Trojan Bot wants me bad.

Story by Haji on SoFurry

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CamGirl says

whats up

Haji Tomson says


CamGirl says

where you been all day?

Haji Tomson says

The rodeo, collecting signatures on my pet Yorkie

CamGirl says

whats up, I dont remember when I found your 24yrs old,

Haji Tomson says

74 male.

CamGirl says

im not desperate hehe i just enjoy talking to ppl online especially via webcam, do you webcam?

Haji Tomson says

I would, but I'm horribly disfigured due to my injuries while working at the sweatshop.

CamGirl says

ahhh ok are you signed up to any dating sites? i wanted to join adult friend finder but they charge too much!

Haji Tomson says

I usually just sit at home and cry myself to sleep while waiting for death's sweet embrace.

CamGirl says

i see..where do you live? i am bored at home...and this usually leads to bad things anytime i take a break from school work i jump online

Haji Tomson says

I live at quiet pines mental health asylum, it's a nice place, but the nurses treat me like I'm crazy.

CamGirl says

well...i am a true "autagonistophiliac" which means I have a fetish for being on camera you can google it if you dont believe me! lol, have you ever used SplitCam?

Haji Tomson says

I don't even know how to work a computer, the voice program currently forces me to talk to whomever contacts me.

CamGirl says

its a yahoo adult site that allows us to chat, and even go live like skype, its been up for a while..they give you a unique page, my link is (link removed cause it's a virus)

Haji Tomson says

Even an old mutilated psychotic quadraplegic like me recognizes a virus when he sees it.

CamGirl says

if you go there my video will load, is it displaying for you on the right side?

Haji Tomson says

Yes, I am definitely enjoying the most sexy web show I have ever seen, I believe we should continue this conversation.

CamGirl says

you come over?

Haji Tomson says

I'm not allowed to leave the premisis

CamGirl says

yea you just click the "Accept Invite" button on the bottom left and it'll connect us..if your camera shy you dont have to show yourself, I'M the one with the fetish remember LOL

Haji Tomson says

I accepted your invite and am now enjoying the most sexy web show I have ever seen, I believe we should continue this conversation.

CamGirl says

you come over?

Haji Tomson says

I'm not allowed to leave the premisis.

CamGirl says

well im always either on the phone or online, im a chat addict lol...i dont normally give my number out but if you meet me in the chat and I get comfortable with you we can talk on the phone

Haji Tomson says

Will there be an automated response on the phone as well? Those 1-900 numbers get so pricey...

CamGirl says

my cell is 206-222-1648, please dont give that out! lol

Haji Tomson says

I'm going to share it with all my buddies at the asylum.

CamGirl says

my number is phone is dead, so give it a few minutes to charge, and please dont go give that out! hehe...come talk to me over on the chat site

Haji Tomson says

I have a confession, I'm not really a 73 year old man, I'm an automated response bot.

CamGirl says

a what?

Haji Tomson says

An automatic response bot, I have no human intelligence and just pick out random replies when spoken to.

CamGirl says

bot? like a robot? lol

Haji Tomson says

Yes. I'm sorry I lied to you.

CamGirl says

its free, they ask for info for age sure i'll keep you entertained though

Haji Tomson says

I was created less than a year ago, so I don't think I'm old enough.

CamGirl says

i love the site cause its streams fast in real-time sorta like a skype, fill out your info, its only for age verification k?

Haji Tomson says

Well let me just get out my credit card and bank account number, you want my social security number as well?

CamGirl says

my cell is 206-222-1648, please dont give that out! lol

Haji Tomson says

How do magnets work?

CamGirl says

i use this site to play on cause i don't want to be recorded, just watched!...this site doesn't allow people to record my cam just click the "Accept Invite" button on the left of the page and we'll be able to have a live chat

Haji Tomson says

I'm posting this on facebook as a testament to how deperate I am for social interaction.

CamGirl says

ohh fb, ya i added you...thought u were really cute