and handed her my rifle as well as the ammo after filling my bag with what I'd asked her for. I glanced up at the sky as a loud boom echoed. I blinked and mumbled "Oh great, here comes the fucking rain." I continued staring for a few minutes as I saw shapes moving around in the sky then said softly "What the hell are those things?"

The girl followed my gaze and said softly "You may want to go into a building before the rain comes down. A few of those who changed said it happened during the last rain storm. If you can't get under cover I'd pull something on to cover your body." I nodded in thanks then started running down the road trying to find a good place to hide before the rain stopped, and silently cursed the fact I'd left ninety percent of my stuff in the bunker. I slipped into an abandoned apartment building as a bolt of lightning crashed down in the middle of the street and a few infected ran past. I slowly slipped further into the building as I pulled out my combat knife and started wondering what it was about the girl that made me give up my gun.

I glanced around trying to find something more effective than my knife for a few minutes, then sighed and backed into a corner ready for anything. Suddenly a guy wearing a zookeeper uniform ran in and up the stairs. I glanced after him for a few seconds then the sound of something slamming into the doorway made me glance there instead. Standing in the now destroyed doorway could only be what everyone on the sites I'd hung out on when I was younger called a taur. In this case a wolftaur, which is an anthromorphic wolf with the upper body of a normal anthro, and the lower body of a feral wolf.

I held my breath as he slowly walked in and started sniffing the air. He shook his head a few times and said aloud "I smell the bitch I was chasing, as well as a hyena. So then, how about this, I get my bitch and we leave as soon as the storm passes." I held my breath as he started looking around the room for me. I readied my knife carefully as his eyes locked onto mine and he smiled darkly. I glared at him and he said "Well it appears the hyena I was smelling was just a bitch to be. You haven't even completely changed, so they must not have broken you in yet." I growled at him my hand clenching my knife and took a step forward instinctively. He smiled then let out a deep barking laugh and said "So the little bitch to be thinks it can take me on?" I growled deeper getting ready to rush at him when he rushed forward and slammed me into the wall raking his claws across my chest.

I blinked as the flesh quickly healed then started pushing out. I growled in denial and it sank back as I slammed my knife forward into the damn taur's shoulder. He stared at the knife then at me and started to laugh. I smiled darkly then winced as the weight on my chest started to return. I glanced at it and growled darkly deciding there was an easier way to prove I was in charge. I grabbed onto his claw as it swung forward again then used it and the wall to flip over him and land on his back. I ripped my knife out of his shoulder and held it to his throat as he bucked and jumped trying to throw me off. I growled and dug one hand into his fur to hold myself on as I moved the knife ever closer to his throat. He glared at me trying to reach around and pull me off.

I turned and jabbed the knife into one of his paws as it got close, then put it back to his throat and bit down on his ear. He yelped loudly and started shaking his head. I smirked around my bite and growled as my teeth got sharper and tore deeper into the muscle tissue of his ear. I let go and put the knife back ot his throat then said softly "Who's a bitch?"

He whimpered then reached up and felt his ear before saying "I guess you aren't."

I smirked slightly and slammed the knife down into his other shoulder causing him to yelp and said "You guess, or you know?"

He whimpered and said softly "I know you aren't. Now will you let me go?"

I snorted and said "Would you have let me go had our positions been reversed." To accentuate my point I rubbed my chest against his back as it slowly shrank back to how it was before I'd been scratched, only slightly more scarred. I rubbed my chest to make sure it was still normal, then nearly fell off the damn wolftaur's back as my strength left me along with the adrenaline. I gripped his shoulders to keep from toppling and giving him a clue about how I felt and silently wondered where the strength to abuse him like I had, had come from. He glanced back to see why I was holding his shoulders then yelped as I twisted his fur painfully. I growled in his ear and said "Drop down to the floor with your ass in the air before I rip your throat out with my bare hands." He quickly did as I said, dropping down and laying his upper body on the floor with his ass in the air. I climbed off his back and walked up behind him then moved his tail to the side.

He whimpered softly and tried to cover his pucker with his tail until I twisted it in warning. He yelped then closed his eyes and waited for whatever I was going to do to him. I spat on his tail hole and ran a finger across it then said into his ear "Sucks for you that I was bi-curious for the longest time until a friend let me try anal on him. Turns out that I can enjoy anal, but I think it's just the act of being in charge that turns me on." I slipped two fingers into his ass causing him to howl out in pain as I slowly moved them around stretching the inside of his ass. His howl turned into a primal scream as I slipped in a third finger and growled in his ear. Suddenly his ass started changing shape under my assault. I slipped my fingers out of his ass and slowly started running them down his legs as they slowly became more feminine under my assault. I snorted and said softly in his ear "Looks like you're becoming the bitch buddy. After I'm done with you I'll go find your intended victim and help him out."

The wolftaur whimpered under me his voice slowly becoming more feminine and I reach under him to feel his shaft which was slowly shrinking into his body. I snorted and said "Hope you enjoy being a bitch, pup, because it's obviously your new role." I slid my hand down along the length of his sheath to his balls which were slowly vanishing and snorted darkly. I squeezed one causing him to yip then suddenly felt them vanish from my hands. I slowly moved my hand up and down where they'd been as well as his sheathe and felt it pushing inward rather than coming outward. I smirked and slipped a finger into HER new virgin slit. She shivered and moaned softly moving her hips down toward my fingers.

I pulled them free and licked them clean then thrust into her growling in her ear from above. She yipped in pleasure, the pain of her hymen breaking just sending her to knew heights. I smirked and bit down on her neck thrusting slow and steady as her blood and cum flowed around my cock. I slowly started to gain speed and power after a few minutes, then after I was sure she could handle my girth I started thrusting into her hard and fast. I blinked as I felt my muscles bulk out a little more due to me dominating the now female wolftaur. She glanced back at me and moaned, but between moans she managed to get out "Oh......please......stop...... please." I growled ignoring her pleas then reached around and stroked her newly forming breasts as I thrust harder and faster.

She whimpered in pleasure then grabbed my hands and guided them to her nipples. I quickly started playing with them then bit down on her neck feeling the fur on my arm and leg lengthen, as well as new fur form on my other arm and leg. I glanced at it and subconsciously fought the desire to change imagining myself as a normal human. Slowly my will power won out over the transformation and the fur vanished from my arms and legs. Sadly however it stayed around my groin, and my shaft started to bulge as a knot formed and I thrust into the female taur even faster. She yipped in pleasure then howled out in orgasm as my knot entered her tight folds. She passed out from the pleasure as I started pumping stream after stream of cum into her. I blinked as her folds squeezed down on me despite her being unconscious and silently cursed the knot trying to pull free.

After about half an hour it finally deflated enough for me to pull out and pull my pants up. I sighed softly wondering what else could possibly happen today, then sat down and started my second journal entry. As soon as I was about to put the pen to paper however the taur slowly climbed to her feet and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and she said softly "I'm yours now. So what will you do with me?" I shrugged and said "For now you'll escort me to the local laboratory, but first I have to find your zookeeper friend." She nodded and sat down as I walked upstairs calling out every few steps. When I reached the top I noticed that there were only about five doors instead of the usual twenty or thirty. I silently wondered what kind of apartment complex this was, then kicked open the first door with my knife at the ready.

I lucked out, because standing inside the doorway was the guy in the zookeeper outfit. He stared at me then said "Oh shit, you're the guy who was in here when I ran in. What happened to the monster that was chasing me?" I smiled showing my now slightly pointed teeth and he said "What the hell happened to you, and who are you?" I thought about how best to explain as my smile slowly died. He leaned on the wall patiently waiting, but never took his eyes off my face as if he was afraid that I'd attack him for looking away. I sighed and closed my eyes then opened them with renewed determination and the decision to tell him the complete truth.

I smiled sadly and said "I beat your monster when he went after me. I think the teeth are a side effect as well as some other things. I used to have hyena fur on my arms and legs, but I think because I didn't want to change I slowly reverted back to a human. Also my name is Jake." He raised an eyebrow as if doubting me about the changes, and I just shrugged in answer. I turned and started to walk away then looked back at him over my shoulder and said "I need a guide through the zoo, if you act as my guide you can either stay with me, or I'll help you find some place safe to stay. Otherwise you're on your own."

He thought about it for a few seconds as I turned to the door across the hall and kicked it open knife at the ready. As I walked into it he ran up and said "Yeah I'll go with you, my name is Damien. I used to work at the Zoo, but when the animals started to change I decided it was time to get out of dodge." I nodded in understanding as I went throughout the room looking for more equipment of any sort. After a few minutes the only thing I found was a chair which I broke in half, then handed two of the legs to him and slipped the other two into the belt loops on my waist. He stared at me confused and I just looked at him like he was an idiot. He seemed to think for a few seconds then said "Oh fuck, you expect me to fight."

I snorted and said "No I expect you to defend yourself as best you can. Me and your "monster" will do all the fighting." He slowly nodded and thought that next time he said something he'd be a bit more careful in his words. I smiled seeing the thoughtful look in his eyes and continued on to the rest of the rooms. As I checked the last room I found a small puppy lying in the corner whimpering and looking hungry. I'm a sucker for dogs so I dug in my bag then pulled out a steak and tossed it halfway to the little fella.

He slowly walked up to the meat and ate it then looked at me as if hoping I had more. I smiled slightly and tossed him a pack of lunch meat which he quickly tried tearing into. I watched him with a slight smile then blinked as something flew to the window and perched there watching us. It looked a lot like a gryphon from mythology, but it was standing on two legs and had hands, hands that ended in claws but still hands.

I watched it and slowly readied my knife for a throw as it walked into the room and let out a piercing screech. It started looking back and forth between Damien and I, so I turned to Damien and said "Shut the door and don't open it until you hear me knock three times and answer a few questions about the creature that was chasing you." He nodded and pulled the door shut trapping me and the puppy with the gryphon. The puppy was completely oblivious to what was about to happen as it continued fighting with the packet of lunch meat. I smiled at the puppy then glanced at the gryphon and said "You're move fuzz-ball." It growled at me as if I'd deeply offended it then jumped into the air and dived at me. I got my knife in the way of it's claws then grabbed it's other hand and slammed it into the wall causing it to shriek in pain. I smiled slightly then blinked as I felt blood running down my hands.

I sighed and ignored the pain as I rushed forward and stabbed the gryphon several times in one of it's breasts. It growled and raked it's claws down my back, but I continued to ignore the pain and slammed my free hand into it's throat. I heard bone crack as the gryphon kept scratching up and down my back then suddenly dug it's claws into my side and stopped spasming. I slowly let the gryphon's body drop to the floor. After a few seconds the puppy ran over and started sniffing me to see if I had any more food. I scratched it's ears and sat down as I slipped a bottle of strange milk off the thing deciding that if worst came to worst I could always drink it.

I walked over to the door and knocked three times then said "Damien it's Jake. Before you ask it was a strange mutated wolf that wanted to make you it's bitch and scratched the shit out of my chest." He slowly opened the door and I walked out with the puppy in tow. I glanced down at it then glanced at Damien and said "It appears that we have a fourth traveling companion, now let's get the hell out of here. We'll have to get our friend from downstairs along the way of course, but that's not a big deal. I bet she'll tell us if the rain stopped."

I could tell by looking at Damien's face that he couldn't figure out why I called the wolftaur a her until we walked downstairs and she walked over to us. I stroked her ears as I walked past and she glanced at Damien then snorted and fell into line behind me. I glanced at her and said "I want you to guard the back of the group. Damien and our new little friend will be in the middle and I'll lead." The wolftaur nodded slowly and the four of us started out with Damien giving me directions to the zoo and the wolftaur making the occasional comment as the pup jumped around our feet and sniffed everything. I took in everything as we walked and marked our route on the map mumbling under my breath about how much of a pain in the ass it was. Suddenly the four of us were surrounded by a pack of anthro canines. I sighed and readied my knife while Damien prepared fore the worst with his chair leg.

The wolftaur glanced at me for what to do and I said softly under my breath "Don't do anything yet. I'll try to reason us out of there." The leader of the group, who was a tall anthromorphic border collie walked up to me and glared in my face. I smiled at him and said "G'day, we're just on our way to the zoo mate. You wouldn't happen to know how to get there, would ya?" He looked at me slightly taken aback and I said "If not, then you mind letting us pass without a problem? I really don't want to end up killing you or any of your pack mate, even if you are being a bunch of bloody buggers."

He studied me for a bit then said "You smell like the birds, a wolf, hyenas, and so much more. Who or what the hell are you?" I smiled slightly and thought about saying I was the king of the world then thought better of it. The collie studied us for a bit then said "I guess we can let you go as long as you know that this area belongs to the cold fang pack." I nodded slowly and motioned for the others to go ahead. They followed my instructions without a word of protest although the pup seemed reluctant to leave until the wolftaur picked him up by his scruff. I watched them go then turned to the collie and nodded my thanks. He slowly nodded in return then nodded for his men to follow him and loped off the direction we came from.

I silently marked down the territory of the Cold Fang Pack and continued onward. I caught up to the others at the edge of the zoo where a coyote blocked their path. I blinked and walked up slowly wondering what he planned. He smiled and said "Good evening, I was wondering who lead these for." I shrugged as if to say it was no big deal and he smiled more then said "You see, you're friends are trying to go into my zoo, and that's just not possible." I raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to continue and preferably explain what me meant. He smiled and said "Well you see, I now own this zoo and I want something for anyone who goes in. preferably food and water, but a weapon will do. So, are you willing to pay or is it going to come down to me getting my friend Bruce to ram you out of here."

I sighed and tossed him a water bottle then said softly "Now get out of my way before I disable your vocal chords." He smiled and stepped to the side then I motioned for the others to go ahead. They slowly entered and I said "So trickster, what news have you heard, and what's your name?" He just smiled more and stuffed the water bottle into his pocket then held out a hand. I place a pack of crackers in it and motioned for him to tell me. He smiled a bit more and seemed to think if his information was worth more, then stopped smiling when he found my knife under his chin.

He swallowed slowly and motioned for me to back up then rubbed his chin and said "As for the first, not much news since the war other than that the area has split into five sectors controlled by different groups. In the south you have the cold fang pack, and the drake battalion. They used to be a human army unit, but when they shifted they swore to find a way to become human again, or at least join up with a human unit and protect it. They own the deep south, they're also protecting a group of refugees hiding in a warehouse by the beach. To the north you have the doc and his people trying to reverse the infection, the lion brothers who own the northern half of the zoo, and of course the weird bunker that appeared out of nowhere just north of the mall. All sorts of beasts crawl out of there. My name is Dante by the way." I nodded and raced after the others.

I quickly caught up to them as they were waiting for me at the gift shop. I explained about it to Damien and the others then Damien said "That must be Leo and Larry. They were the guys who basically ran the big cat exhibit and I saw some lions trying to maul them as I was being chased by our big friend here." He glanced at her and said "What's you name girly?" She glanced at me as if asking permission to speak then the dog started hopping around barking. I blinked and pulled out my knife. Damien saw my reaction and said "Trouble?" I pointed at the pup who had stopped hopping around and was now watching the entrance of the shop. Damien followed my pointing digit and said "Oh shit."

I nodded and said "I swear before this is all over I'm going to the damn museum and getting myself a sword." The wolftaur snickered and Damien smiled slightly then the pup suddenly started hopping around again. I smiled at him and said " You know what little one, due to your energy and the fact your a husky, I'm going to name you Balto. You like that?" He nodded and licked my face a few times then sat at my feet growling at everyone until I told him it was alright. I glanced at the wofltaur and said softly "So what's your name girly?"

She blinked and said softly "Tanya fits my lord, since it was my name before one of the beasts turned me into a male of what I am now. In a way I thank you for turning me back into a female, however how did you best me?" I shrugged and rubbed my chest thinking back to what had nearly happened to me and wondering the same thing. She glanced at Damien then bowed her head and said "My apologies, the change completely corrupted my mind. However when I was bested I felt as if a strange fog had been lifted. You see I was just a visitor to the zoo when I changed, one of the beasts similar to what I am now, attacked me and changed me. I think it was also female because she said something about me not doing the way I was."

I snorted and mumbled "Well that explains a bit." Then walked over to the doors of the gift shop and pulled them closed with a bang. The others looked at me questioningly as I started piling things in front of the door. I ignored there stares and said "Damien if you can please open the back office, I think we'll be safer in there." He nodded and did as I asked as I picked up a baseball bat and handed it to Tanya then whistled for Balto to follow me and walked into the back room. Tanya and Balto followed at my whistle. Damien looked at me confused and I said softly "We'll be holing up in here. I'll take first watch. You get second, and Tanya takes third. She'll wake me up for the last shift, then I'll wake you guys up when we head out." Damien nodded slowly and I glanced at Tanya who nodded then laid down and fell asleep instantly. Balto curled up at my feet as I sat down in the only chair, and Damien fell asleep laying a few feet from Tanya behind the desk.

I pulled out my journal and started my second entry as I'd originally intended to do in the building before I'd been found by Tanya and Damien. The entry said this _"Day 2, January 22nd 2011, I have started out on my way to find the scientist. At the start of my journey I saw a look into the city's new political structure. It appears that the politics primarily are a challenge system. The alpha, matriarch, or leader, depending on the group and what they prefer to call it, is in charge because they are the strongest.

I challenged the matriarch of a pack of hyenas and won the challenge thus putting me in charge of them. I then continued on my journey and found the local super market. It seems to be inhabited by a group of anthros, hybrids, and humans who are afraid to walk into the wilderness that was once a city. I now have three traveling companions, the wolftaur Tanya who I mated with, Damien the zookeeper, and Balto who seems to be my little guardian husky. I ran into a group called the Cold Claw Pack who seem to own most of the southern city, but I have a feeling the person who gave me that information is hiding a lot. I'll have to question him when I have more time._

We are currently staying in the zoo gift shops main office. It seems almost as if the zoo was untouched, however that's just my findings based on what little of it I've seen. I guess I'll know more tomorrow. With that said I guess I can end this entry on a different note and put down a few of the creatures I've seen so far. There was a group of rubber animals that seemed to be carrying off other anthros yet the coyote who gave me information didn't mention them. Then there are the gryphons who to a point scare me.

Rams seem to own most of the roads around main street, and I have found myself facing multiple mythical creatures including one dragon, who I was foolish enough to challenge. I wonder what's happening to me, and why I feel as if to bow my head to anyone would kill me. I'll have to find out what the hell's happening to me from the scientist tomorrow, for tomorrow I finish my journey to Antharia's labs. End Journal Entry 2 Signed Jake Wolf, formerly known as Jake Fedor and rear admiral of the United States Navy."

To Be Continued.................................................................................

Authors note: Question time! First and Foremost, how does the changes take effect? I'll give you a hint it has to do with the body of both the infected and their target. Also anyone who can give me three times it will appear gets a cookie. Second, Who are Jake's current traveling companions and who was the tricky coyote at the zoo? Third, what's the name of two groups that seem to have taken over Antharia. If you can give me all three that were mentioned in the story first off.... I'll think of something. Fourth was Tanya originally Male or Female? Fifth Why didn't Jake change from the Gryphon's claws yet he did change from Tanya's? Anyone who can guess that one will be given a special award, which I'll eventually come up with, and an honorable mention at the beginning of the next chapter. Sixth, If you want to join the crew I'm still looking for a scientist who's trying to stop the infection, a doctor who is meant to be evil, and key characters for key areas.

Guess that's everything so I'll see you guys next upload.


Jake Shadow, Wolf, you're honored author.

P.S. Thanks goes to my friend Lex and Wolfbane 13 who have characters appearing next chapter. So THANKS LEX AND WOLFBANE13.

P.S.S. If you want a character added make sure to send me a pm with the characters details, and if you want to answer the questions send me a pm and post up a comment on them. Thanks.