Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 02

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#48 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Wounded - Chapter Two

Raven Wolf - The Wounded - Chapter Two

A grey wolf of wild decent sleeps soundly in her bed, for the last week Dolly Conner had been given time off work due to an injury she had received to the head, although resentful of the idea of being forced to take time off work for a little bump in the noggin she soon changed her mind when she realized how nice it was to be able to sleep in the whole time she was off, this not something she often got to do.

There is a ringing sound as the cell phone she had placed on a table by her bedside begins to go off, Dolly grumbling to herself as she reaches toward it to answer, a little upset that she was not being allowed to sleep in as she had so comfortably been doing for an entire week now. "Dolly Conner speaking."

She listens to the voice on the other end, it belonging to one of desk job military soldiers at work, she explaining to Dolly that she needed to come in for an important briefing.

Dolly sits up in her bed stretching out her tired body before looking to a clock on her dresser and checking the time, it being very only around eight thirty in the morning. "Yes of course, I'll be there as soon as I can." She gets up out of bed preparing to get ready to leave while still talking to the person that had contacted her. "Just out of curiosity, General Mort didn't happen to tell you what this meeting is about did he?"

She pauses listening to the voice on the other end, the woman having absolutely no idea, having not been given any information on it at all. Dolly not surprised as this lack of knowledge, as information between their group was very tight due to that hacker the military was having so much trouble with, not to mention the leaks that were giving information to an outside source. "No it's fine if you don't know, I'm sure I'll find out once I get there."

She hangs up the phone placing it down on her dresser before making her way over to the bathroom, letting out a sleepy yawn as she walks over to the shower turning it on, nothing better at waking her up than a nice shower.

A surprise yell startles Dolly, she looking back to the shower she had started to see Shiya quickly trying to scramble out of it, Dolly sighing as she walks over to the shower turning the water off, having forgotten that he might be there. "Honestly Snow, why do you sleep there every night?"

Shiya sits on the bathroom floor, his thick fur already drenched with water. "Yeah, EVERY night, you would think that me, being there EVERY night might indicate that I may be sleeping there, considering it's something I do EVERY night!"

"I'm sorry alright? I'm not really a morning person, stuff like that just doesn't register right away." She motions for Shiya to get out, she needing to use the bathroom now. "Now get out of here for a bit, I need to take a shower before I go to work."

Shiya grumbles to himself as he bounds out of the bathroom on his hands and feet like a dog, it being much easier for him to move around this way when his leg was broken like it was. Shiya looking back to the door as it is shut behind him. "And for the record, I sleep in the bathtub because there are no windows in that room, the last thing I need is to be spotted when I'm sleeping and unable to defend myself." He begins to try and shake the water off of his fur. "That and it's surprisingly comfortable for a bathtub."

Shiya sighs to himself as he makes his way through the house, making sure that the curtains on the windows were closed before entering any room, he extremely cautious about not being seen, the military not only after him but every other domestic as well, his description having been announced on the news along with a reward.

Being cooped up in Dolly's house was not what Shiya had at all expected to happen, initially after being thrown into the middle of the city he had decided to turn himself in so that Tahki could escape and then latter, once she was healed, try and break him out of the military facility. Much to Shiya's surprise though, Dolly, the soldier that had been pursuing him and Tahki, did not take him to the military as he thought she would, and instead took him to her home.

Although not at all what Shiya had expected it was still welcome compared to being captured by the military, and even though Dolly had fit him with a bracelet that would shock him with a jolt of electricity should he try and escape, she was actually a very nice for a captor, providing him with food and helping him out should he require assistance due to his broken leg.

The reason that Dolly had chosen to keep Shiya here and not hand him over to the military was because Dolly wanted answers from him. After constantly facing her own twin brother as an enemy and losing her partner Zack Magellan, Dolly had reached a point where she was unsure of if the path she was walking with the military was the right thing to do or not, she hoping that the answers Shiya gave her would help to clear this confusion up. Shiya though, not saying anything to her, he intent on keeping the secrets he knew to himself.

Shiya takes a moment to look down at his leg, though still damaged it was healing rather quickly for what it was, he probably only going to need the splint for another week.

A call of a raven catches Shiya's attention, Shiya looking out toward the balcony window and spotting the bird that had made the call outside of it, he crawling over to the window, keeping behind the blinds as he unlocks and opens it just enough for the bird to enter, the raven flying inside and perching itself on Dolly's television, a note clasped tightly in its talons, this black bird a spirit messenger that Achak used to send messages through.

Shiya takes the note from the bird, opening it to read it over, the note for the most part a list of names. A frown fills Shiya's face as he puts the note down on the coffee table in front of the television and begins searching through the room for something he could use to write a letter back with, he digging through things as he searched not able to easily find what he was looking for.

Dolly enters the room while changing into her military uniform, she just putting her jacket on, a confused look filling her face as she watches Shiya search. "What are you doing?"

Shiya continues searching. "Pen and paper."

"I should have those in the top drawer of my computer desk." Dolly looks from him and to the raven that was right now perched on her TV set, a confused look on her face she not entirely sure what an animal like that was doing in her house, her eyes moving from the bird and toward the note that Shiya had put down, she walking over to it and picking it up, it not making much sense to her. "What's all this about?"

Shiya comes back with the articles he had been searching for, he explaining to her the note. "It's a message for Achak, my tribe's shaman. He's written it in his own code so that it can't easily be deciphered if the military found it. It's actually very confusing to me too, it's the same code his father used but Achak... Achak just doesn't pull it off quiet as well..."

Dolly seems impressed. "You have a way of communicating with your tribe?"

"Yes, or more specifically just Achak." Shiya points the pen he is holding toward the Raven that was perched on the television. "Achak's spirit messenger, he brings messages to and from Achak, not anyone else though, just him." He now points to the note that Dolly is holding. "Tahki must have contacted Achak and told him that I was not captured by the military, in the message he sent me he is saying that Iuana is having a difficult time keeping the tribe under control. Many members are angry about what happened at the trials and want to attack the domestics and the military for interrupting and bringing disgrace upon our sacred ritual. Iuana has managed to keep them from acting out so foolishly, but she does not know how much longer she can keep it up."

Dolly sighs that not shocking in the least. "I'm not surprise that they're angry... the suitors trials are one of the most important events that the next in line must endure." She looks back to Shiya. "In my defence, to attack at that moment would cause the least casualties. That's why I agreed to it."

Shiya looks back to her. "I understand that you were acting on your best intentions while at the same time trying to follow your orders, you've no need to explain yourself."

Dolly looks back to the note. "What's the rest of it say? It looks like some sort of a list."

Shiya begins writing a note to send back to Achak. "It is a list of names of the tribe members that went missing during the trials." He stops writing for a moment as he looks back to Dolly. "You're brother Teddy is on that list."

Dolly's grip upon the small paper tightens upon hearing this news, it seeming as if she would never get a break from worrying about her twin brother. "Teddy is missing...?"

Shiya nods his head. "It wasn't the military that took him or the other warriors either, the only ones you and your companions managed to capture were me and Tahki. That means that the True Bloods that also attacked Iuana's trails were the ones that took him."

"The True Bloods... so the same people that took Zack took Teddy." Of the things she had questioned Shiya about the only thing he had talked about so far were the being known as True Bloods, the decedents of humans that did not evolve into more animistic forms like the domestic and wilds did to survive.

Shiya explained that human dominance as had been done in the past was not so easy for them to achieve now. The world was different from what it used to be, and was no longer accommodating to them, even the very air they breathed was full of sickness and diseases that their bodies could not defend against, and because of that they had no choice but to live a very sheltered and hidden existence, while at the same time searching for and developing power and strength that would one day allow them to play the superior roll that humans had once carried.

Shiya had also told her that he was unsure why the True Bloods had attacked Iuana's trails, but that one of the super soldiers had told them it was because they were collecting wilds for an experiment of some sort, an experiment that required wilds of warrior decent. Shiya opting to believe what the super solider was saying, as the super soldiers were rather close to the issue, having been created by the True Bloods themselves.

"So the True Bloods mean to use my brother in some kind of experiment...?"

Shiya stops writing as he looks back to Dolly. "The True Bloods are intellectually superior to the domestics, the technology the domestics are capable of are thousands of years behind what the True Bloods can do, it is their greatest strength. That strength can only further be developed through testing, building and experimenting."

"But what would they possibly need him for? What kind of experiment needs wilds of warrior decent?"

Shiya shakes his head, he really not knowing anything about that. "I don't know... but believe me if there was a way for me to help him I would. At the moment though there's nothing that can be done, I have no information on where the True Bloods are and I'm trapped in this city. Until those circumstances change there is very little that I can do about the situation."

He looks back to Dolly. "Do not forget though, your brother is strong in both body, mind and spirit, even if he is right now a prisoner he won't let himself die so easily. The same goes for your Super Solider partner, he's not about to let himself die before getting out of there. They'll both hold out until help is able to reach them."

Dolly nods her head. "Until help arrives..." She closes her eyes, Shiya the first one to talk about rescuing Zack from the True Bloods that had managed to capture him, everyone in the military had already given up on Zack before even thinking of trying, even the Super Soldiers like him were calling it a lost cause, and even General Mort, who treasured Zack like a son was unwilling to do anything to get him back, the idea that nothing could be done about it having already settled on all their minds.

Dolly puts the paper she had been holding down. "I have to attending an important briefing, I should be back soon." She stops before leaving, kneeling next to Shiya and grabbing onto his right arm, taking a bracelet he was wearing on his right and placing it on his left, she then getting back to her feet and preparing to leave. "Sorry, you were wearing that on the wrong side, it was driving me crazy."

Shiya shakes his head as he looks to the bracelet. "If it's not my late wife constantly correcting my mistakes it's Iuana, and now that Iuana's not here my kidnapper takes it upon herself to correct me! I'm never going to escape this no matter where I go!"

Dolly frowns at the comment. "Hey I'm not a kidnapper alright, if you want a kidnapper you should look no further than your daughter, she actually kidnaps people! Three to be exact! My brother, Yula and Professor Cadrey! What I'm doing is different."

The white wolf lets out a smirk before beginning to explain his situation. "Catching me at gun point and then bringing me to your house where you force me to remain with the help of bracelet that will send shockwaves of electricity through my body if I try to escape. How is that not kidnapping?"

Dolly argues back with him, this situation not exactly ideal for her either. "Hey I'm keeping you safe and hidden from the military! I'd be in a worse situation than you if they were to find out you know! So stop calling me a kidnapper!" She points down to what Shiya is writing. "And don't be telling them your location either, the last thing I need is for the military to find that bird and find out all about this."

Shiya waves the comment off, it being nothing that Dolly had to worry about. "Don't worry I'm not giving them my location, I would hate to cause you any danger, nor do I want my warriors coming here to try and get me back, with the military as it is it will not end pleasantly for them."

Dolly is about to head out of her apartment but stops, she looking back to Shiya once more before leaving. "Hey... Snow... if you wouldn't mind, in that letter you're writing, do you think you could apologize to Iuana for me...? The suitor's trials are supposed to be one of the most important events in her life, and me and my team went and ruined it on her... I feel awful about it."

Dolly leaves the apartment closing and locking the door behind her, Shiya looking away from where Dolly had once been and getting back to writing his letter.


A pretty wild wolf with fur the same white colour as Shiya's sits before a counsel of much older tribe members, these the elders of the Raven Wolf tribe, they all speaking to their new leader in very harsh and condescending tones, none of them happy with the way she was handling the situation.

The loudest of the elders was an old wolf named Chogan, he the one chosen of them to always speak directly to the leader of the tribe, he not one to hold back on his accusations or when speaking his mind. "Why are you still forcing us to hesitate Iuana? The domestics attacked and desecrated your trials, and even took your father from us! And you still will not give your warriors the order to attack them!?"

Iuana stares down at the ground, she not able to face Chogan when he was yelling at her in this manner. She not able to comprehend how her father could have possibly put up with them treating him like this. "I... I just... I can't... it's not what my father would want... he wished for peace with the domestics, we will never accomplish that if we attack them like that."

Chogan raises his voice, treating Iuana as if she had not heard her. "They captured your father! How could you be so dense as to let that pass?"

Iuana shakes her head, her eye still on the ground. "It's not what my father would want."

"Well your people wish for you to stop being so ignorant to what has happened!"

A younger wolf with a red dappled coat cringes at the words that Chogan is right now yelling at Iuana, the young warrior known by the name of Kitchi, he not only a powerful warrior, but a close friend of Iuana too. "Poor Iuana..."

Another wolf with fur as black as night also watches the conversation with a solemn look on his face, he Iuana's younger brother and the oracle of the tribe with the gift to see visions in his sleep, he known by the name of Yula. "She looks like she's going to start crying..." He looks back to Kitchi this not right. "I've never seen her so hopeless looking..."

Kitchi nods his head, there being a pretty obvious reason for that. "Iuana would be able to stand up to him much better if she were no so worried about her father and Teddy."

Yula looks back out to his sister. "Yeah well she's practically getting torn apart in there..."

Kitchi sighs, it really not surprising. "If only there were a way for her to get her confidence back... she would be able to handle Chogan better than her father normally, I'm sure of it."

Iuana gets to her feet heading out of the hut, she wanting her conversation with the elders to come to an end, the elders of course not liking this, Chogan following her and voicing just what he thought about her walking out on a conversation like this. "You can't just leave when I'm talking to you! You think that you are worthy to be a leader if you do things like this?"

Iuana walks past Kitchi and Yula as she begins making her way through the village.

Kitchi looks back to Yula nervously. "I don't know if I should ask her if she's all right or not... she might get mad at me for asking her about the obvious."

Yula follows after Iuana speaking up to get her attention, he trying to ignore Chogan while speaking to her. "Iuana cheer up, everything is going to be alright."

Iuana holds her head, a tired and defeated look on her face. "How would you know? My father and many members of my tribe are missing, including Teddy. I don't know if they're going to be alright, where they are or even if they're still alive."

Yula continues to try and cheer her up. "It's the truth Iuana... I... I..." He looks to the side, knowing better than to abuse his position like this, but wanting more than anything to have his sister back to normal so that she could properly fill the role that her father had left for her."I had a vision about it!" He raises his voice when he says this, catching the attention of tribe members near them, even Chogan stopping his complaining as he stares at Yula.

Iuana comes to a stop as she slowly turns back to him, Yula holding his ears against his head as he slinks back from her, he having not meant to catch so much attention. Yula taking a gulp before continuing, still intent on trying to make Iuana worry less even if he wasn't used to lying to her like this, especially in front of so many people. "I had a vision of the future, Teddy and Shiya came back safe and sound, so there's no need for you to worry or lose sleep over them." He looks back to Chogan now speaking to him as well. "No need for you to start a war either! Not if they're going to come back just fine and all."

Chogan stares at Yula. "A vision of the Chieftain returning?"

Yula nods his head, being sure to stick with what he had said. "Yeah! Of course!"

Kitchi runs up to Yula his mouth open in amazement. "You really saw that!?"

Yula nods his head yes while puffing out his chest to make himself look more confident on the idea. "Yeah. I did."

Kitchi smiles happy to hear this. "Well why didn't you say anything sooner then? This is great news!"

Yula looks over the group of people right now staring at him as he quickly comes up with an excuse. "The last time I interrupted the chieftain's discussion with the elders with one of my visions, the elders got really mad and scary... I was waiting for them to finish, I didn't want to interrupt them again."

A smile crosses Iuana's face, a feeling of great relief now overcoming her. "They're going to be alright then... they're both really going to be alright." She walks up to Yula hugging him tightly, there no better news to hear right now.

The other members of Raven Wolf begin to mumble and whisper to one another, all of them intrigued and excited about the safe return of Shiya, Teddy and their missing warriors.


Dolly enters a room at the military headquarters she worked at to find the rest of her team, including Mort, already waiting for her there. Dolly not surprised to find all of them already here even when she had arrived early, the Super Soldiers after all lived here, what General Mort spent so much time working that he practically lived here as well. "Good morning."

She walks up to a mink who was right now sleeping with his head down on the table placing a canned energy drink next to his head, he waking up at the sound of the can hitting the table and staring at it for a second before looking up toward Dolly with a sleepy smile happy to see her. "Miss. Conner!! It's been a long time!"

Dolly laughs as she takes her seat at the table. "It's only been a week Lockheart, I would hardly call that a long time."

Chase picks up the energy drink frowning as he leans back in his chair. "Only a week? Well it felt like longer than that."

The black cat that sat next to Chase looks up from the laptop he is working on, letting out a sigh when he sees him beginning to drink the energy drink that Dolly had brought for him. "Great... now he's going to be rambling for hours."

Dolly looks over to Mort. "Well, since we're all here, why don't we cut right to the chase, why did you call the emergency briefing?"

Mort looks back over to Dolly. "We're not all here yet, and I'm not the one that called it."

The large tiger looks up from the files he had been reading. "You're not the one that called us here?"

The coyote that went by the name of Alistair Quincy that sat on the farthest side of the table from Dolly raises his voice, he not liking the sound of this. "Hey, I thought I made it pretty clear when I was taken on for this assignment that I wasn't going to take orders from just anyone. I'm not the armies personal lap dog that does whatever they want me to."

Chase lets out a laugh as he follows up to what Alistair had said with dog commands. "Go fetch Quincy! Sit Quincy! Quincy beg!!"

Alistair lets out a groan as he looks over to Chase, it looking as if the sugar was already starting to take effect. "Oh great the energy drink is already kicking in."

"Play dead Quincy!"

Alistair begins yelling over to him. "Stop that right now!"

Mort looks over to Alistair. "Calm down Quincy, the new General doesn't need to see you fighting with your fellow teammate as soon as he walks in."

Alistair frowns at this information. "What do you mean new General? We already have a General to take orders from what do we need another one for?"

Vaan looks up from his computer and over to Alistair. "Didn't you notice the military uniform Mort has on him has changed? He's been demoted to Captain."

Everyone stops what they are doing as they take a moment to stare at the military badge sewn onto the uniform that Mort was wearing, the symbol and stars on it indeed not labelling him as a General, but as a Captain.

Vaan looks over everyone as they stare at Mort in disbelief. "Really... I'm the only one that noticed this?"

Dolly looks back up to Captain Mort. "If you're a Captain that means you're a field soldier again. You'll be working alongside us."

Mort looks over to Dolly. "Yes, I'll be working on the field with you, but I'll still be acting as your superior."

The door to the room opens and a solider wearing the rank of General upon his uniform enters, the wolverine not recognized by Dolly or any of the Super Soldiers, all of them falling silent and not questioning his presence here, as it was clear that this was the person that had replaced Mort as the General.

General Dmitri walks up to the table that they are all seated at, standing in front of them with a deep and serious frown on his face. "I am General Ebon Dmitri, and I have been given the task of getting you out of this mess you right now find yourselves in."

Alistair frowns at the comment. "Yeah... I already don't like him." He turns his chair away, not interesting in anything the newly appointed General had to say.

Dmitri laughs at Alistair's reaction. "You must be Alistair Quincy, the egotistical, stubborn and short tempered brat of the group."

Alistair is about to snap back at him, Mort raising his voice and interrupting Alistair before he is able to respond. "Calm down Quincy, remember you are still a soldier, and as such you will do your job regardless of if you like the people involved with it or not. You've put up with Magellan, Lockheart and Conner so try to do the same with him."

Alistair lets out a disapproving growl, Mort forcefully turning his chair back the way it had been so that he would be facing General Dmitri.

Dmitri continues once all eyes are back on him. "This group has three objectives to fulfill. One, we will find and secure Raven Wolf's painfully hard to catch leader, Two, we will find and secure Super Solider number Forty Nine."

Kane quickly speaks up, that not something that was easily done. "Forty Nine is problematic in the sense that she will become more aggressive and likely to take risks against us if she's cornered. Unless we face her with all our strength with the intent to kill we will not be able to beat her."

Dmitri looks over to Kane. "Kane Swartz right? Listen, I don't care how beat up you guys get, if I say your bringing her in then you're bringing her in. If you have a problem with this than maybe you shouldn't have let you buddy Magellan get caught and taken by the True Bloods!"

Chase speaks up to defend the group. "It's not like we just let them walk away with him! We did everything we could to get Magellan back! Swartz even had to take a risk the mission by letting Raven Wolf's leader free for a moment so that he would attack them!"

Dmitri slams his hand against the table, startling Chase, Dolly, Vaan and Alistair. "You things are labelled as Super Soldiers aren't you!? There should be no excuses for failure, especially failures of this extent!"

Dolly pushes her chair back as she gets to her feet, placing her hands upon the table as she leans forward to argue with her new superior. "Don't speak to my teammates like that!! They're not things! They just as much a person as you or I might be."

Dmitri's eyes move to Dolly. "You must be Dolly Conner." He reaches across the table towards her, grabbing onto her chin and tilting her head upward so that he could get a better look at her face. "Do doubt about it. You look just like your brother Teddy, at least before he so foolishly messed up on that mission and got his eye wounded and face scarred."

Dolly bares her teeth, she appreciating him talking down on her brother as much as she appreciated him talking down on her team mates. "Take your hands off me and keep them to yourself from here on out."

Dmitri removes his claws from Dolly as she requested. "You're just as outspoken and disrespectful to authority as your file says you are. You should be more careful Conner, less you want to be thrown back down to the title of security guard again."

Dmitri looks the figures at table over once more as he gets back to the meeting. "Your third objective is to retrieve subject #1502 from Raven Wolf."

The super soldiers all look to one another in surprise, Vaan questioning what he had heard, he knowing the many projects that the military were doing better than anyone else in that room. "Subject #1502...? The Oracle Project? The one with that wild that is supposed to be able to see the future?"

Dmitri nods his head. "The military still needs him, until now we've been allowing you to focus your efforts on Raven Wolf's leader, not that doing that has given us any of our desired results. So we are reassigning the task to you, maybe you'll at least be able to finish that easy one and finally do something right for a change."

Dmitri looks back to Dolly. "Now that we have our objectives sorted out that brings me back to you. Where is the Raven Wolf leader, Super Solider number Forty Nine and the Raven Wolf village?"

Dolly remains calm, though it was true that she knew where two of those three things were she wasn't about to let anyone here know that. "Why would you think I would know those answers?"

Alistair lets out a laugh as he looks from Dmitri to Dolly. "Just because she's a smelly stupid Wild doesn't mean she knows where the other smelly stupid Wilds are. She's not that useful."

Dmitri keeps his eyes fixed on her. "She's lying about not knowing."

Chase looks over to Dolly. "Dolly wouldn't lie to us, she's part of the team and she trusts us, and even if Alistair and the others don't necessarily like her we trust her too."

Captain Mort speaks up, like Alistair and the others did he too believed that Dolly didn't know a thing. "As I mentioned before, because Miss. Conner is of Wild decent and is closely related to the situation, the homes of her and her family were already searched and there was nothing there, so unless you have a legitimate reason for believing or proof that she might know these things, you have no right to accuse her."

Dmitri chuckles at the responses he had gotten. "What a tightly knit group they've given me to work with." He looks back to the four members of the group known as supper soldiers. "Alright then Super Soldiers, I'm going to give each of you an objective. Fail to meet these objectives and that's it for you, there is no place on the battlefield for useless weapons."

All four of the super soldiers do not look happy with this proposal, Kane being the one to complain about it. "Who do you think you are?"

Dmitri looks over to Kane. "I'm the sensible General that doesn't allow defective weapons to remain on the battlefield, so unless you can prove yourself useful I will have no choice but to label you as defective and have you destroyed."

Dolly and Mort don't look any more pleased than the Super Soldiers with this announcement being give to them, Dolly of course the first to speak out on her displeasure with the threat. "What do you mean destroy them? They're living breathing people! You can't do something like that!"

Dmitri laughs as he turns back to Dolly. "They're nothing more significant than military property Conner, and the military will deal with them in whatever manner they see fit."

He looks back to the four Super Soldiers, looking to each of them one by one as he begins giving them their objectives, his eyes landing upon the black cat first. "Vaan Berights, you're job is to find and secure that computer hacker that is causing us so many problems." He looks to the mink, he being the next to receive instructions. "Chase Lockheart, you've got the highest scores and test results of the group, which theoretically makes you the strongest and most skilled. So finding and retrieving Super Soldier number Forty Nine will be your job." He looks to the coyote getting to him next. "Alistair Quincy, I'm going to give you the task of locating and securing the elusive Raven Wolf leader." He now looks to the tiger who stares back at him with a frown. "And you, Kane Swartz. Seeing as the escape of the targets was due to a miscalculation you made in not thinking ahead and realizing Forty Nine would need a larger dosage of anaesthetic to keep her asleep, I've decided to keep you far away from the missions concerning them and give you the bum job of retrieving subject #1502 from the Raven Wolf tribe."

Kane frowns at the reminder while Dmitri continues. "You each have two weeks to get these jobs done."

Vaan quickly speaks up, though he had so far been the most quiet of the group he could no longer keep silent, as this was something that they couldn't do. "Two weeks!? That's impossible!"

Dmitri looks the group over. "If it's impossible for you to do then how can you four justify your existence?" He further explains the situation, he looking to Chase and Alistair. "Raven Wolf's leader and Super Soldier Forty Nine are hiding somewhere in this city. How hard can it be to catch someone that's already caged in and wounded?"

He looks over to Vaan. "As for you, you have more than enough resources at your disposal to find this little girl that's been causing us so much trouble. If you can't even capture a child then clearly you are of no use to us."

Dmitri turns to Kane. "I admit that you're task will probably be the most difficult, seeing as you have no idea of where the Raven Wolf tribe is hiding, but trust me, you deserve it for the trouble you have cause everyone here and even the trouble you have caused everyone in this city."

He now turns to Dolly. "If you all still have doubts on if this is something that can be done in the time frame I have given you that go ahead and question Miss. Conner, if you pry some answers from her then you'll be sure to find your targets much faster. Oh yes, and for your mission Conner, well you still have one more week of recovery to go through, so your job for now is to recover and hopefully open your trap and give us the information we need, which is something you really should do if you indeed care about your companions."

He lets out a smirk as he steps back from the table and heads out of the room, shutting the door behind him upon leaving.

Alistair looks over to Dolly as he questions her in a bitter tone of voice. "Why is he so certain that you're hiding information from us? Do you really know where everything we're looking for is?"

Dolly looks back to Alistair. "No, I do not know where everything is like he's claiming I do!" Though not entirely true her answer was still the truth, after all of the things they were looking for she only knew where Shiya was and where the Raven Wolf tribe was located, she having no idea where Forty Nine or the infamous computer hacker were.

Mort looks over to Alistair. "Calm down Quincy, this is clearly a ploy to have the four of you try and act out against Conner."

Chase seems confused. "Why would they want us to do that?"

Vaan sighs as he looks up from his computer, he having been trying to figure that out during the meeting. "He doesn't like Miss. Conner because he has issues with her brother Teddy." He turns the laptop he had been working on around, showing them the file the military had on Ebon Dmitry. "It says in his records that he used to work with Mr. Conner when Conner was still in the military. To say that the two of them didn't get along would be to put it mildly, Conner and Dmitry hated one another, so much so that the other soldiers used to label them as eternal enemies."

He points to the picture on the screen. "That accident your brother got into, that blinded him in his right eye and got him taken off the field and given the job of guard duty. That accident was Dmitry's fault, a lot of people accuse him of having done it on purpose but there's really no proof to support that theory."

Chase lets out a sigh, he and the others reaching the same realization that Vaan had. "He must really hate Teddy a lot to be taking it out on his sister like he is..."


A scruffy grey wolf dressed in the traditional cloths of a shaman looks up from two containers of powder that look near identical to one another, he staring at a female skunk that was seated in front of him, she having said something to catch his interest. "Yula had a dream that Shiya and Teddy returned?"

Eleven nods her head yes. "He told Iuana this morning after her meeting with the elders."

The shaman frowns as he places his hand on his chin, that not sounding right at all. "How very unlike Yula... until this day he has never been able to find the meaning in his visions... to think that he would be able to decipher one now and of this of all things is suspicious indeed."

Eleven stares at scruffy wolf, she having expected a different response from him, after all he was also very worried about the safety of their missing companions, Shiya being his closest friend while Tahki was his beloved wife. "Achak... are you meaning to say that Yula is lying about this vision of his?"

Achak lets out a sigh, though it was defiantly not something he wanted to believe it was very likely, especially if you took into account that Yula was never able to decipher his visions before this supposed one. "I can't say anything for certain, not without speaking to him about it first... but yes... I believe he is."